65 research outputs found

    Automated Productivity Models for Earthmoving Operations

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    Earthmoving operations have significant importance, particularly for civil infrastructure projects. The performance of these operations should be monitored regularly to support timely recognition of undesirable productivity variances. Although productivity assessment occupies high importance in earthmoving operations, it does not provide sufficient information to assist project managers in taking the necessary actions in a timely manner. Assessment only is not capable of identifying problems encountered in these operations and their causes. Many studies recognized conditions and related factors that influence productivity of earthmoving operations. These conditions are mainly project-specific and vary from one project to another. Most of reported work in the literature focused on assessment rather than analysis of productivity. This study presents three integrated models that automate productivity measurement and analysis processes with capabilities to detect different adverse conditions that influence the productivity of earthmoving operations. The models exploit innovations in wireless and remote sensing technologies to provide project managers, contractors, and decision makers with a near-real-time automated productivity measurement and analysis. The developed models account for various uncertainties associated with earthmoving projects. The first model introduces a fuzzy-based standardization for customizing the configuration of onsite data acquisition systems for earthmoving operations. While the second model consists of two interrelated modules. The first is a customized automated data acquisition module, where a variety of sensors, smart boards, and microcontrollers are used to automate the data acquisition process. This module encompasses onsite fixed unit and a set of portable units attached to each truck used in the earthmoving fleet. The fixed unit is a communication gateway (Meshlium®), which has integrated MySQL database with data processing capabilities. Each mobile unit consists of a microcontroller equipped with a smart board that hosts a GPS module as well as a number of sensors such as accelerometer, temperature and humidity sensors, load cell and automated weather station. The second is a productivity measurement and analysis module, which processes and analyzes the data collected automatically in the first module. It automates the analysis process using data mining and machine learning techniques; providing a near-real-time web-based visualized representation of measurement and analysis outcomes. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was used to model productivity losses due to the existence of different influencing conditions. Laboratory and field work was conducted in the development and validation processes of the developed models. The work encompassed field and scaled laboratory experiments. The laboratory experiments were conducted in an open to sky terrace to allow for a reliable access to GPS satellites. Also, to make a direct connection between the data communication gateway (Meshlium®), initially installed on a PC computer to observe the received data latency. The laboratory experiments unitized 1:24 scaled loader and dumping truck to simulate loading, hauling and dumping operations. The truck was instrumented with the microcontroller equipped with an accelerometer, GPS module, load cell, and soil water content sensor. Thirty simulated earthmoving cycles were conducted using the scaled equipment. The collected data was recorded in a micro secure digital (SD) card in a comma separated value (CSV) format. The field work was carried out in the city of Saint-Laurent, Montreal, Quebec, Canada using a passenger vehicle to mimic the hauling truck operational modes. Fifteen Field simulated earthmoving cycles were performed. In this work two roads with different surface conditions, but of equal length (1150 m) represented the haul and return roads. These two roads were selected to validate the developed road condition analysis algorithm and to study the model’s capability in determining the consequences of adverse road conditions on the haul and return durations and thus on the tuck and fleet productivity. The data collected from the lab experiments and field work was used as input for the developed model. The developed model has shown perfect recognition of the state of truck throughout the fifteen field simulated earthmoving cycles. The developed road condition analysis algorithm has demonstrated an accuracy of 83.3% and 82.6% in recognizing road bumps and potholes, respectively. Also, the results indicated tiny variances in measuring the durations compared with actual durations using time laps displayed on a smart cell telephone; with an average invalidity percentage AIP% of 1.89 % and 1.33% for the joint hauling and return duration and total cycle duration, respectively

    Gathering Momentum: Evaluation of a Mobile Learning Initiative

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    AIUCD2016 - Book of Abstracts

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    Questo volume raccoglie gli abstract dei contributi accolti al convegno AIUCD 2016, dal titolo "Edizioni digitali: rappresentazione, interoperabilità, analisi del testo e infrastrutture" (Digital editions: representation, interoperability, text analysis and infrastructures). Si tratta del quinto convegno dell'Associazione di Informatica Umanistica e Cultura Digitale (AIUCD), tenutosi a Venezia dal 7 al 9 Settembre 2016, che è stato infatti dedicato alla rappresentazione e allo studio del testo sotto vari punti di vista (risorse, analisi, infrastrutture di pubblicazione), con lo scopo di far dialogare intorno al testo filologi, storici, umanisti digitali, linguisti computazionali, logici, informatici e ingegneri informatici. Il presente volume raccoglie dunque gli abstract dei soli interventi accettati al convegno, che hanno ottenuto il parere favorevole da parte di valutatori esperti della materia, attraverso un processo di revisione anonima sotto la responsabilità del Comitato Scientifico di AIUCD 2016

