27 research outputs found

    Operational Thermodynamics from Purity (extended abstract)

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    This is an extended abstract based on the preprint arXiv:1608.04459. We propose four information-theoretic axioms for the foundations of statistical mechanics in general physical theories. The axioms 'Causality, Purity Preservation, Pure Sharpness, and Purification' identify purity as a fundamental ingredient for every sensible theory of thermodynamics. Indeed, in physical theories satisfying these axioms, called sharp theories with purification, every mixed state can be modelled as the marginal of a pure entangled state, and every unsharp measurement can be modelled as a sharp measurement on a composite system. We show that these theories support a well-behaved notion of entropy and of Gibbs states, by which one can derive Landauer's principle. We show that in sharp theories with purification some bipartite states can have negative conditional entropy, and we construct an operational protocol exploiting this feature to overcome Landauer's principlepublished_or_final_versio

    Additive monotones for resource theories of parallel-combinable processes with discarding

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    A partitioned process theory, as defined by Coecke, Fritz, and Spekkens, is a symmetric monoidal category together with an all-object-including symmetric monoidal subcategory. We think of the morphisms of this category as processes, and the morphisms of the subcategory as those processes that are freely executable. Via a construction we refer to as parallel-combinable processes with discarding, we obtain from this data a partially ordered monoid on the set of processes, with f > g if one can use the free processes to construct g from f. The structure of this partial order can then be probed using additive monotones: order-preserving monoid homomorphisms with values in the real numbers under addition. We first characterise these additive monotones in terms of the corresponding partitioned process theory. Given enough monotones, we might hope to be able to reconstruct the order on the monoid. If so, we say that we have a complete family of monotones. In general, however, when we require our monotones to be additive monotones, such families do not exist or are hard to compute. We show the existence of complete families of additive monotones for various partitioned process theories based on the category of finite sets, in order to shed light on the way such families can be constructed.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2015, arXiv:1511.0118

    Encoding !-tensors as !-graphs with neighbourhood orders

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    Diagrammatic reasoning using string diagrams provides an intuitive language for reasoning about morphisms in a symmetric monoidal category. To allow working with infinite families of string diagrams, !-graphs were introduced as a method to mark repeated structure inside a diagram. This led to !-graphs being implemented in the diagrammatic proof assistant Quantomatic. Having a partially automated program for rewriting diagrams has proven very useful, but being based on !-graphs, only commutative theories are allowed. An enriched abstract tensor notation, called !-tensors, has been used to formalise the notion of !-boxes in non-commutative structures. This work-in-progress paper presents a method to encode !-tensors as !-graphs with some additional structure. This will allow us to leverage the existing code from Quantomatic and quickly provide various tools for non-commutative diagrammatic reasoning.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2015, arXiv:1511.0118

    Bridging the gap between general probabilistic theories and the device-independent framework for nonlocality and contextuality

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    Characterizing quantum correlations in terms of information-theoretic principles is a popular chapter of quantum foundations. Traditionally, the principles adopted for this scope have been expressed in terms of conditional probability distributions, specifying the probability that a black box produces a certain output upon receiving a certain input. This framework is known as "device-independent". Another major chapter of quantum foundations is the information-theoretic characterization of quantum theory, with its sets of states and measurements, and with its allowed dynamics. The different frameworks adopted for this scope are known under the umbrella term "general probabilistic theories". With only a few exceptions, the two programmes on characterizing quantum correlations and characterizing quantum theory have so far proceeded on separate tracks, each one developing its own methods and its own agenda. This paper aims at bridging the gap, by comparing the two frameworks and illustrating how the two programmes can benefit each other.Comment: 61 pages, no figures, published versio

