7,364 research outputs found

    Program algebra with a jump-shift instruction

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    We study sequential programs that are instruction sequences with jump-shift instructions in the setting of PGA (ProGram Algebra). Jump-shift instructions preceding a jump instruction increase the position to jump to. The jump-shift instruction is not found in programming practice. Its merit is that the expressive power of PGA extended with the jump-shift instruction, is not reduced if the reach of jump instructions is bounded. This is used to show that there exists a finite-state execution mechanism that by making use of a counter can produce each finite-state thread from some program that is a finite or periodic infinite sequence of instructions from a finite set.Comment: 19 page

    On the expressiveness of single-pass instruction sequences

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    We perceive programs as single-pass instruction sequences. A single-pass instruction sequence under execution is considered to produce a behaviour to be controlled by some execution environment. Threads as considered in basic thread algebra model such behaviours. We show that all regular threads, i.e. threads that can only be in a finite number of states, can be produced by single-pass instruction sequences without jump instructions if use can be made of Boolean registers. We also show that, in the case where goto instructions are used instead of jump instructions, a bound to the number of labels restricts the expressiveness.Comment: 14 pages; error corrected, acknowledgement added; another error corrected, another acknowledgement adde

    Thread extraction for polyadic instruction sequences

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    In this paper, we study the phenomenon that instruction sequences are split into fragments which somehow produce a joint behaviour. In order to bring this phenomenon better into the picture, we formalize a simple mechanism by which several instruction sequence fragments can produce a joint behaviour. We also show that, even in the case of this simple mechanism, it is a non-trivial matter to explain by means of a translation into a single instruction sequence what takes place on execution of a collection of instruction sequence fragments.Comment: 21 pages; error corrected; presentation improve

    Functional units for natural numbers

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    Interaction with services provided by an execution environment forms part of the behaviours exhibited by instruction sequences under execution. Mechanisms related to the kind of interaction in question have been proposed in the setting of thread algebra. Like thread, service is an abstract behavioural concept. The concept of a functional unit is similar to the concept of a service, but more concrete. A state space is inherent in the concept of a functional unit, whereas it is not inherent in the concept of a service. In this paper, we establish the existence of a universal computable functional unit for natural numbers and related results.Comment: 17 pages; notational mistakes in tables 5 and 6 corrected; erroneous definition at bottom of page 9 correcte

    Instruction sequences for the production of processes

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    Single-pass instruction sequences under execution are considered to produce behaviours to be controlled by some execution environment. Threads as considered in thread algebra model such behaviours: upon each action performed by a thread, a reply from its execution environment determines how the thread proceeds. Threads in turn can be looked upon as producing processes as considered in process algebra. We show that, by apposite choice of basic instructions, all processes that can only be in a finite number of states can be produced by single-pass instruction sequences.Comment: 23 pages; acknowledgement corrected, reference update

    On algorithmic equivalence of instruction sequences for computing bit string functions

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    Every partial function from bit strings of a given length to bit strings of a possibly different given length can be computed by a finite instruction sequence that contains only instructions to set and get the content of Boolean registers, forward jump instructions, and a termination instruction. We look for an equivalence relation on instruction sequences of this kind that captures to a reasonable degree the intuitive notion that two instruction sequences express the same algorithm.Comment: 27 pages, the preliminaries have textual overlaps with the preliminaries in arXiv:1308.0219 [cs.PL], arXiv:1312.1529 [cs.PL], and arXiv:1312.1812 [cs.PL]; 27 pages, three paragraphs about Milner's algorithmic equivalence hypothesis added to concluding remarks; 26 pages, several minor improvements of the presentation mad

    Quantum Computers and Quantum Computer Languages: Quantum Assembly Language and Quantum C

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    We show a representation of Quantum Computers defines Quantum Turing Machines with associated Quantum Grammars. We then create examples of Quantum Grammars. Lastly we develop an algebraic approach to high level Quantum Languages using Quantum Assembly language and Quantum C language as examples

    Probabilistic thread algebra

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    We add probabilistic features to basic thread algebra and its extensions with thread-service interaction and strategic interleaving. Here, threads represent the behaviours produced by instruction sequences under execution and services represent the behaviours exhibited by the components of execution environments of instruction sequences. In a paper concerned with probabilistic instruction sequences, we proposed several kinds of probabilistic instructions and gave an informal explanation for each of them. The probabilistic features added to the extension of basic thread algebra with thread-service interaction make it possible to give a formal explanation in terms of non-probabilistic instructions and probabilistic services. The probabilistic features added to the extensions of basic thread algebra with strategic interleaving make it possible to cover strategies corresponding to probabilistic scheduling algorithms.Comment: 25 pages (arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1408.2955, arXiv:1402.4950); some simplifications made; substantially revise

    On the behaviours produced by instruction sequences under execution

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    We study several aspects of the behaviours produced by instruction sequences under execution in the setting of the algebraic theory of processes known as ACP. We use ACP to describe the behaviours produced by instruction sequences under execution and to describe two protocols implementing these behaviours in the case where the processing of instructions takes place remotely. We also show that all finite-state behaviours considered in ACP can be produced by instruction sequences under execution.Comment: 36 pages, consolidates material from arXiv:0811.0436 [cs.PL], arXiv:0902.2859 [cs.PL], and arXiv:0905.2257 [cs.PL]; abstract and introduction rewritten, examples and proofs adde
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