    AIUCD2016 - Book of Abstracts

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    Questo volume raccoglie gli abstract dei contributi accolti al convegno AIUCD 2016, dal titolo "Edizioni digitali: rappresentazione, interoperabilità, analisi del testo e infrastrutture" (Digital editions: representation, interoperability, text analysis and infrastructures). Si tratta del quinto convegno dell'Associazione di Informatica Umanistica e Cultura Digitale (AIUCD), tenutosi a Venezia dal 7 al 9 Settembre 2016, che è stato infatti dedicato alla rappresentazione e allo studio del testo sotto vari punti di vista (risorse, analisi, infrastrutture di pubblicazione), con lo scopo di far dialogare intorno al testo filologi, storici, umanisti digitali, linguisti computazionali, logici, informatici e ingegneri informatici. Il presente volume raccoglie dunque gli abstract dei soli interventi accettati al convegno, che hanno ottenuto il parere favorevole da parte di valutatori esperti della materia, attraverso un processo di revisione anonima sotto la responsabilità del Comitato Scientifico di AIUCD 2016

    Planning and Integrated Design of Urban Heat-Sharing Networks

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    Résumé Ces dernières années, les villes ont dû renforcer leurs obligations en matière de réduction de leur impact sur l’environnement. Heureusement, les villes relèvent ce défi et sont déterminées à trouver des solutions. La consommation d’énergie des bâtiments est l’un des principaux obstacles au développement durable. Les villes sont construites pour fournir des espaces confortables et habitables à leurs habitants, ainsi que pour assurer un environnement résistant aux événements météorologiques et climatiques. Cependant, fournir ce confort nécessite de grandes quantités d’énergie, ce qui participe aux changements climatiques. Les besoins en énergie des bâtiments étant en grande partie le résultat de décisions en matière de conception, les constructeurs des villes de demain ont un contrôle sur les différentes solutions proposées dans le domaine de l’environnement bâti. Des solutions technologiques existent, mais la bonne solution doit être mise en œuvre dans le bon contexte. Cette thèse porte sur une solution technique clé : l’utilisation de réseaux urbains d’énergie pour répartir — ou partager — la chaleur entre les bâtiments et équilibrer les charges de chauffage et de refroidissement restantes avec des sources de chaleur ou des puits hautement efficaces et à faible émission de carbone. Cette thèse est également motivée par les relations interdisciplinaires complexes entre les concepteurs participant à l’urbanisme, à l’architecture et à l’ingénierie de l’environnement bâti. Elle plaide en faveur d’un processus de conception intégrée piloté par les données et propose des méthodologies et des outils pour informer et activer ce processus de conception. Un indicateur de performance, l’indice de diversité thermique, est proposée pour localiser et évaluer la compatibilité thermique entre des bâtiments présentant différents niveaux de filtrage spatio-temporel. La thèse apporte ensuite des contributions aux différentes étapes nécessaires à la conception et à l’évaluation de réseaux de partage de chaleur, faisant souvent partie de la 5e génération de systèmes de chauffage et de refroidissement urbains : évaluer la demande thermique des bâtiments à l’échelle de la ville en optimisant la topologie des réseaux urbains d’énergie et l’intégration de sources d’énergie efficaces et à faibles émissions de carbone. Les archétypes, ou représentations typiques des bâtiments sont les fondements de nombreux outils de modélisation énergétique des bâtiments urbains (UBEM). Une méthodologie est proposée pour générer automatiquement des modèles d’archétype adaptés aux méthodes de modélisation contextuelles telles que celle implémentée dans UMI, l’un des principaux outils UBEM. La thèse aborde ensuite la complexité de la combinaison de sources de données partiellement complètes et parfois contradictoires pour obtenir une carte dynamique de la demande de chaleur pour une ville telle que Montréal. La méthodologie proposée comprend l’utilisation d’empreintes de bâtiment virtuelles basées sur des données ALS (Airborne Laser Scanning) (également appelées données LiDAR) pour estimer les empreintes au sol et les hauteurs de bâtiment. Elle est appliquée pour obtenir une carte dynamique de la demande de chaleur de bâtiments résidentiels, commerciaux et institutionnels pour l’ensemble de la ville de Montréal. Pour compléter le processus de conception des réseaux de partage de chaleur, cette thèse propose une méthodologie qui étend la capacité des algorithmes d’optimisation de la littérature utilisés pour les réseaux de chauffage et de refroidissement urbains : elle permet des flux de puissance bidirectionnels inhérents au partage de chaleur et optimise la compétitivité à long terme de l’approvisionnement en chaleur en équilibrant les coûts totaux d’exploitation et les coûts totaux d’investissement des différentes unités d’alimentation en chaleur. L’algorithme proposé, avec les autres contributions de la thèse, ouvre la porte à un cadre d’optimisation visant à peser l’impact des