193 research outputs found

    Programming with monadic CSP-style processes in dependent type theory

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    We introduce a library called CSP-Agda for representing processes in the dependently typed theorem prover and interactive programming language Agda. We will enhance processes by a monad structure. The monad structure facilitates combining processes in a modular way, and allows to define recursion as a direct operation on processes. Processes are defined coinductively as non-well-founded trees. The nodes of the tree are formed by a an atomic one step relation, which determines for a process the external, internal choices, and termination events it can choose, and whether the process has terminated. The data type of processes is inspired by Setzer and Hancock's notion of interactive programs in dependent type theory. The operators of CSP will be defined rather than atomic operations, and compute new elements of the data type of processes from existing ones. The approach will make use of advanced type theoretic features: the use of inductive-recursively defined universes; the definition of coinductive types by their observations, which has similarities to the notion of an object in object-oriented programming; the use of sized types for coinductive types, which allow coinductive definitions in a modular way; the handling of finitary information (names of processes) in a coinductive settings; the use of named types for automatic inference of arguments similar to its use in template Meta-programming in C++; and the use of interactive programs in dependent type theory.We introduce a simulator as an interactive program in Agda. The simulator allows to observe the evolving of processes following external or internal choices. Our aim is to use this in order to simulate railway interlocking system and write programs in Agda which directly use CSP processes

    An algebraic basis for specifying and enforcing access control in security systems

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    Security services in a multi-user environment are often based on access control mechanisms. Static aspects of an access control policy can be formalised using abstract algebraic models. We integrate these static aspects into a dynamic framework considering requesting access to resources as a process aiming at the prevention of access control violations when a program is executed. We use another algebraic technique, monads, as a meta-language to integrate access control operations into a functional programming language. The integration of monads and concepts from a denotational model for process algebras provides a framework for programming of access control in security systems

    Defining Trace Semantics for CSP-Agda

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    This article is based on the library CSP-Agda, which represents the process algebra CSP coinductively in the interactive theorem prover Agda. The intended application area of CSP-Agda is the proof of properties of safety critical systems (especially the railway domain). In CSP-Agda, CSP processes have been extended to monadic form, allowing the design of processes in a more modular way. In this article we extend the trace semantics of CSP to the monadic setting. We implement this semantics, together with the corresponding refinement and equality relation, formally in CSP-Agda. In order to demonstrate the proof capabilities of CSP-Agda, we prove in CSP-Agda selected algebraic laws of CSP based on the trace semantics. Because of the monadic settings, some adjustments need to be made to these laws. The examples covered in this article are the laws of refinement, commutativity of interleaving and parallel, and the monad laws for the monadic extension of CSP. All proofs and definitions have been type checked in Agda. Further proofs of algebraic laws will be available in the repository of CSP-Agda

    Integration of the Process Algebra CSP in Dependent Type Theory - Formalisation and Verification

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    We introduce a library called CSP-Agda for representing processes in the dependently typed theorem prover and interactive programming language Agda. We will enhance processes by a monad structure. The monad struc-ture facilitates combining processes in a modular way, and allows to define recursion as a direct operation on processes. Processes are defined coinduc-tively as non-well-founded trees. The nodes of the tree are formed by a an atomic one step relation, which determines for a process the external, internal choices, and termination events it can choose, and whether the process has terminated. The data type of processes is inspired by Setzer and Hancock’s notion of interactive programs in dependent type theory. The operators of CSP will be defined rather than atomic operations, and compute new ele-ments of the data type of processes from existing ones.The approach will make use of advanced type theoretic features: the use of inductive-recursively defined universes; the definition of coinductive types by their observations, which has similarities to the notion of an object in object-oriented programming; the use of sized types for coinductive types, which allow coinductive definitions in a modular way; the handling of fini-tary information (names of processes) in a coinductive settings; the use of named types for automatic inference of arguments similar to its use in tem-plate Meta-programming in C++; and the use of interactive programs in dependent type theory.We introduce a simulator as an interactive program in Agda. The simula-tor allows to observe the evolving of processes following external or internal choices. Our aim is to use this in order to simulate railway interlocking system and write programs in Agda which directly use CSP processes.Then we extend the trace semantics of CSP to the monadic setting. We implement this semantics, together with the corresponding refinement and equality relation, formally in CSP-Agda. In order to demonstrate the proof capabilities of CSP-Agda, we prove in CSP-Agda selected algebraic laws of CSP based on the trace semantics. Because of the monadic settings, some adjustments need to be made to these laws.Next we implement the more advanced semantics of CSP, the stable fail-ures semantics and the failures divergences infinite traces semantics (FDI), in CSP-Agda, and define the corresponding refinement and equality relations. Direct proofs in these semantics are cumbersome, and we develop a tech-nique of showing algebraic laws in those semantics in an indirect way, which is much easier. We introduce divergence-respecting weak bisimilarity and strong bisimilarity in CSP-Agda, and show that both imply equivalence with respect to stable failures and FDI semantics. Now we show certain algebraic laws with respect to one of these two bisimilarity relations. As a case study, we model and verify a possible scenario for railways in CSP-Agda and in standard CSP tools

