8 research outputs found

    Call centers with a postponed callback offer

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    We study a call center model with a postponed callback option. A customer at the head of the queue whose elapsed waiting time achieves a given threshold receives a voice message mentioning the option to be called back later. This callback option differs from the traditional ones found in the literature where the callback offer is given at customer’s arrival. We approximate this system by a two-dimensional Markov chain, with one dimension being a unit of a discretization of the waiting time. We next show that this approximation model converges to the exact one. This allows us to obtain explicitly the performance measures without abandonment and to compute them numerically otherwise. From the performance analysis, we derive a series of practical insights and recommendations for a clever use of the callback offer. In particular, we show that this time-based offer outperforms traditional ones when considering the waiting time of inbound calls

    Call Center Capacity Planning

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    An Integrated Approach for Shift Scheduling and Rostering Problems with Break Times for Inbound Call Centers

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    It may be very difficult to achieve the optimal shift schedule in call centers which have highly uncertain and peaked demand during short time periods. Overlapping shift systems are usually designed for such cases. This paper studies shift scheduling and rostering problems for in bound call centers where overlapping shift systems are used. An integer programming model that determines which shifts to be opened and how many operators to be assigned to these shifts is proposed for the shift scheduling problem. For the rostering problem both integer programming and constraint programming models are developed to determine assignments of operators to all shifts, weekly days-off, and meal and relief break times of the operators. The proposed models are tested on real data supplied by an outsource call center and optimal results are found in an acceptable computation time. An improvement of 15% in the objective function compared to the current situation is observed with the proposed model for the shift scheduling problem. The computational performances of the proposed integer and constraint programming models for the rostering problem are compared using real data observed at a call center and simulated test instances. In addition, benchmark instances are used to compare our Constraint Programming (CP) approach with the existing models. The results of the comprehensive computational study indicate that the constraint programming model runs more efficiently than the integer programming model for the rostering problem. The originality of this research can be attributed to two contributions: (a) a model for shift scheduling problem and two models for rostering problem are presented in detail and compared using real data and (b) the rostering problem is considered as a task-resource allocation and considerably shorter computation times are obtained by modeling this new problem via CP

