11 research outputs found

    Exploring semantic relationships in the web of data

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    Knowledge Extraction for Hybrid Question Answering

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    Since the proposal of hypertext by Tim Berners-Lee to his employer CERN on March 12, 1989 the World Wide Web has grown to more than one billion Web pages and still grows. With the later proposed Semantic Web vision,Berners-Lee et al. suggested an extension of the existing (Document) Web to allow better reuse, sharing and understanding of data. Both the Document Web and the Web of Data (which is the current implementation of the Semantic Web) grow continuously. This is a mixed blessing, as the two forms of the Web grow concurrently and most commonly contain different pieces of information. Modern information systems must thus bridge a Semantic Gap to allow a holistic and unified access to information about a particular information independent of the representation of the data. One way to bridge the gap between the two forms of the Web is the extraction of structured data, i.e., RDF, from the growing amount of unstructured and semi-structured information (e.g., tables and XML) on the Document Web. Note, that unstructured data stands for any type of textual information like news, blogs or tweets. While extracting structured data from unstructured data allows the development of powerful information system, it requires high-quality and scalable knowledge extraction frameworks to lead to useful results. The dire need for such approaches has led to the development of a multitude of annotation frameworks and tools. However, most of these approaches are not evaluated on the same datasets or using the same measures. The resulting Evaluation Gap needs to be tackled by a concise evaluation framework to foster fine-grained and uniform evaluations of annotation tools and frameworks over any knowledge bases. Moreover, with the constant growth of data and the ongoing decentralization of knowledge, intuitive ways for non-experts to access the generated data are required. Humans adapted their search behavior to current Web data by access paradigms such as keyword search so as to retrieve high-quality results. Hence, most Web users only expect Web documents in return. However, humans think and most commonly express their information needs in their natural language rather than using keyword phrases. Answering complex information needs often requires the combination of knowledge from various, differently structured data sources. Thus, we observe an Information Gap between natural-language questions and current keyword-based search paradigms, which in addition do not make use of the available structured and unstructured data sources. Question Answering (QA) systems provide an easy and efficient way to bridge this gap by allowing to query data via natural language, thus reducing (1) a possible loss of precision and (2) potential loss of time while reformulating the search intention to transform it into a machine-readable way. Furthermore, QA systems enable answering natural language queries with concise results instead of links to verbose Web documents. Additionally, they allow as well as encourage the access to and the combination of knowledge from heterogeneous knowledge bases (KBs) within one answer. Consequently, three main research gaps are considered and addressed in this work: First, addressing the Semantic Gap between the unstructured Document Web and the Semantic Gap requires the development of scalable and accurate approaches for the extraction of structured data in RDF. This research challenge is addressed by several approaches within this thesis. This thesis presents CETUS, an approach for recognizing entity types to populate RDF KBs. Furthermore, our knowledge base-agnostic disambiguation framework AGDISTIS can efficiently detect the correct URIs for a given set of named entities. Additionally, we introduce REX, a Web-scale framework for RDF extraction from semi-structured (i.e., templated) websites which makes use of the semantics of the reference knowledge based to check the extracted data. The ongoing research on closing the Semantic Gap has already yielded a large number of annotation tools and frameworks. However, these approaches are currently still hard to compare since the published evaluation results are calculated on diverse datasets and evaluated based on different measures. On the other hand, the issue of comparability of results is not to be regarded as being intrinsic to the annotation task. Indeed, it is now well established that scientists spend between 60% and 80% of their time preparing data for experiments. Data preparation being such a tedious problem in the annotation domain is mostly due to the different formats of the gold standards as well as the different data representations across reference datasets. We tackle the resulting Evaluation Gap in two ways: First, we introduce a collection of three novel datasets, dubbed N3, to leverage the possibility of optimizing NER and NED algorithms via Linked Data and to ensure a maximal interoperability to overcome the need for corpus-specific parsers. Second, we present GERBIL, an evaluation framework for semantic entity annotation. The rationale behind our framework is to provide developers, end users and researchers with easy-to-use interfaces that allow for the agile, fine-grained and uniform evaluation of annotation tools and frameworks on multiple datasets. The decentral architecture behind the Web has led to pieces of information being distributed across data sources with varying structure. Moreover, the increasing the demand for natural-language interfaces as depicted by current mobile applications requires systems to deeply understand the underlying user information need. In conclusion, the natural language interface for asking questions requires a hybrid approach to data usage, i.e., simultaneously performing a search on full-texts and semantic knowledge bases. To close the Information Gap, this thesis presents HAWK, a novel entity search approach developed for hybrid QA based on combining structured RDF and unstructured full-text data sources

