354 research outputs found

    Adaptive Transactional Memories: Performance and Energy Consumption Tradeoffs

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    Energy efficiency is becoming a pressing issue, especially in large data centers where it entails, at the same time, a non-negligible management cost, an enhancement of hardware fault probability, and a significant environmental footprint. In this paper, we study how Software Transactional Memories (STM) can provide benefits on both power saving and the overall applications’ execution performance. This is related to the fact that encapsulating shared-data accesses within transactions gives the freedom to the STM middleware to both ensure consistency and reduce the actual data contention, the latter having been shown to affect the overall power needed to complete the application’s execution. We have selected a set of self-adaptive extensions to existing STM middlewares (namely, TinySTM and R-STM) to prove how self-adapting computation can capture the actual degree of parallelism and/or logical contention on shared data in a better way, enhancing even more the intrinsic benefits provided by STM. Of course, this benefit comes at a cost, which is the actual execution time required by the proposed approaches to precisely tune the execution parameters for reducing power consumption and enhancing execution performance. Nevertheless, the results hereby provided show that adaptivity is a strictly necessary requirement to reduce energy consumption in STM systems: Without it, it is not possible to reach any acceptable level of energy efficiency at all

    Control of Autonomic Parallelism Adaptation on Software Transactional Memory

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    International audienceParallel programs need to manage the trade-off between the time spent in synchronization and computation. A high parallelism may decrease computing time while increase synchronization cost among threads. A way to improve program performance is to adjust parallelism to balance conflicts among threads. However, there is no universal rule to decide the best parallelism for a program from an offline view. Furthermore, an offline tuning is error-prone. Hence, it becomes necessary to adopt a dynamic tuning-configuration strategy to better manage a STM system. Software Transactional Memory (STM) has emerged as a promising technique, which bypasses locks, to address synchronization issues through transactions. Autonomic computing offers designers a framework of methods and techniques to build automated systems with well-mastered behaviours. Its key idea is to implement feedback control loops to design safe, efficient and predictable controllers, which enable monitoring and adjusting controlled systems dynamically while keeping overhead low. We propose to design feedback control loops to automate the choice of parallelism level at runtime to diminish program execution time

    Automatic skeleton-driven performance optimizations for transactional memory

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    The recent shift toward multi -core chips has pushed the burden of extracting performance to the programmer. In fact, programmers now have to be able to uncover more coarse -grain parallelism with every new generation of processors, or the performance of their applications will remain roughly the same or even degrade. Unfortunately, parallel programming is still hard and error prone. This has driven the development of many new parallel programming models that aim to make this process efficient.This thesis first combines the skeleton -based and transactional memory programming models in a new framework, called OpenSkel, in order to improve performance and programmability of parallel applications. This framework provides a single skeleton that allows the implementation of transactional worklist applications. Skeleton or pattern-based programming allows parallel programs to be expressed as specialized instances of generic communication and computation patterns. This leaves the programmer with only the implementation of the particular operations required to solve the problem at hand. Thus, this programming approach simplifies parallel programming by eliminating some of the major challenges of parallel programming, namely thread communication, scheduling and orchestration. However, the application programmer has still to correctly synchronize threads on data races. This commonly requires the use of locks to guarantee atomic access to shared data. In particular, lock programming is vulnerable to deadlocks and also limits coarse grain parallelism by blocking threads that could be potentially executed in parallel.Transactional Memory (TM) thus emerges as an attractive alternative model to simplify parallel programming by removing this burden of handling data races explicitly. This model allows programmers to write parallel code as transactions, which are then guaranteed by the runtime system to execute atomically and in isolation regardless of eventual data races. TM programming thus frees the application from deadlocks and enables the exploitation of coarse grain parallelism when transactions do not conflict very often. Nevertheless, thread management and orchestration are left for the application programmer. Fortunately, this can be naturally handled by a skeleton framework. This fact makes the combination of skeleton -based and transactional programming a natural step to improve programmability since these models complement each other. In fact, this combination releases the application programmer from dealing with thread management and data races, and also inherits the performance improvements of both models. In addition to it, a skeleton framework is also amenable to skeleton - driven iii performance optimizations that exploits the application pattern and system information.This thesis thus also presents a set of pattern- oriented optimizations that are automatically selected and applied in a significant subset of transactional memory applications that shares a common pattern called worklist. These optimizations exploit the knowledge about the worklist pattern and the TM nature of the applications to avoid transaction conflicts, to prefetch data, to reduce contention etc. Using a novel autotuning mechanism, OpenSkel dynamically selects the most suitable set of these patternoriented performance optimizations for each application and adjusts them accordingly. Experimental results on a subset of five applications from the STAMP benchmark suite show that the proposed autotuning mechanism can achieve performance improvements within 2 %, on average, of a static oracle for a 16 -core UMA (Uniform Memory Access) platform and surpasses it by 7% on average for a 32 -core NUMA (Non -Uniform Memory Access) platform.Finally, this thesis also investigates skeleton -driven system- oriented performance optimizations such as thread mapping and memory page allocation. In order to do it, the OpenSkel system and also the autotuning mechanism are extended to accommodate these optimizations. The conducted experimental results on a subset of five applications from the STAMP benchmark show that the OpenSkel framework with the extended autotuning mechanism driving both pattern and system- oriented optimizations can achieve performance improvements of up to 88 %, with an average of 46 %, over a baseline version for a 16 -core UMA platform and up to 162 %, with an average of 91 %, for a 32 -core NUMA platform

    Pessimistic Software Lock-Elision

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    Read-write locks are one of the most prevalent lock forms in concurrent applications because they allow read accesses to locked code to proceed in parallel. However, they do not offer any parallelism between reads and writes. This paper introduces pessimistic lock-elision (PLE), a new approach for non-speculatively replacing read-write locks with pessimistic (i.e. non-aborting) software transactional code that allows read-write concurrency even for contended code and even if the code includes system calls. On systems with hardware transactional support, PLE will allow failed transactions, or ones that contain system calls, to preserve read-write concurrency. Our PLE algorithm is based on a novel encounter-order design of a fully pessimistic STM system that in a variety of benchmarks spanning from counters to trees, even when up to 40% of calls are mutating the locked structure, provides up to 5 times the performance of a state-of-the-art read-write lock.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1217921

    Techniques for improving the performance of software transactional memory

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    Transactional Memory (TM) gives software developers the opportunity to write concurrent programs more easily compared to any previous programming paradigms and gives a performance comparable to lock-based synchronizations. Current Software TM (STM) implementations have performance overheads that can be reduced by introducing new abstractions in Transactional Memory programming model. In this thesis we present four new techniques for improving the performance of Software TM: (i) Abstract Nested Transactions (ANT), (ii) TagTM, (iii) profile-guided transaction coalescing, and (iv) dynamic transaction coalescing. ANT improves performance of transactional applications without breaking the semantics of the transactional paradigm, TagTM speeds up accesses to transactional meta-data, profile-guided transaction coalescing lowers transactional overheads at compile time, and dynamic transaction coalescing lowers transactional overheads at runtime. Our analysis shows that Abstract Nested Transactions, TagTM, profile-guided transaction coalescing, and dynamic transaction coalescing improve the performance of the original programs that use Software Transactional Memory
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