269 research outputs found


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    Fault-tolerant distributed algorithms play an important role in many critical/high-availability applications. These algorithms are notoriously difficult to implement correctly, due to asynchronous communication and the occurrence of faults, such as the network dropping messages or computers crashing. Nonetheless there is surprisingly little language and verification support to build distributed systems based on fault-tolerant algorithms. In this paper, we present some of the challenges that a designer has to overcome to implement a fault-tolerant distributed system. Then we review different models that have been proposed to reason about distributed algorithms and sketch how such a model can form the basis for a domain-specific programming language. Adopting a high-level programming model can simplify the programmer's life and make the code amenable to automated verification, while still compiling to efficiently executable code. We conclude by summarizing the current status of an ongoing language design and implementation project that is based on this idea

    Foundations of Information-Flow Control and Effects

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    In programming language research, information-flow control (IFC) is a technique for enforcing a variety of security aspects, such as confidentiality of data,on programs. This Licenciate thesis makes novel contributions to the theory and foundations of IFC in the following ways: Chapter A presents a new proof method for showing the usual desired property of noninterference; Chapter B shows how to securely extend the concurrent IFC language MAC with asynchronous exceptions; and, Chapter C presents a new and simpler language for IFC with effects based on an explicit separation of pure and effectful computations

    Isolation Without Taxation: {N}ear-Zero-Cost Transitions for {WebAssembly} and {SFI}

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    Software sandboxing or software-based fault isolation (SFI) is a lightweight approach to building secure systems out of untrusted components. Mozilla, for example, uses SFI to harden the Firefox browser by sandboxing third-party libraries, and companies like Fastly and Cloudflare use SFI to safely co-locate untrusted tenants on their edge clouds. While there have been significant efforts to optimize and verify SFI enforcement, context switching in SFI systems remains largely unexplored: almost all SFI systems use \emph{heavyweight transitions} that are not only error-prone but incur significant performance overhead from saving, clearing, and restoring registers when context switching. We identify a set of \emph{zero-cost conditions} that characterize when sandboxed code has sufficient structured to guarantee security via lightweight \emph{zero-cost} transitions (simple function calls). We modify the Lucet Wasm compiler and its runtime to use zero-cost transitions, eliminating the undue performance tax on systems that rely on Lucet for sandboxing (e.g., we speed up image and font rendering in Firefox by up to 29.7\% and 10\% respectively). To remove the Lucet compiler and its correct implementation of the Wasm specification from the trusted computing base, we (1) develop a \emph{static binary verifier}, VeriZero, which (in seconds) checks that binaries produced by Lucet satisfy our zero-cost conditions, and (2) prove the soundness of VeriZero by developing a logical relation that captures when a compiled Wasm function is semantically well-behaved with respect to our zero-cost conditions. Finally, we show that our model is useful beyond Wasm by describing a new, purpose-built SFI system, SegmentZero32, that uses x86 segmentation and LLVM with mostly off-the-shelf passes to enforce our zero-cost conditions; our prototype performs on-par with the state-of-the-art Native Client SFI system

    Sub-session hijacking on the web: Root causes and prevention

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    Since cookies act as the only proof of a user identity, web sessions are particularly vulnerable to session hijacking attacks, where the browser run by a given user sends requests associated to the identity of another user. When n > 1 cookies are used to implement a session, there might actually be n sub-sessions running at the same website, where each cookie is used to retrieve part of the state information related to the session. Sub-session hijacking breaks the ideal view of the existence of a unique user session by selectively hijacking m sub-sessions, with m < n. This may reduce the security of the session to the security of its weakest sub-session. In this paper, we take a systematic look at the root causes of sub-session hijacking attacks and we introduce sub-session linking as a possible defense mechanism. Out of two flavors of sub-session linking desirable for security, which we call intra-scope and inter-scope sub-session linking respectively, only the former is relatively smooth to implement. Luckily, we also identify programming practices to void the need for inter-scope sub-session linking. We finally present Warden, a server-side proxy which automatically enforces intra-scope sub-session linking on incoming HTTP(S) requests, and we evaluate it in terms of protection, performances, backward compatibility and ease of deployment

