17 research outputs found

    Sparse Higher Order ?ech Filtrations

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    For a finite set of balls of radius r, the k-fold cover is the space covered by at least k balls. Fixing the ball centers and varying the radius, we obtain a nested sequence of spaces that is called the k-fold filtration of the centers. For k = 1, the construction is the union-of-balls filtration that is popular in topological data analysis. For larger k, it yields a cleaner shape reconstruction in the presence of outliers. We contribute a sparsification algorithm to approximate the topology of the k-fold filtration. Our method is a combination and adaptation of several techniques from the well-studied case k = 1, resulting in a sparsification of linear size that can be computed in expected near-linear time with respect to the number of input points

    The Heaviest Induced Ancestors Problem Revisited

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    We revisit the heaviest induced ancestors problem, which has several interesting applications in string matching. Let T_1 and T_2 be two weighted trees, where the weight W(u) of a node u in either of the two trees is more than the weight of u\u27s parent. Additionally, the leaves in both trees are labeled and the labeling of the leaves in T_2 is a permutation of those in T_1. A node x in T_1 and a node y in T_2 are induced, iff their subtree have at least one common leaf label. A heaviest induced ancestor query HIA(u_1,u_2) is: given a node u_1 in T_1 and a node u_2 in T_2, output the pair (u_1^*,u_2^*) of induced nodes with the highest combined weight W(u^*_1) + W(u^*_2), such that u_1^* is an ancestor of u_1 and u^*_2 is an ancestor of u_2. Let n be the number of nodes in both trees combined and epsilon >0 be an arbitrarily small constant. Gagie et al. [CCCG\u27 13] introduced this problem and proposed three solutions with the following space-time trade-offs: - an O(n log^2n)-word data structure with O(log n log log n) query time - an O(n log n)-word data structure with O(log^2 n) query time - an O(n)-word data structure with O(log^{3+epsilon}n) query time. In this paper, we revisit this problem and present new data structures, with improved bounds. Our results are as follows. - an O(n log n)-word data structure with O(log n log log n) query time - an O(n)-word data structure with O(log^2 n/log log n) query time. As a corollary, we also improve the LZ compressed index of Gagie et al. [CCCG\u27 13] for answering longest common substring (LCS) queries. Additionally, we show that the LCS after one edit problem of size n [Amir et al., SPIRE\u27 17] can also be reduced to the heaviest induced ancestors problem over two trees of n nodes in total. This yields a straightforward improvement over its current solution of O(n log^3 n) space and O(log^3 n) query time

    Network Optimization on Partitioned Pairs of Points

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    Given n pairs of points, S = {{p_1, q_1}, {p_2, q_2}, ..., {p_n, q_n}}, in some metric space, we study the problem of two-coloring the points within each pair, red and blue, to optimize the cost of a pair of node-disjoint networks, one over the red points and one over the blue points. In this paper we consider our network structures to be spanning trees, traveling salesman tours or matchings. We consider several different weight functions computed over the network structures induced, as well as several different objective functions. We show that some of these problems are NP-hard, and provide constant factor approximation algorithms in all cases

    Longest common substring made fully dynamic

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    Given two strings S and T, each of length at most n, the longest common substring (LCS) problem is to find a longest substring common to S and T. This is a classical problem in computer science with an O(n)-time solution. In the fully dynamic setting, edit operations are allowed in either of the two strings, and the problem is to find an LCS after each edit. We present the first solution to this problem requiring sublinear time in n per edit operation. In particular, we show how to find an LCS after each edit operation in Õ(n2/3) time, after Õ(n)-time and space preprocessing. 1 This line of research has been recently initiated in a somewhat restricted dynamic variant by Amir et al. [SPIRE 2017]. More specifically, they presented an Õ(n)-sized data structure that returns an LCS of the two strings after a single edit operation (that is reverted afterwards) in Õ(1) time. At CPM 2018, three papers (Abedin et al., Funakoshi et al., and Urabe et al.) studied analogously restricted dynamic variants of problems on strings. We show that the techniques we develop can be applied to obtain fully dynamic algorithms for all of these variants. The only previously known sublinear-time dynamic algorithms for problems on strings were for maintaining a dynamic collection of strings for comparison queries and for pattern matching, with the most recent advances made by Gawrychowski et al. [SODA 2018] and by Clifford et al. [STACS 2018]. As an intermediate problem we consider computing the solution for a string with a given set of k edits, which leads us, in particular, to answering internal queries on a string. The input to such a query is specified by a substring (or substrings) of a given string. Data structures for answering internal string queries that were proposed by Kociumaka et al. [SODA 2015] and by Gagie et al. [CCCG 2013] are used, along with new ones, based on ingredients such as the suffix tree, heavy-path decomposition, orthogonal range queries, difference covers, and string periodicity

