99 research outputs found

    Multitudes of Objects: First Implementation and Case Study for Java

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    In object-oriented programs, the relationship of an object to many objects is usually implemented using indirection through a collection. This is in contrast to a relationship to one object, which is usually implemented directly. However, using collections for relationships to many objects does not only mean that accessing the related objects always requires accessing the collection first, it also presents a lurking maintenance problem that manifests itself when a relationship needs to be changed from to-one to to-many or vice versa. Continuing our prior work on fixing this problem, we show how we have extended the Java 7 programming language with multiplicities, that is, with expressions that evaluate to a number of objects not wrapped in a container, and report on the experience we have gathered using these multiplicities in a case study

    Querypoint Debugging

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    To fix a bug, software developers have to examine the bug-gy execution to locate defects. They employ different ap-proaches (e.g., setting breakpoints, inserting printing statements in the code) to navigate over buggy execution and inspect program state at suspicious points. In this pa-per we describe Querypoints, a new kind of compound conditional breakpoint relating two execution points. De-velopers specify Querypoints relative to a successfully paused conventional breakpoint or conventional watchpoint or to another Querypoint. The relative conditions contain runtime data values, like the last time a value was changed, or program statements, like the last conditional branch. The Querypoint combines the program state information from two execution points in the same execution; Querypoints can be chained to work backwards from effects to causes in a program. We present basic Querypoint concepts, two sample Que-rypoints, lastChange and lastCondition, and a description of our implementation of these Querypoints. To demon-strate that Querypoints are feasible we describe a prototype that implements an alternative approach to finding a bug in a graphical program analyzed previously with Whyline, one of the new logging-based debuggers

    A Direct-Style Effect Notation for Sequential and Parallel Programs

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    Modeling sequential and parallel composition of effectful computations has been investigated in a variety of languages for a long time. In particular, the popular do-notation provides a lightweight effect embedding for any instance of a monad. Idiom bracket notation, on the other hand, provides an embedding for applicatives. First, while monads force effects to be executed sequentially, ignoring potential for parallelism, applicatives do not support sequential effects. Composing sequential with parallel effects remains an open problem. This is even more of an issue as real programs consist of a combination of both sequential and parallel segments. Second, common notations do not support invoking effects in direct-style, instead forcing a rigid structure upon the code. In this paper, we propose a mixed applicative/monadic notation that retains parallelism where possible, but allows sequentiality where necessary. We leverage a direct-style notation where sequentiality or parallelism is derived from the structure of the code. We provide a mechanisation of our effectful language in Coq and prove that our compilation approach retains the parallelism of the source program

    CrySL: An Extensible Approach to Validating the Correct Usage of Cryptographic APIs

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    Various studies have empirically shown that the majority of Java and Android apps misuse cryptographic libraries, causing devastating breaches of data security. It is crucial to detect such misuses early in the development process. To detect cryptography misuses, one must first define secure uses, a process mastered primarily by cryptography experts, and not by developers. In this paper, we present CrySL, a definition language for bridging the cognitive gap between cryptography experts and developers. CrySL enables cryptography experts to specify the secure usage of the cryptographic libraries that they provide. We have implemented a compiler that translates such CrySL specification into a context-sensitive and flow-sensitive demand-driven static analysis. The analysis then helps developers by automatically checking a given Java or Android app for compliance with the CrySL-encoded rules. We have designed an extensive CrySL rule set for the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA), and empirically evaluated it by analyzing 10,000 current Android apps. Our results show that misuse of cryptographic APIs is still widespread, with 95% of apps containing at least one misuse. Our easily extensible CrySL rule set covers more violations than previous special-purpose tools with hard-coded rules, with our tooling offering a more precise analysis

    A Framework for Resource Dependent EDSLs in a Dependently Typed Language (Pearl)

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    Idris' Effects library demonstrates how to embed resource dependent algebraic effect handlers into a dependently typed host language, providing run-time and compile-time based reasoning on type-level resources. Building upon this work, Resources is a framework for realising Embedded Domain Specific Languages (EDSLs) with type systems that contain domain specific substructural properties. Differing from Effects, Resources allows a language’s substructural properties to be encoded within type-level resources that are associated with language variables. Such an association allows for multiple effect instances to be reasoned about autonomically and without explicit type-level declaration. Type-level predicates are used as proof that the language’s substructural properties hold. Several exemplar EDSLs are presented that illustrates our framework’s operation and how dependent types provide correctness-by-construction guarantees that substructural properties of written programs hold

    Tracerory - Dynamic Tracematches and Unread Memory Detection for C/C++

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    Dynamic binary translation allows us to analyze a program during execution without the need for a compiler or the program's source code. In this work, we present two applications of dynamic binary translation: tracematches and unread memory detection. Libraries are ubiquitous in modern software development. Each library requires that its clients follow certain conventions, depending on the domain of the library. Tracematches are a particularly expressive notation for specifying library usage conventions, but have only been implemented on top of Java. In this work, we leverage dynamic binary translation to enable the use of tracematches on executables, particularly for compiled C/C++ programs. The presence of memory that is never read, or memory writes that are never read during execution is wasteful, and may be also be indicative of bugs. In addition to tracematches, we present an unread memory detector. We built this detector using dynamic binary translation. We have implemented a tool which monitors tracematches on top of the Pin framework along with unread memory. We describe the operation of our tool using a series of motivating examples and then present our overall monitoring approach. Finally, we include benchmarks showing the overhead of our tool on 4 open source projects and report qualitative results

    Bidirectional Type Checking for Relational Properties

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    Relational type systems have been designed for several applications including information flow, differential privacy, and cost analysis. In order to achieve the best results, these systems often use relational refinements and relational effects to maximally exploit the similarity in the structure of the two programs being compared. Relational type systems are appealing for relational properties because they deliver simpler and more precise verification than what could be derived from typing the two programs separately. However, relational type systems do not yet achieve the practical appeal of their non-relational counterpart, in part because of the lack of a general foundations for implementing them. In this paper, we take a step in this direction by developing bidirectional relational type checking for systems with relational refinements and effects. Our approach achieves the benefits of bidirectional type checking, in a relational setting. In particular, it significantly reduces the need for typing annotations through the combination of type checking and type inference. In order to highlight the foundational nature of our approach, we develop bidirectional versions of several relational type systems which incrementally combine many different components needed for expressive relational analysis.Comment: 14 page
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