18 research outputs found

    A switchable approach to large object allocation in real-time Java

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    Over the last 20 years object-oriented programming languages and managed run-times like Java have been very popular because of their software engineering benefits. Despite their popularity in many application areas, they have not been considered suitable for real-time programming. Besides many other factors, one of the barriers that prevent their acceptance in the development of real-time systems is the long pause times that may arise during large object allocation. This paper examines different kinds of solutions that have been developed so far and introduces a switchable approach to large object allocation in real-time Java. A synthetic benchmark application that is developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the presented technique against other currently implemented techniques is also described

    Verifying safety and persistence in hybrid systems using flowpipes and continuous invariants

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    We describe a method for verifying the temporal property of persistence in non-linear hybrid systems. Given some system and an initial set of states, the method establishes that system trajectories always eventually evolve into some specified target subset of the states of one of the discrete modes of the system, and always remain within this target region. The method also computes a time-bound within which the target region is always reached. The approach combines flowpipe computation with deductive reasoning about invariants and is more general than each technique alone. We illustrate the method with a case study showing that potentially destructive stick-slip oscillations of an oil-well drill eventually die away for a certain choice of drill control parameters. The case study demonstrates how just using flowpipes or just reasoning about invariants alone can be insufficient and shows the richness of systems that one can handle with the proposed method, since the systems features modes with non-polynomial ODEs. We also propose an alternative method for proving persistence that relies solely on flowpipe computation

    Performanzanalyse von Multiprozessor-Echtzeitsystemen mit gemeinsamen Ressourcen

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    Timing in Technischen Sicherheitsanforderungen für Systementwürfe mit heterogenen Kritikalitätsanforderungen

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    Traditionally, timing requirements as (technical) safety requirements have been avoided through clever functional designs. New vehicle automation concepts and other applications, however, make this harder or even impossible and challenge design automation for cyber-physical systems to provide a solution. This thesis takes upon this challenge by introducing cross-layer dependency analysis to relate timing dependencies in the bounded execution time (BET) model to the functional model of the artifact. In doing so, the analysis is able to reveal where timing dependencies may violate freedom from interference requirements on the functional layer and other intermediate model layers. For design automation this leaves the challenge how such dependencies are avoided or at least be bounded such that the design is feasible: The results are synthesis strategies for implementation requirements and a system-level placement strategy for run-time measures to avoid potentially catastrophic consequences of timing dependencies which are not eliminated from the design. Their applicability is shown in experiments and case studies. However, all the proposed run-time measures as well as very strict implementation requirements become ever more expensive in terms of design effort for contemporary embedded systems, due to the system's complexity. Hence, the second part of this thesis reflects on the design aspect rather than the analysis aspect of embedded systems and proposes a timing predictable design paradigm based on System-Level Logical Execution Time (SL-LET). Leveraging a timing-design model in SL-LET the proposed methods from the first part can now be applied to improve the quality of a design -- timing error handling can now be separated from the run-time methods and from the implementation requirements intended to guarantee them. The thesis therefore introduces timing diversity as a timing-predictable execution theme that handles timing errors without having to deal with them in the implemented application. An automotive 3D-perception case study demonstrates the applicability of timing diversity to ensure predictable end-to-end timing while masking certain types of timing errors.Traditionell wurden Timing-Anforderungen als (technische) Sicherheitsanforderungen durch geschickte funktionale Entwürfe vermieden. Neue Fahrzeugautomatisierungskonzepte und Anwendungen machen dies jedoch schwieriger oder gar unmöglich; Aufgrund der Problemkomplexität erfordert dies eine Entwurfsautomatisierung für cyber-physische Systeme heraus. Diese Arbeit nimmt sich dieser Herausforderung an, indem sie eine schichtenübergreifende Abhängigkeitsanalyse einführt, um zeitliche Abhängigkeiten im Modell der beschränkten Ausführungszeit (BET) mit dem funktionalen Modell des Artefakts in Beziehung zu setzen. Auf diese Weise ist die Analyse in der Lage, aufzuzeigen, wo Timing-Abhängigkeiten die Anforderungen an die Störungsfreiheit auf der funktionalen Schicht und anderen dazwischenliegenden Modellschichten verletzen können. Für die Entwurfsautomatisierung ergibt sich daraus die Herausforderung, wie solche Abhängigkeiten vermieden oder zumindest so eingegrenzt werden können, dass der Entwurf machbar ist: Das Ergebnis sind Synthesestrategien für Implementierungsanforderungen und eine Platzierungsstrategie auf Systemebene für Laufzeitmaßnahmen zur Vermeidung potentiell katastrophaler Folgen von Timing-Abhängigkeiten, die nicht aus dem Entwurf eliminiert werden. Ihre Anwendbarkeit wird in Experimenten und Fallstudien gezeigt. Allerdings werden alle vorgeschlagenen Laufzeitmaßnahmen sowie sehr strenge Implementierungsanforderungen für moderne eingebettete Systeme aufgrund der Komplexität des Systems immer teurer im Entwurfsaufwand. Daher befasst sich der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit eher mit dem Entwurfsaspekt als mit dem Analyseaspekt von eingebetteten Systemen und schlägt ein Entwurfsparadigma für vorhersagbares Timing vor, das auf der System-Level Logical Execution Time (SL-LET) basiert. Basierend auf einem Timing-Entwurfsmodell in SL-LET können die vorgeschlagenen Methoden aus dem ersten Teil nun angewandt werden, um die Qualität eines Entwurfs zu verbessern -- die Behandlung von Timing-Fehlern kann nun von den Laufzeitmethoden und von den Implementierungsanforderungen, die diese garantieren sollen, getrennt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird daher Timing Diversity als ein Thema der Timing-Vorhersage in der Ausführung eingeführt, das Timing-Fehler behandelt, ohne dass sie in der implementierten Anwendung behandelt werden müssen. Anhand einer Fallstudie aus dem Automobilbereich (3D-Umfeldwahrnehmung) wird die Anwendbarkeit von Timing-Diversität demonstriert, um ein vorhersagbares Ende-zu-Ende-Timing zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig in der Lage zu sein, bestimmte Arten von Timing-Fehlern zu maskieren

