43 research outputs found

    Organization and Usage of Learning Objects within Personal Computers

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    Research report of the ProLearn Network of Excellence (IST 507310), Deliverable 7.6To promote the integration of Desktop related Knowledge Management and Technology Enhanced Learning this deliverable aims at increasing the awareness of Desktop research within the Professional Learning community and at familiarizing the e-Learning researchers with the state-of-the-art in the relevant areas of Personal Information Management (PIM), as well as with the currently on-going activities and some of the regular PIM publication venues

    Entities with quantities : extraction, search, and ranking

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    Quantities are more than numeric values. They denote measures of the world’s entities such as heights of buildings, running times of athletes, energy efficiency of car models or energy production of power plants, all expressed in numbers with associated units. Entity-centric search and question answering (QA) are well supported by modern search engines. However, they do not work well when the queries involve quantity filters, such as searching for athletes who ran 200m under 20 seconds or companies with quarterly revenue above $2 Billion. State-of-the-art systems fail to understand the quantities, including the condition (less than, above, etc.), the unit of interest (seconds, dollar, etc.), and the context of the quantity (200m race, quarterly revenue, etc.). QA systems based on structured knowledge bases (KBs) also fail as quantities are poorly covered by state-of-the-art KBs. In this dissertation, we developed new methods to advance the state-of-the-art on quantity knowledge extraction and search.Zahlen sind mehr als nur numerische Werte. Sie beschreiben Maße von Entitäten wie die Höhe von Gebäuden, die Laufzeit von Sportlern, die Energieeffizienz von Automodellen oder die Energieerzeugung von Kraftwerken - jeweils ausgedrückt durch Zahlen mit zugehörigen Einheiten. Entitätszentriete Anfragen und direktes Question-Answering werden von Suchmaschinen häufig gut unterstützt. Sie funktionieren jedoch nicht gut, wenn die Fragen Zahlenfilter beinhalten, wie z. B. die Suche nach Sportlern, die 200m unter 20 Sekunden gelaufen sind, oder nach Unternehmen mit einem Quartalsumsatz von über 2 Milliarden US-Dollar. Selbst moderne Systeme schaffen es nicht, Quantitäten, einschließlich der genannten Bedingungen (weniger als, über, etc.), der Maßeinheiten (Sekunden, Dollar, etc.) und des Kontexts (200-Meter-Rennen, Quartalsumsatz usw.), zu verstehen. Auch QA-Systeme, die auf strukturierten Wissensbanken (“Knowledge Bases”, KBs) aufgebaut sind, versagen, da quantitative Eigenschaften von modernen KBs kaum erfasst werden. In dieser Dissertation werden neue Methoden entwickelt, um den Stand der Technik zur Wissensextraktion und -suche von Quantitäten voranzutreiben. Unsere Hauptbeiträge sind die folgenden: • Zunächst präsentieren wir Qsearch [Ho et al., 2019, Ho et al., 2020] – ein System, das mit erweiterten Fragen mit Quantitätsfiltern umgehen kann, indem es Hinweise verwendet, die sowohl in der Frage als auch in den Textquellen vorhanden sind. Qsearch umfasst zwei Hauptbeiträge. Der erste Beitrag ist ein tiefes neuronales Netzwerkmodell, das für die Extraktion quantitätszentrierter Tupel aus Textquellen entwickelt wurde. Der zweite Beitrag ist ein neuartiges Query-Matching-Modell zum Finden und zur Reihung passender Tupel. • Zweitens, um beim Vorgang heterogene Tabellen einzubinden, stellen wir QuTE [Ho et al., 2021a, Ho et al., 2021b] vor – ein System zum Extrahieren von Quantitätsinformationen aus Webquellen, insbesondere Ad-hoc Webtabellen in HTML-Seiten. Der Beitrag von QuTE umfasst eine Methode zur Verknüpfung von Quantitäts- und Entitätsspalten, für die externe Textquellen genutzt werden. Zur Beantwortung von Fragen kontextualisieren wir die extrahierten Entitäts-Quantitäts-Paare mit informativen Hinweisen aus der Tabelle und stellen eine neue Methode zur Konsolidierung und verbesserteer Reihung von Antwortkandidaten durch Inter-Fakten-Konsistenz vor. • Drittens stellen wir QL [Ho et al., 2022] vor – eine Recall-orientierte Methode zur Anreicherung von Knowledge Bases (KBs) mit quantitativen Fakten. Moderne KBs wie Wikidata oder YAGO decken viele Entitäten und ihre relevanten Informationen ab, übersehen aber oft wichtige quantitative Eigenschaften. QL ist frage-gesteuert und basiert auf iterativem Lernen mit zwei Hauptbeiträgen, um die KB-Abdeckung zu verbessern. Der erste Beitrag ist eine Methode zur Expansion von Fragen, um einen größeren Pool an Faktenkandidaten zu erfassen. Der zweite Beitrag ist eine Technik zur Selbstkonsistenz durch Berücksichtigung der Werteverteilungen von Quantitäten

