101 research outputs found

    Framing in design: A formal analysis and failure modes

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    This contribution presents a formal description of the design practice of framing and identifies two general modes in which framing can lead to failure in design projects. The first is called the goal reformulation failure mode and occurs when designers reformulate the goal of the client in a design task and give design solutions that solve the reformulated goal but not the original goal. The second is called the frame failure mode and occurs when designers propose a frame for the design task that cannot be accepted by the client. The analysis of framing and its failure modes is aimed at better understanding this design practice and provides a first step towards arriving at criteria that successful applications of framing should meet. The description and the failure modes are illustrated by critically considering an initially successful case of framing, namely the redesign of the Kings Cross entertainment district in Sydney

    Early Internationalization in the Digital Context : A Capabilities-based Approach

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    In the fields of international entrepreneurship (IE) and international business (IB), digitalization influences the early internationalization of firms. While we know that digitalization facilitates early internationalization, we do not yet know the exact underlying capabilities that drive this process. The dissertation attempts to bridge this gap by utilizing a capabilities-based approach. This approach offers relevant insights for both IE and IB literature and provides new understanding on how early internationalizing firms develop their digital capabilities for achieving sustainable internationalization outcomes. The dissertation consists of four essays. The first essay, which is a literature review, evaluates IE and IB literature dealing with digitalization and examines to what extent digitalization underlies the causes, processes, and outcomes of early internationalization. The second, third, and fourth essays focus on the capabilities underlying early internationalization processes and outcomes in a digital context. The essays illustrate how the development of international dynamic capabilities and learning advantage of newness of early internationalizing firms occur; they also open up the functionality of digital technology as a supportive mechanism. Theoretically, the essays contribute to IE and IB research streams by providing novel insights and understanding of the phenomenon of early internationalization in a digital context from a capabilities-based approach. Overall, the dissertation cross-fertilizes perspectives from IE, IB, and information systems to contribute to our understanding of early internationalization in the digital context. It also responds to the calls for more research on the impact of digitalization on internationalization, and capability development studies.Digitalisaatio vaikuttaa yritysten varhaiseen kansainvälistymiseen kansainvälisessä yrittäjyydessä ja kansainvälisessä liiketoiminnassa. Tiedämme, että digitalisaatio kiihdyttää varhaista kansainvälistymistä, mutta emme tiedä tarkalleen, mitkä kyvykkyydet edistävät tätä prosessia. Väitöskirja pyrkii vastaamaan tähän tutkimusvajeeseen kyvykkyyksiin perustuvan lähestymistavan kautta. Lähestymistapa antaa olennaisia näkemyksiä sekä kansainvälisen yrittäjyyden että kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan kirjallisuuteen ja lisää ymmärrystä siitä, kuinka varhain kansainvälistyneet yritykset kehittävät kyvykkyyksiään digitaalisesti siten, että kansainvälistymisen tulokset ovat kestäviä. Väitöskirja koostuu neljästä esseestä. Ensimmäinen essee on kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa arvioidaan kansainvälisen yrittäjyyden ja kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan digitalisuutta käsittelevää kirjallisuutta ja tarkastellaan missä määrin digitaalisuus määrittää syitä, prosesseja ja kansainvälistymisen tuloksia. Toisessa, kolmannessa ja neljännessä esseessä keskitytään kyvykkyyksiin, jotka toimivat varhaisen kansainvälistymisprosessin sekä kansainvälistymisprosessin tulosten taustalla digitaalisessa kontekstissa. Esseet havainnollistavat, miten varhain kansainvälistyvien yritysten kansainväliset dynaamiset kyvykkyydet ja varhaisen oppimisen etu kehittyvät. Esseissä käsitellään myös digitaalitekniikan toimivuutta tukimekanismina. Esseiden teoreettinen kontribuutio kohdistuu kansainvälisen yrittäjyyden ja kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan tutkimuskenttään tarjoten uusia oivalluksia ja ymmärrystä varhaisen kansainvälistymisen ilmiöstä digitaalisessa kontekstissa kyvykkyyksiin perustuvan lähestymistavan kautta. Väitöskirjassa hyödynnetään kansainvälisen yrittäjyyden, kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan ja tietojärjestelmätieteen näkökulmia lisäämään ymmärrystä varhaisesta kansainvälistymisestä digitaalisessa kontekstissa. Väitöskirja vastaa myös toivomuksiin lisätä tutkimusta digitalisaation vaikutuksesta kansainvälistymiseen sekä kyvykkyyksien kehittämiseen.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The impact of dynamic capabilities and time-based competitive advantage on SME performance: The role of organisational structure and entrepreneurial orientation

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    The aim of this thesis is to examine how dynamic capabilities are used by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to increase performance. Specifically, it explores the mechanism by which the dynamic capabilities of SMEs affect firm performance through time-based competitive advantage. It also examines important factors that facilitate and enhance the deployment of SME dynamic capabilities, including organisational structure and entrepreneurial orientation. Data obtained from a sample that comprised 482 United Kingdom–based manufacturing and service SMEs were evaluated through a quantitative survey. Using partial least squares modelling, the analysis indicated the existence of a partial mediating effect of time-based competitive advantage on the dynamic capabilities and SME firm performance relationship. The analysis also identified a partial mediating effect of dynamic capabilities on the positive relationship between organisation structure (organicity) and time-based competitive advantage. An interesting finding was that, in the context of SMEs, an organisation structure that is more mechanistic in nature encourages greater time-based competitive advantage; however, in the presence of dynamic capabilities, an organic structure is preferred. This thesis discusses possible reasons for these results. Further, a partial mediating effect of dynamic capabilities on the positive entrepreneurial orientation and time-based competitive advantage relationship was also found. The moderating influence of organisation structure on the positive dynamic capabilities and time-based competitive advantage relationship was supported. However, the hypothesised moderating influence of entrepreneurial orientation on the positive dynamic capabilities and time-based competitive advantage relationship was not supported. This thesis has outlined the mechanism by which SMEs can develop dynamic capabilities and use them to generate greater time-based competitive advantage, as well as increase firm performance. It thus makes an empirical contribution to the emerging body of research on dynamic capabilities in the SME context. Several theoretical contributions and managerial contributions are also further outlined

    Adoption and impact of integrated Striga and soil fertility management strategy in Mali

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    The possibility to vary the energy matrix, thus reducing the dependency on fossil fuels, has amplified the acceptance of biomass as an alternative fuel. Despite being a cheap and renewable option of waste from agriculture and forestry activities, the use of these materials has barriers due to its low density and low energetic efficiency, which can raise the costs of its utilization. Biomass densification has drawn attention due to its advantage in comparison to in natura biomass due to its better physical and combustion characteristics. Work has been carried out in this areas namely in the densification (briquettes) forestry wastes, kiwi and vine punning waste and their respectively elementary characterization. In a subsequent step, this work also presents the study of the thermal performance and combustion hygiene of the different briquettes produced in a burning hot water boiler. The thermal efficiency was determined by the direct method and it was found that the boiler thermal performance was quite similar for the different types of fuel tested and did not depend on the fuel feeding rate


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    The evolution of language: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE)

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