22 research outputs found

    Program slicing by calculation

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    Program slicing is a well known family of techniques used to identify code fragments which depend on or are depended upon specific program entities. They are particularly useful in the areas of reverse engineering, program understanding, testing and software maintenance. Most slicing methods, usually oriented towards the imperatice or object paradigms, are based on some sort of graph structure representing program dependencies. Slicing techniques amount, therefore, to (sophisticated) graph transversal algorithms. This paper proposes a completely different approach to the slicing problem for functional programs. Instead of extracting program information to build an underlying dependencies' structure, we resort to standard program calculation strategies, based on the so-called Bird-Meertens formalism. The slicing criterion is specified either as a projection or a hiding function which, once composed with the original program, leads to the identification of the intended slice. Going through a number of examples, the paper suggests this approach may be an interesting, even if not completely general, alternative to slicing functional programsFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Improving WCET Evaluation using Linear Relation Analysis

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    International audienceThe precision of a worst case execution time (WCET) evaluation tool on a given program is highly dependent on how the tool is able to detect and discard semantically infeasible executions of the program. In this paper, we propose to use the classical abstract interpretation-based method of linear relation analysis to discover and exploit relations between execution paths. For this purpose, we add auxiliary variables (counters) to the program to trace its execution paths. The results are easily incorporated in the classical workflow of a WCET evaluator, when the evaluator is based on the popular implicit path enumeration technique. We use existing tools-a WCET evaluator and a linear relation analyzer-to build and experiment a prototype implementation of this idea. * This work is supported by the French research fundation (ANR) as part of the W-SEPT project (ANR-12-INSE-0001

    Reconstruction of Software Component Architectures and Behaviour Models using Static and Dynamic Analysis

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    Model-based performance prediction systematically deals with the evaluation of software performance to avoid for example bottlenecks, estimate execution environment sizing, or identify scalability limitations for new usage scenarios. Such performance predictions require up-to-date software performance models. This book describes a new integrated reverse engineering approach for the reconstruction of parameterised software performance models (software component architecture and behaviour)

    Coherent Dependence Cluster

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    This thesis introduces coherent dependence clusters and shows their relevance in areas of software engineering such as program comprehension and mainte- nance. All statements in a coherent dependence cluster depend upon the same set of statements and affect the same set of statements; a coherent cluster’s statements have ‘coherent’ shared backward and forward dependence. We introduce an approximation to efficiently locate coherent clusters and show that its precision significantly improves over previous approximations. Our empirical study also finds that, despite their tight coherence constraints, coherent dependence clusters are to be found in abundance in production code. Studying patterns of clustering in several open-source and industrial programs reveal that most contain multiple significant coherent clusters. A series of case studies reveal that large clusters map to logical functionality and pro- gram structure. Cluster visualisation also reveals subtle deficiencies of program structure and identify potential candidates for refactoring efforts. Supplemen- tary studies of inter-cluster dependence is presented where identification of coherent clusters can help in deriving hierarchical system decomposition for reverse engineering purposes. Furthermore, studies of program faults find no link between existence of coherent clusters and software bugs. Rather, a longi- tudinal study of several systems find that coherent clusters represent the core architecture of programs during system evolution. Due to the inherent conservativeness of static analysis, it is possible for unreachable code and code implementing cross-cutting concerns such as error- handling and debugging to link clusters together. This thesis studies their effect on dependence clusters by using coverage information to remove unexecuted and rarely executed code. Empirical evaluation reveals that code reduction yields smaller slices and clusters

