23,086 research outputs found

    Transduplication resulted in the incorporation of two protein-coding sequences into the Turmoil-1 transposable element of C. elegans

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    Transposable elements may acquire unrelated gene fragments into their sequences in a process called transduplication. Transduplication of protein-coding genes is common in plants, but is unknown of in animals. Here, we report that the Turmoil-1 transposable element in C. elegans has incorporated two protein-coding sequences into its inverted terminal repeat (ITR) sequences. The ITRs of Turmoil-1 contain a conserved RNA recognition motif (RRM) that originated from the rsp- 2 gene and a fragment from the protein-coding region of the cpg-3 gene. We further report that an open reading frame specific to C. elegans may have been created as a result of a Turmoil-1 insertion. Mutations at the 5' splice site of this open reading frame may have reactivated the transduplicated RRM moti


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    Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries,

    Systems biologists seek fuller integration of systems biology approaches in new cancer research programs

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    Systems biology takes an interdisciplinary approach to the systematic study of complex interactions in biological systems. This approach seeks to decipher the emergent behaviors of complex systems rather than focusing only on their constituent properties. As an increasing number of examples illustrate the value of systems biology approaches to understand the initiation, progression, and treatment of cancer, systems biologists from across Europe and the United States hope for changes in the way their field is currently perceived among cancer researchers. In a recent EU-US workshop, supported by the European Commission, the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, and the National Cancer Institute of the NIH, the participants discussed the strengths, weaknesses, hurdles, and opportunities in cancer systems biology

    Roll Call: Catholic Physicians\u27 Guild

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    The listing below gives the name of the president and moderator of each Catholic Physicians\u27 Guild affiliated with the Federation. These groups constitute the national organization

    May, 1956

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    E-finance-lab at the House of Finance : about us

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    The financial services industry is believed to be on the verge of a dramatic [r]evolution. A substantial redesign of its value chains aimed at reducing costs, providing more efficient and flexible services and enabling new products and revenue streams is imminent. But there seems to be no clear migration path nor goal which can cast light on the question where the finance industry and its various players will be and should be in a decade from now. The mission of the E-Finance Lab is the development and application of research methodologies in the financial industry that promote and assess how business strategies and structures are shared and supported by strategies and structures of information systems. Important challenges include the design of smart production infrastructures, the development and evaluation of advantageous sourcing strategies and smart selling concepts to enable new revenue streams for financial service providers in the future. Overall, our goal is to contribute methods and views to the realignment of the E-Finance value chain. ..

    Tabellarischer Dreijahresbericht 2005 - 2006 - 2007 // Institut fĂŒr Kulturwissenschaftliche Deutschlandstudien

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    Die Mitglieder des Instituts haben im Berichtszeitraum durch ihre Arbeit auf vielfĂ€ltige Art und Weise daran mitgewirkt, wie in den Vorjahren, einerseits Angebote in die Region zu entwickeln und andererseits die Anstrengungen in Richtung Internationalisierung von Forschung und Lehre zu verstĂ€rken. Dabei konnten bestehende Kooperationen genutzt und neue Kooperationspartner gewonnen werden. DarĂŒber hinaus ist das Institut bemĂŒht, einen medienĂ€sthetischen Forschungsschwerpunkt im Fachbereich 10 zu etablieren. [...] Die Mitglieder des Instituts haben durch eine rege PublikationstĂ€tigkeit (siehe nachfolgende Auflistung), vielfĂ€ltige VortrĂ€ge, öffentliche Stellungnahmen, Interviews und GesprĂ€che in Zeitungen, Rundfunk und Fernsehen dazu beigetragen, dass die UniversitĂ€t Bremen in und außerhalb der Region als Standort einer produktiven kulturwissenschaftlichen DDR- und Deutschlandforschung wahrgenommen wird

    Connexin36 knockout mice display increased sensitivity to pentylenetetrazol-induced seizure-like behaviors

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    Large-scale synchronous firing of neurons during seizures is modulated by electrotonic coupling between neurons via gap junctions. To explore roles for connexin36 (Cx36) gap junctions in seizures, we examined the seizure threshold of connexin36 knockout (Cx36KO) mice using a pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) model