    Stochastic optimization of staffing for multiskill call centers

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    Dans cette thèse, nous étudions le problème d’optimisation des effectifs dans les centres d’appels, dans lequel nous visons à minimiser les coûts d’exploitation tout en offrant aux clients une qualité de service (QoS) élevée. Nous introduisons également l'utilisation de contraintes probabilistes qui exigent que la qualité de service soit satisfaite avec une probabilité donnée. Ces contraintes sont adéquates dans le cas où la performance est mesurée sur un court intervalle de temps, car les mesures de QoS sont des variables aléatoires sur une période donnée. Les problèmes de personnel proposés sont difficiles en raison de l'absence de forme analytique pour les contraintes probabilistes et doivent être approximées par simulation. En outre, les fonctions QoS sont généralement non linéaires et non convexes. Nous considérons les problèmes d’affectation personnel dans différents contextes et étudions les modèles proposés tant du point de vue théorique que pratique. Les méthodologies développées sont générales, en ce sens qu'elles peuvent être adaptées et appliquées à d'autres problèmes de décision dans les systèmes de files d'attente. La thèse comprend trois articles traitant de différents défis en matière de modélisation et de résolution de problèmes d'optimisation d’affectation personnel dans les centres d'appels à compétences multiples. Les premier et deuxième article concernent un problème d'optimisation d'affectation de personnel en deux étapes sous l'incertitude. Alors que dans le second, nous étudions un modèle général de programmation stochastique discrète en deux étapes pour fournir une garantie théorique de la consistance de l'approximation par moyenne échantillonnale (SAA) lorsque la taille des échantillons tend vers l'infini, le troisième applique l'approche du SAA pour résoudre le problème d’optimisation d'affectation de personnel en deux étapes avec les taux d’arrivée incertain. Les deux articles indiquent la viabilité de l'approche SAA dans notre contexte, tant du point de vue théorique que pratique. Pour être plus précis, dans le premier article, nous considérons un problème stochastique discret général en deux étapes avec des contraintes en espérance. Nous formulons un problème SAA avec échantillonnage imbriqué et nous montrons que, sous certaines hypothèses satisfaites dans les exemples de centres d'appels, il est possible d'obtenir les solutions optimales du problème initial en résolvant son SAA avec des échantillons suffisamment grands. De plus, nous montrons que la probabilité que la solution optimale du problème de l’échantillon soit une solution optimale du problème initial tend vers un de manière exponentielle au fur et à mesure que nous augmentons la taille des échantillons. Ces résultats théoriques sont importants, non seulement pour les applications de centre d'appels, mais également pour d'autres problèmes de prise de décision avec des variables de décision discrètes. Le deuxième article concerne les méthodes de résolution d'un problème d'affectation en personnel en deux étapes sous incertitude du taux d'arrivée. Le problème SAA étant coûteux à résoudre lorsque le nombre de scénarios est important. En effet, pour chaque scénario, il est nécessaire d'effectuer une simulation pour estimer les contraintes de QoS. Nous développons un algorithme combinant simulation, génération de coupes, renforcement de coupes et décomposition de Benders pour résoudre le problème SAA. Nous montrons l'efficacité de l'approche, en particulier lorsque le nombre de scénarios est grand. Dans le dernier article, nous examinons les problèmes de contraintes en probabilité sur les mesures de niveau de service. Notre méthodologie proposée dans cet article est motivée par le fait que les fonctions de QoS affichent généralement des courbes en S et peuvent être bien approximées par des fonctions sigmoïdes appropriées. Sur la base de cette idée, nous avons développé une nouvelle approche combinant la régression non linéaire, la simulation et la recherche locale par région de confiance pour résoudre efficacement les problèmes de personnel à grande échelle de manière viable. L’avantage principal de cette approche est que la procédure d’optimisation peut être formulée comme une séquence de simulations et de résolutions de problèmes de programmation linéaire. Les résultats numériques basés sur des exemples réels de centres d'appels montrent l'efficacité pratique de notre approche. Les méthodologies développées dans cette thèse peuvent être appliquées dans de nombreux autres contextes, par exemple les problèmes de personnel et de planification dans d'autres systèmes basés sur des files d'attente avec d'autres types de contraintes de QoS. Celles-ci soulèvent également plusieurs axes de recherche qu'il pourrait être intéressant d'étudier. Par exemple, une approche de regroupement de scénarios pour atténuer le coût des modèles d'affectation en deux étapes, ou une version d'optimisation robuste en distribution pour mieux gérer l'incertitude des données.In this thesis, we study the staffing optimization problem in multiskill call centers, in which we aim at minimizing the operating cost while delivering a high quality of service (QoS) to customers. We also introduce the use of chance constraints which require that the QoSs are met with a given probability. These constraints are adequate in the case when the performance is measured over a short time interval as QoS measures are random variables in a given time period. The proposed staffing problems are challenging in the sense that the stochastic constraints have no-closed forms and need to be approximated by simulation. In addition, the QoS functions are typically non-linear and non-convex. We consider staffing optimization problems in different settings and study the proposed models in both theoretical and practical aspects. The methodologies developed are general, in the sense that they can be adapted and applied to other staffing/scheduling problems in queuing-based systems. The thesis consists of three articles dealing with different challenges in modeling and solving staffing optimization problems in multiskill call centers. The first and second articles concern a two-stage staffing optimization problem under uncertainty. While in the first one, we study a general two-stage discrete stochastic programming model to provide a theoretical guarantee for the consistency of the sample average approximation (SAA) when the sample sizes go to infinity, the second one applies the SAA approach to solve the two-stage staffing optimization problem under arrival rate uncertainty. Both papers indicate the viability of the SAA approach in our context, in both theoretical and practical aspects. To be more precise, in the first article, we consider a general two-stage discrete stochastic problem with expected value constraints. We formulate its SAA with nested sampling. We show that under some assumptions that hold in call center examples, one can obtain the optimal solutions of the original problem by solving its SAA with large enough sample sizes. Moreover, we show that the probability that the optimal solution of the sample problem is an optimal solution of the original problem, approaches one exponentially fast as we increase the sample sizes. These theoretical findings are important, not only for call center applications, but also for other decision-making problems with discrete decision variables. The second article concerns solution methods to solve a two-stage staffing problem under arrival rate uncertainty. It is motivated by the fact that the SAA version of the two-stage staffing problem becomes expensive to solve with a large number of scenarios, as for each scenario, one needs to use simulation to approximate the QoS constraints. We develop an algorithm that combines simulation, cut generation, cut strengthening and Benders decomposition to solve the SAA problem. We show the efficiency of the approach, especially when the number of scenarios is large. In the last article, we consider problems with chance constraints on the service level measures. Our methodology proposed in this article is motivated by the fact that the QoS functions generally display ``S-shape'' curves and might be well approximated by appropriate sigmoid functions. Based on this idea, we develop a novel approach that combines non-linear regression, simulation and trust region local search to efficiently solve large-scale staffing problems in a viable way. The main advantage of the approach is that the optimization procedure can be formulated as a sequence of steps of performing simulation and solving linear programming models. Numerical results based on real-life call center examples show the practical viability of our approach. The methodologies developed in this thesis can be applied in many other settings, e.g., staffing and scheduling problems in other queuing-based systems with other types of QoS constraints. These also raise several research directions that might be interesting to investigate. For examples, a clustering approach to mitigate the expensiveness of the two-stage staffing models, or a distributionally robust optimization version to better deal with data uncertainty

