85 research outputs found

    Improving MPI Threading Support for Current Hardware Architectures

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    Threading support for Message Passing Interface (MPI) has been defined in the MPI standard for more than twenty years. While many standard-compliance MPI implementations fully support multithreading, the threading support in MPI still cannot provide the optimal performance on the same level as the non-threading environment. The performance disparity leads to low adoption rate from applications, and eventually, lesser interest in optimizing MPI threading support. However, with the current advancement in computation hardware, the number of CPU core per packet is growing drastically. Using shared-memory MPI communication has become more costly. MPI threading without local communication is one of the alternatives and the some interests are shifting back toward threading to MPI.In this work, we investigate different approaches to leverage the power of thread parallelism and tools to help us to raise the multi-threaded MPI performance to reasonable level. We propose a novel multi-threaded MPI benchmark with multiple communication patterns to stress multiple points of the MPI implementation, with the ability to switch between using MPI process and threads for quick comparison between two modes. Enabling the us, and the others MPI developers to stress test their implementation design.We address the interoperability between MPI implementation and threading frameworks by introducing the thread-synchronization object, an object that gives the MPI implementation more control over user-level thread, allowing for more thread utilization in MPI. In our implementation, the synchronization object relieves the lock contention on the internal progress engine and able to achieve up to 7x the performance of the original implementation. Moving forward, we explore the possibility of harnessing the true thread concurrency. We proposed several strategies to address the bottlenecks in MPI implementation. From our evaluation, with our novel threading optimization, we can achieve up to 22x the performance comparing to the legacy MPI designs

    SparCML: High-Performance Sparse Communication for Machine Learning

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    Applying machine learning techniques to the quickly growing data in science and industry requires highly-scalable algorithms. Large datasets are most commonly processed "data parallel" distributed across many nodes. Each node's contribution to the overall gradient is summed using a global allreduce. This allreduce is the single communication and thus scalability bottleneck for most machine learning workloads. We observe that frequently, many gradient values are (close to) zero, leading to sparse of sparsifyable communications. To exploit this insight, we analyze, design, and implement a set of communication-efficient protocols for sparse input data, in conjunction with efficient machine learning algorithms which can leverage these primitives. Our communication protocols generalize standard collective operations, by allowing processes to contribute arbitrary sparse input data vectors. Our generic communication library, SparCML, extends MPI to support additional features, such as non-blocking (asynchronous) operations and low-precision data representations. As such, SparCML and its techniques will form the basis of future highly-scalable machine learning frameworks

    Asynchronous Teams and Tasks in a Message Passing Environment

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    As the discipline of scientific computing grows, so too does the "skills gap" between the increasingly complex scientific applications and the efficient algorithms required. Increasing demand for computational power on the march towards exascale requires innovative approaches. Closing the skills gap avoids the many pitfalls that lead to poor utilisation of resources and wasted investment. This thesis tackles two challenges: asynchronous algorithms for parallel computing and fault tolerance. First I present a novel asynchronous task invocation methodology for Discontinuous Galerkin codes called enclave tasking. The approach modifies the parallel ordering of tasks that allows for efficient scaling on dynamic meshes up to 756 cores. It ensures high levels of concurrency and intermixes tasks of different computational properties. Critical tasks along domain boundaries are prioritised for an overlap of computation and communication. The second contribution is the teaMPI library, forming teams of MPI processes exchanging consistency data through an asynchronous "heartbeat". In contrast to previous approaches, teaMPI operates fully asynchronously with reduced overhead. It is also capable of detecting individually slow or failing ranks and inconsistent data among replicas. Finally I provide an outlook into how asynchronous teams using enclave tasking can be combined into an advanced team-based diffusive load balancing scheme. Both concepts are integrated into and contribute towards the ExaHyPE project, a next generation code that solves hyperbolic equation systems on dynamically adaptive cartesian grids

    McMPI – a managed-code message passing interface library for high performance communication in C#

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    This work endeavours to achieve technology transfer between established best-practice in academic high-performance computing and current techniques in commercial high-productivity computing. It shows that a credible high-performance message-passing communication library, with semantics and syntax following the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) Standard, can be built in pure C# (one of the .Net suite of computer languages). Message-passing has been the dominant paradigm in high-performance parallel programming of distributed-memory computer architectures for three decades. The MPI Standard originally distilled architecture-independent and language-agnostic ideas from existing specialised communication libraries and has since been enhanced and extended. Object-oriented languages can increase programmer productivity, for example by allowing complexity to be managed through encapsulation. Both the C# computer language and the .Net common language runtime (CLR) were originally developed by Microsoft Corporation but have since been standardised by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) and the International Standards Organisation (ISO), which facilitates portability of source-code and compiled binary programs to a variety of operating systems and hardware. Combining these two open and mature technologies enables mainstream programmers to write tightly-coupled parallel programs in a popular standardised object-oriented language that is portable to most modern operating systems and hardware architectures. This work also establishes that a thread-to-thread delivery option increases shared-memory communication performance between MPI ranks on the same node. This suggests that the thread-as-rank threading model should be explicitly specified in future versions of the MPI Standard and then added to existing MPI libraries for use by thread-safe parallel codes. This work also ascertains that the C# socket object suffers from undesirable characteristics that are critical to communication performance and proposes ways of improving the implementation of this object