choix de conception inhérents à la sélection de la densité de construction, de la forme du bâtiment et de ses performances. Cette thèse affirme que l’intégration de cette optimisation des réseaux de partage de chaleur dans la phase de planification peut avoir une incidence nouvelle et imprévue sur la performance environnementale des futurs quartiers. Conformément à cet objectif à long terme, les contributions méthodologiques ont été mises en œuvre dans des outils contribuant à l’expansion rapide du corpus de logiciels en code ouvert. Avec les contributions à la littérature et aux pratiques de planification des réseaux urbains d’énergie, ces outils offrent une solution à la planification et à la conception intégrée de réseaux de partage de chaleur en milieu urbain. ---------- Abstract In recent years, cities have had to step up their obligations to reducing their impact on the environment. Fortunately, cities are rising to this challenge and are determined to find solutions. One piece of the larger sustainability problem is the energy use of buildings. Cities are built to provide comfortable and livable spaces to their inhabitants as well as ensure a resilient environment towards meteorological and climatic events. However, providing this comfort requires large amounts of energy, which exacerbates climate change. Since the energy requirements of buildings are in large part the result of design decisions, the builders of cities have an innate control over the various solutions in the built environment problem space. Technological solutions exist, but the right solution must be implemented in the right context. This thesis focuses on one key technical solution: the use of district energy systems to distribute—or share—heat between buildings and balance the remaining heating and cooling loads with highly efficient, low-carbon heat sources or sinks. This thesis is also motivated by the complex interdisciplinary relationships between designers participating in the urban planning, the architecture and the engineering of the built environment. It makes the case for a data-driven Integrated Design process and proposes methodologies and tools to inform and enable this design process. An urban planning metric, the thermal diversity index, is proposed to locate and assess the thermal compatibility between buildings with various levels of spatial and temporal filtering. The thesis then makes contributions to the different steps required in designing and assessing heat-sharing networks, often part of the 5th generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC): assessing the thermal demand of buildings at the city scale, optimizing the topology of district systems, and integrating efficient and low-carbon energy sources within an overall optimization process. Archetypes, or typical representations of buildings, are the foundation stones of many Urban Building Energy Modelling (UBEM) tools. A methodology is proposed to automatically generate archetype templates adapted to context-aware modelling methods such as the one implemented in UMI, one of the prominent UBEM tools. The thesis then addresses the complexity of combining partially complete and sometimes contradictory data sources to obtain a dynamic heat demand map for a city such as Montréal,Canada. The proposed methodology includes the use of virtual building footprints based on Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data (also known as LiDAR data) to estimate building footprint areas and building heights. It is applied to obtain a dynamic heat demand map of residential, commercial and institutional buildings for the whole city of Montréal. To complete the design process of heat-sharing networks, this dissertation proposes a methodology that expands the capability of state-of-the-art optimization algorithms used for district heating and cooling networks: it allows bidirectional power flows that are inherent to heat-sharing networks and optimizes the long-term competitiveness of heat supply by balancing the total operating costs and the total investment costs of different heat supply units. The proposed algorithm, with the other contributions of the thesis, opens the door to an optimization framework aiming to weigh in the impact of design choices inherent to the selection of built density, building form and building systems performance. This thesis proclaims that bringing this optimization of heat-sharing networks inside the planning phase can impact the environmental performance of future districts in new and unforeseen ways. In line with this long-term goal, the methodological contributions were implemented in tools contributing to the rapidly expanding body of open source software. Together with the contributions to the literature and the district energy planning practice, these tools offer one solution to the planning and integrated design of urban heat-sharing networks

    Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation

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    Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT

    Aplicación del modelo Topic Maps a la documentación educativa en los Centros de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación (CRAI)