    Interacting with functional languages

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    Functional languages are mathematically pure, and easier to reason about than their imperative rivals. Because of this, they are an attractive paradigm of programming. They allow programmers to express complex algorithms in a declarative manner, resulting in powerful programs that are also well written. Good interaction with users is important for programs which are to be used for real applications. This normally involves creating a user interface using devices such as menus, buttons and scrollbars. It is now increasingly common for the interface of programs to be developed using specialised tools allowing a faster development cycle, with less programming involved. In the past, pure functional languages have been poor at creating graphical user interfaces resulting in good applications with poor interfaces. This is due to the mixing of the user's world which involves complex multi-level interactions, with the functional world which has a single threaded state. This is not a very good abstraction of the world to interact with. When the traits of the user's world are introduced into the functional world it is found that the purity of the functional world is compromised, and the clean declarative style of functional programming is lost. If the user interaction is separated from the functional program, allowing users to communicate with functional programs using external interface programs, it is possible to preserve the natural simplicity of the functional world. This would also allow programmers to take advantage of user interface development tools. I look at current solutions for performing input and output from functional languages, with particular reference to the Monadic I/O style which is currently gaining popularity. I then present a scheme where I have deliberately separated interaction from functionality, allowing functional programmers to build programs that interact with the "Real World", with less interference of the real world into the pure environment within the functional program

    Developing proof technology for CSP-CASL.

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    Distributed applications such as flight booking systems, web services, and electronic payment systems require parallel processing of data. Such systems exhibit concurrent aspects (e.g., deadlock freedom) as well as data aspects (e.g., functional correctness). Often, these two aspects depend on each other. The language CSP-CASL is tailored to the specification and verification of such distributed systems and allows one to model data as well as processes within a single framework. In this thesis we explore methods and techniques tailored to theorem proving for CSP-CASL. This leads to the development of an architecture for CSP-CASL-Prover which re-uses the tools HETS and CSP-Prover. We also design - up to the algorithmic level - procedures for transforming a CSP- CASL specification into Isabelle/HOL code whilst preserving the semantics. By using this translation, it is possible to perform theorem proving on CSP-CASL specifications using Isabelle/HOL. As proof of concept we validate our tool CSP-CASL-Prover on a case study of industrial strength. Our experiment shows that CSP-CASL-Prover scales up to large systems. When using CSP-CASL-Prover reasoning about CSP-CASL specifications becomes as easy as reasoning about data and processes separately

    Process Calculi Ă  la Bird-Meertens

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    This paper is an attempt to apply the reasoning principles and calculational style underlying the so-called Bird-Meertens formalism to the design of process calculi, parametrized by a behaviour model. In particular, basically equational and pointfree proofs of process properties are given, relying on the universal characterisation of anamorphisms and therefore avoiding the explicit construction of bisimulations. The developed calculi can be directly implemented on a functional language supporting coinductive types, which provides a convenient way to prototype processes and assess alternative design decisions.(undefined