    High performance Java for multi-core systems

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    [Abstract] The interest in Java within the High Performance Computing (HPC) community has been rising during the last years thanks to its noticeable performance improvements and its productivity features. In a context where the trend to increase the number of cores per processor is leading to the generalization of many-core processors and accelerators, multithreading as an inherent feature of the language makes Java extremely interesting to exploit the performance provided by multi- and manycore architectures. This PhD Thesis presents a thorough analysis of the current state of the art regarding multi- and many-core programming in Java and provides the design, implementation and evaluation of several solutions to enable Java for the many-core era. To achieve this, a shared memory message-passing solution has been implemented to provide shared memory programming with the scalability of distributed memory paradigms, also with the benefits of a portable programming model that allows the developed codes to be run on distributed memory systems. Moreover, representative collective operations, involving computation and communication among different processes or threads, have been optimized, also introducing in Java new features for scalability from the MPI 3.0 specification, namely nonblocking collectives. Regarding the exploitation of many-core architectures, the lack of direct Java support forces to resort to wrappers or higher-level solutions to translate Java code into CUDA or OpenCL. The most relevant among these solutions have been evaluated and thoroughly analyzed in terms of performance and productivity. Guidelines for taking advantage of shared memory environments have been derived during the analysis and development of the proposed solutions, and the main conclusion is that the use of Java for shared memory programming on multi- and many-core systems is not only productive but also can provide high performance competitive results. However, in order to effectively take advantage of the underlying multi- and many-core architectures, the key is the availability of optimized middleware that abstracts multithreading details from the user, like the one proposed in this Thesis, and the optimization of common operations like collective communications

    Towards larger scale collective operations in the Message Passing Interface

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    Supercomputers continue to expand both in size and complexity as we reach the beginning of the exascale era. Networks have evolved, from simple mechanisms which transport data to subsystems of computers which fulfil a significant fraction of the workload that computers are tasked with. Inevitably with this change, assumptions which were made at the beginning of the last major shift in computing are becoming outdated. We introduce a new latency-bandwidth model which captures the characteristics of sending multiple small messages in quick succession on modern networks. Contrary to other models representing the same effects, the pipelining latency-bandwidth model is simple and physically based. In addition, we develop a discrete-event simulation, Fennel, to capture non-analytical effects of communication within models. AllReduce operations with small messages are common throughout supercomputing, particularly for iterative methods. The performance of network operations are crucial to the overall time-to-solution of an application as a whole. The Message Passing Interface standard was introduced to abstract complex communications from application level development. The underlying algorithms used for the implementation to achieve the specified behaviour, such as the recursive doubling algorithm for AllReduce, have to evolve with the computers on which they are used. We introduce the recursive multiplying algorithm as a generalisation of recursive doubling. By utilising the pipelining nature of modern networks, we lower the latency of AllReduce operations and enable greater choice of schedule. A heuristic is used to quickly generate a near-optimal schedule, by using the pipelining latency-bandwidth model. Alongside recursive multiplying, the endpoints of collective operations must be able to handle larger numbers of incoming messages. Typically this is done by duplicating receive queues for remote peers, but this requires a linear amount of memory space for the size of the application. We introduce a single-consumer multipleproducer queue which is designed to be used with MPI as a protocol to insert messages remotely, with minimal contention for shared receive queues

    Analytical modelling for the performance prediction and optimisation of near-neighbour structured grid hydrodynamics

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    The advent of modern High Performance Computing (HPC) has facilitated the use of powerful supercomputing machines that have become the backbone of data analysis and simulation. With such a variety of software and hardware available today, understanding how well such machines can perform is key for both efficient use and future planning. With significant costs and multi-year turn-around times, procurement of a new HPC architecture can be a significant undertaking. In this work, we introduce one such measure to capture the performance of such machines – analytical performance models. These models provide a mathematical representation of the behaviour of an application in the context of how its various components perform for an architecture. By parameterising its workload in such a way that the time taken to compute can be described in relation to one or more benchmarkable statistics, this allows for a reusable representation of an application that can be applied to multiple architectures. This work goes on to introduce one such benchmark of interest, Hydra. Hydra is a benchmark 3D Eulerian structured mesh hydrocode implemented in Fortran, with which the explosive compression of materials, shock waves, and the behaviour of materials at the interface between components can be investigated. We assess its scaling behaviour and use this knowledge to construct a performance model that accurately predicts the runtime to within 15% across three separate machines, each with its own distinct characteristics. Further, this work goes on to explore various optimisation techniques, some of which see a marked speedup in the overall walltime of the application. Finally, another software application of interest with similar behaviour patterns, PETSc, is examined to demonstrate how different applications can exhibit similar modellable patterns