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    Las bibliotecas educativas, en general, y las universitarias, en particular, tienen como función principal servir de apoyo a la razón de ser de las instituciones en las que se inscriben: la enseñanza. Dicha función educativa está adquiriendo un papel preeminente en una Sociedad de la Información que hace necesario que sus ciudadanos sean competentes en el medio digital, nuevo espacio soporte de la información, y protagonistas de su aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida, y por la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior, en particular, con la adopción de un nuevo modelo educativo que se sustenta en la adquisición de competencias, en el concepto de "aprender a aprender" y donde el elemento activo y central del aprendizaje es el alumno. El nuevo espacio digital tiene características distintivas propias e impone nuevas formas de lectura lo que plantea la necesidad de una revisión de las herramientas asociativas de utilidad documental para su adaptación a la organización de los recursos educativos electrónicos a este medio. En este marco, se propone la idoneidad de la norma ISO/IEC 13250:2000 Topic Maps como modelo para la consecución de este fin. Adoptando una metodología de investigación cualitativa, descriptiva en esencia, como base para la comparación y posterior interpretación y puesta en relación de los resultados obtenidos, se realiza el análisis de modelos asociativos provenientes de diversas áreas (tesauros, mapas conceptuales y ontologías) enfrentándolos a su adaptación al modelo Topic maps. Se estudia el modelo Topic maps en profundidad: su desarrollo histórico y estado actual, sus componentes y desarrollos relacionados así como su relación con los conceptos documentales clásicos; se analizan los proyectos realizados, con especial atención a los documentales y educativos y finalmente se hace una recopilación de las herramientas disponibles y un análisis de aquellas que puedan ser de utilidad como usuarios finales para la organización de recursos educativos en los Centros de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación (CRAI), aspecto de aplicación no estudiado con anterioridad. Se concluye que la utilización del modelo Topic Maps, con una estructura conceptual semejante a los tesauros y pudiendo ser usados como mapas conceptuales, de demostrada eficacia educativa, por ser en sí mismo grafos, lleva aparejadas algunas otras ventajas como la interoperabilidad y la independencia de los recursos que organiza. Así, aporta un valor añadido poco explotado, por las funcionalidades que auna, en relación con otros posibles modelos en la organización de los recursos educativos en lo referente a: sus posibilidades de identificación de materias por los humanos vía PSI; su funcionalidad de unión (y "desunión", uso de fragmentos) de mapas, única frente a otras herramientas; la incorporación del concepto "scope" que permite su uso facetado y su independencia de los recursos que organiza, lo que permite su manejo y compartición de forma separada. Una propuesta de modelo de aplicación práctica final gratuito, interoperable y escalable para el entorno del CRAI que permita la utilización integrada de los recursos de éste, movilizándolos alrededor de la materia de la que tratan, y mostrando sus conexiones conceptuales cierra el trabajo. Queda en parte en el plano teórico por la falta de herramientas integrables con facilidad en web pero no deja de ser posible ya, con los conocimientos técnicos necesarios, y a corto/medio plazo desarrollando pequeñas piezas necesarias.As bibliotecas educativas, em geral, e as universitárias, em particular, têm como função principal servir de apoio a razão de ser das instituições as quais estão vinculadas: o ensino. Esta função educativa está adquirindo um papel preeminente numa Sociedade da Informação em que seus cidadãos necessitam ser hábiles no meio digital, novo espaço suporte da información, ademais de protagonistas de seu aprendizado ao longo da vida e, pela implantação do Espaço Europeu de Ensino Superior, em particular, com a adoção de um novo modelo educativo que se sustenta no aquisição de competências, no conceito de "aprender a aprender" e onde o elemento ativo e central da aprendizagem é o aluno. O novo espaço digital possui características distintivas próprias e impõe novas formas de leitura, o que planteia a necessidade de uma revisão das ferramentas associativas de utilidade documental para sua adaptação à organização dos recursos educativos electrônicos a esse medio. Neste contexto, propõe-se a idoneidade da norma ISO/IEC 13250:2000 Topic Maps como modelo para a consecução desse fim. Adotando uma metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva em essência, como base para a comparação e posterior interpretação e estabelecimento das relações dos resultados obtidos, faz-se a análise de modelos associativos provenientes de diversas áreas (tesauros, mapas conceituais e