    Reasoning for the description logic ALC with link keys

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    Data interlinking is a critical task for widening and enhancing linked open data. One way to tackle data interlinking is to use link keys, which generalise keys to the case of two RDF datasets described using different ontologies. Link keys specify pairs of properties to compare for finding same-as links between instances of two classes of two different datasets. Hence, they can be used for finding links. Link keys can also be considered as logical axioms just like keys, ontologies and ontology alignments. We introduce the logic ALC+LK extending the description logic ALC with link keys. It may be used to reason and infer entailed link keys that may be more useful for a particular data interlinking task. We show that link key entailment can be reduced to consistency checking without introducing the negation of link keys. For deciding the consistency of an ALC+LK ontology, we introduce a new tableau-based algorithm. Contrary to the classical ones, the completion rules concerning link keys apply to pairs of individuals not directly related. We show that this algorithm is sound, complete and always terminates

    Κατανεμημένη αποτίμηση επερωτήσεων και συλλογιστική για το μοντέλο RDF σε δίκτυα ομοτίμων κόμβων

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    Με το ενδιαφέρον για τις εφαρμογές του Σημασιολογικού Ιστού να αυξάνεται ραγδαία, το μοντέλο RDF και RDFS έχει γίνει ένα από τα πιο ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενα μοντέλα δεδομένων για την αναπαράσταση και την ενσωμάτωση δομημένης πληροφορίας στον Ιστό. Το πλήθος των διαθέσιμων πηγών πληροφορίας RDF συνεχώς αυξάνεται με αποτέλεσμα να υπάρχει μια επιτακτική ανάγκη για τη διαχείριση RDF δεδομένων. Σε αυτή τη διατριβή επικεντρωνόμαστε στην κατανεμημένη διαχείριση RDF δεδομένων σε δίκτυα ομότιμων κόμβων. Σχεδιάζουμε και υλοποιούμε το σύστημα Atlas, ένα πλήρως κατανεμημένο σύστημα για την αποθήκευση RDF και RDFS δεδομένων, την αποτίμηση και βελτιστοποίηση επερωτήσεων στη γλώσσα SPARQL και τη συλλογιστική στο μοντέλο RDFS. Το σύστημα Atlas χρησιμοποιεί κατανεμημένους πίνακες κατακερματισμού, μια δημοφιλή περίπτωση δικτύων ομότιμων κόμβων. Αρχικά, αναλύουμε κατανεμημένους αλγόριθμους για συλλογιστική RDFS χρησιμοποιώντας κατανεμημένους πίνακες κατακερματισμού. Υλοποιηούμε διάφορες παραλλαγές των αλγορίθμων προς τα εμπρός αλυσίδα εκτέλεσης και προς τα πίσω αλυσίδα εκτέλεσης καθώς και έναν αλγόριθμο που χρησιμοποιεί την τεχνική μετασχηματισμού των κανόνων σε μαγικό σύνολο. Αποδεικνύουμε θεωρητικά την ορθότητα των αλγορίθμων αυτών και προσφέρουμε μια συγκριτική μελέτη τόσο αναλυτικά όσο και πειραματικά. Παράλληλα, προτείνουμε αλγορίθμους και τεχνικές για την αποτίμηση και τη βελτιστοποίηση επερωτήσεων στη γλώσσα SPARQL για RDF δεδομένα που είναι αποθηκευμένα σε κατανεμημένους πίνακες κατακερματισμού. Οι τεχνικές βελτιστοποίησης βασίζονται σε εκτιμήσεις επιλεκτικότητας και έχουν στόχο τη μείωση του χρόνου απόκρισης της επερώτησης καθώς και της κατανάλωσης εύρους ζώνης του δικτύου. Η εκτεταμένη πειραματική αξιολόγηση των μεθόδων βελτιστοποίησης γίνεται σε μια τοπική συστάδα υπολογιστών χρησιμοποιώντας ένα ευρέως διαδεδομένο σημείο αναφοράς μετρήσεων.With the interest in Semantic Web applications rising rapidly, the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and its accompanying vocabulary description language, RDF Schema (RDFS), have become one of the most widely used data models for representing and integrating structured information in the Web. With the vast amount of available RDF data sources on the Web increasing rapidly, there is an urgent need for RDF data management. In this thesis, we focus on distributed RDF data management in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. More specifically, we present results that advance the state-of-the-art in the research area of distributed RDF query processing and reasoning in P2P networks. We fully design and implement a P2P system, called Atlas, for the distributed query processing and reasoning of RDF and RDFS data. Atlas is built on top of distributed hash tables (DHTs), a commonly-used case of P2P networks. Initially, we study RDFS reasoning algorithms on top of DHTs. We design and develop distributed forward and backward chaining algorithms, as well as an algorithm which works in a bottom-up fashion using the magic sets transformation technique. We study theoretically the correctness of our reasoning algorithms and prove that they are sound and complete. We also provide a comparative study of our algorithms both analytically and experimentally. In the experimental part of our study, we obtain measurements in the realistic large-scale distributed environment of PlanetLab as well as in the more controlled environment of a local cluster. Moreover, we propose algorithms for SPARQL query processing and optimization over RDF(S) databases stored on top of distributed hash tables. We fully implement and evaluate a DHT-based optimizer. The goal of the optimizer is to minimize the time for answering a query as well as the bandwidth consumed during the query evaluation. The optimization algorithms use selectivity estimates to determine the chosen query plan. Our algorithms and techniques have been extensively evaluated in a local cluster

