1,181 research outputs found

    Efficient Architecture and Implementation of Vector Median Filter in Co-Design Context

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    This work presents an efficient fast parallel architecture of the Vector Median Filter (VMF) using combined hardware/software (HW/SW) implementation. The hardware part of the system is implemented using VHDL language, whereas the software part is developed using C/C++ language. The software part of the embedded system uses the NIOS-II softcore processor and the operating system used is μClinux. The comparison between the software and HW/SW solutions shows that adding a hardware part in the design attempts to speed up the filtering process compared to the software solution. This efficient embedded system implementation can perform well in several image processing applications

    Design and application of reconfigurable circuits and systems

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    1998/1999Negli ultimi anni passati le applicazioni multimediali hanno visto uno sviluppo notevole, trovando applicazione in un gran numero di campi. Applicazioni come video conferenze, diagnostica medica, telefonia mobile e applicazioni militari necessitano il trattamento di una gran mole di dati ad alta velocità. Pertanto, l'elaborazione di immagini e di dati vocali è molto importante ed è stata oggetto di numerosi sforzi, nel tentativo di trovare algoritmi sempre più veloci ed efficaci. Tra gli algoritmi proposti, noi crediamo che gli operatori razionali svolgano un ruolo molto importante, grazie alla loro versatilità ed efficacia nell'elaborazione di dati. Negli ultimi anni sono stati proposti diversi algoritmi, dimostrando che questi operatori possono essere molto vantaggiosi in diverse applicazioni, producendo buoni risultati. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di realizzare alcuni di questi algoritmi e, quindi, dimostrare che i filtri razionali, in particolare, possono essere realizzati senza ricorrere a sistemi di grandi dimensioni e possono raggiungere frequenze operative molto alte. Una volta che il blocco fondamentale di un sistema basato su operatori razionali sia stato realizzato, esso pu6 essere riusato con successo in molte altre applicazioni. Dal punto di vista del progettista, è importante avere uno schema generale di studio, che lo renda capace di studiare le varie configurazioni del sistema da realizzare e di analizzare i compromessi tra le variabili di progetto. In particolare, per soddisfare l'esigenza di metodi versatili per la stima della potenza, abbiamo sviluppato una tecnica di macro modellizazione che permette al progettista di stimare velocemente ed accuratamente la potenza dissipata da un circuito. La tesi è organizzata come segue: Nel Capitolo 1 alcuni sono presentati alcuni algoritmi studiati per la realizzazione. Ne viene data solo una veloce descrizione, lasciando comunque al lettore interessato dei riferimenti bibliografici. Nel Capitolo 2 vengono discusse le architetture fondamentali usate per la realizzazione. Principalmente sono state usate architetture a pipeline, ma viene data anche una descrizione degli approcci oggigiorno disponibili per l'ottimizzazione delle temporizzazioni. Nel Capitolo 3 sono presentate le realizzazioni di due sistemi studiati per questa tesi. Gli approcci seguiti si basano su ASIC e FPGA. Richiedono tecniche e soluzioni diverse per il progetto del sistema, per cui é interessante vedere cosa pu6 essere fatto nei due casi. Infine, nel Capitolo 4, descriviamo la nostra tecnica di macro modellizazione per la stima di potenza, dando una breve visione delle tecniche finora proposte e facendo vedere quali sono i vantaggi che il nostro metodo comporta per il progetto.In the past few years, multimedia application have been growing very fast, being applied to a large variety of fields. Applications like video conference, medical diagnostic, mobile phones, military applications require to handle large amount of data at high rate. Images as well as voice data processing are therefore very important and they have been subjected to a lot of efforts in order to find always faster and effective algorithms. Among image processing algorithms, we believe that rational operators assume an important role, due to their versatility and effectiveness in data processing. In the last years, several algorithms have been proposed, demonstrating that these operators can be very suitable in different applications with very good results. The aim of this work is to implement some of these algorithm and, therefore, demonstrate that rational filters, in particular, can be implemented without requiring large sized systems and they can operate at very high frequencies. Once the basic building block of a rational based system has been implemented, it can be successfully reused in many other applications. From the designer point of view, it is important to have a general framework, which makes it able to study various configurations of the system to be implemented and analyse the trade-off among the design variables. In particular, to meet the need far versatile tools far power estimation, we developed a new macro modelling technique, which allows the designer to estimate the power dissipated by a circuit quickly and accurately. The thesis is organized as follows: In chapter 1 we present some of the algorithms which have been studied for implementation. Only a brief overview is given, leaving to the interested reader some references in literature. In chapter 2 we discuss the basic architectures used for the implementations. Pipelined structures have been mainly used for this thesis, but an overview of the nowaday available approaches for timing optimization is presented. In chapter 3 we present two of the implementation designed for this thesis. The approaches followed are ASIC driven and FPGA drive. They require different techniques and different solution for the design of the system, therefore it is interesting to see what can be done in both the cases. Finally, in chapter 4, we describe our macro modelling techniques for power estimation, giving a brief overview of the up to now proposed techniques and showing the advantages our method brings to the design.XII Ciclo1969Versione digitalizzata della tesi di dottorato cartacea