ontologias) confrontando sua adaptação ao modelo Topic maps. Estuda-se o modelo Topic maps em profundidade: sua evolução histórica e estado atual, seus componentes e desenvolvimentos relacionados assimn como sua relação com os conceitos documentais clássicos; analizam-se os projetos realizados, com especial atenção aos documentais e educativos e, finalmente, faz-se uma recopilação das ferramentas disponíveis e uma análise daquelas que podem ser de utilidade como usuários finais para a organização de recursos educativos nos Centros de Recursos para a Aprendizagem e a Investigação (CRAI), aspecto de aplicação não estudado com anterioridade. Conclui-se que a utilização do modelo Topic Maps, com uma estrutura conceitual semelhante a dos tesauros e podendo ser usados como mapas conceituais, de demonstrada eficácia educativa, por ser em si mesmo grafos, traz consigo algumas outras vantagens como a interoperabilidade e a independência dos recursos que organiza. Assim, agrega um diferencial pouco explorado, pelas funcionalidades que combina, em relação a outros possíveis modelos na organização dos recursos educacionais no que diz respeito: as possibilidades de identificação de matérias pelos humanos via PSI; a funcionalidade de união (e "desunião", uso de fragmentos) de mapas, única frente a outras ferramentas; a incorporação do conceito "scope" que permite o uso facetado e a independência dos recursos que organiza, o que permite seu manejo e compartilhamento de forma separada. Uma proposta de modelo de aplicação prática final gratuita, interoperacional e escalonável em um ambiente CRAI que permita a utilização integrada dos recursos deste, mobilizando-os em relação a matéria de que tratan, e mostrando suas conexões concetuais encerra o trabalho. Fica, em parte, no plano teórico por falta de ferramentas integrais com facilidade na web, mas não deixa de ser possível já, com os conhecimentos técnicos necessários e desenvolvendo, a curto/médio prazo, pequenas peças necessárias.Educational libraries in general and those of universities in particular have as main function to support the raison d'être of institutions they belong: teaching. This educational function is taking a leading role in an Information Society that requires from its citizens to be competent in digital media, a new space of information support, and leadership in their own lifelong learning. The implementation of the European Higher Education Area that is adopting a new educational model based on the skills acquisition has brought the concept of "learning to learn" and is making the student to be the central and active element of learning. The new digital space has its own characteristics that imposes new ways of reading. That fact raises the need for a review of associative library tools to adapt the organization of electronic educational resources to this medium. In this context, we propose the suitability of ISO / IEC 13250:2000 Topic Maps as a model for achieving this goal. Using a qualitative research methodology, mainly descriptive, as a basis for comparison and for subsequent interpretation and relationship among the obtained results, we analyzed the associative models used in different areas (thesauri, concept maps and ontologies) and confront them with their adaptation to Topic maps model. We studied Topic maps model in depth, with its historical development and current status, its components and related developments and its relationship with classics library science concepts. We analyze the realized projects, with a focus on those of library and education. Finally, we have made a compilation of available tools and an analysis of those useful to end users for the organization of educational resources in Learning and Research Resources Centers (LRRC), an application not previously studied. We conclude that the use of Topic Maps model, with a conceptual framework similar to thesauri and that can be used as concept maps (with proven effectiveness in education) because they are graphs, add some other advantages to those, such as interoperability and independence of the organizing resources. It provides an untapped value-added for the functionality, in relation to other possible models in the organization of educational resources regarding to: identification of topics by humans via PSI, that combines its merge (and "split", fragments use) functionality, a unique feature compared to other tools, the incorporation of "scope" that allows to use facets and its independence of the resources to organize, allowing their management and sharing separately. A proposed final model ends the paper. It is a free, interoperable and scalable one for that environment, allowing the integrated use of library resources, around the subject, and showing their conceptual connections. It stands on a theoretical level by the lack of tools for easy web integration but it is still possible to have it, having the appropriate skills, and at short/medium term developing other small interconnecting pieces

