11 research outputs found

    Time-Energy Tradeoffs for Evacuation by Two Robots in the Wireless Model

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    Two robots stand at the origin of the infinite line and are tasked with searching collaboratively for an exit at an unknown location on the line. They can travel at maximum speed bb and can change speed or direction at any time. The two robots can communicate with each other at any distance and at any time. The task is completed when the last robot arrives at the exit and evacuates. We study time-energy tradeoffs for the above evacuation problem. The evacuation time is the time it takes the last robot to reach the exit. The energy it takes for a robot to travel a distance xx at speed ss is measured as xs2xs^2. The total and makespan evacuation energies are respectively the sum and maximum of the energy consumption of the two robots while executing the evacuation algorithm. Assuming that the maximum speed is bb, and the evacuation time is at most cdcd, where dd is the distance of the exit from the origin, we study the problem of minimizing the total energy consumption of the robots. We prove that the problem is solvable only for bc3bc \geq 3. For the case bc=3bc=3, we give an optimal algorithm, and give upper bounds on the energy for the case bc>3bc>3. We also consider the problem of minimizing the evacuation time when the available energy is bounded by Δ\Delta. Surprisingly, when Δ\Delta is a constant, independent of the distance dd of the exit from the origin, we prove that evacuation is possible in time O(d3/2logd)O(d^{3/2}\log d), and this is optimal up to a logarithmic factor. When Δ\Delta is linear in dd, we give upper bounds on the evacuation time.Comment: This is the full version of the paper with the same title which will appear in the proceedings of the 26th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO'19) L'Aquila, Italy during July 1-4, 201

    Selecting genetic operators to maximise preference satisfaction in a workforce scheduling and routing problem

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    The Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problem (WSRP) is a combinatorial optimisation problem that involves scheduling and routing of workforce. Tackling this type of problem often requires handling a considerable number of requirements, including customers and workers preferences while minimising both operational costs and travelling distance. This study seeks to determine effective combinations of genetic operators combined with heuristics that help to find good solutions for this constrained combinatorial optimisation problem. In particular, it aims to identify the best set of operators that help to maximise customers and workers preferences satisfaction. This paper advances the understanding of how to effectively employ different operators within two variants of genetic algorithms to tackle WSRPs. To tackle infeasibility, an initialisation heuristic is used to generate a conflict-free initial plan and a repair heuristic is used to ensure the satisfaction of constraints. Experiments are conducted using three sets of real-world Home Health Care (HHC) planning problem instances

    God Save the Queen

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    Queen Daniela of Sardinia is asleep at the center of a round room at the top of the tower in her castle. She is accompanied by her faithful servant, Eva. Suddenly, they are awakened by cries of "Fire". The room is pitch black and they are disoriented. There is exactly one exit from the room somewhere along its boundary. They must find it as quickly as possible in order to save the life of the queen. It is known that with two people searching while moving at maximum speed 1 anywhere in the room, the room can be evacuated (i.e., with both people exiting) in 1 + (2 pi)/3 + sqrt{3} ~~ 4.8264 time units and this is optimal [Czyzowicz et al., DISC\u2714], assuming that the first person to find the exit can directly guide the other person to the exit using her voice. Somewhat surprisingly, in this paper we show that if the goal is to save the queen (possibly leaving Eva behind to die in the fire) there is a slightly better strategy. We prove that this "priority" version of evacuation can be solved in time at most 4.81854. Furthermore, we show that any strategy for saving the queen requires time at least 3 + pi/6 + sqrt{3}/2 ~~ 4.3896 in the worst case. If one or both of the queen\u27s other servants (Biddy and/or Lili) are with her, we show that the time bounds can be improved to 3.8327 for two servants, and 3.3738 for three servants. Finally we show lower bounds for these cases of 3.6307 (two servants) and 3.2017 (three servants). The case of n >= 4 is the subject of an independent study by Queen Daniela\u27s Royal Scientific Team

    A Framework and Baseline for the Integration of a Sustainable Circular Economy in Offshore Wind

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    Circular economy and renewable energy infrastructure such as offshore wind farms are often assumed to be developed in synergy as part of sustainable transitions. Offshore wind is among the preferred technologies for low-carbon energy. Deployment is forecast to accelerate over ten times faster than onshore wind between 2021 and 2025, while the first generation of offshore wind turbines is about to be decommissioned. However, the growing scale of offshore wind brings new sustainability challenges. Many of the challenges are circular economy-related, such as increasing resource exploitation and competition and underdeveloped end-of-use solutions for decommissioned components and materials. However, circular economy is not yet commonly and systematically applied to offshore wind. Circular economy is a whole system approach aiming to make better use of products, components and materials throughout their consecutive lifecycles. The purpose of this study is to enable the integration of a sustainable circular economy into the design, development, operation and end-of-use management of offshore wind infrastructure. This will require a holistic overview of potential circular economy strategies that apply to offshore wind, because focus on no, or a subset of, circular solutions would open the sector to the risk of unintended consequences, such as replacing carbon impacts with water pollution, and short-term private cost savings with long-term bills for taxpayers. This study starts with a systematic review of circular economy and wind literature as a basis for the coproduction of a framework to embed a sustainable circular economy throughout the lifecycle of offshore wind energy infrastructure, resulting in eighteen strategies: design for circular economy, data and information, recertification, dematerialisation, waste prevention, modularisation, maintenance and repair, reuse and repurpose, refurbish and remanufacturing, lifetime extension, repowering, decommissioning, site recovery, disassembly, recycling, energy recovery, landfill and re-mining. An initial baseline review for each strategy is included. The application and transferability of the framework to other energy sectors, such as oil and gas and onshore wind, are discussed. This article concludes with an agenda for research and innovation and actions to take by industry and government

