63 research outputs found

    Sparcl:A Language for Partially-Invertible Computation

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    A Direct-Style Effect Notation for Sequential and Parallel Programs

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    Modeling sequential and parallel composition of effectful computations has been investigated in a variety of languages for a long time. In particular, the popular do-notation provides a lightweight effect embedding for any instance of a monad. Idiom bracket notation, on the other hand, provides an embedding for applicatives. First, while monads force effects to be executed sequentially, ignoring potential for parallelism, applicatives do not support sequential effects. Composing sequential with parallel effects remains an open problem. This is even more of an issue as real programs consist of a combination of both sequential and parallel segments. Second, common notations do not support invoking effects in direct-style, instead forcing a rigid structure upon the code. In this paper, we propose a mixed applicative/monadic notation that retains parallelism where possible, but allows sequentiality where necessary. We leverage a direct-style notation where sequentiality or parallelism is derived from the structure of the code. We provide a mechanisation of our effectful language in Coq and prove that our compilation approach retains the parallelism of the source program

    Eelco Visser - An Exceptional SLE Researcher

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    Achieving High-Performance the Functional Way: A Functional Pearl on Expressing High-Performance Optimizations as Rewrite Strategies

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    Optimizing programs to run efficiently on modern parallel hardware is hard but crucial for many applications. The predominantly used imperative languages - like C or OpenCL - force the programmer to intertwine the code describing functionality and optimizations. This results in a portability nightmare that is particularly problematic given the accelerating trend towards specialized hardware devices to further increase efficiency. Many emerging DSLs used in performance demanding domains such as deep learning or high-performance image processing attempt to simplify or even fully automate the optimization process. Using a high-level - often functional - language, programmers focus on describing functionality in a declarative way. In some systems such as Halide or TVM, a separate schedule specifies how the program should be optimized. Unfortunately, these schedules are not written in well-defined programming languages. Instead, they are implemented as a set of ad-hoc predefined APIs that the compiler writers have exposed. In this functional pearl, we show how to employ functional programming techniques to solve this challenge with elegance. We present two functional languages that work together - each addressing a separate concern. RISE is a functional language for expressing computations using well known functional data-parallel patterns. ELEVATE is a functional language for describing optimization strategies. A high-level RISE program is transformed into a low-level form using optimization strategies written in ELEVATE . From the rewritten low-level program high-performance parallel code is automatically generated. In contrast to existing high-performance domain-specific systems with scheduling APIs, in our approach programmers are not restricted to a set of built-in operations and optimizations but freely define their own computational patterns in RISE and optimization strategies in ELEVATE in a composable and reusable way. We show how our holistic functional approach achieves competitive performance with the state-of-the-art imperative systems Halide and TVM

    Useful Open Call-By-Need

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    This paper studies useful sharing, which is a sophisticated optimization for ?-calculi, in the context of call-by-need evaluation in presence of open terms. Useful sharing turns out to be harder in call-by-need than in call-by-name or call-by-value, because call-by-need evaluates inside environments, making it harder to specify when a substitution step is useful. We isolate the key involved concepts and prove the correctness and the completeness of useful sharing in this setting

    Staged Compilation with Two-Level Type Theory

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    The aim of staged compilation is to enable metaprogramming in a way such that we have guarantees about the well-formedness of code output, and we can also mix together object-level and meta-level code in a concise and convenient manner. In this work, we observe that two-level type theory (2LTT), a system originally devised for the purpose of developing synthetic homotopy theory, also serves as a system for staged compilation with dependent types. 2LTT has numerous good properties for this use case: it has a concise specification, well-behaved model theory, and it supports a wide range of language features both at the object and the meta level. First, we give an overview of 2LTT's features and applications in staging. Then, we present a staging algorithm and prove its correctness. Our algorithm is "staging-by-evaluation", analogously to the technique of normalization-by-evaluation, in that staging is given by the evaluation of 2LTT syntax in a semantic domain. The staging algorithm together with its correctness constitutes a proof of strong conservativity of 2LLT over the object theory. To our knowledge, this is the first description of staged compilation which supports full dependent types and unrestricted staging for types

    Shoggoth: A Formal Foundation for Strategic Rewriting

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    Rewriting is a versatile and powerful technique used in many domains. Strategic rewriting allows programmers to control the application of rewrite rules by composing individual rewrite rules into complex rewrite strategies. These strategies are semantically complex, as they may be nondeterministic, they may raise errors that trigger backtracking, and they may not terminate.Given such semantic complexity, it is necessary to establish a formal understanding of rewrite strategies and to enable reasoning about them in order to answer questions like: How do we know that a rewrite strategy terminates? How do we know that a rewrite strategy does not fail because we compose two incompatible rewrites? How do we know that a desired property holds after applying a rewrite strategy?In this paper, we introduce Shoggoth: a formal foundation for understanding, analysing and reasoning about strategic rewriting that is capable of answering these questions. We provide a denotational semantics of System S, a core language for strategic rewriting, and prove its equivalence to our big-step operational semantics, which extends existing work by explicitly accounting for divergence. We further define a location-based weakest precondition calculus to enable formal reasoning about rewriting strategies, and we prove this calculus sound with respect to the denotational semantics. We show how this calculus can be used in practice to reason about properties of rewriting strategies, including termination, that they are well-composed, and that desired postconditions hold. The semantics and calculus are formalised in Isabelle/HOL and all proofs are mechanised
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