52 research outputs found

    Sensing with Earables: A Systematic Literature Review and Taxonomy of Phenomena

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    Earables have emerged as a unique platform for ubiquitous computing by augmenting ear-worn devices with state-of-the-art sensing. This new platform has spurred a wealth of new research exploring what can be detected on a wearable, small form factor. As a sensing platform, the ears are less susceptible to motion artifacts and are located in close proximity to a number of important anatomical structures including the brain, blood vessels, and facial muscles which reveal a wealth of information. They can be easily reached by the hands and the ear canal itself is affected by mouth, face, and head movements. We have conducted a systematic literature review of 271 earable publications from the ACM and IEEE libraries. These were synthesized into an open-ended taxonomy of 47 different phenomena that can be sensed in, on, or around the ear. Through analysis, we identify 13 fundamental phenomena from which all other phenomena can be derived, and discuss the different sensors and sensing principles used to detect them. We comprehensively review the phenomena in four main areas of (i) physiological monitoring and health, (ii) movement and activity, (iii) interaction, and (iv) authentication and identification. This breadth highlights the potential that earables have to offer as a ubiquitous, general-purpose platform

    Responsive and Emotive Wearable Technology: physiological data, devices and communication

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    My research practice and thesis investigates how wearable technology can be used to create new forms of nonverbal communication. Using devices developed through my practice, I explore how physiological data can be drawn from the body, then visualised and broadcast. I examine the opinions and requirements of potential users and observers of this technology, through qualitative responses in interviews and surveys from focus groups and field tests. I have analysed the resulting data to extract preferences and concerns, plus the requirements for the functionality and aesthetics of these devices. I discuss the social and cultural aspects of wearing such devices, as well as the issues, including how privacy may be affected and the implications of recording personal data. I examine my practice in the context of the work of the communities and practitioners in the field, and introduce two new terms to label two sub-sections of wearable technology. These are ‘responsive wearables’ and ‘emotive wearables’, and they form part of the distinctive contribution that I make. Reflecting on the evolution of my practice has led to other contributions regarding the development of wearable technology. Through this, I identify and share the insights into the disciplines and processes required for the fusion of technology and design successfully to evolve electronics, code and materials into research prototypes. I conclude by discussing findings from my practice, research and studies with potential users of emotive wearables. I comment on the impact that physiologically sensing wearable technology has on aspects of social interaction for the individual as well as for the wider community. I open the discussion on future research by revealing two new examples of emotive wearables — the AnemoneStarHeart and the ThinkerBelle EEG Amplifying Dress — which have evolved from pinpointing specific areas of the focus group and field test feedback that I undertook

    Multiobjective design of wearable sensor systems for electrocardiogram monitoring

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    Wearable sensor systems will soon become part of the available medical tools for remote and long term physiological monitoring. However, the set of variables involved in the performance of these systems are usually antagonistic, and therefore the design of usable wearable systems in real clinical applications entails a number of challenges that have to be addressed first. This paper describes a method to optimise the design of these systems for the specific application of cardiac monitoring. The method proposed is based on the selection of a subset of 5 design variables, sensor contact, location, and rotation, signal correlation, and patient comfort, and 2 objective functions, functionality and wearability. These variables are optimised using linear and nonlinear models to maximise those objective functions simultaneously. The methodology described and the results achieved demonstrate that it is possible to find an optimal solution and therefore overcome most of the design barriers that prevent wearable sensor systems from being used in normal clinical practice.This work was supported by the Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion, COLCIENCIAS, Republic of Colombia, under Grant nos. 511 and 523.Martinez-Tabares, FJ.; Costa-Salas, YJ.; Cuesta Frau, D.; Castellanos-Dominguez, G. (2016). Multiobjective design of wearable sensor systems for electrocardiogram monitoring. Journal of Sensors. (2418065):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/2418065115241806

