2 research outputs found

    Building software tools for combat modeling and analysis

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    The focus of this thesis is to use and leverage the strengths of dynamic computer program analysis methodologies in software engineering testing and debugging such as program behavior modeling and event grammars to automate the building and analysis of combat simulations. An original high level language METALS (Meta-Language for Combat Simulations) and its associated parser and C++ code generator were designed to reduce the amount of time and developmental efforts needed to build sophisticated real world combat simulations. A C++ simulation of the Navy's current mine avoidance problem in littoral waters was generated using high level METALS description in the thesis as a demonstration. The software tools that were developed will allow users to focus their attention and efforts in the problem domain while sparing them to a considerable extent the rigors of detailed implementation.http://archive.org/details/buildingsoftware109451282Major, Republic of Singapore NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Monitorizaci贸n del progreso en el aprendizaje. Marco te贸rico y evidencia emp铆rica en la aplicaci贸n de teor铆as de evaluaci贸n y monitoreo de procesos en la creaci贸n de herramientas para monitorear el progreso en el aprendizaje en escenarios de e-learning.

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    La tesis "Monitorizaci贸n del progreso en el aprendizaje" se desarrolla en el contexto de la educaci贸n y las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n. Si podemos aprovechar los beneficios que ofrecen las TIC para almacenar y gestionar informaci贸n, es factible implementar modelos para monitorear y supervisar los procesos que tienen cabida en las 谩reas de la educaci贸n.El objetivo de la tesis, se centra en identificar y analizar los componentes relevantes y necesarios para el dise帽o, desarrollo e implementaci贸n de sistemas de supervisi贸n y captura del progreso que tiene un estudiante durante su proceso de aprendizaje en diversos escenarios.La investigaci贸n se desarrolla en dos frentes: uno te贸rico-tecnol贸gico y otro emp铆rico. El primer frente intenta explorar todos los conceptos relacionados a la evaluaci贸n y a los sistemas de monitoreo para identificar los componentes conceptuales que fundamentan el dise帽o de herramientas de monitoreo del progreso. De la misma manera, es necesario estudiar las propuestas tecnol贸gicas que soportan la implementaci贸n de herramientas en el 谩mbito del elearning.El segundo frente se concentra en dise帽ar, desarrollar e implementar herramientas que intentan registrar, almacenar, interpretar y representar aspectos del progreso que tiene un estudiante; realizar estudios para explorar el efecto de las herramientas en el proceso de aprendizaje; y sacar conclusiones sobre las pautas relevantes para la definici贸n de un modelo de Monitoreo del Progreso en el Aprendizaje.La estrategia de investigaci贸n que se ha utilizado para llevar a cabo los estudios de campo es el Estudio de Caso. Se dise帽aron estudios de caso para explorar el efecto que tienen las herramientas dise帽adas sobre el proceso de aprendizaje y durante actividades as铆ncronas y actividades en tiempo real.El modelo propuesto como resultado de esta investigaci贸n intenta definir un sistema de monitoreo del progreso en el aprendizaje desde una perspectiva general de los sistemas de monitoreo. El modelo podr铆a ser implementado en distintos entornos de aprendizaje, adaptarse a distintas modalidades de formaci贸n, con distintos modelos pedag贸gicos, a trav茅s de diversas plataformas de gesti贸n del aprendizaje y empleando modalidades de comunicaci贸n en tiempo real y as铆ncronas.The thesis "Monitoring learning progress" takes place in the context of education and information technology and communication. If we can take advantage of the benefits offered by ICT to store and manage information, it is feasible to implement models to monitor and supervise the processes taking place in the areas of education.The aim of this thesis, is focused on identifying and analyzing the relevant and necessary components for the design, development and implementation of monitoring and capture the student's progress during the learning process in various scenarios.The investigation takes place on two fronts: a theoretical-technological and an empirical one. The first front tries to explore all the concepts related to the assessment and monitoring systems to identify components that underlie the conceptual design of progress monitoring tools. In the same way, it is necessary to study the technological proposals that support the implementation of tools in the ambit of e-learning. The second front focuses on design, develop and implement tools that try to record, store, interpret and represent aspects of the student's progress; on studies to explore the effect of the tools in the learning process; and draw conclusions about relevant patterns to define a Learning Progress Monitoring Model.The research strategy that has been used to carry out the field studies is the Case Study. Case studies were designed to explore the impact of tools on the learning process during asynchronous and real time activities. The model, proposed as a result of this research, attempts to define a system of learning progress monitoring from a general overview of the monitoring systems. The model could be implemented in different learning environments, adapted to different forms of training, with different models of education, through a variety of learning management platforms and using real time and asynchronous communication modalities.Postprint (published version