    Accurate depth from defocus estimation with video-rate implementation

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    The science of measuring depth from images at video rate using „defocus‟ has been investigated. The method required two differently focussed images acquired from a single view point using a single camera. The relative blur between the images was used to determine the in-focus axial points of each pixel and hence depth. The depth estimation algorithm researched by Watanabe and Nayar was employed to recover the depth estimates, but the broadband filters, referred as the Rational filters were designed using a new procedure: the Two Step Polynomial Approach. The filters designed by the new model were largely insensitive to object texture and were shown to model the blur more precisely than the previous method. Experiments with real planar images demonstrated a maximum RMS depth error of 1.18% for the proposed filters, compared to 1.54% for the previous design. The researched software program required five 2D convolutions to be processed in parallel and these convolutions were effectively implemented on a FPGA using a two channel, five stage pipelined architecture, however the precision of the filter coefficients and the variables had to be limited within the processor. The number of multipliers required for each convolution was reduced from 49 to 10 (79.5% reduction) using a Triangular design procedure. Experimental results suggested that the pipelined processor provided depth estimates comparable in accuracy to the full precision Matlab‟s output, and generated depth maps of size 400 x 400 pixels in 13.06msec, that is faster than the video rate. The defocused images (near and far-focused) were optically registered for magnification using Telecentric optics. A frequency domain approach based on phase correlation was employed to measure the radial shifts due to magnification and also to optimally position the external aperture. The telecentric optics ensured pixel to pixel registration between the defocused images was correct and provided more accurate depth estimates

    34th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems-Final Program

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    Organized by the Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California. Cosponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Symposium Organizing Committee: General Chairman-Sherif Michael, Technical Program-Roberto Cristi, Publications-Michael Soderstrand, Special Sessions- Charles W. Therrien, Publicity: Jeffrey Burl, Finance: Ralph Hippenstiel, and Local Arrangements: Barbara Cristi

    Accurate depth from defocus estimation with video-rate implementation

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    The science of measuring depth from images at video rate using „defocus‟ has been investigated. The method required two differently focussed images acquired from a single view point using a single camera. The relative blur between the images was used to determine the in-focus axial points of each pixel and hence depth. The depth estimation algorithm researched by Watanabe and Nayar was employed to recover the depth estimates, but the broadband filters, referred as the Rational filters were designed using a new procedure: the Two Step Polynomial Approach. The filters designed by the new model were largely insensitive to object texture and were shown to model the blur more precisely than the previous method. Experiments with real planar images demonstrated a maximum RMS depth error of 1.18% for the proposed filters, compared to 1.54% for the previous design. The researched software program required five 2D convolutions to be processed in parallel and these convolutions were effectively implemented on a FPGA using a two channel, five stage pipelined architecture, however the precision of the filter coefficients and the variables had to be limited within the processor. The number of multipliers required for each convolution was reduced from 49 to 10 (79.5% reduction) using a Triangular design procedure. Experimental results suggested that the pipelined processor provided depth estimates comparable in accuracy to the full precision Matlab‟s output, and generated depth maps of size 400 x 400 pixels in 13.06msec, that is faster than the video rate. The defocused images (near and far-focused) were optically registered for magnification using Telecentric optics. A frequency domain approach based on phase correlation was employed to measure the radial shifts due to magnification and also to optimally position the external aperture. The telecentric optics ensured pixel to pixel registration between the defocused images was correct and provided more accurate depth estimates.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceUniversity of Warwick (UoW)GBUnited Kingdo

