42 research outputs found

    Enhancing Mesh Deformation Realism: Dynamic Mesostructure Detailing and Procedural Microstructure Synthesis

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    Propomos uma solução para gerar dados de mapas de relevo dinùmicos para simular deformaçÔes em superfícies macias, com foco na pele humana. A solução incorpora a simulação de rugas ao nível mesoestrutural e utiliza texturas procedurais para adicionar detalhes de microestrutura eståticos. Oferece flexibilidade além da pele humana, permitindo a geração de padrÔes que imitam deformaçÔes em outros materiais macios, como couro, durante a animação. As soluçÔes existentes para simular rugas e pistas de deformação frequentemente dependem de hardware especializado, que é dispendioso e de difícil acesso. Além disso, depender exclusivamente de dados capturados limita a direção artística e dificulta a adaptação a mudanças. Em contraste, a solução proposta permite a síntese dinùmica de texturas que se adaptam às deformaçÔes subjacentes da malha de forma fisicamente plausível. Vårios métodos foram explorados para sintetizar rugas diretamente na geometria, mas sofrem de limitaçÔes como auto-interseçÔes e maiores requisitos de armazenamento. A intervenção manual de artistas na criação de mapas de rugas e mapas de tensão permite controle, mas pode ser limitada em deformaçÔes complexas ou onde maior realismo seja necessårio. O nosso trabalho destaca o potencial dos métodos procedimentais para aprimorar a geração de padrÔes de deformação dinùmica, incluindo rugas, com maior controle criativo e sem depender de dados capturados. A incorporação de padrÔes procedimentais eståticos melhora o realismo, e a abordagem pode ser estendida além da pele para outros materiais macios.We propose a solution for generating dynamic heightmap data to simulate deformations for soft surfaces, with a focus on human skin. The solution incorporates mesostructure-level wrinkles and utilizes procedural textures to add static microstructure details. It offers flexibility beyond human skin, enabling the generation of patterns mimicking deformations in other soft materials, such as leater, during animation. Existing solutions for simulating wrinkles and deformation cues often rely on specialized hardware, which is costly and not easily accessible. Moreover, relying solely on captured data limits artistic direction and hinders adaptability to changes. In contrast, our proposed solution provides dynamic texture synthesis that adapts to underlying mesh deformations. Various methods have been explored to synthesize wrinkles directly to the geometry, but they suffer from limitations such as self-intersections and increased storage requirements. Manual intervention by artists using wrinkle maps and tension maps provides control but may be limited to the physics-based simulations. Our research presents the potential of procedural methods to enhance the generation of dynamic deformation patterns, including wrinkles, with greater creative control and without reliance on captured data. Incorporating static procedural patterns improves realism, and the approach can be extended to other soft-materials beyond skin

    Interdisciplinary Film & Digital Media 2015 APR Self-Study & Documents

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    UNM Interdisciplinary Film & Digital Media APR self-study report, review team report, response to review report, and initial action plan for Spring 2015, fulfilling requirements of the Higher Learning Commission. IFDM was absorbed by the Cinematic Arts Department following this review

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    All-Women Initiatives in Art and Technology 1986-2020. Atenea: Mentoring and Networking Project in Steam

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    [ES] La presente tesis doctoral es una exploraciĂłn sobre las iniciativas auto-organizadas de mujeres que han surgido en la intersecciĂłn del arte y la tecnologĂ­a a nivel internacional. Estas iniciativas comunitarias han ido apareciendo en lugares donde existe una escena de arte y nuevos medios, la cual es generalmente de dominaciĂłn masculina y baja en diversidad. Este trabajo de investigaciĂłn es un mapeo de este fenĂłmeno tecno-social y artĂ­stico, tratando de identificar las primeras prĂĄcticas. A travĂ©s de entrevistas, encuestas y mĂ©todos de investigaciĂłn etnogrĂĄfica, esta tesis aspira a comprender el contexto que ha dado lugar a semejantes iniciativas a lo largo de tres dĂ©cadas y media, examinando las diferentes tipologĂ­as por los formatos, extensiĂłn, espacio y estructura que Ă©stas han adoptado para afrontar la situaciĂłn de las mujeres en estas ĂĄreas. Existe un vaciĂł de referencias sobre formas organizativas y de comisariado en las ĂĄreas de arte y tecnologĂ­a. AdemĂĄs, la literatura general señala las subculturas digitales de los noventa, tales como el ciberfeminismo y el movimiento DIY, como los primeros y principales referentes para las alianzas de mujeres y el activismo translocal en la era digital. Sin embargo, las estrategias de colaboraciĂłn y segregaciĂłn en ĂĄreas de arte y tecnologĂ­a no han sido analizadas desde los estudios feministas desde una perspectiva histĂłrica en profundidad. Por lo tanto, esta tesis establece la relaciĂłn entre dichas iniciativas con la historia de los grupos de mujeres artistas y espacios de arte alternativos, la historia de las mujeres en el arte de nuevos medios y la cultura de redes. Las nuevas tecnologĂ­as de la informaciĂłn y comunicaciĂłn han permitido nuevas formas de comunicaciĂłn y conectividad transfronterizas; sin embargo, este trabajo investiga en quĂ© medida estas iniciativas dependen de las TIC para el establecimiento de su comunidad, comparado con los formatos analĂłgicos. Con los resultados, esta tesis aspira a convertirse en una fuente de referencias que enriquezca la escasa bibliografĂ­a de la temĂĄtica, proporcionando una lista de formas organizativas y de comisariado, asĂ­ como las practicas mĂĄs tempranas nunca publicadas, y en conjunto contribuir a la historiografĂ­a actual sobre mujeres. Por Ășltimo, a la vez que se comenta la situaciĂłn actual de las mujeres en las ĂĄreas de arte y tecnologĂ­a, este trabajo presenta Atenea, un proyecto de mentorizaciĂłn y networking para mujeres en las artes y carreras STEM. Atenea estĂĄ compuesto de un programa de actividades con diferentes actividades organizativas y de comisariado, asĂ­ como una plataforma de networking. Adicionalmente, el proyecto tiene un programa enfocado en transmitir conocimientos STEM a niñas a travĂ©s de prĂĄcticas artĂ­sticas con tecnologĂ­a de la mano de mujeres artistas nacionales como mentoras.[CAT] La present tesi doctoral Ă©s una exploraciĂł sobre les iniciatives autoorganitzades de dones que han sorgit en la intersecciĂł de l'art i la tecnologia a nivell internacional. Aquestes iniciatives comunitĂ ries han anat apareixent en llocs on hi ha una escena d'art i nous mitjans, la qual Ă©s generalment de dominaciĂł masculina i baixa en diversitat. Aquest treball de recerca Ă©s un mapeig d'aquest fenomen tecno-social i artĂ­stic, tractant d'identificar les primeres prĂ ctiques. A travĂ©s d'entrevistes, enquestes i mĂštodes d'investigaciĂł etnogrĂ fica, aquesta tesi aspira a comprendre el context que ha donat lloc a semblants iniciatives al llarg de tres dĂšcades i mig, examinant les diferents tipologies pels formats, extensiĂł, espai i estructura que aquestes han adoptat per afrontar la situaciĂł de les dones en aquestes Ă rees. Hi ha un buit de referĂšncies sobre formes organitzatives i de comissariat en les Ă rees d'art i tecnologia. A mĂ©s, la literatura general assenyala les subcultures digitals dels noranta, com ara el ciberfeminisme i el moviment DIY, com els primers i principals referents per a les aliances de dones i l'activisme translocal en l'era digital. No obstant aixĂČ, les estratĂšgies de col·laboraciĂł i segregaciĂł en Ă rees d'art i tecnologia no han estat analitzades des dels estudis feministes des d'una perspectiva histĂČrica en profunditat. Per tant, aquesta tesi estableix la relaciĂł entre aquestes iniciatives amb la histĂČria dels grups de dones artistes i espais d'art alternatius, la histĂČria de les dones en l'art de nous mitjans i la cultura de xarxes. Les noves tecnologies de la informaciĂł i comunicaciĂł han permĂšs noves formes de comunicaciĂł i connectivitat transfrontereres; perĂČ, aquest treball investiga en quina mesura aquestes iniciatives depenen de les TIC per a l'establiment de la seva comunitat, comparat amb els formats analĂČgics. Amb els resultats, aquesta tesi aspira a convertir-se en una font de referĂšncies que enriqueixi l'escassa bibliografia de la temĂ tica, proporcionant una llista de formes organitzatives i de comissariat, aixĂ­ com les prĂ ctiques mĂ©s primerenques mai publicades, i en conjunt contribuir a la historiografia actual sobre dones. Finalment, alhora que es comenta la situaciĂł actual de les dones en les Ă rees d'art i tecnologia, aquest treball presenta Atenea, un projecte de mentoritzaciĂł i networking per a dones en les arts i carreres STEM. Atenea estĂ  compost d'un programmea d'activitats amb diferents activitats organitzatives i de comissariat, aixĂ­ com una plataforma de networking. Addicionalment, el projecte tĂ© un programmea enfocat a transmetre coneixements STEM a nenes a travĂ©s de prĂ ctiques artĂ­stiques amb tecnologia de la mĂ  de dones artistes nacionals com mentores.[EN] This dissertation explores a series of all-women self-organised initiatives that have emerged at the intersection of art and technology internationally. These grassroot initiatives have continued to appear in places where there is a new media arts scene, generally male-dominated and low in diversity. This research work is a mapping of this techno-social and artistic phenomenon, attempting to identify its earliest practices. Through interviews, surveys and ethnographic research, this thesis seeks to comprehend the context that has given rise to such initiatives over three decades and half, examining the different typologies by formats, extension, space and structure that they have adopted to address the situation of women in these fields. There is a void of references on all-women curatorial and organisational forms in art and technology. Moreover, general literature points at digital subcultures of the 1990s such as cyberfeminism and DIY movement as first referents for women's alliance and translocal activism in the digital age. However, collaboration and segregation strategies in new media arts have not been discussed in feminist scholarship from a deeper historical perspective. Therefore, this dissertation elaborates the linkage of such initiatives to early history of all-women art groups and alternative art spaces, history of women in new media arts and to network cultures. New information and communication technologies have enabled new forms of communication and connectivity cross-borders; however, this work investigates in which measure these initiatives are dependent upon ICT for the establishment of a community, compared to analog formats. With the results, this dissertation aims to become a source of references that enriches the scarce bibliography on the topic, providing a list of curatorial and organisational forms with the earliest and unpublished practices that altogether contribute to current women's historiography. Lastly, while discussing the current situation of women in art and technology fields, this works presents Atenea, a mentoring and networking platform for women in Arts and STEM careers. Atenea is comprised of a programme having different organizational, curatorial and networking activities. Additionally, the platform has a project focused on teaching STEM skills to girls through new media arts with female artists as mentors. Keywords: All-women, self-organised, initiatives, new media arts, digital arts, electronic arts, art, technology, activism, mapping, alternative art spaces, collaboration, segregation, ICT, digital age, virtual, community, network cultures, feminism, cyberfeminism, Atenea, STEM, STEAM, girls, organisational, curatorial, networking platform, mentoring,Robles Mateo, E. (2020). All-Women Initiatives in Art and Technology 1986-2020. Atenea: Mentoring and Networking Project in Steam [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/159248TESI