    Historia, evolución y perspectivas de futuro en la utilización de técnicas de simulación en la gestión portuaria: aplicaciones en el análisis de operaciones, estrategia y planificación portuaria

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Análise Económica e Estratexia Empresarial. 5033V0[Resumen] Las técnicas de simulación, tal y como hoy las conocemos, comenzaron a mediados del siglo XX; primero con la aparición del primer computador y el desarrollo del método Monte Carlo, y más tarde con el desarrollo del primer simulador de propósito específico conocido como GPS y desarrollado por Geoffrey Gordon en IBM y la publicación del primer texto completo dedicado a esta materia y llamado the Art of Simulation (K.D. Tocher, 1963). Estás técnicas han evolucionado de una manera extraordinaria y hoy en día están plenamente implementadas en diversos campos de actividad. Las instalaciones portuarias no han escapado de esta tendencia, especialmente las dedicadas al tráfico de contenedores. Efectivamente, las características intrínsecas de este sector económico, le hacen un candidato idóneo para la implementación de modelos de simulación con propósitos y alcances muy diversos. No existe, sin embargo y hasta lo que conocemos, un trabajo científico que compile y analice pormenorizadamente tanto la historia como la evolución de simulación en ambientes portuarios, ayudando a clasificar los mismos y determinar cómo estos pueden ayudar en el análisis económico de estas instalaciones y en la formulación de las oportunas estrategias empresariales. Este es el objetivo último de la presente tesis doctoral.[Resumo] As técnicas de simulación, tal e como hoxe as coñecemos, comezaron a mediados do século XX; primeiro coa aparición do computador e o desenvolvemento do método Monte Carlo e máis tarde co desenvolvemento do primeiro simulador de propósito específico coñecido como GPS e desenvolvido por Geoffrey Gordon en IBM e a publicación do primeiro texto completo dedicado a este tema chamado “A Arte da Simulación” (K.D. Tocher, 1963). Estas técnicas evolucionaron dun xeito extraordinario e hoxe en día están plenamente implementadas en diversos campos de actividade. As instalacións portuarias non escaparon desta tendencia, especialmente as dedicadas ao tráfico de contenedores. Efectivamente, as características intrínsecas deste sector económico, fanlle un candidato idóneo para a implementación de modelos de simulación con propósitos e alcances moi variados. Con todo, e ata o que coñecemos, non existe un traballo científico que compila e analiza de forma detallada tanto a historia como a evolución da simulación en estes ambientes portuarios, clasificando os mesmos e determinando como estes poden axudar na análise económica destas instalacións e na formulación das oportunas estratexias empresariais. Este é o último obxectivo da presente tese doutoral.[Abstract] Simulation, to the extend that we understand it nowadays, began in the middle of the 20th century; first with the appearance of the computer and the development of the Monte Carlo method, and later with the development of the first specific purpose simulator known as GPS developed by Geoffrey Gordon in IBM. This author published the first full text devoted to this subject “The Art of Simulation” in 1963. These techniques have evolved in an extraordinary way and nowadays they are fully implemented in different fields of activity. Port facilities have not escaped this trend, especially those dedicated to container traffic. Indeed, the intrinsic characteristics of this economic sector, make it a suitable candidate for the implementation of simulation with very different purposes and scope. However, to the best of our knowelegde, there is not a scientific work that compiles and analyzes in detail both, the history and the evolution of simulation in port environments, contributing to classify them and determine how they can help in the economic analysis of these facilities and in the formulation of different business strategies. This is the ultimate goal of this doctoral thesis

    Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World

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    The contributions cover a wide range of methodologies and application areas for safety and reliability that contribute to safe societies in a changing world. These methodologies and applications include: - foundations of risk and reliability assessment and management - mathematical methods in reliability and safety - risk assessment - risk management - system reliability - uncertainty analysis - digitalization and big data - prognostics and system health management - occupational safety - accident and incident modeling - maintenance modeling and applications - simulation for safety and reliability analysis - dynamic risk and barrier management - organizational factors and safety culture - human factors and human reliability - resilience engineering - structural reliability - natural hazards - security - economic analysis in risk managemen

    Memorias del Congreso Argentino en Ciencias de la Computación - CACIC 2021

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    Trabajos presentados en el XXVII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC), celebrado en la ciudad de Salta los días 4 al 8 de octubre de 2021, organizado por la Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI) y la Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSA).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic