4 research outputs found

    Real-time rendering of large surface-scanned range data natively on a GPU

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    This thesis presents research carried out for the visualisation of surface anatomy data stored as large range images such as those produced by stereo-photogrammetric, and other triangulation-based capture devices. As part of this research, I explored the use of points as a rendering primitive as opposed to polygons, and the use of range images as the native data representation. Using points as a display primitive as opposed to polygons required the creation of a pipeline that solved problems associated with point-based rendering. The problems inves tigated were scattered-data interpolation (a common problem with point-based rendering), multi-view rendering, multi-resolution representations, anti-aliasing, and hidden-point re- moval. In addition, an efficient real-time implementation on the GPU was carried out

    Human Skin Modelling and Rendering

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    Creating realistic-looking skin is one of the holy grails of computer graphics and is still an active area of research. The problem is challenging due to the inherent complexity of skin and its variations, not only across individuals but also spatially and temporally among one. Skin appearance and reflectance vary spatially in one individual depending on its location on the human body, but also vary temporally with the aging process and the body state. Emotions, health, physical activity, and cosmetics for example can all affect the appearance of skin. The spatially varying reflectance of skin is due to many parameters, such as skin micro- and meso-geometry, thickness, oiliness, and pigmentation. It is therefore a daunting task to derive a model that will include all these parameters to produce realistic-looking skin. The problem is also compounded by the fact that we are very well accustomed to the appearance of skin and especially sensitive to facial appearances and expressions. Skin modelling and rendering is crucial for many applications such as games, virtual reality, films, and the beauty industry, to name a few. Realistic-looking skin improves the believability and realism of applications. The complexity of skin makes the topic of skin modelling and rendering for computer graphics a very difficult, but highly stimulating one. Skin deformations and biomechanics is a vast topic that we will not address in this dissertation. We rather focus our attention on skin optics and present a simple model for the reflectance of human skin along with a system to support skin modelling and rendering

    Hierarchical processing, editing and rendering of acquired geometry

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    La représentation des surfaces du monde réel dans la mémoire d’une machine peut désormais être obtenue automatiquement via divers périphériques de capture tels que les scanners 3D. Ces nouvelles sources de données, précises et rapides, amplifient de plusieurs ordres de grandeur la résolution des surfaces 3D, apportant un niveau de précision élevé pour les applications nécessitant des modèles numériques de surfaces telles que la conception assistée par ordinateur, la simulation physique, la réalité virtuelle, l’imagerie médicale, l’architecture, l’étude archéologique, les effets spéciaux, l’animation ou bien encore les jeux video. Malheureusement, la richesse de la géométrie produite par ces méthodes induit une grande, voire gigantesque masse de données à traiter, nécessitant de nouvelles structures de données et de nouveaux algorithmes capables de passer à l’échelle d’objets pouvant atteindre le milliard d’échantillons. Dans cette thèse, je propose des solutions performantes en temps et en espace aux problèmes de la modélisation, du traitement géométrique, de l’édition intéractive et de la visualisation de ces surfaces 3D complexes. La méthodologie adoptée pendant l’élaboration transverse de ces nouveaux algorithmes est articulée autour de 4 éléments clés : une approche hiérarchique systématique, une réduction locale de la dimension des problèmes, un principe d’échantillonage-reconstruction et une indépendance à l’énumération explicite des relations topologiques aussi appelée approche basée-points. En pratique, ce manuscrit propose un certain nombre de contributions, parmi lesquelles : une nouvelle structure hiérarchique hybride de partitionnement, l’Arbre Volume-Surface (VS-Tree) ainsi que de nouveaux algorithmes de simplification et de reconstruction ; un système d’édition intéractive de grands objets ; un noyau temps-réel de synthèse géométrique par raffinement et une structure multi-résolution offrant un rendu efficace de grands objets. Ces structures, algorithmes et systèmes forment une chaîne capable de traiter les objets en provenance du pipeline d’acquisition, qu’ils soient représentés par des nuages de points ou des maillages, possiblement non 2-variétés. Les solutions obtenues ont été appliquées avec succès aux données issues des divers domaines d’application précités.Digital representations of real-world surfaces can now be obtained automatically using various acquisition devices such as 3D scanners and stereo camera systems. These new fast and accurate data sources increase 3D surface resolution by several orders of magnitude, borrowing higher precision to applications which require digital surfaces. All major computer graphics applications can take benefit of this automatic modeling process, including: computer-aided design, physical simulation, virtual reality, medical imaging, architecture, archaeological study, special effects, computer animation and video games. Unfortunately, the richness of the geometry produced by these media comes at the price of a large, possibility gigantic, amount of data which requires new efficient data structures and algorithms offering scalability for processing such objects. This thesis proposes time and space efficient solutions for modeling, editing and rendering such complex surfaces, solving these problems with new algorithms sharing 4 fundamental elements: a systematic hierarchical approach, a local dimension reduction, a sampling-reconstruction paradigm and a pointbased basis. Basically, this manuscript proposes several contributions, including: a new hierarchical space subdivision structure, the Volume-Surface Tree, for geometry processing such as simplification and reconstruction; a streaming system featuring new algorithms for interactive editing of large objects, an appearancepreserving multiresolution structure for efficient rendering of large point-based surfaces, and a generic kernel for real-time geometry synthesis by refinement. These elements form a pipeline able to process acquired geometry, either represented by point clouds or non-manifold meshes. Effective results have been successfully obtained with data coming from the various applications mentioned