    Compilation de systèmes temps réel

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    I introduce and advocate for the concept of Real-Time Systems Compilation. By analogy with classical compilation, real-time systems compilation consists in the fully automatic construction of running, correct-by-construction implementations from functional and non-functional specifications of embedded control systems. Like in a classical compiler, the whole process must be fast (thus enabling a trial-and-error design style) and produce reasonably efficient code. This requires the use of fast heuristics, and the use of fine-grain platform and application models. Unlike a classical compiler, a real-time systems compiler must take into account non-functional properties of a system and ensure the respect of non-functional requirements (in addition to functional correctness). I also present Lopht, a real-time systems compiler for statically-scheduled real-time systems we built by combining techniques and concepts from real-time scheduling, compilation, and synchronous languages

    Design Space Exploration and Resource Management of Multi/Many-Core Systems

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    The increasing demand of processing a higher number of applications and related data on computing platforms has resulted in reliance on multi-/many-core chips as they facilitate parallel processing. However, there is a desire for these platforms to be energy-efficient and reliable, and they need to perform secure computations for the interest of the whole community. This book provides perspectives on the aforementioned aspects from leading researchers in terms of state-of-the-art contributions and upcoming trends

    Geometric Model Checking of Continuous Space

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    Topological Spatial Model Checking is a recent paradigm where model checking techniques are developed for the topological interpretation of Modal Logic. The Spatial Logic of Closure Spaces, SLCS, extends Modal Logic with reachability connectives that, in turn, can be used for expressing interesting spatial properties, such as "being near to" or "being surrounded by". SLCS constitutes the kernel of a solid logical framework for reasoning about discrete space, such as graphs and digital images, interpreted as quasi discrete closure spaces. Following a recently developed geometric semantics of Modal Logic, we propose an interpretation of SLCS in continuous space, admitting a geometric spatial model checking procedure, by resorting to models based on polyhedra. Such representations of space are increasingly relevant in many domains of application, due to recent developments of 3D scanning and visualisation techniques that exploit mesh processing. We introduce PolyLogicA, a geometric spatial model checker for SLCS formulas on polyhedra and demonstrate feasibility of our approach on two 3D polyhedral models of realistic size. Finally, we introduce a geometric definition of bisimilarity, proving that it characterises logical equivalence