    Algorithmic and Combinatorial Results on Fence Patrolling, Polygon Cutting and Geometric Spanners

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to study problems that lie at the intersection of geometry and computer science. We have studied and obtained several results from three different areas, namely–geometric spanners, polygon cutting, and fence patrolling. Specifically, we have designed and analyzed algorithms along with various combinatorial results in these three areas. For geometric spanners, we have obtained combinatorial results regarding lower bounds on worst case dilation of plane spanners. We also have studied low degree plane lattice spanners, both square and hexagonal, of low dilation. Next, for polygon cutting, we have designed and analyzed algorithms for cutting out polygon collections drawn on a piece of planar material using the three geometric models of saw, namely, line, ray and segment cuts. For fence patrolling, we have designed several strategies for robots patrolling both open and closed fences

    Dynamic and Internal Longest Common Substring

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    Given two strings S and T, each of length at most n, the longest common substring (LCS) problem is to find a longest substring common to S and T. This is a classical problem in computer science with an O(n) -time solution. In the fully dynamic setting, edit operations are allowed in either of the two strings, and the problem is to find an LCS after each edit. We present the first solution to the fully dynamic LCS problem requiring sublinear time in n per edit operation. In particular, we show how to find an LCS after each edit operation in O~ (n2 / 3) time, after O~ (n) -time and space preprocessing. This line of research has been recently initiated in a somewhat restricted dynamic variant by Amir et al. [SPIRE 2017]. More specifically, the authors presented an O~ (n) -sized data structure that returns an LCS of the two strings after a single edit operation (that is reverted afterwards) in O~ (1) time. At CPM 2018, three papers (Abedin et al., Funakoshi et al., and Urabe et al.) studied analogously restricted dynamic variants of problems on strings; specifically, computing the longest palindrome and the Lyndon factorization of a string after a single edit operation. We develop dynamic sublinear-time algorithms for both of these problems as well. We also consider internal LCS queries, that is, queries in which we are to return an LCS of a pair of substrings of S and T. We show that answering such queries is hard in general and propose efficient data structures for several restricted cases

    Efficient Data Structures for Text Processing Applications

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    This thesis is devoted to designing and analyzing efficient text indexing data structures and associated algorithms for processing text data. The general problem is to preprocess a given text or a collection of texts into a space-efficient index to quickly answer various queries on this data. Basic queries such as counting/reporting a given pattern\u27s occurrences as substrings of the original text are useful in modeling critical bioinformatics applications. This line of research has witnessed many breakthroughs, such as the suffix trees, suffix arrays, FM-index, etc. In this work, we revisit the following problems: 1. The Heaviest Induced Ancestors problem 2. Range Longest Common Prefix problem 3. Range Shortest Unique Substrings problem 4. Non-Overlapping Indexing problem For the first problem, we present two new space-time trade-offs that improve the space, query time, or both of the existing solutions by roughly a logarithmic factor. For the second problem, our solution takes linear space, which improves the previous result by a logarithmic factor. The techniques developed are then extended to obtain an efficient solution for our third problem, which is newly formulated. Finally, we present a new framework that yields efficient solutions for the last problem in both cache-aware and cache-oblivious models

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    16th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory: SWAT 2018, June 18-20, 2018, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden

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    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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