86 research outputs found

    Temporal Stream Logic: Synthesis beyond the Bools

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    Reactive systems that operate in environments with complex data, such as mobile apps or embedded controllers with many sensors, are difficult to synthesize. Synthesis tools usually fail for such systems because the state space resulting from the discretization of the data is too large. We introduce TSL, a new temporal logic that separates control and data. We provide a CEGAR-based synthesis approach for the construction of implementations that are guaranteed to satisfy a TSL specification for all possible instantiations of the data processing functions. TSL provides an attractive trade-off for synthesis. On the one hand, synthesis from TSL, unlike synthesis from standard temporal logics, is undecidable in general. On the other hand, however, synthesis from TSL is scalable, because it is independent of the complexity of the handled data. Among other benchmarks, we have successfully synthesized a music player Android app and a controller for an autonomous vehicle in the Open Race Car Simulator (TORCS.

    Automated Derivation of Random Generators for Algebraic Data Types

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    Many testing techniques such as generational fuzzing or random property-based testing require the existence of some sort of random generation process for the values used as test inputs. Implementing such generators is usually a task left to end-users, who do their best to come up with somewhat sensible implementations after several iterations of trial and error. This necessary effort is of no surprise, implementing good random data generators is a hard task. It requires deep knowledge about both the domain of the data being generated, as well as the behavior of the stochastic process generating such data. In addition, when the data we want to generate has a large number of possible variations, this process is not only intricate, but also very cumbersome. To mitigate this issues, this thesis explores different ideas for automatically deriving random generators based on existing static information. In this light, we design and implement different derivation algorithms in Haskell for obtaining random generators of values encoded using Algebraic Data Types (ADTs). Although there exists other tools designed directly or indirectly for this very purpose, they are not without disadvantages. In particular, we aim to tackle the lack of flexibility and static guarantees in the distribution induced by derived generators. We show how automatically derived generators for ADTs can be framed using a simple yet powerful stochastic model. This models can be used to obtain analytical guarantees about the distribution of values produced by the derived generators. This, in consequence, can be used to optimize the stochastic generation parameters of the derived generators towards target distributions set by the user, providing more flexible derivation mechanisms

    Constrained Type Families

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    We present an approach to support partiality in type-level computation without compromising expressiveness or type safety. Existing frameworks for type-level computation either require totality or implicitly assume it. For example, type families in Haskell provide a powerful, modular means of defining type-level computation. However, their current design implicitly assumes that type families are total, introducing nonsensical types and significantly complicating the metatheory of type families and their extensions. We propose an alternative design, using qualified types to pair type-level computations with predicates that capture their domains. Our approach naturally captures the intuitive partiality of type families, simplifying their metatheory. As evidence, we present the first complete proof of consistency for a language with closed type families.Comment: Originally presented at ICFP 2017; extended editio

    Modular Inference of Linear Types for Multiplicity-Annotated Arrows

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    Bernardy et al. [2018] proposed a linear type system λ→q\lambda^q_\to as a core type system of Linear Haskell. In the system, linearity is represented by annotated arrow types A→mBA \to_m B, where mm denotes the multiplicity of the argument. Thanks to this representation, existing non-linear code typechecks as it is, and newly written linear code can be used with existing non-linear code in many cases. However, little is known about the type inference of λ→q\lambda^q_\to. Although the Linear Haskell implementation is equipped with type inference, its algorithm has not been formalized, and the implementation often fails to infer principal types, especially for higher-order functions. In this paper, based on OutsideIn(X) [Vytiniotis et al., 2011], we propose an inference system for a rank 1 qualified-typed variant of λ→q\lambda^q_\to, which infers principal types. A technical challenge in this new setting is to deal with ambiguous types inferred by naive qualified typing. We address this ambiguity issue through quantifier elimination and demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach with examples.Comment: The full version of our paper to appear in ESOP 202

    Embedding session types in Haskell

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    Supermonads: one notion to bind them all

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    Several popular generalizations of monads have been implemented in Haskell. Unfortunately, because the shape of the associated type constructors do not match the standard Haskell monad interface, each such implementation provides its own type class and versions of associated library functions. Furthermore, simultaneous use of different monadic notions can be cumbersome as it in general is necessary to be explicit about which notion is used where. In this paper we introduce supermonads: an encoding of monadic notions that captures several different generalizations along with a version of the standard library of monadic functions that work uniformly with all of them. As standard Haskell type inference does not work for supermonads due to their generality, our supermonad implementation is accompanied with a language extension, in the form of a plugin for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC), that allows type inference for supermonads, obviating the need for manual annotations

    The Best of Both Worlds:Linear Functional Programming without Compromise

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    We present a linear functional calculus with both the safety guarantees expressible with linear types and the rich language of combinators and composition provided by functional programming. Unlike previous combinations of linear typing and functional programming, we compromise neither the linear side (for example, our linear values are first-class citizens of the language) nor the functional side (for example, we do not require duplicate definitions of compositions for linear and unrestricted functions). To do so, we must generalize abstraction and application to encompass both linear and unrestricted functions. We capture the typing of the generalized constructs with a novel use of qualified types. Our system maintains the metatheoretic properties of the theory of qualified types, including principal types and decidable type inference. Finally, we give a formal basis for our claims of expressiveness, by showing that evaluation respects linearity, and that our language is a conservative extension of existing functional calculi.Comment: Extended versio

    A Direct-Style Effect Notation for Sequential and Parallel Programs

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    Modeling sequential and parallel composition of effectful computations has been investigated in a variety of languages for a long time. In particular, the popular do-notation provides a lightweight effect embedding for any instance of a monad. Idiom bracket notation, on the other hand, provides an embedding for applicatives. First, while monads force effects to be executed sequentially, ignoring potential for parallelism, applicatives do not support sequential effects. Composing sequential with parallel effects remains an open problem. This is even more of an issue as real programs consist of a combination of both sequential and parallel segments. Second, common notations do not support invoking effects in direct-style, instead forcing a rigid structure upon the code. In this paper, we propose a mixed applicative/monadic notation that retains parallelism where possible, but allows sequentiality where necessary. We leverage a direct-style notation where sequentiality or parallelism is derived from the structure of the code. We provide a mechanisation of our effectful language in Coq and prove that our compilation approach retains the parallelism of the source program

    Intensional Refinement Datatypes:With Application to Scalable Verification of Pattern-Match Safety

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