    Designing gaze-based interaction for pervasive public displays

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    The last decade witnessed an increasing adoption of public interactive displays. Displays can now be seen in many public areas, such as shopping malls, and train stations. There is also a growing trend towards using large public displays especially in airports, urban areas, universities and libraries. Meanwhile, advances in eye tracking and visual computing promise straightforward integration of eye tracking on these displays for both: 1) monitoring the user's visual behavior to evaluate different aspects of the display, such as measuring the visual attention of passersby, and for 2) interaction purposes, such as allowing users to provide input, retrieve content, or transfer data using their eye movements. Gaze is particularly useful for pervasive public displays. In addition to being natural and intuitive, eye gaze can be detected from a distance, bringing interactivity to displays that are physically unreachable. Gaze reflects the user's intention and visual interests, and its subtle nature makes it well-suited for public interactions where social embarrassment and privacy concerns might hinder the experience. On the downside, eye tracking technologies have traditionally been developed for desktop settings, where a user interacts from a stationary position and for a relatively long period of time. Interaction with public displays is fundamentally different and hence poses unique challenges when employing eye tracking. First, users of public displays are dynamic; users could approach the display from different directions, and interact from different positions or even while moving. This means that gaze-enabled displays should not expect users to be stationary at a specific position, but instead adapt to users' ever-changing position in front of the display. Second, users of public displays typically interact for short durations, often for a few seconds only. This means that contrary to desktop settings, public displays cannot afford requiring users to perform time-consuming calibration prior to interaction. In this publications-based dissertation, we first report on a review of challenges of interactive public displays, and discuss the potential of gaze in addressing these challenges. We then showcase the implementation and in-depth evaluation of two applications where gaze is leveraged to address core problems in today's public displays. The first presents an eye-based solution, EyePACT, that tackles the parallax effect which is often experienced on today's touch-based public displays. We found that EyePACT significantly improves accuracy even with varying degrees of parallax. The second is a novel multimodal system, GTmoPass, that combines gaze and touch input for secure user authentication on public displays. GTmoPass was found to be highly resilient to shoulder surfing, thermal attacks and smudge attacks, thereby offering a secure solution to an important problem on public displays. The second part of the dissertation explores specific challenges of gaze-based interaction with public displays. First, we address the user positioning problem by means of active eye tracking. More specifically, we built a novel prototype, EyeScout, that dynamically moves the eye tracker based on the user's position without augmenting the user. This, in turn, allowed us to study and understand gaze-based interaction with public displays while walking, and when approaching the display from different positions. An evaluation revealed that EyeScout is well perceived by users, and improves the time needed to initiate gaze interaction by 62% compared to state-of-the-art. Second, we propose a system, Read2Calibrate, for calibrating eye trackers implicitly while users read text on displays. We found that although text-based calibration is less accurate than traditional methods, it integrates smoothly while reading and thereby more suitable for public displays. Finally, through our prototype system, EyeVote, we show how to allow users to select textual options on public displays via gaze without calibration. In a field deployment of EyeVote, we studied the trade-off between accuracy and selection speed when using calibration-free selection techniques. We found that users of public displays value faster interactions over accurate ones, and are willing to correct system errors in case of inaccuracies. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings on the design of gaze-based interaction for public displays, and how our work can be adapted for other domains apart from public displays, such as on handheld mobile devices.In den letzten zehn Jahren wurden vermehrt interaktive Displays in öffentlichen Bereichen wie Einkaufszentren, Flughäfen und Bahnhöfen eingesetzt. Große öffentliche Displays finden sich zunehmend in städtischen Gebieten, beispielsweise in Universitäten und Bibliotheken. Fortschritte in der Eye-Tracking-Technologie und der Bildverarbeitung versprechen eine einfache Integration von Eye-Tracking auf diesen Displays. So kann zum einen das visuelle Verhalten der Benutzer verfolgt und damit ein Display nach verschiedenen Aspekten evaluiert werden. Zum anderen eröffnet Eye-Tracking auf öffentlichen Displays neue Interaktionsmöglichkeiten. Blickbasierte Interaktion ist besonders nützlich für Bildschirme im allgegenwärtigen öffentlichen Raum. Der Blick bietet mehr als eine natürliche und intuitive Interaktionsmethode: Blicke können aus der Ferne erkannt und somit für Interaktion mit sonst unerreichbaren Displays genutzt werden. Aus der Interaktion mit dem Blick (Gaze) lassen sich Absichten und visuelle Interessen der Benutzer ableiten. Dadurch eignet es sich besonders für den öffentlichen Raum, wo Nutzer möglicherweise Datenschutzbedenken haben könnten oder sich bei herkömmlichen Methoden gehemmt fühlen würden in der Öffentlichkeit mit den Displays zu interagieren. Dadurch wird ein uneingeschränktes Nutzererlebnis ermöglicht. Eye-Tracking-Technologien sind jedoch in erster Linie für Desktop-Szenarien entwickelt worden, bei denen ein Benutzer für eine relativ lange Zeitspanne in einer stationären Position mit dem System interagiert. Die Interaktion mit öffentlichen Displays ist jedoch grundlegend anders. Daher gilt es völlig neuartige Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, wenn Eye-Tracking eingesetzt wird. Da sich Nutzer von öffentlichen Displays bewegen, können sie sich dem Display aus verschiedenen Richtungen nähern und sogar währenddessen mit dem Display interagieren. Folglich sollten "Gaze-enabled Displays" nicht davon ausgehen, dass Nutzer sich stets an einer bestimmten Position befinden, sondern sollten sich an die ständig wechselnde Position des Nutzers anpassen können. Zum anderen interagieren Nutzer von öffentlichen Displays üblicherweise nur für eine kurze Zeitspannen von ein paar Sekunden. Eine zeitaufwändige Kalibrierung durch den Nutzer vor der eigentlichen Interaktion ist hier im Gegensatz zu Desktop-Szenarien also nicht adäquat. Diese kumulative Dissertation überprüft zunächst die Herausforderungen interaktiver öffentlicher Displays und diskutiert das Potenzial von blickbasierter Interaktion zu deren Bewältigung. Anschließend wird die Implementierung und eingehende Evaluierung von zwei beispielhaften Anwendungen vorgestellt, bei denen Nutzer durch den Blick mit öffentlichen Displays interagieren. Daraus ergeben sich weitere greifbare Vorteile der blickbasierten Interaktion für öffentliche Display-Kontexte. Bei der ersten Anwendung, EyePACT, steht der Parallaxeneffekt im Fokus, der heutzutage häufig ein Problem auf öffentlichen Displays darstellt, die über Berührung (Touch) gesteuert werden. Die zweite Anwendung ist ein neuartiges multimodales System, GTmoPass, das Gaze- und Touch-Eingabe zur sicheren Benutzerauthentifizierung auf öffentlichen Displays kombiniert. GTmoPass ist sehr widerstandsfähig sowohl gegenüber unerwünschten fremden Blicken als auch gegenüber sogenannten thermischen Angriffen und Schmierangriffen. Es bietet damit eine sichere Lösung für ein wichtiges Sicherheits- und Datenschutzproblem auf öffentlichen Displays. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation befasst sich mit spezifischen Herausforderungen der Gaze-Interaktion mit öffentlichen Displays. Zuerst wird der Aspekt der Benutzerpositionierung durch aktives Eye-Tracking adressiert. Der neuartige Prototyp EyeScout bewegt den Eye-Tracker passend zur Position des Nutzers, ohne dass dieser dafür mit weiteren Geräten oder Sensoren ausgestattet werden muss. Dies ermöglicht blickbasierte Interaktion mit öffentlichen Displays auch in jenen Situationen zu untersuchen und zu verstehen, in denen Nutzer in Bewegung sind und sich dem Display von verschiedenen Positionen aus nähern. Zweitens wird das System Read2Calibrate präsentiert, das Eye-Tracker implizit kalibriert, während Nutzer Texte auf Displays lesen. Der Prototyp EyeVote zeigt, wie man die Auswahl von Textantworten auf öffentlichen Displays per Blick ohne Kalibrierung ermöglichen kann. In einer Feldstudie mit EyeVote wird der Kompromiss zwischen Genauigkeit und Auswahlgeschwindigkeit unter der Verwendung kalibrierungsfreier Auswahltechniken untersucht. Die Implikationen der Ergebnisse für das Design von blickbasierter Interaktion öffentlicher Displays werden diskutiert. Abschließend wird erörtert wie die verwendete Methodik auf andere Bereiche, z.B. auf mobilie Geräte, angewendet werden kann