    Information flow analysis for a dynamically typed language with staged metaprogramming

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    Web applications written in JavaScript are regularly used for dealing with sensitive or personal data. Consequently, reasoning about their security properties has become an important problem, which is made very difficult by the highly dynamic nature of the language, particularly its support for runtime code generation via eval. In order to deal with this, we propose to investigate security analyses for languages with more principled forms of dynamic code generation. To this end, we present a static information flow analysis for a dynamically typed functional language with prototype-based inheritance and staged metaprogramming. We prove its soundness, implement it and test it on various examples designed to show its relevance to proving security properties, such as noninterference, in JavaScript. To demonstrate the applicability of the analysis, we also present a general method for transforming a program using eval into one using staged metaprogramming. To our knowledge, this is the first fully static information flow analysis for a language with staged metaprogramming, and the first formal soundness proof of a CFA-based information flow analysis for a functional programming language

    Adaptive Constraint Solving for Information Flow Analysis

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    In program analysis, unknown properties for terms are typically represented symbolically as variables. Bound constraints on these variables can then specify multiple optimisation goals for computer programs and nd application in areas such as type theory, security, alias analysis and resource reasoning. Resolution of bound constraints is a problem steeped in graph theory; interdependencies between the variables is represented as a constraint graph. Additionally, constants are introduced into the system as concrete bounds over these variables and constants themselves are ordered over a lattice which is, once again, represented as a graph. Despite graph algorithms being central to bound constraint solving, most approaches to program optimisation that use bound constraint solving have treated their graph theoretic foundations as a black box. Little has been done to investigate the computational costs or design e cient graph algorithms for constraint resolution. Emerging examples of these lattices and bound constraint graphs, particularly from the domain of language-based security, are showing that these graphs and lattices are structurally diverse and could be arbitrarily large. Therefore, there is a pressing need to investigate the graph theoretic foundations of bound constraint solving. In this thesis, we investigate the computational costs of bound constraint solving from a graph theoretic perspective for Information Flow Analysis (IFA); IFA is a sub- eld of language-based security which veri es whether con dentiality and integrity of classified information is preserved as it is manipulated by a program. We present a novel framework based on graph decomposition for solving the (atomic) bound constraint problem for IFA. Our approach enables us to abstract away from connections between individual vertices to those between sets of vertices in both the constraint graph and an accompanying security lattice which defines ordering over constants. Thereby, we are able to achieve significant speedups compared to state-of-the-art graph algorithms applied to bound constraint solving. More importantly, our algorithms are highly adaptive in nature and seamlessly adapt to the structure of the constraint graph and the lattice. The computational costs of our approach is a function of the latent scope of decomposition in the constraint graph and the lattice; therefore, we enjoy the fastest runtime for every point in the structure-spectrum of these graphs and lattices. While the techniques in this dissertation are developed with IFA in mind, they can be extended to other application of the bound constraints problem, such as type inference and program analysis frameworks which use annotated type systems, where constants are ordered over a lattice

    An Introduction to the \u27Oceans and Society: Blue Planet\u27 Initiative

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    We live on a blue planet, and Earth’s waters benefit many sectors of society. The future of our blue planet is increasingly reliant on the services delivered by marine, coastal and inland waters and on the advancement of effective, evidence-based decisions on sustainable development. ‘Oceans and Society: Blue Planet’ is an initiative of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) that aims to ensure the sustained development and use of ocean and coastal observations for the benefit of society. The initiative works to advance and exploit synergies among the many observational programmes devoted to ocean and coastal waters; to improve engagement with a variety of stakeholders for enhancing the timeliness, quality and range of information delivered; and to raise awareness of the societal benefits of ocean observations at the public and policy levels. This paper summarises the role of the initiative, current activities and considerations for future directions
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