    Towards Intelligent Runtime Framework for Distributed Heterogeneous Systems

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    Scientific applications strive for increased memory and computing performance, requiring massive amounts of data and time to produce results. Applications utilize large-scale, parallel computing platforms with advanced architectures to accommodate their needs. However, developing performance-portable applications for modern, heterogeneous platforms requires lots of effort and expertise in both the application and systems domains. This is more relevant for unstructured applications whose workflow is not statically predictable due to their heavily data-dependent nature. One possible solution for this problem is the introduction of an intelligent Domain-Specific Language (iDSL) that transparently helps to maintain correctness, hides the idiosyncrasies of lowlevel hardware, and scales applications. An iDSL includes domain-specific language constructs, a compilation toolchain, and a runtime providing task scheduling, data placement, and workload balancing across and within heterogeneous nodes. In this work, we focus on the runtime framework. We introduce a novel design and extension of a runtime framework, the Parallel Runtime Environment for Multicore Applications. In response to the ever-increasing intra/inter-node concurrency, the runtime system supports efficient task scheduling and workload balancing at both levels while allowing the development of custom policies. Moreover, the new framework provides abstractions supporting the utilization of heterogeneous distributed nodes consisting of CPUs and GPUs and is extensible to other devices. We demonstrate that by utilizing this work, an application (or the iDSL) can scale its performance on heterogeneous exascale-era supercomputers with minimal effort. A future goal for this framework (out of the scope of this thesis) is to be integrated with machine learning to improve its decision-making and performance further. As a bridge to this goal, since the framework is under development, we experiment with data from Nuclear Physics Particle Accelerators and demonstrate the significant improvements achieved by utilizing machine learning in the hit-based track reconstruction process

    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on PGAS Programming Models

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    Analyse des synchronisations dans un programme parallÚle ordonnancé par vol de travail. Applications à la génération déterministe de nombres pseudo-aléatoires.

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    We present two contributions to the field of parallel programming.The first contribution is theoretical: we introduce SIPS analysis, a novel approach to estimate the number of synchronizations performed during the execution of a parallel algorithm.Based on the concept of logical clocks, it allows us: on one hand, to deliver new bounds for the number of synchronizations, in expectation; on the other hand, to design more efficient parallel programs by dynamic adaptation of the granularity.The second contribution is pragmatic: we present an efficient parallelization strategy for pseudorandom number generation, independent of the number of concurrent processes participating in a computation.As an alternative to the use of one sequential generator per process, we introduce a generic API called Par-R, which is designed and analyzed using SIPS.Its main characteristic is the use of a sequential generator that can perform a ``jump-ahead'' directly from one number to another on an arbitrary distance within the pseudorandom sequence.Thanks to SIPS, we show that, in expectation, within an execution scheduled by work stealing of a "very parallel" program (whose depth or critical path is subtle when compared to the work or number of operations), these operations are rare.Par-R is compared with the parallel pseudorandom number generator DotMix, written for the Cilk Plus dynamic multithreading platform.The theoretical overhead of Par-R compares favorably to DotMix's overhead, what is confirmed experimentally, while not requiring a fixed generator underneath.Nous présentons deux contributions dans le domaine de la programmation parallÚle.La premiÚre est théorique : nous introduisons l'analyse SIPS, une approche nouvelle pour dénombrer le nombre d'opérations de synchronisation durant l'exécution d'un algorithme parallÚle ordonnancé par vol de travail.Basée sur le concept d'horloges logiques, elle nous permet,: d'une part de donner de nouvelles majorations de coût en moyenne; d'autre part de concevoir des programmes parallÚles plus efficaces par adaptation dynamique de la granularité.La seconde contribution est pragmatique: nous présentons une parallélisation générique d'algorithmes pour la génération déterministe de nombres pseudo-aléatoires, indépendamment du nombre de processus concurrents lors de l'exécution.Alternative à l'utilisation d'un générateur pseudo-aléatoire séquentiel par processus, nous introduisons une API générique, appelée Par-R qui est conçue et analysée grùce à SIPS.Sa caractéristique principale est d'exploiter un générateur séquentiel qui peut "sauter" directement d'un nombre à un autre situé à une distance arbitraire dans la séquence pseudo-aléatoire.Grùce à l'analyse SIPS, nous montrons qu'en moyenne, lors d'une exécution par vol de travail d'un programme trÚs parallÚle (dont la profondeur ou chemin critique est trÚs petite devant le travail ou nombre d'opérations), ces opérations de saut sont rares.Par-R est comparé au générateur pseudo-aléatoire DotMix, écrit pour Cilk Plus, une extension de C/C++ pour la programmation parallÚle par vol de travail.Le surcout théorique de Par-R se compare favorablement au surcoput de DotMix, ce qui apparait aussi expériemntalement.De plus, étant générique, Par-R est indépendant du générateur séquentiel sous-jacent