    Improvement business communications in banking by optimization of contact centres

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    S obzirom na brojne i značajne tehnološke promene koje karakterišu savremeno poslovanje, postalo je neophodno da se unapređuje i poslovna komunikacija. Da bi se unapredila poslovna komunikacija, između ostalih referentnih inovacija, organizuju se kontakt centri. Organizacija kontakt centra ima ključnu ulogu u obezbeđivanju njegove produktivnosti i efikasnosti, jer na osnovu nje klijenti i potencijalni klijenti ocenjuju ne samo rad kontakt centra, nego i rad banke, kao i njenih usluga i proizvoda. Da bi se izvršila optimizacija rada kontakt centra, potrebno je da se identifikuju sledeće promenljive i pojave: tip kontakt centra, tehnologija, kanali komunikacije, zaposleni i njihova obuka, zatim, potrebno je da se odredi potreban broj zaposlenih, ali i da se zaposleni pravilno rasporede po smenama, kao i da se prati njihov rad. Stavljanjem u optimalnu korelaciju navedenog, utiče se na poboljšanje poslovne komunikacije. Početkom pedesetih godina prošlog veka počeli su da se formiraju prvi kontakt centri i do danas bilo je dosta transformacija koje su uticale i na poslovnu komunikaciju. Poslovna komunikacija na više načina može da se unapređuje različitom organizacijom kontakt centara.Many significant tehnological changes describe modern business. It is necessary to improve business communication with the help of referential innovation i.e. contact centers. The contact center has an important role in securing productivity and effectiveness because clients and potential client evaluate the contact center, bank`s work services and products. In order to optimize the contact center`s work, certain variables must be identified e.g. the type of contact center, technology, channels of communication, employees and their training, the number of employees, shift working, supervision over employees. All of the issues mentioned above have great influence on business communication. In the early fifties of the last century began to form the first contact centers, and there have been a lot of transformations that have affected to the business communication. Business communication in many ways can promote contact centers with different organization

    Profit-oriented shift scheduling of inbound contact centers with skills-based routing, impatient customers, and retrials

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    This paper presents a profit-oriented shift scheduling approach for inbound contact centers. The focus is on systems in which multiple agent classes with different qualifications serve multiple customer classes with different needs. We assume that customers are impatient, abandon if they have to wait, and that they may retry. A discrete-time modeling approach is used to capture the dynamics of the system due to time-dependent arrival rates. Staffing levels and shift schedules are simultaneously optimized over a set of different approximate realizations of the underlying stochastic processes to consider the randomness of the system. The numerical results indicate that the presented approach works best for medium-sized and large contact centers with skills-based routing of customers for which stochastic queueing models are rarely applicable.Call center, contact center, workforce scheduling, shift scheduling, stochastic programming.

    An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach to the Scheduling of Impatient Jobs in a Clearing System.

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    A single server is faced with a collection of jobs of varying duration and urgency. Before service starts, all jobs are subject to an initial triage, i.e., an assessment of both their urgency and of their service requirement, and are allocated to distinct classes. Jobs in one class have independent and identically distributed lifetimes during which they are available for service. Should a job's lifetime example before its service begins then it is lost from the system unserved. The goal is to schedule the jobs for service to maximise the expected number served to completion. Two heuristic policies have been proposed in the literature. One works well in a "no loss" limit while the other does so when lifetimes are short. Both can exhibit poor performance for problems at some distance from the regimes for which they were designed. We develop a robustly good heuristic by an approximative approach to the application of a single policy improvement step to the first policy above, in which we use a fluid model to obtain an approximation for its value function. The performance of the proposed heuristic is investigated in an extensive numerical study. This problem is substantially complicated if the initial triage is subject to error. We take a Bayesian approach to this additional uncertainty and discuss the design of heuristic policies to maximise the Bayes' return. We identify problem features for which a high price is paid for poor initial triage and for which improvements in initial job assessment yield significant improvements in service outcomes. An analytical upperbound for the cost of imperfect classification is developed for exponentially distributed lifetime cases. An extensive numerical study is conducted to explore the behaviour of the cost in more general situations