5 research outputs found

    Ubiquitous Computing

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    The aim of this book is to give a treatment of the actively developed domain of Ubiquitous computing. Originally proposed by Mark D. Weiser, the concept of Ubiquitous computing enables a real-time global sensing, context-aware informational retrieval, multi-modal interaction with the user and enhanced visualization capabilities. In effect, Ubiquitous computing environments give extremely new and futuristic abilities to look at and interact with our habitat at any time and from anywhere. In that domain, researchers are confronted with many foundational, technological and engineering issues which were not known before. Detailed cross-disciplinary coverage of these issues is really needed today for further progress and widening of application range. This book collects twelve original works of researchers from eleven countries, which are clustered into four sections: Foundations, Security and Privacy, Integration and Middleware, Practical Applications

    Game-Theoretic Frameworks for the Techno-Economic Aspects of Infrastructure Sharing in Current and Future Mobile Networks

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    RÉSUMÉ Le phénomène de partage d’infrastructure dans les réseaux mobiles a prévalu au cours des deux dernières décennies. Il a pris de l’ampleur en particulier pendant les deux dernières migrations technologiques, à savoir de la 2G à la 3G et de la 3G à la 4G et il sera encore plus crucial à très court terme avec l’avènement de la 5G. En permettant aux Opérateurs de Réseaux Mobiles (ORM) de faire face à la demande croissante des utilisateurs et à la baisse des revenus. Il n’est pas rare non plus que le partage d’infrastructure s’accompagne du partage du spectre, une ressource essentielle et de plus en plus rare pour les réseaux mobiles. Dans ce milieu, la communauté des chercheurs, parmis d’autres, a étudié les multiples aspects techniques du partage d’infrastructure parfois associés au partage du spectre. Entre autres, ces aspects techniques comprennent l’évaluation des performances en termes de métriques de réseau, de gestion de ressources et d’habilitateurs et d’architectures adaptées. Les aspects économiques ont également été abordés, mais généralement en se concentrant étroitement sur l’estimation des économies de coûts des dfférentes alternatives de partage d’infrastructure. Cependant, lorsqu’on considère le problème du partage d’infrastructure, et le cas échéant aussi du partage du spectre du point de vue d’un ORM, qui est une entité intéressée à maximiser le profit, il est important d’évaluer non seulement la réduction des coûts de cette infrastructure, et le cas échéant aussi le partage du spectre, mais aussi leur impact sur les performances du réseau et par conséquent sur les revenus de l’ORM. De ce point de vue, la viabilité du partage d’infrastructure ne doit pas être prise pour acquise ; afin d’étudier le problème stratégique d’un ORM concluant un accord de partage avec un ou plusieurs autres ORM, les aspects techniques et économiques doivent être pris en compte. Cette étude constitue le premier objectif de ce projet de recherche doctorale. Plus précisément, nous avons considéré plusieurs variantes résultant de deux cas où chaque variante a été abordée par un modèle mathématique approprié. Ces variantes répondent à un scénario 4G commun dans lequel il existe un ensemble de ORM avec des parts de marché données qui coexistent dans une zone géographique urbaine dense ; chaque ORM doit décider s’il faut déployer une couche de petites cellules dans la zone et, le cas échéant, s’il doit le faire lui-même ou en concluant un accord de partage en créant un réseau partagé avec certains, ou la totalité, des autres ORM, auquel cas une coalition est créée. Une caractéristique commune importante de ces variantes est le modèle de tarification de l’utilisateur défini comme une fonction linéaire du taux moyen perçu par l’utilisateur en fonction de la coalition dont fait partie l’ORM de l’utilisateur.----------ABSTRACT The phenomenon of infrastructure sharing in mobile networks has been prevalent over the last two decades. It has gathered momentum especially during the last two technology migrations, i.e., from 2G to 3G and from 3G to 4G and it will be even more crucial with the advent of 5G. The key rationale behind such phenomenon is cost reduction as a means for Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to deal with an increasing user demand but declining revenues. It is also not unusual for infrastructure sharing to go hand in hand with sharing of spectrum, an essential and increasingly scarce resource for mobile networks. In this milieu, the research community (but not only) has addressed multiple technical aspects of infrastructure sharing sometimes combined with spectrum sharing. Among others, such technical aspects include performance evaluation in terms of network metrics, resource management and enablers and adapted architectures. Economic aspects have been addressed as well, but usually with a narrow focus on estimating the cost savings of the di˙erent infrastructure sharing alternatives. However, from the perspective of an MNO, which is a self-interested, profit-maximizing entity, it is important to assess not only the cost reduction that infrastructure sharing, and when applicable, also spectrum sharing bring about, but also their impact on the network performance and consequently on the MNO’s revenues. From this perspective, the viability of infrastructure sharing should not be taken for granted; in order to study the strategic problem of an MNO entering a sharing agreement with one or multiple other MNOs, both technical and economic aspects should be taken into account – such study has been the first objective of this doctoral research project. We have specifically considered multiple variants arising from two cases where each variant has been tackled by an appropriate mathematical model. These variants address a common 4G scenario in which there is a set of MNOs with given market shares that coexist in a given dense urban geographical area; each MNO has to decide whether to deploy a layer of small cells in the area and if so, whether to do that by itself or by entering a sharing agreement, i.e., building a shared network with a subset or all other MNOs (in which case a coalition is created). One key common feature of these variants is the user pricing model which is defined as a linear function of the average rate perceived by the user depending on the coalition joined by the user’s MNO; such pricing model allows us to capture the impact that infrastructure sharing, and, when applicable, also spectrum sharing have on the MNO’s revenues through a network performance metric. In turn, the two key outcomes of the models tackling these variants are the set of coalitions and the number of small cells they deploy


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    Battery consumption in mobile applications development is a very important aspect and has to be considered by all the developers in their applications. This study will present an analysis of different relevant concepts and parameters that may have an impact on energy consumption of Windows Phone applications. This operating system was chosen because limited research related thereto has been conducted, even though there are related studies for Android and iOS operating systems. Furthermore, another reason is the increasing number of Windows Phone users. The objective of this research is to categorise the energy consumption parameters (e.g. use of one thread or several threads for the same output). The result for each group of experiments will be analysed and a rule will be derived. The set of derived rules will serve as a guide for developers who intend to develop energy efficient Windows Phone applications. For each experiment, one application is created for each concept and the results are presented in two ways; a table and a chart. The table presents the duration of the experiment, the battery consumed in the experiment, the expected battery lifetime, and the energy consumption, while the charts display the energy distribution based on the main threads: UI thread, application thread, and network thread


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    With small and medium sized-enterprises (SMEs) taking up the majority of the global businesses, it is important they act in an environmentally responsible manner. Environmental management systems (EMS) help companies evaluate and improve their environmental impact but they often require human, financial, and temporary resources that not all SMEs can afford. This research encompasses interviews with representatives of two small enterprises in Germany to provide insights into their understanding, and knowledge of an EMS and how they perceive their responsibility towards the environment. Furthermore, it presents a toolkit created especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. It serves as a simplified version of an EMS based on the ISO 14001 standard and is evaluated by target users and appropriate representatives. Some of the findings are: while open to the idea of improving their environmental impact, SMEs do not always feel it is their responsibility to do so; they seem to lack the means to fully implement an EMS. The developed toolkit is considered useful and usable and recommendations are drawn for its future enhancement