    Ruling out higher-order interference from purity principles

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    As first noted by Rafael Sorkin, there is a limit to quantum interference. The interference pattern formed in a multi-slit experiment is a function of the interference patterns formed between pairs of slits, there are no genuinely new features resulting from considering three slits instead of two. Sorkin has introduced a hierarchy of mathematically conceivable higher-order interference behaviours, where classical theory lies at the first level of this hierarchy and quantum theory theory at the second. Informally, the order in this hierarchy corresponds to the number of slits on which the interference pattern has an irreducible dependence. Many authors have wondered why quantum interference is limited to the second level of this hierarchy. Does the existence of higher-order interference violate some natural physical principle that we believe should be fundamental? In the current work we show that such principles can be found which limit interference behaviour to second-order, or "quantum-like", interference, but that do not restrict us to the entire quantum formalism. We work within the operational framework of generalised probabilistic theories, and prove that any theory satisfying Causality, Purity Preservation, Pure Sharpness, and Purification---four principles that formalise the fundamental character of purity in nature---exhibits at most second-order interference. Hence these theories are, at least conceptually, very "close" to quantum theory. Along the way we show that systems in such theories correspond to Euclidean Jordan algebras. Hence, they are self-dual and, moreover, multi-slit experiments in such theories are described by pure projectors.Comment: 18+8 pages. Comments welcome. v2: Minor correction to Lemma 5.1, main results are unchange

    Building Qutrit Diagonal Gates from Phase Gadgets

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    Phase gadgets have proved to be an indispensable tool for reasoning about ZX-diagrams, being used in optimisation and simulation of quantum circuits and the theory of measurement-based quantum computation. In this paper we study phase gadgets for qutrits. We present the flexsymmetric variant of the original qutrit ZX-calculus, which allows for rewriting that is closer in spirit to the original (qubit) ZX-calculus. In this calculus phase gadgets look as you would expect, but there are non-trivial differences in their properties. We devise new qutrit-specific tricks to extend the graphical Fourier theory of qubits, resulting in a translation between the 'additive' phase gadgets and a 'multiplicative' counterpart we dub phase multipliers. This enables us to generalise the qubit notion of multiple-control to qutrits in two ways. The first type is controlling on a single tritstring, while the second type applies the gate a number of times equal to the tritwise multiplication modulo 3 of the control qutrits.We show how both types of control can be implemented for any qutrit Z or X phase gate, ancilla-free, and using only Clifford and phase gates. The first requires a polynomial number of gates and exponentially small phases, while the second requires an exponential number of gates, but constant sized phases. This is interesting, because such a construction is not possible in the qubit setting. As an application of these results we find a construction for emulating arbitrary qubit diagonal unitaries, and specifically find an ancilla-free emulation for the qubit CCZ gate that only requires three single-qutrit non-Clifford gates, provably lower than the four T gates needed for qubits with ancilla.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2022, arXiv:2311.0837

    Interacting Hopf Algebras

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    We introduce the theory IH of interacting Hopf algebras, parametrised over a principal ideal domain R. The axioms of IH are derived using Lack's approach to composing PROPs: they feature two Hopf algebra and two Frobenius algebra structures on four different monoid-comonoid pairs. This construction is instrumental in showing that IH is isomorphic to the PROP of linear relations (i.e. subspaces) over the field of fractions of R

    Quantization, Frobenius and Bi Algebras from the Categorical Framework of Quantum Mechanics to Natural Language Semantics

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    Compact Closed categories and Frobenius and Bi algebras have been applied to model and reason about Quantum protocols. The same constructions have also been applied to reason about natural language semantics under the name: “categorical distributional compositional” semantics, or in short, the “DisCoCat” model. This model combines the statistical vector models of word meaning with the compositional models of grammatical structure. It has been applied to natural language tasks such as disambiguation, paraphrasing and entailment of phrases and sentences. The passage from the grammatical structure to vectors is provided by a functor, similar to the Quantization functor of Quantum Field Theory. The original DisCoCat model only used compact closed categories. Later, Frobenius algebras were added to it to model long distance dependancies such as relative pronouns. Recently, bialgebras have been added to the pack to reason about quantifiers. This paper reviews these constructions and their application to natural language semantics. We go over the theory and present some of the core experimental results