    Détermination de propriétés de flot de données pour améliorer les estimations de temps d'exécution pire-cas

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    La recherche d'une borne supérieure au temps d'exécution d'un programme est une partie essentielle du processus de vérification de systèmes temps-réel critiques. Les programmes de tels systèmes ont généralement des temps d'exécution variables et il est difficile, voire impossible, de prédire l'ensemble de ces temps possibles. Au lieu de cela, il est préférable de rechercher une approximation du temps d'exécution pire-cas ou Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET). Une propriété cruciale de cette approximation est qu'elle doit être sûre, c'est-à-dire qu'elle doit être garantie de majorer le WCET. Parce que nous cherchons à prouver que le système en question se termine en un temps raisonnable, une surapproximation est le seul type d'approximation acceptable. La garantie de cette propriété de sûreté ne saurait raisonnablement se faire sans analyse statique, un résultat se basant sur une série de tests ne pouvant être sûr sans un traitement exhaustif des cas d'exécution. De plus, en l'absence de certification du processus de compilation (et de transfert des propriétés vers le binaire), l'extraction de propriétés doit se faire directement sur le code binaire pour garantir leur fiabilité. Toutefois, cette approximation a un coût : un pessimisme - écart entre le WCET estimé et le WCET réel - important entraîne des surcoûts superflus de matériel pour que le système respecte les contraintes temporelles qui lui sont imposées. Il s'agit donc ensuite, tout en maintenant la garantie de sécurité de l'estimation du WCET, d'améliorer sa précision en réduisant cet écart de telle sorte qu'il soit suffisamment faible pour ne pas entraîner des coûts supplémentaires démesurés. Un des principaux facteurs de surestimation est la prise en compte de chemins d'exécution sémantiquement impossibles, dits infaisables, dans le calcul du WCET. Ceci est dû à l'analyse par énumération implicite des chemins ou Implicit Path Enumeration Technique (IPET) qui raisonne sur un surensemble des chemins d'exécution. Lorsque le chemin d'exécution pire-cas ou Worst-Case Execution Path (WCEP), correspondant au WCET estimé, porte sur un chemin infaisable, la précision de cette estimation est négativement affectée. Afin de parer à cette perte de précision, cette thèse propose une technique de détection de chemins infaisables, permettant l'amélioration de la précision des analyses statiques (dont celles pour le WCET) en les informant de l'infaisabilité de certains chemins du programme. Cette information est passée sous la forme de propriétés de flot de données formatées dans un langage d'annotation portable, FFX, permettant la communication des résultats de notre analyse de chemins infaisables vers d'autres analyses. Les méthodes présentées dans cette thèse sont inclues dans le framework OTAWA, développé au sein de l'équipe TRACES à l'IRIT. Elles usent elles-mêmes d'approximations pour représenter les états possibles de la machine en différents points du programme. Ce sont des abstractions maintenues au fil de l'analyse, et dont la validité est assurée par des outils de la théorie de l'interprétation abstraite. Ces abstractions permettent de représenter de manière efficace - mais sûre - les ensembles d'états pour une classe de chemins d'exécution jusqu'à un point du programme, et de détecter d'éventuels points du programme associés à un ensemble d'états possibles vide, traduisant un (ou plusieurs) chemin(s) infaisable(s). L'objectif de l'analyse développée, la détection de tels cas, est rendue possible par l'usage de solveurs SMT (Satisfiabilité Modulo des Théories). Ces solveurs permettent essentiellement de déterminer la satisfiabilité d'un ensemble de contraintes, déduites à partir des états abstraits construits. Lorsqu'un ensemble de contraintes, formé à partir d'une conjonction de prédicats, s'avère insatisfiable, aucune valuation des variables de la machine ne correspond à un cas d'exécution possible, et la famille de chemins associée est donc infaisable. L'efficacité de cette technique est soutenue par une série d'expérimentations sur divers suites de benchmarks, reconnues dans le domaine du WCET statique et/ou issues de cas réels de l'industrie. Des heuristiques sont configurées afin d'adoucir la complexité de l'analyse, en particulier pour les applications de plus grande taille. Les chemins infaisables détectés sont injectés