    Flexible Hardware Architectures for Retinal Image Analysis

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    RÉSUMÉ Des millions de personnes autour du monde sont touchées par le diabète. Plusieurs complications oculaires telle que la rétinopathie diabétique sont causées par le diabète, ce qui peut conduire à une perte de vision irréversible ou même la cécité si elles ne sont pas traitées. Des examens oculaires complets et réguliers par les ophtalmologues sont nécessaires pour une détection précoce des maladies et pour permettre leur traitement. Comme solution préventive, un protocole de dépistage impliquant l'utilisation d'images numériques du fond de l'œil a été adopté. Cela permet aux ophtalmologistes de surveiller les changements sur la rétine pour détecter toute présence d'une maladie oculaire. Cette solution a permis d'obtenir des examens réguliers, même pour les populations des régions éloignées et défavorisées. Avec la grande quantité d'images rétiniennes obtenues, des techniques automatisées pour les traiter sont devenues indispensables. Les techniques automatisées de détection des maladies des yeux ont été largement abordées par la communauté scientifique. Les techniques développées ont atteint un haut niveau de maturité, ce qui a permis entre autre le déploiement de solutions en télémédecine. Dans cette thèse, nous abordons le problème du traitement de volumes élevés d'images rétiniennes dans un temps raisonnable dans un contexte de dépistage en télémédecine. Ceci est requis pour permettre l'utilisation pratique des techniques développées dans le contexte clinique. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur deux étapes du pipeline de traitement des images rétiniennes. La première étape est l'évaluation de la qualité de l'image rétinienne. La deuxième étape est la segmentation des vaisseaux sanguins rétiniens. L’évaluation de la qualité des images rétinienne après acquisition est une tâche primordiale au bon fonctionnement de tout système de traitement automatique des images de la rétine. Le rôle de cette étape est de classifier les images acquises selon leurs qualités, et demander une nouvelle acquisition en cas d’image de mauvaise qualité. Plusieurs algorithmes pour évaluer la qualité des images rétiniennes ont été proposés dans la littérature. Cependant, même si l'accélération de cette tâche est requise en particulier pour permettre la création de systèmes mobiles de capture d'images rétiniennes, ce sujet n'a pas encore été abordé dans la littérature. Dans cette thèse, nous ciblons un algorithme qui calcule les caractéristiques des images pour permettre leur classification en mauvaise, moyenne ou bonne qualité. Nous avons identifié le calcul des caractéristiques de l'image comme une tâche répétitive qui nécessite une accélération. Nous nous sommes intéressés plus particulièrement à l’accélération de l’algorithme d’encodage à longueur de séquence (Run-Length Matrix – RLM). Nous avons proposé une première implémentation complètement logicielle mise en œuvre sous forme d’un système embarqué basé sur la technologie Zynq de Xilinx. Pour accélérer le calcul des caractéristiques, nous avons conçu un co-processeur capable de calculer les caractéristiques en parallèle implémenté sur la logique programmable du FPGA Zynq. Nous avons obtenu une accélération de 30,1 × pour la tâche de calcul des caractéristiques de l’algorithme RLM par rapport à son implémentation logicielle sur la plateforme Zynq. La segmentation des vaisseaux sanguins rétiniens est une tâche clé dans le pipeline du traitement des images de la rétine. Les vaisseaux sanguins et leurs caractéristiques sont de bons indicateurs de la santé de la rétine. En outre, leur segmentation peut également aider à segmenter les lésions rouges, indicatrices de la rétinopathie diabétique. Plusieurs techniques de segmentation des vaisseaux sanguins rétiniens ont été proposées dans la littérature. Des architectures matérielles ont également été proposées pour accélérer certaines de ces techniques. Les architectures existantes manquent de performances et de flexibilité de programmation, notamment pour les images de haute résolution. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à deux techniques de segmentation du réseau vasculaire rétinien, la technique du filtrage adapté et la technique des opérateurs de ligne. La technique de filtrage adapté a été ciblée principalement en raison de sa popularité. Pour cette technique, nous avons proposé deux architectures différentes, une architecture matérielle personnalisée mise en œuvre sur FPGA et une architecture basée sur un ASIP. L'architecture matérielle personnalisée a été optimisée en termes de surface et de débit de traitement pour obtenir des performances supérieures par rapport aux implémentations existantes dans la littérature. Cette implémentation est plus efficace que toutes les implémentations existantes en termes de débit. Pour l'architecture basée sur un processeur à jeu d’instructions spécialisé (Application-Specific Instruction-set Processor – ASIP), nous avons identifié deux goulets d'étranglement liés à l'accès aux données et à la complexité des calculs de l'algorithme. Nous avons conçu des instructions spécifiques ajoutées au chemin de données du processeur. L'ASIP a été rendu 7.7 × plus rapide par rapport à son architecture de base. La deuxième technique pour la segmentation des vaisseaux sanguins est l'algorithme détecteur de ligne multi-échelle (Multi-Scale Ligne Detector – MSLD). L'algorithme MSLD est choisi en raison de ses performances et de son potentiel à détecter les petits vaisseaux sanguins. Cependant, l'algorithme fonctionne en multi-échelle, ce qui rend l’algorithme gourmand en mémoire. Pour résoudre ce problème et permettre l'accélération de son exécution, nous avons proposé un algorithme efficace en terme de mémoire, conçu et implémenté sur FPGA. L'architecture proposée a réduit de façon drastique les exigences de l’algorithme en terme de mémoire en réutilisant les calculs et la co-conception logicielle/matérielle. Les deux architectures matérielles proposées pour la segmentation du réseau vasculaire rétinien ont été rendues flexibles pour pouvoir traiter des images de basse et de haute résolution. Ceci a été réalisé par le développement d'un compilateur spécifique capable de générer une description HDL de bas niveau de l'algorithme à partir d'un ensemble de paramètres. Le compilateur nous a permis d’optimiser les performances et le temps de développement. Dans cette thèse, nous avons introduit deux architectures qui sont, au meilleur de nos connaissances, les seules capables de traiter des images à la fois de basse et de haute résolution.