    Integrating Connection Search in Graph Queries

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    National audienceGraph data management and querying has many practical applications. When graphs are very heterogeneous and/or users are unfamiliar with their structure, they may need to find how two or more groups of nodes are connected in a graph, even when users are not able to describe the connections. This is only partially supported by existing query languages, which allow searching for paths, but not for trees connecting three or more node groups. The latter is related to the NP-hard Group Steiner Tree problem, and has been previously considered for keyword search in databases. In this work, we formally show how to integrate connecting tree patterns (CTPs, in short) within a graph query language such as SPARQL or Cypher, leading to an Extended Query Language (or EQL, in short). We then study a set of algorithms for evaluating CTPs; we generalize prior keyword search work, most importantly by (i) considering bidirectional edge traversal and (ii) allowing users to select any score function for ranking CTP results. To cope with very large search spaces, we propose an efficient pruning technique and formally establish a large set of cases where our algorithm, MOLESP, is complete even with pruning. Our experiments validate the performance of our CTP and EQL evaluation algorithms on a large set of synthetic and real-world workloads

    A study of gossip algorithms for internet-scale cardinality estimation of distributed XML data

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on October 3, 2012Thesis advisor: Praveen R. RaoVitaIncludes bibliographic references (p. 58-69)Thesis (M.S.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2012After more than a decade of active research and development, the peer-to-peer (P2P) computing model continues to be successful. We have witnessed the deployment of commercial P2P applications in large, Internet-scale environments. With the rise and growth of P2P, indexing and querying data stored in large-scale sharing systems has become increasingly di cult. Computing statistics over data stored in Internet-scale P2P systems is an important component of query optimization. Decentralized gossip-based protocols are very popular in networking, and in particular, in sensor networks. The simplicity and scalability of gossip protocols render them perfect for quickly computing accurate estimates of aggregates (sums, averages, etc.) in Internet-scale systems where node and link failures are the norm. In this thesis, we present the problem of cardinality estimation of XPath queries over XML data stored in a distributed, Internet-scale environment. We focus our work on three objectives: implementing gossip in an Internet-scale environment, conducting a comprehensive performance evaluation in a wide-area network, and analyzing the experimental results. We implement two gossip-based algorithms (VanillaXGossip and XGossip) which, given an XPath query, estimate the number of XML documents in the network that contain a match for the query. XGossip employs a new, divide-and-conquer strategy for load-balancing and reducing the bandwidth consumption. We conduct a comprehensive performance evaluation of both gossip algorithms on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) web service using a heterogeneous collection of XML documents. The goal of the performance evaluation is to nd if the results we obtain are consistent with the theoretical analysis of VanillaXGossip and XGossip.Introduction -- Background and motivations -- The design of VanillaXGossip and XGossip -- Implementation of VanillaXGossip and XGossip -- Evaluation -- Conclusion and future work -- Appendix A. Algorithms -- Appendix B. XPath gramma