    Slicing techniques applied to architectural analysis of legacy software

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    Tese de doutoramento em Informática (ramo de conhecimento em Fundamentos da Computação)Program understanding is emerging as a key concern in software engineering. In a situation in which the only quality certificate of the running software artifact still is life-cycle endurance, customers and software producers are little prepared to modify or improve running code. However, faced with so risky a dependence on legacy software, managers are more and more prepared to spend resources to increase confidence on - i.e., the level of understanding of - their (otherwise untouchable) code. In fact the technological and economical relevance of legacy software as well as the complexity of their re-engineering entails the need for rigour. Addressing such a scenario, this thesis advocates the use of direct source code analysis for both the process of understanding and transformation of software systems. In particular, the thesis focuses on the development and application of slicing techniques at both the “micro" and “macro" structural levels of software. The former, deals with fine-grained structures of programs, slicing operating over elementary program entities, such as types, variables or procedure identifiers. The latter, on the other hand, addresses architectural issues and interaction modes across modules, components or services upon which a system is decomposed. At the \micro" level this thesis delves into the problem of slicing functional programs, a paradigm that is gaining importance and was generally neglected by the slicing community. Three different approaches to functional slicing are proposed, accompanied by the presentation of the HaSlicer application, a software tool developed as a proof-of-concept for some of the ideas discussed. A comparison between the three approaches, their practical application and the motivational aspects for keeping investigating new functional slicing processes are also discussed. Slicing at a \macro" level is the theme of the second part of this thesis, which addresses the problem of extracting from source code the system's coordination model which governs interaction between its components. This line of research delivers two approaches for abstracting software systems coordination models, one of the most vital structures for software architectural analysis. Again, a software tool – CoordInspector – is introduced as a proof-of-concept.A compreensão de sistemas de software reveste-se de uma cada vez maior importância no campo da engenharia de software. Numa situação em que a única garantia de funcionamento dos diversos componentes de software reside apenas na metodologia de desenvolvimento adoptada, tanto clientes bem como produtores de software encontram-se pouco preparados para modificar ou melhorar os seus programas. No entanto, face a uma tão grande dependência em relação ao código legado, os gestores estão cada vez mais receptivos a gastar recursos de forma a aumentar a confiança - i.e., o nível de compreensão - dos seus (de outra forma intocáveis) programas. De facto, a relevância tecnológica e económica do software legado bem como a complexidade associada à sua reengenharia provocam uma urgente necessidade de rigor. Tendo este cenário como contexto, esta tese advoga o uso de uma análise directa de código fonte com o objectivo de compreender e transformar sistemas de software. Em particular, esta tese debruça-se sobre o desenvolvimento e a aplicação de técnicas de slicing aos níveis “micro" e “macro" das estruturas de software. A análise efectuada ao nível “micro" lida com estruturas de programas de pequena granularidade, onde o slicing opera sobre entidades elementares dos programas, tais como tipos, variáveis ou identificadores de procedimentos. Por outro lado, o nível de análise “macro" aborda questões arquitecturais, tais como as interacção entre módulos, componentes ou serviços sobre os quais um sistema de software pode ser decomposto. Ao nível “micro", esta tese aborda o problema de efectuar slicing a programas funcionais, um paradigma que se reveste de uma cada vez maior importância e o qual tem sido negligenciado pela comunidade de slicing. Neste sentido, esta tese apresenta três diferentes abordagens ao slicing funcional, acompanhadas pela apresentação da aplicação HaSlicer, uma ferramenta de software desenvolvida como prova de conceito para algumas das ideias expostas. No decorrer da apresentação destas propostas de abordagem ao slicing funcional, efectua-se ainda uma comparação entre os diversos processos, as suas aplicações práticas bem como os aspectos motivacionais que levaram à investigação de novos processos de slicing funcional. As operações de slicing ao nível “macro" constituem o tema da segunda parte desta tese, onde se aborda o problema específico da extracção de arquitecturas de sistemas de software. Neste sentido, são desenvolvidas duas abordagens distintas para a abstracção do modelo de coordenação de um sistema de software, o que constitui uma das mais vitais estruturas para a análise de sistemas de software. Mais uma vez, é apresentada uma ferramenta de software – CoordInspector – como prova de conceito.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/19127/200