----------ABSTRACT Millions of people all around the world are affected by diabetes. Several ocular complications such as diabetic retinopathy are caused by diabetes, which can lead to irreversible vision loss or even blindness if not treated. Regular comprehensive eye exams by eye doctors are required to detect the diseases at earlier stages and permit their treatment. As a preventing solution, a screening protocol involving the use of digital fundus images was adopted. This allows eye doctors to monitor changes in the retina to detect any presence of eye disease. This solution made regular examinations widely available, even to populations in remote and underserved areas. With the resulting large amount of retinal images, automated techniques to process them are required. Automated eye detection techniques are largely addressed by the research community, and now they reached a high level of maturity, which allows the deployment of telemedicine solutions. In this thesis, we are addressing the problem of processing a high volume of retinal images in a reasonable time. This is mandatory to allow the practical use of the developed techniques in a clinical context. In this thesis, we focus on two steps of the retinal image pipeline. The first step is the retinal image quality assessment. The second step is the retinal blood vessel segmentation. The evaluation of the quality of the retinal images after acquisition is a primary task for the proper functioning of any automated retinal image processing system. The role of this step is to classify the acquired images according to their quality, which will allow an automated system to request a new acquisition in case of poor quality image. Several algorithms to evaluate the quality of retinal images were proposed in the literature. However, even if the acceleration of this task is required, especially to allow the creation of mobile systems for capturing retinal images, this task has not yet been addressed in the literature. In this thesis, we target an algorithm that computes image features to allow their classification to bad, medium or good quality. We identified the computation of image features as a repetitive task that necessitates acceleration. We were particularly interested in accelerating the Run-Length Matrix (RLM) algorithm. We proposed a first fully software implementation in the form of an embedded system based on Xilinx's Zynq technology. To accelerate the features computation, we designed a co-processor able to compute the features in parallel, implemented on the programmable logic of the Zynq FPGA. We achieved an acceleration of 30.1× over its software implementation for the features computation part of the RLM algorithm. Retinal blood vessel segmentation is a key task in the pipeline of retinal image processing. Blood vessels and their characteristics are good indicators of retina health. In addition, their segmentation can also help to segment the red lesions, indicators of diabetic retinopathy. Several techniques have been proposed in the literature to segment retinal blood vessels. Hardware architectures have also been proposed to accelerate blood vessel segmentation. The existing architectures lack in terms of performance and programming flexibility, especially for high resolution images. In this thesis, we targeted two techniques, matched filtering and line operators. The matched filtering technique was targeted mainly because of its popularity. For this technique, we proposed two different architectures, a custom hardware architecture implemented on FPGA, and an Application Specific Instruction-set Processor (ASIP) based architecture. The custom hardware architecture area and timing were optimized to achieve higher performances in comparison to existing implementations. Our custom hardware implementation outperforms all existing implementations in terms of throughput. For the ASIP based architecture, we identified two bottlenecks related to data access and computation intensity of the algorithm. We designed two specific instructions added to the processor datapath. The ASIP was made 7.7× more efficient in terms of execution time compared to its basic architecture. The second technique for blood vessel segmentation is the Multi-Scale Line Detector (MSLD) algorithm. The MSLD algorithm is selected because of its performance and its potential to detect small blood vessels. However, the algorithm works at multiple scales which makes it memory intensive. To solve this problem and allow the acceleration of its execution, we proposed a memory-efficient algorithm designed and implemented on FPGA. The proposed architecture reduces drastically the memory requirements of the algorithm by reusing the computations and SW/HW co-design. The two hardware architectures proposed for retinal blood vessel segmentation were made flexible to be able to process low and high resolution images. This was achieved by the development of a specific compiler able to generate low-level HDL descriptions of the algorithm from a set of the algorithm parameters. The compiler enabled us to optimize performance and development time. In this thesis, we introduce two novel architectures which are, to the best of our knowledge, the only ones able to process both low and high resolution images