    Joint Discourse-aware Concept Disambiguation and Clustering

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    This thesis addresses the tasks of concept disambiguation and clustering. Concept disambiguation is the task of linking common nouns and proper names in a text – henceforth called mentions – to their corresponding concepts in a predefined inventory. Concept clustering is the task of clustering mentions, so that all mentions in one cluster denote the same concept. In this thesis, we investigate concept disambiguation and clustering from a discourse perspective and propose a discourse-aware approach for joint concept disambiguation and clustering in the framework of Markov logic. The contributions of this thesis are fourfold: Joint Concept Disambiguation and Clustering. In previous approaches, concept disambiguation and concept clustering have been considered as two separate tasks (Schütze, 1998; Ji & Grishman, 2011). We analyze the relationship between concept disambiguation and concept clustering and argue that these two tasks can mutually support each other. We propose the – to our knowledge – first joint approach for concept disambiguation and clustering. Discourse-Aware Concept Disambiguation. One of the determining factors for concept disambiguation and clustering is the context definition. Most previous approaches use the same context definition for all mentions (Milne & Witten, 2008b; Kulkarni et al., 2009; Ratinov et al., 2011, inter alia). We approach the question which context is relevant to disambiguate a mention from a discourse perspective and state that different mentions require different notions of contexts. We state that the context that is relevant to disambiguate a mention depends on its embedding into discourse. However, how a mention is embedded into discourse depends on its denoted concept. Hence, the identification of the denoted concept and the relevant concept mutually depend on each other. We propose a binwise approach with three different context definitions and model the selection of the context definition and the disambiguation jointly. Modeling Interdependencies with Markov Logic. To model the interdependencies between concept disambiguation and concept clustering as well as the interdependencies between the context definition and the disambiguation, we use Markov logic (Domingos & Lowd, 2009). Markov logic combines first order logic with probabilities and allows us to concisely formalize these interdependencies. We investigate how we can balance between linguistic appropriateness and time efficiency and propose a hybrid approach that combines joint inference with aggregation techniques. Concept Disambiguation and Clustering beyond English: Multi- and Cross-linguality. Given the vast amount of texts written in different languages, the capability to extend an approach to cope with other languages than English is essential. We thus analyze how our approach copes with other languages than English and show that our approach largely scales across languages, even without retraining. Our approach is evaluated on multiple data sets originating from different sources (e.g. news, web) and across multiple languages. As an inventory, we use Wikipedia. We compare our approach to other approaches and show that it achieves state-of-the-art results. Furthermore, we show that joint concept disambiguating and clustering as well as joint context selection and disambiguation leads to significant improvements ceteris paribus

    Event identification in social media using classification-clustering framework

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    In recent years, there has been increased interest in real-world event detection using publicly accessible data made available through Internet technology such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. In these highly interactive systems the general public are able to post real-time reactions to “real world" events - thereby acting as social sensors of terrestrial activity. Automatically detecting and categorizing events, particularly smallscale incidents, using streamed data is a non-trivial task, due to the heterogeneity, the scalability and the varied quality of the data as well as the presence of noise and irrelevant information. However, it would be of high value to public safety organisations such as local police, who need to respond accordingly. To address these challenges we present an end-to-end integrated event detection framework which comprises five main components: data collection, pre-processing, classification, online clustering and summarization. The integration between classification and clustering enables events to be detected, especially “disruptive events" - incidents that threaten social safety and security, or that could disrupt social order. We present an evaluation of the effectiveness of detecting events using a variety of features derived from Twitter posts, namely: temporal, spatial and textual content. We evaluate our framework on large-scale, realworld datasets from Twitter and Flickr. Furthermore, we apply our event detection system to a large corpus of tweets posted during the August 2011 riots in England. We show that our system can perform as well as terrestrial sources, such as police reports, traditional surveillance, and emergency calls, even better than local police intelligence in most cases. The framework developed in this thesis provides a scalable, online solution, to handle the high volume of social media documents in different languages including English, Arabic, Eastern languages such as Chinese, and many Latin languages. Moreover, event detection is a concept that is crucial to the assurance of public safety surrounding real-world events. Decision makers use information from a range of terrestrial and online sources to help inform decisions that enable them to develop policies and react appropriately to events as they unfold. Due to the heterogeneity and scale of the data and the fact that some messages are more salient than others for the purposes of understanding any risk to human safety and managing any disruption caused by events, automatic summarization of event-related microblogs is a non-trivial and important problem. In this thesis we tackle the task of automatic summarization of Twitter posts, and present three methods that produce summaries by selecting the most representative posts from real-world tweet-event clusters. To evaluate our approaches, we compare them to the state-of-the-art summarization systems and human generated summaries. Our results show that our proposed methods outperform all the other summarization systems for English and non-English corpora

