47,802 research outputs found

    Techniques for improving the performance of software transactional memory

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    Transactional Memory (TM) gives software developers the opportunity to write concurrent programs more easily compared to any previous programming paradigms and gives a performance comparable to lock-based synchronizations. Current Software TM (STM) implementations have performance overheads that can be reduced by introducing new abstractions in Transactional Memory programming model. In this thesis we present four new techniques for improving the performance of Software TM: (i) Abstract Nested Transactions (ANT), (ii) TagTM, (iii) profile-guided transaction coalescing, and (iv) dynamic transaction coalescing. ANT improves performance of transactional applications without breaking the semantics of the transactional paradigm, TagTM speeds up accesses to transactional meta-data, profile-guided transaction coalescing lowers transactional overheads at compile time, and dynamic transaction coalescing lowers transactional overheads at runtime. Our analysis shows that Abstract Nested Transactions, TagTM, profile-guided transaction coalescing, and dynamic transaction coalescing improve the performance of the original programs that use Software Transactional Memory

    Web-based learning in the field of empirical research methods

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    This study focuses on the development of a complex web-based learning environment aimed at promoting the acquisition of applicable knowledge in the context of studying empirical research methods at university. This learning environment was then modified further on an empirical basis. The main focus of the present article is to describe the conceptualisation of the learning environment and research activities which were guided by an integrative research paradigm. The learning environment consisted of highly structured, complex texts in which the process of empirical research was illustrated in a detailed manner. By combining these texts with other instructional measures, the learning environment is given a flexible hypertext-structure. The effectiveness of the learning environment as a whole was investigated in three studies (two evaluation studies in the field and one experimental study in the laboratory). It was demonstrated that the additional instructional measures (e.g. a specific feedback-guidance and time-management measures) were not effective. The importance of cognitive, motivational and emotional learning prerequisites for the successful utilisation of the learning environment was highlighted. The implementation of special training and additional preparatory modules is recommended in order to optimise the fit between students' prerequisites and learning environmIm Zentrum der vorliegenden Arbeit steht zum einen die Konzeptualisierung einer Lernumgebung zur Förderung des Erwerbs anwendbaren Wissens im Kontext der universitären Ausbildung in empirischen Forschungsmethoden. Zum anderen werden ausgehend von einem integrativen Forschungsparadigma Forschungsaktivitäten beschrieben, die die empirische Basis zur Weiterentwicklung der Lernumgebung bereitstellen. Die Lernumgebung besteht aus hoch strukturierten, komplexen Texten, in welchen der Prozess empirischer Forschung auf detaillierte Weise veranschaulicht wird. Diese Texte wurden mit anderen instruktionalen Maßnahmen kombiniert, wodurch die Lernumgebung eine flexible, hypertextartige Struktur bekam. Die Effektivität der gesamten Lernumgebung wurde im Rahmen dreier empirischer Studien untersucht, von denen zwei als Evaluationsstudien im Feld durchgeführt wurden; die dritte war eine experimentelle Laborstudie. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die zusätzlichen instruktionalen Maßnahmen (z. B. eine spezifische Feedback-Anleitung und eine Zeitmanagement-Maßnahme) nicht wirksam waren. Die Bedeutung kognitiver, motivationaler und emotionaler Lernvoraussetzungen für die erfolgreiche Nutzung der Lernumgebung konnte nachgewiesen werden. Um die Passung zwischen den Eingangsvoraussetzungen der Studierenden und der Lernumgebung zu verbessern, wurde die Implementation eines speziellen Trainings und eines zusätzlichen vorbereitenden Moduls vorgeschlag

    SkILL - a Stochastic Inductive Logic Learner

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    Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming (PILP) is a rel- atively unexplored area of Statistical Relational Learning which extends classic Inductive Logic Programming (ILP). This work introduces SkILL, a Stochastic Inductive Logic Learner, which takes probabilistic annotated data and produces First Order Logic theories. Data in several domains such as medicine and bioinformatics have an inherent degree of uncer- tainty, that can be used to produce models closer to reality. SkILL can not only use this type of probabilistic data to extract non-trivial knowl- edge from databases, but it also addresses efficiency issues by introducing a novel, efficient and effective search strategy to guide the search in PILP environments. The capabilities of SkILL are demonstrated in three dif- ferent datasets: (i) a synthetic toy example used to validate the system, (ii) a probabilistic adaptation of a well-known biological metabolism ap- plication, and (iii) a real world medical dataset in the breast cancer domain. Results show that SkILL can perform as well as a deterministic ILP learner, while also being able to incorporate probabilistic knowledge that would otherwise not be considered