    Towards the internet of smart clothing: a review on IoT wearables and garments for creating intelligent connected e-textiles

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    [Abstract] Technology has become ubiquitous, it is all around us and is becoming part of us. Togetherwith the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm and enabling technologies (e.g., Augmented Reality (AR), Cyber-Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain or edge computing), smart wearables and IoT-based garments can potentially have a lot of influence by harmonizing functionality and the delight created by fashion. Thus, smart clothes look for a balance among fashion, engineering, interaction, user experience, cybersecurity, design and science to reinvent technologies that can anticipate needs and desires. Nowadays, the rapid convergence of textile and electronics is enabling the seamless and massive integration of sensors into textiles and the development of conductive yarn. The potential of smart fabrics, which can communicate with smartphones to process biometric information such as heart rate, temperature, breathing, stress, movement, acceleration, or even hormone levels, promises a new era for retail. This article reviews the main requirements for developing smart IoT-enabled garments and shows smart clothing potential impact on business models in the medium-term. Specifically, a global IoT architecture is proposed, the main types and components of smart IoT wearables and garments are presented, their main requirements are analyzed and some of the most recent smart clothing applications are studied. In this way, this article reviews the past and present of smart garments in order to provide guidelines for the future developers of a network where garments will be connected like other IoT objects: the Internet of Smart Clothing.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-045Xunta de Galicia; ED341D R2016/012Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación de España; TEC2013-47141-C4-1-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación de España; TEC2016-75067-C4-1-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación de España; TEC2015-69648-RED

    Move, hold and touch: A framework for Tangible gesture interactive systems

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    © 2015 by the authors. Technology is spreading in our everyday world, and digital interaction beyond the screen, with real objects, allows taking advantage of our natural manipulative and communicative skills. Tangible gesture interaction takes advantage of these skills by bridging two popular domains in Human-Computer Interaction, tangible interaction and gestural interaction. In this paper, we present the Tangible Gesture Interaction Framework (TGIF) for classifying and guiding works in this field. We propose a classification of gestures according to three relationships with objects: move, hold and touch. Following this classification, we analyzed previous work in the literature to obtain guidelines and common practices for designing and building new tangible gesture interactive systems. We describe four interactive systems as application examples of the TGIF guidelines and we discuss the descriptive, evaluative and generative power of TGIF

    Seven Years after the Manifesto: Literature Review and Research Directions for Technologies in Animal Computer Interaction

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    As technologies diversify and become embedded in everyday lives, the technologies we expose to animals, and the new technologies being developed for animals within the field of Animal Computer Interaction (ACI) are increasing. As we approach seven years since the ACI manifesto, which grounded the field within Human Computer Interaction and Computer Science, this thematic literature review looks at the technologies developed for (non-human) animals. Technologies that are analysed include tangible and physical, haptic and wearable, olfactory, screen technology and tracking systems. The conversation explores what exactly ACI is whilst questioning what it means to be animal by considering the impact and loop between machine and animal interactivity. The findings of this review are expected to form the first grounding foundation of ACI technologies informing future research in animal computing as well as suggesting future areas for exploratio