    Aspects of Coherence for Entity Analysis

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    Natural language understanding is an important topic in natural language proces- sing. Given a text, a computer program should, at the very least, be able to under- stand what the text is about, and ideally also situate it in its extra-textual context and understand what purpose it serves. What exactly it means to understand what a text is about is an open question, but it is generally accepted that, at a minimum, un- derstanding involves being able to answer questions like “Who did what to whom? Where? When? How? And Why?”. Entity analysis, the computational analysis of entities mentioned in a text, aims to support answering the questions “Who?” and “Whom?” by identifying entities mentioned in a text. If the answers to “Where?” and “When?” are specific, named locations and events, entity analysis can also pro- vide these answers. Entity analysis aims to answer these questions by performing entity linking, that is, linking mentions of entities to their corresponding entry in a knowledge base, coreference resolution, that is, identifying all mentions in a text that refer to the same entity, and entity typing, that is, assigning a label such as Person to mentions of entities. In this thesis, we study how different aspects of coherence can be exploited to improve entity analysis. Our main contribution is a method that allows exploiting knowledge-rich, specific aspects of coherence, namely geographic, temporal, and entity type coherence. Geographic coherence expresses the intuition that entities mentioned in a text tend to be geographically close. Similarly, temporal coherence captures the intuition that entities mentioned in a text tend to be close in the tem- poral dimension. Entity type coherence is based in the observation that in a text about a certain topic, such as sports, the entities mentioned in it tend to have the same or related entity types, such as sports team or athlete. We show how to integrate features modeling these aspects of coherence into entity linking systems and esta- blish their utility in extensive experiments covering different datasets and systems. Since entity linking often requires computationally expensive joint, global optimi- zation, we propose a simple, but effective rule-based approach that enjoys some of the benefits of joint, global approaches, while avoiding some of their drawbacks. To enable convenient error analysis for system developers, we introduce a tool for visual analysis of entity linking system output. Investigating another aspect of co- herence, namely the coherence between a predicate and its arguments, we devise a distributed model of selectional preferences and assess its impact on a neural core- ference resolution system. Our final contribution examines how multilingual entity typing can be improved by incorporating subword information. We train and make publicly available subword embeddings in 275 languages and show their utility in a multilingual entity typing tas

    Real-time Content Identification for Events and Sub-Events from Microblogs.

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    PhDIn an age when people are predisposed to report real-world events through their social media accounts, many researchers value the advantages of mining such unstructured and informal data from social media. Compared with the traditional news media, online social media services, such as Twitter, can provide more comprehensive and timely information about real-world events. Existing Twitter event monitoring systems analyse partial event data and are unable to report the underlying stories or sub-events in realtime. To ll this gap, this research focuses on the automatic identi cation of content for events and sub-events through the analysis of Twitter streams in real-time. To full the need of real-time content identification for events and sub-events, this research First proposes a novel adaptive crawling model that retrieves extra event content from the Twitter Streaming API. The proposed model analyses the characteristics of hashtags and tweets collected from live Twitter streams to automate the expansion of subsequent queries. By investigating the characteristics of Twitter hashtags, this research then proposes three Keyword Adaptation Algorithms (KwAAs) which are based on the term frequency (TF-KwAA), the tra c pattern (TP-KwAA), and the text content of associated tweets (CS-KwAA) of the emerging hashtags. Based on the comparison between traditional keyword crawling and adaptive crawling with di erent KwAAs, this thesis demonstrates that the KwAAs retrieve extra event content about sub-events in real-time for both planned and unplanned events. To examine the usefulness of extra event content for the event monitoring system, a Twitter event monitoring solution is proposed. This \Detection of Sub-events by Twit- ter Real-time Monitoring (DSTReaM)" framework concurrently runs multiple instances of a statistical-based event detection algorithm over different stream components. By evaluating the detection performance using detection accuracy and event entropy, this research demonstrates that better event detection can be achieved with a broader coverage of event content.School of Electronic Engineering Computer Science (EECS), Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) China Scholarship Council (CSC)