sous la forme de contraintes de flot linéaires dans le système de Programmation Linéaire en Nombres Entiers ou Integer Linear Programming (ILP) pilotant le calcul final de l'analyse WCET d'OTAWA. Selon le programme analysé, cela peut résulter en une réduction du WCET estimé, et donc une amélioration de sa précision.The search for an upper bound of the execution time of a program is an essential part of the verification of real-time critical systems. The execution times of the programs of such systems generally vary a lot, and it is difficult, or impossible, to predict the range of the possible times. Instead, it is better to look for an approximation of the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET). A crucial requirement of this estimate is that it must be safe, that is, it must be guaranteed above the real WCET. Because we are looking to prove that the system in question terminates reasonably quickly, an overapproximation is the only acceptable form of approximation. The guarantee of such a safety property could not sensibly be done without static analysis, as a result based on a battery of tests could not be safe without an exhaustive handling of test cases. Furthermore, in the absence of a certified compiler (and tech- nique for the safe transfer of properties to the binaries), the extraction of properties must be done directly on binary code to warrant their soundness. However, this approximation comes with a cost : an important pessimism, the gap between the estimated WCET and the real WCET, would lead to superfluous extra costs in hardware in order for the system to respect the imposed timing requirements. It is therefore important to improve the precision of the WCET by reducing this gap, while maintaining the safety property, as such that it is low enough to not lead to immoderate costs. A major cause of overestimation is the inclusion of semantically impossible paths, said infeasible paths, in the WCET computation. This is due to the use of the Implicit Path Enumeration Technique (IPET), which works on an superset of the possible execution paths. When the Worst-Case Execution Path (WCEP), corresponding to the estimated WCET, is infeasible, the precision of that estimation is negatively affected. In order to deal with this loss of precision, this thesis proposes an infeasible paths detection technique, enabling the improvement of the precision of static analyses (namely for WCET estimation) by notifying them of the infeasibility of some paths of the program. This information is then passed as data flow properties, formatted in the FFX portable annotation language, and allowing the communication of the results of our infeasible path analysis to other analyses. The methods hereafter presented are included in the OTAWA framework, developed in TRACES team at the IRIT lab. They themselves make use of approximations in order to represent the possible states of the machine in various program points. These approximations are abstractions maintained throughout the analysis, and which validity is ensured by abstract interpretation tools. They enable us to represent the set of states for a family of execution paths up to a given program point in an efficient - yet safe - way, and to detect the potential program points associated to an empty set of possible states, signalling one (or several) infeasible path(s). As the end goal of the developed analysis, the detection of such cases is made possible by the use of Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) solvers. Those solvers are notably able to determine the satisfiability of a set of contraints, which we deduct from the abstract states. If a set of constraints, derived from a conjonction of predicates, is unsatisfiable, then there exists no valuation of the machine variables that match a possible execution case, and thus the associated infeasible paths are infeasible. The efficiency of this technique is asserted by a series of experiments on various benchmarks suites, some of which widely recognized in the domain of static WCET, some others derived from actual industrial applications. Heuristics are set up in order to soften the complexity of the analysis, especially for the larger applications. The detected infeasible paths are injected as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) linear data flow constraints in the final computation for the WCET estimation in OTAWA. Depending on the analysed program, this can result in a reduction of the estimated WCET, thereby improving its precision