    The Machine as Art/ The Machine as Artist

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    The articles collected in this volume from the two companion Arts Special Issues, “The Machine as Art (in the 20th Century)” and “The Machine as Artist (in the 21st Century)”, represent a unique scholarly resource: analyses by artists, scientists, and engineers, as well as art historians, covering not only the current (and astounding) rapprochement between art and technology but also the vital post-World War II period that has led up to it; this collection is also distinguished by several of the contributors being prominent individuals within their own fields, or as artists who have actually participated in the still unfolding events with which it is concerne

    The Machine as Art/ The Machine as Artist

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    Annual Report of the University, 2001-2002, Volumes 1-4

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    VITAL ACADEMIC CLIMATE* by Brian Foster, Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs A great university engages students and faculty fully in important ideas and issues ... not just to learn about them, but to take them apart and put them back together, to debate, deconstruct, resist, reconstruct and build upon them. Engagement of this sort takes concentration and commitment, and it produces the kind of discipline and passion that leads to student and faculty success and satisfaction in their studies, research, performance, artistic activity and service. It is also the kind of activity that creates a solid, nurturing spirit of community. This is what we mean when we talk about a vital academic climate. We are striving for an environment that will enrich the social, cultural and intellectual lives of all who come in contact with the University. Many things interconnect to make this happen: curriculum, co-curricular activities, conferences, symposia, cultural events, community service, research and social activity. Our goal is to create the highest possible level of academic commitment and excitement at UNM. This is what characterizes a truly great university. *Strategic Direction 2 New Mexico native Andres C. Salazar, a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Michigan State University, has been named the PNM Chair in Microsystems, Commercialization and Technology. Carrying the title of professor, the PNM Chair is a joint appointment between the School of Engineering and the Anderson Schools of Management. Spring 2002 graduate John Probasco was selected a 2002 Rhodes Scholar, the second UNM student to be so honored in the past four years. The biochemistry major from Alamogordo previously had been awarded the Goldwater Scholarship and the Truman Scholarship. Andres c. Salazar Biology student Sophie Peterson of Albuquerque was one of 30 students nationwide to receive a 2002-2003 Award of Excellence from Phi Kappa Phi, the oldest and largest national honor society. Regents\\u27 Professor of Communication and Journalism Everett M. Rogers was selected the University\\u27s 4 71h Annual Research Lecturer, the highest honor UNM bestows upon members of its faculty. John Probasco honored by Student Activities Director Debbie Morris. New Mexico resident, author and poet Simon}. Ortiz received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters at Spring Commencement ceremonies. Child advocate Angela Angie Vachio, founder and executive director of Peanut Butter and Jelly Family Services, Inc., was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters. American Studies Assistant Professor Amanda}. Cobb won the 22 d annual American Book Award for listening to Our Grandmothers\\u27 Stories: The Bloomfield Academy for Chickasaw Females, 1852-1949

    Project knole: an autocosmic approach to authoring resonant computational characters

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    Project knole, consisting of this thesis and a mixed reality installation artwork centred around a computational simulation, is a practice-based response to the question of how a character in a work of computational narrative art might maintain their defining quality of dynamic agency within a system (arguably one of the key potentials of the form), while achieving the ‘resonant’ qualities of characters in more materially-static artforms. In all aspects of this project, I explore a new design philosophy for achieving this balance; between the authorship of a procedural computational system, and the ability of that system to ‘resonate’ with the imagination of an audience. This philosophy, which I term the ‘autocosmic’, seeks inspiration for the curation of audience response outside the obvious boundaries of artistic discipline, across the wider spectrum of human imaginative engagement; examples often drawn from mostly non-aesthetic domains. As well as defining the terms ‘resonance’ and ‘autocosmic’, and delineating my methodology more generally, this thesis demonstrates how the ‘autocosmic’ was employed within my creative work. In particular, it shows how some of the perennial problems of computational character development might be mediated by exploring other non-aesthetic examples of imaginative, narrative engagement with personified systems. In the context of this project, such examples come from the historio-cultural relationship between human beings and the environments they inhabit, outside of formal artistic practice. From this ‘autocosmic’ launchpad, I have developed an artwork that starts to explore how this rich cultural and biological lineage of human social engagement with systemic place can be applied fruitfully to the development of a ‘resonant’ computational character

    Rendezvous: a collaboration between art, research and communities

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    The Remediating the social book includes full proceedings of the conference in Edinburgh, 2012, including full texts of essays and full colour artist's pages with documentation of works commissioned for the Remediating the social exhibitio