    Design of a collaborative information and communication technology platform to support creativity in innovation activities - prototyping and user experience test

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    This research project reports the results of the thesis, “Design of a Collaborative Information and Communication Technology Platform to support Creativity in Innovation Activities -Prototyping and User Experience Test” and provides details of the procedure followed in realizing the thesis. The research was conducted between Fall 2010 and Winter 2013. The research problem was based on an analysis of three challenges observed in innovation activities, especially at the level of creative collaboration among R&D enterprises and creative teams of “Les 24 heures de l’innovation”. These challenges must be overcome before the knowledge production and ideas sharing process can be improved. Three types of challenges were identified: - Communication: The communication of knowledge for innovation, which must be transmitted to successfully resolve complex issues, in the proposal of new products or new services - Organizational: Development of knowledge management strategies for distributed idea sharing, which should be encouraged by the organization to create or support teams by means of a collaborative platform - Technology: Transmission of tacit, unstructured, and informal knowledge, especially using collaborative ICT and technologies Web 2.0 or Web 3.0 tools. This thesis investigates two dimensions of the research problem: the theoretical and the practical (technology issues). The theoretical dimension examines the environment for the exchange of ideas and knowledge, which supports creative collaboration in distributed conditions. The practical and technological dimensions involve a creative collaboration model which will take the form of a platform for creative teams. The aim of this thesis is to support the creative teams in the process of conceptualization of a new innovation-oriented product. Through this thesis, we seek to: - Determine the needs of creative teams during the conceptualization stage of a new product; - Propose a Knowledge Management System (knowledge and tools) that enables the support of tacit knowledge produced in distributed condition of team members; - Modeling a Platform that supports internal creative team’s needs and the external context for innovation; - Propose the assessment of the creative collaboration meaning the user experience testing and the realized task by creative teams on the ICT prototype. We carry out a review of the literature in Chapter 1, a study of collaboration among creative R&D teams in Canada in Chapter 2, and in Chapter 4, we perform a knowledge needs analysis of creative teams in “Les 24 heures de l’innovation”. These will enable us to achieve the first objective, the definition of the needs for supporting creative teams. Ultimately, we characterize the context of R&D activities in Canada, as well as interactions among creative R&D teams for innovation, with a theoretical study, by analyzing statistical data obtained from Statistics Canada. A detailed presentation of the problem statement and the methodology used for this thesis is provided in Chapter 3. The second objective is fulfilled by analyzing the idea production process and the current ICTs, for proposing a conceptual model based on the observation of creative teams participating in “Les 24 heures de l’innovation” November 2011. On the other hand, by proposing the new specifications that support collaboration, we select a methodology based on the law of ideality (TRIZ), in which we observe the evolution of technological state-of-the-art of current functionalities (Chapter 5) in contrast with the needs and useful operations of ICT. To realize the third objective, we model the collaborative platform, and its primary functionalities are presented using the UML 2, Unified Modeling Language, also we describe the prototype deployment at Chapter 6. The fourth objective is reached by an experimental evaluation of the platform that is presented in Chapter 7 and in Chapter 8. These chapters summarize the results obtained by the application of the following user experience test: validation of UML use-cases user’s acceptance, the task analysis of the main used functionalities, the creative performance Analysis of user (PAN) and the usability test. Finally, the other sections of this document are the conclusion, findings, proposals for further research, and recommendations. In the Appendix, we include the ethical plan presented to the École de technologie supérieure Ethical Review Board, as well as the results obtained from “Les 24 heures de l’innovation” of May 2012

    EXPRESS: Resource-oriented and RESTful Semantic Web services

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    This thesis investigates an approach that simplifies the development of Semantic Web services (SWS) by removing the need for additional semantic descriptions.The most actively researched approaches to Semantic Web services introduce explicit semantic descriptions of services that are in addition to the existing semantic descriptions of the service domains. This increases their complexity and design overhead. The need for semantically describing the services in such approaches stems from their foundations in service-oriented computing, i.e. the extension of already existing service descriptions. This thesis demonstrates that adopting a resource-oriented approach based on REST will, in contrast to service-oriented approaches, eliminate the need for explicit semantic service descriptions and service vocabularies. This reduces the development efforts while retaining the significant functional capabilities.The approach proposed in this thesis, called EXPRESS (Expressing RESTful Semantic Services), utilises the similarities between REST and the Semantic Web, such as resource realisation, self-describing representations, and uniform interfaces. The semantics of a service is elicited from a resource’s semantic description in the domain ontology and the semantics of the uniform interface, hence eliminating the need for additional semantic descriptions. Moreover, stub-generation is a by-product of the mapping between entities in the domain ontology and resources.EXPRESS was developed to test the feasibility of eliminating explicit service descriptions and service vocabularies or ontologies, to explore the restrictions placed on domain ontologies as a result, to investigate the impact on the semantic quality of the description, and explore the benefits and costs to developers. To achieve this, an online demonstrator that allows users to generate stubs has been developed. In addition, a matchmaking experiment was conducted to show that the descriptions of the services are comparable to OWL-S in terms of their ability to be discovered, while improving the efficiency of discovery. Finally, an expert review was undertaken which provided evidence of EXPRESS’s simplicity and practicality when developing SWS from scratch