    Run-time management for future MPSoC platforms

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    In recent years, we are witnessing the dawning of the Multi-Processor Systemon- Chip (MPSoC) era. In essence, this era is triggered by the need to handle more complex applications, while reducing overall cost of embedded (handheld) devices. This cost will mainly be determined by the cost of the hardware platform and the cost of designing applications for that platform. The cost of a hardware platform will partly depend on its production volume. In turn, this means that ??exible, (easily) programmable multi-purpose platforms will exhibit a lower cost. A multi-purpose platform not only requires ??exibility, but should also combine a high performance with a low power consumption. To this end, MPSoC devices integrate computer architectural properties of various computing domains. Just like large-scale parallel and distributed systems, they contain multiple heterogeneous processing elements interconnected by a scalable, network-like structure. This helps in achieving scalable high performance. As in most mobile or portable embedded systems, there is a need for low-power operation and real-time behavior. The cost of designing applications is equally important. Indeed, the actual value of future MPSoC devices is not contained within the embedded multiprocessor IC, but in their capability to provide the user of the device with an amount of services or experiences. So from an application viewpoint, MPSoCs are designed to ef??ciently process multimedia content in applications like video players, video conferencing, 3D gaming, augmented reality, etc. Such applications typically require a lot of processing power and a signi??cant amount of memory. To keep up with ever evolving user needs and with new application standards appearing at a fast pace, MPSoC platforms need to be be easily programmable. Application scalability, i.e. the ability to use just enough platform resources according to the user requirements and with respect to the device capabilities is also an important factor. Hence scalability, ??exibility, real-time behavior, a high performance, a low power consumption and, ??nally, programmability are key components in realizing the success of MPSoC platforms. The run-time manager is logically located between the application layer en the platform layer. It has a crucial role in realizing these MPSoC requirements. As it abstracts the platform hardware, it improves platform programmability. By deciding on resource assignment at run-time and based on the performance requirements of the user, the needs of the application and the capabilities of the platform, it contributes to ??exibility, scalability and to low power operation. As it has an arbiter function between different applications, it enables real-time behavior. This thesis details the key components of such an MPSoC run-time manager and provides a proof-of-concept implementation. These key components include application quality management algorithms linked to MPSoC resource management mechanisms and policies, adapted to the provided MPSoC platform services. First, we describe the role, the responsibilities and the boundary conditions of an MPSoC run-time manager in a generic way. This includes a de??nition of the multiprocessor run-time management design space, a description of the run-time manager design trade-offs and a brief discussion on how these trade-offs affect the key MPSoC requirements. This design space de??nition and the trade-offs are illustrated based on ongoing research and on existing commercial and academic multiprocessor run-time management solutions. Consequently, we introduce a fast and ef??cient resource allocation heuristic that considers FPGA fabric properties such as fragmentation. In addition, this thesis introduces a novel task assignment algorithm for handling soft IP cores denoted as hierarchical con??guration. Hierarchical con??guration managed by the run-time manager enables easier application design and increases the run-time spatial mapping freedom. In turn, this improves the performance of the resource assignment algorithm. Furthermore, we introduce run-time task migration components. We detail a new run-time task migration policy closely coupled to the run-time resource assignment algorithm. In addition to detailing a design-environment supported mechanism that enables moving tasks between an ISP and ??ne-grained recon??gurable hardware, we also propose two novel task migration mechanisms tailored to the Network-on-Chip environment. Finally, we propose a novel mechanism for task migration initiation, based on reusing debug registers in modern embedded microprocessors. We propose a reactive on-chip communication management mechanism. We show that by exploiting an injection rate control mechanism it is possible to provide a communication management system capable of providing a soft (reactive) QoS in a NoC. We introduce a novel, platform independent run-time algorithm to perform quality management, i.e. to select an application quality operating point at run-time based on the user requirements and the available platform resources, as reported by the resource manager. This contribution also proposes a novel way to manage the interaction between the quality manager and the resource manager. In order to have a the realistic, reproducible and ??exible run-time manager testbench with respect to applications with multiple quality levels and implementation tradev offs, we have created an input data generation tool denoted Pareto Surfaces For Free (PSFF). The the PSFF tool is, to the best of our knowledge, the ??rst tool that generates multiple realistic application operating points either based on pro??ling information of a real-life application or based on a designer-controlled random generator. Finally, we provide a proof-of-concept demonstrator that combines these concepts and shows how these mechanisms and policies can operate for real-life situations. In addition, we show that the proposed solutions can be integrated into existing platform operating systems