    Codeklonerkennung mit Dominatorinformationen

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    If an existing function in a software project is copied and reused (in a slightly modified version), the result is a code clone. If there was an error or vulnerability in the original function, this error or vulnerability is now contained in several places in the software project. This is one of the reasons why research is being done to develop powerful and scalable clone detection techniques. In this thesis, a new clone detection method is presented that uses paths and path sets derived from the dominator trees of the functions to detect the code clones. A dominator tree is a special form of the control flow graph, which does not contain cycles. The dominator tree based method has been implemented in the StoneDetector tool and can detect code clones in Java source code as well as in Java bytecode. It has equally good or better recall and precision results than previously published code clone detection methods. The evaluation was performed using the BigCloneBench. Scalability measurements showed that even source code with several 100 million lines of code can be searched in a reasonable time. In order to evaluate the bytecode based StoneDetector variant, the BigCloneBench files had to be compiled. For this purpose, the Stubber tool was developed, which can compile Java source code files without the required libraries. Finally, it could be shown that using the register code generated from the Java bytecode, similar recall and precision values could be achieved compared to the source code based variant. Since some machine learning studies specify that very good recall and precision values can be achieved for all clone types, a machine learning method was trained with dominator trees. It could be shown that the results published by the studies are not reproducible on unseen data.Wird eine bestehende Funktion in einem Softwareprojekt kopiert und (in leicht angepasster Form) erneut genutzt, entsteht ein Codeklon. War in der ursprünglichen Funktion jedoch ein Fehler oder eine Schwachstelle, so ist dieser Fehler beziehungsweise diese Schwachstelle jetzt an mehreren Stellen im Softwareprojekt enthalten. Dies ist einer der Gründe, weshalb an der Entwicklung von leistungsstarken und skalierbaren Klonerkennungsverfahren geforscht wird. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neues Klonerkennungsverfahren vorgestellt, das zum Detektieren der Codeklone Pfade und Pfadmengen nutzt, die aus den Dominatorbäumen der Funktionen abgeleitet werden. Ein Dominatorbaum wird aus dem Kontrollflussgraphen abgeleitet und enthält keine Zyklen. Das Dominatorbaum-basierte Verfahren wurde in dem Werkzeug StoneDetector umgesetzt und kann Codeklone sowohl im Java-Quelltext als auch im Java-Bytecode detektieren. Dabei hat es gleich gute oder bessere Recall- und Precision-Werte als bisher veröffentlichte Codeklonerkennungsverfahren. Die Wert-Evaluierungen wurden dabei unter Verwendung des BigClone-Benchs durchgeführt. Skalierbarkeitsmessungen zeigten, dass sogar Quellcodedateien mit mehreren 100-Millionen Codezeilen in angemessener Zeit durchsucht werden können. Damit die Bytecode-basierte StoneDetector-Variante auch evaluiert werden konnte, mussten die Dateien des BigCloneBench kompiliert werden. Dazu wurde das Stubber-Tool entwickelt, welches Java-Quelltextdateien ohne die benötigten Abhängigkeiten kompilieren kann. Schlussendlich konnte somit gezeigt werden, dass mithilfe des aus dem Java-Bytecode generierten Registercodes ähnliche Recall- und Precision-Werte im Vergleich zu der Quelltext-basierten Variante erreicht werden können. Da einige Arbeiten mit maschinellen Lernverfahren angeben, bei allen Klontypen sehr gute Recall- und Precision-Werte zu erreichen, wurde ein maschinelles Lernverfahren mit Dominatoräumen trainiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die von den Arbeiten veröffentlichten Ergebnisse nicht auf ungesehenen Daten reproduzierbar sind

    Contribution to Quality-driven Evolutionary Software Development process for Service-Oriented Architectures

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    The quality of software is a key element for the successful of a system. Currently, with the advance of the technology, consumers demand more and better services. Models for the development process have also to be adapted to new requirements. This is particular true in the case of service oriented systems (domain of this thesis), where an unpredictable number of users can access to one or several services. This work proposes an improvement in the models for the software development process based on the theory of the evolutionary software development. The main objective is to maintain and improve the quality of software as long as possible and with the minimum effort and cost. Usually, this process is supported on methods known in the literature as agile software development methods. Other key element in this thesis is the service oriented software architecture. Software architecture plays an important role in the quality of any software system. The Service oriented architecture adds the service flexibility, the services are autonomous and compact assets, and they can be improved and integrated with better facility. The proposed model in this thesis for evolutionary software development makes emphasis in the quality of services. Therefore, some principles of evolutionary development are redefined and new processes are introduced, such as: architecture assessment, architecture recovery and architecture conformance. Every new process will be evaluated with case studies considering quality aspects. They have been selected according to the market demand, they are: the performance, security and evolutionability. Other aspects could be considered of the same way than the three previous, but we believe that these quality attributes are enough to demonstrate the viability of our proposal

    Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation

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    This paper summarizes the results of an industry case study that introduced a cross-system business process automation solution based on a combination of SOA and BPM standard technologies (i.e., BPMN, BPEL, WSDL). Besides discussing major weaknesses of the existing, custom-built, solution and comparing them against experiences with the developed prototype, the paper presents a course of action for transforming the current solution into the proposed solution. This includes a general approach, consisting of four distinct steps, as well as specific action items that are to be performed for every step. The discussion also covers language and tool support and challenges arising from the transformation

    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming in Java

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    This book contains the proceedings of the 4th international conference on principles and practices of programming in Java. The conference focuses on the different aspects of the Java programming language and its applications