    Topology optimization of freeform large-area metasurfaces

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    We demonstrate optimization of optical metasurfaces over 10510^5--10610^6 degrees of freedom in two and three dimensions, 100--1000+ wavelengths (λ\lambda) in diameter, with 100+ parameters per λ2\lambda^2. In particular, we show how topology optimization, with one degree of freedom per high-resolution "pixel," can be extended to large areas with the help of a locally periodic approximation that was previously only used for a few parameters per λ2\lambda^2. In this way, we can computationally discover completely unexpected metasurface designs for challenging multi-frequency, multi-angle problems, including designs for fully coupled multi-layer structures with arbitrary per-layer patterns. Unlike typical metasurface designs based on subwavelength unit cells, our approach can discover both sub- and supra-wavelength patterns and can obtain both the near and far fields

    Faithful (meta-)encodings of programmable strategies into term rewriting systems

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    Rewriting is a formalism widely used in computer science and mathematical logic. When using rewriting as a programming or modeling paradigm, the rewrite rules describe the transformations one wants to operate and rewriting strategies are used to con- trol their application. The operational semantics of these strategies are generally accepted and approaches for analyzing the termination of specific strategies have been studied. We propose in this paper a generic encoding of classic control and traversal strategies used in rewrite based languages such as Maude, Stratego and Tom into a plain term rewriting system. The encoding is proven sound and complete and, as a direct consequence, estab- lished termination methods used for term rewriting systems can be applied to analyze the termination of strategy controlled term rewriting systems. We show that the encoding of strategies into term rewriting systems can be easily adapted to handle many-sorted signa- tures and we use a meta-level representation of terms to reduce the size of the encodings. The corresponding implementation in Tom generates term rewriting systems compatible with the syntax of termination tools such as AProVE and TTT2, tools which turned out to be very effective in (dis)proving the termination of the generated term rewriting systems. The approach can also be seen as a generic strategy compiler which can be integrated into languages providing pattern matching primitives; experiments in Tom show that applying our encoding leads to performances comparable to the native Tom strategies

    Four payment models for the multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows

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    In this paper, the multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows is considered. The objective is the maximization of the net present value of all cash flows. Time value of money is taken into consideration, and cash in- and outflows are associated with activities and/or events. The resources can be of renewable, nonrenewable, and doubly constrained resource types. Four payment models are considered: Lump sum payment at the terminal event, payments at prespecified event nodes, payments at prespecified time points and progress payments. For finding solutions to problems proposed, a genetic algorithm (GA) approach is employed, which uses a special crossover operator that can exploit the multi-component nature of the problem. The models are investigated at the hand of an example problem. Sensitivity analyses are performed over the mark up and the discount rate. A set of 93 problems from literature are solved under the four different payment models and resource type combinations with the GA approach employed resulting in satisfactory computation times. The GA approach is compared with a domain specific heuristic for the lump sum payment case with renewable resources and is shown to outperform it

    Improving Community Adaptation Outcomes for Youth Graduating from Residential Mental Health Programs: A Synthesis Review (FULL REPORT)

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    The focus of this synthesis review was to understand the capacity of systems of care and integrated program models to foster successful community adaptation for children and youth graduating from children\u27s residential mental health treatment

    'Breaking the glass': preserving social history in virtual environments

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    New media technologies play an important role in the evolution of our society. Traditional museums and heritage sites have evolved from the ‘cabinets of curiosity’ that focused mainly on the authority of the voice organising content, to the places that offer interactivity as a means to experience historical and cultural events of the past. They attempt to break down the division between visitors and historical artefacts, employing modern technologies that allow the audience to perceive a range of perspectives of the historical event. In this paper, we discuss virtual reconstruction and interactive storytelling techniques as a research methodology and educational and presentation practices for cultural heritage sites. We present the Narrating the Past project as a case study, in order to illustrate recent changes in the preservation of social history and guided tourist trails that aim to make the visitor’s experience more than just an architectural walk through
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