49 research outputs found

    Background Subtraction Based on Color and Depth Using Active Sensors

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    Depth information has been used in computer vision for a wide variety of tasks. Since active range sensors are currently available at low cost, high-quality depth maps can be used as relevant input for many applications. Background subtraction and video segmentation algorithms can be improved by fusing depth and color inputs, which are complementary and allow one to solve many classic color segmentation issues. In this paper, we describe one fusion method to combine color and depth based on an advanced color-based algorithm. This technique has been evaluated by means of a complete dataset recorded with Microsoft Kinect, which enables comparison with the original method. The proposed method outperforms the others in almost every test, showing more robustness to illumination changes, shadows, reflections and camouflage.This work was supported by the projects of excellence from Junta de Andalucia MULTIVISION (TIC-3873), ITREBA (TIC-5060) and VITVIR (P11-TIC-8120), the national project, ARC-VISION (TEC2010-15396), and the EU Project, TOMSY (FP7-270436)

    Information Maximization Clustering via Multi-View Self-Labelling

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    Image clustering is a particularly challenging computer vision task, which aims to generate annotations without human supervision. Recent advances focus on the use of self-supervised learning strategies in image clustering, by first learning valuable semantics and then clustering the image representations. These multiple-phase algorithms, however, increase the computational time and their final performance is reliant on the first stage. By extending the self-supervised approach, we propose a novel single-phase clustering method that simultaneously learns meaningful representations and assigns the corresponding annotations. This is achieved by integrating a discrete representation into the self-supervised paradigm through a classifier net. Specifically, the proposed clustering objective employs mutual information, and maximizes the dependency between the integrated discrete representation and a discrete probability distribution. The discrete probability distribution is derived though the self-supervised process by comparing the learnt latent representation with a set of trainable prototypes. To enhance the learning performance of the classifier, we jointly apply the mutual information across multi-crop views. Our empirical results show that the proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art techniques with the average accuracy of 89.1% and 49.0%, respectively, on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100/20 datasets. Finally, the proposed method also demonstrates attractive robustness to parameter settings, making it ready to be applicable to other datasets

    3D Object Reconstruction from Imperfect Depth Data Using Extended YOLOv3 Network

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    State-of-the-art intelligent versatile applications provoke the usage of full 3D, depth-based streams, especially in the scenarios of intelligent remote control and communications, where virtual and augmented reality will soon become outdated and are forecasted to be replaced by point cloud streams providing explorable 3D environments of communication and industrial data. One of the most novel approaches employed in modern object reconstruction methods is to use a priori knowledge of the objects that are being reconstructed. Our approach is different as we strive to reconstruct a 3D object within much more difficult scenarios of limited data availability. Data stream is often limited by insufficient depth camera coverage and, as a result, the objects are occluded and data is lost. Our proposed hybrid artificial neural network modifications have improved the reconstruction results by 8.53 which allows us for much more precise filling of occluded object sides and reduction of noise during the process. Furthermore, the addition of object segmentation masks and the individual object instance classification is a leap forward towards a general-purpose scene reconstruction as opposed to a single object reconstruction task due to the ability to mask out overlapping object instances and using only masked object area in the reconstruction process