    Decision-Making with Multi-Step Expert Advice on the Web

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    This thesis deals with solving multi-step tasks by using advice from experts, which are algorithms to solve individual steps of such tasks. We contribute with methods for maximizing the number of correct task solutions by selecting and combining experts for individual task instances and methods for automating the process of solving tasks on the Web, where experts are available as Web services. Multi-step tasks frequently occur in Natural Language Processing (NLP) or Computer Vision, and as research progresses an increasing amount of exchangeable experts for the same steps are available on the Web. Service provider platforms such as Algorithmia monetize expert access by making expert services available via their platform and having customers pay for single executions. Such experts can be used to solve diverse tasks, which often consist of multiple steps and thus require pipelines of experts to generate hypotheses. We perceive two distinct problems for solving multi-step tasks with expert services: (1) Given that the task is sufficiently complex, no single pipeline generates correct solutions for all possible task instances. One thus must learn how to construct individual expert pipelines for individual task instances in order to maximize the number of correct solutions, while also taking into account the costs adhered to executing an expert. (2) To automatically solve multi-step tasks with expert services, we need to discover, execute and compose expert pipelines. With mostly textual descriptions of complex functionalities and input parameters, Web automation entails to integrate available expert services and data, interpreting user-specified task goals or efficiently finding correct service configurations. In this thesis, we present solutions to both problems: (1) We enable to learn well-performing expert pipelines assuming available reference data sets (comprising a number of task instances and solutions), where we distinguish between centralized and decentralized decision-making. We formalize the problem as specialization of a Markov Decision Process (MDP), which we refer to as Expert Process (EP) and integrate techniques from Statistical Relational Learning (SRL) or Multiagent coordination. (2) We develop a framework for automatically discovering, executing and composing expert pipelines by exploiting methods developed for the Semantic Web. We lift the representations of experts with structured vocabularies modeled with the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and extend EPs to Semantic Expert Processes (SEPs) to enable the data-driven execution of experts in Web-based architectures. We evaluate our methods in different domains, namely Medical Assistance with tasks in Image Processing and Surgical Phase Recognition, and NLP for textual data on the Web, where we deal with the task of Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation (NERD)

    Knowledge extraction from unstructured data

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    Data availability is becoming more essential, considering the current growth of web-based data. The data available on the web are represented as unstructured, semi-structured, or structured data. In order to make the web-based data available for several Natural Language Processing or Data Mining tasks, the data needs to be presented as machine-readable data in a structured format. Thus, techniques for addressing the problem of capturing knowledge from unstructured data sources are needed. Knowledge extraction methods are used by the research communities to address this problem; methods that are able to capture knowledge in a natural language text and map the extracted knowledge to existing knowledge presented in knowledge graphs (KGs). These knowledge extraction methods include Named-entity recognition, Named-entity Disambiguation, Relation Recognition, and Relation Linking. This thesis addresses the problem of extracting knowledge over unstructured data and discovering patterns in the extracted knowledge. We devise a rule-based approach for entity and relation recognition and linking. The defined approach effectively maps entities and relations within a text to their resources in a target KG. Additionally, it overcomes the challenges of recognizing and linking entities and relations to a specific KG by employing devised catalogs of linguistic and domain-specific rules that state the criteria to recognize entities in a sentence of a particular language, and a deductive database that encodes knowledge in community-maintained KGs. Moreover, we define a Neuro-symbolic approach for the tasks of knowledge extraction in encyclopedic and domain-specific domains; it combines symbolic and sub-symbolic components to overcome the challenges of entity recognition and linking and the limitation of the availability of training data while maintaining the accuracy of recognizing and linking entities. Additionally, we present a context-aware framework for unveiling semantically related posts in a corpus; it is a knowledge-driven framework that retrieves associated posts effectively. We cast the problem of unveiling semantically related posts in a corpus into the Vertex Coloring Problem. We evaluate the performance of our techniques on several benchmarks related to various domains for knowledge extraction tasks. Furthermore, we apply these methods in real-world scenarios from national and international projects. The outcomes show that our techniques are able to effectively extract knowledge encoded in unstructured data and discover patterns over the extracted knowledge presented as machine-readable data. More importantly, the evaluation results provide evidence to the effectiveness of combining the reasoning capacity of the symbolic frameworks with the power of pattern recognition and classification of sub-symbolic models

    The Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2014 University of Brighton

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