68 research outputs found

    Rômulo Silva de Oliveira

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    Dual protocol performance using WiFi and ZigBee for industrial WLAN

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    The purpose of this thesis is to study the performance of a WNCS based on utilizing IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11 in meeting industrial requirements as well as the extent of improvement on the network level in terms of latency and interference tolerance when using the two different protocols, namely WiFi and ZigBee, in parallel. The study evaluates the optimum performance of WNCS that utilizes only IEEE 802.15.4 protocol (which ZigBee is based on) without modifications as an alternative that is low cost and low power compared to other wireless technologies. The study also evaluates the optimum performance of WNCS that utilizes only the IEEE 802.11 protocol (WiFi) without modifications as a high bit network. OMNeT++ simulations are used to measure the end-to-end delay and packet loss from the sensors to the controller and from the controller to the actuators. It is demonstrated that the measured delay of the proposed WNCS including all types of transmission, encapsulation, de-capsulation, queuing and propagation, meet real-time control network requirements while guaranteeing correct packet reception with no packet loss. Moreover, it is shown that the demonstrated performance of the proposed WNCS operating redundantly on both networks in parallel is significantly superior to a WNCS operating on either a totally wireless ZigBee or WiFi network individually in terms of measured delay and interference tolerance. This proposed WNCS demonstrates the combined advantages of both the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol (which ZigBee is based on) without modifications being low cost and low power compared to other wireless technologies as well the advantages of the IEEE 802.11 protocol (WiFi) being increased bit rate and higher immunity to interference. All results presented in this study were based on a 95% confidence analysis

    Hierarchical fault tolerance in wireless networked control systems

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    Wireless Networked Control Systems (WNCS) have recently emerged as a replacement for wired control networks. Wireless networked control systems are more suitable for environments that require higher flexibility and robustness. In previous literature a wireless manufacturing line was proposed. The work-cells communication was through IEEE 802.11 technologies and a switched Ethernet backbone. This thesis is aiming to improve the current solution by adding a supervisor to the existing system. The supervisor could be either in passive or active mode. Passive supervisor would intervene when all controllers in the network fail, while active supervisor would act once any controller on the line fail. The system was simulated using OPNET software with 95% confidence analysis. The ability of the system to withstand external interference was assessed through adding a single band jammer to the OPNET simulation. The system was able to hold up to 8KB interfering file sent from a single band jammer affecting the full Wi-Fi spectrum. All results were subjected to a 95% confidence analysis The performability of passive and active supervisor systems was compared. A Markov model of both systems was built. It was shown that by time, the performability of a passive supervisor system is enhanced while that of an active supervisor system degraded. However, the active supervisor showed a better performability in all cases

    Design and development of an industrial network laboratory

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    This paper presents the first developments of an industrial network laboratory prototype. In the Automation Laboratory several kits have been implemented for local and remote control tests. The approach includes the design and implementation of an industrial network where the common communications protocols can be tested: the Automation Network Locker (ANL). To facilitate the monitoring and control of the network, WALC (Web Assisted Laboratory for Control Engineering on-line Education) interface platform was developed. This allows the remote monitoring and control of the pedagogic kits to complement the teaching/learning automation to undergraduate engineering students. The security of network access is also taken into account in order to limit and control the number of users that can access it. An on-line questionnaire accessed at the end of each semester, allows an actualization and to follow the students’ feedbackFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Networked control systems for intelligent transportation systems and industrial automation

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    This thesis presents a study of two different applications of Networked Control Systems. The first is: Ethernet Networked Control System On-board of Train-wagons. An Ethernet backbone is shared between control and entertainment. The wagon contains a dedicated control server and a dedicated entertainment server, which act as fault-tolerant machines for one another. In the event of a server failure, the remaining machine can serve both entertainment and/or control. The study aims at enhancing system design in order to maximize the tolerable entertainment load in the event of a control/entertainment server failure, while not causing any control violations. This fault-tolerant system is mathematically analyzed using a performability model to relate failure rates, enhancements and rewards. The model is taken further to test two identical wagons, with a total of four fault-tolerant servers. All possible failure sequences are simulated and a different communication philosophy is tested to further minimize the degradation of the entertainment load supported during the failure of up to three of the four servers. The system is shown to be capable of operating with minimal degradation with one out of four servers. The second is: Wireless Networked Control Systems (WNCS) for Industrial Automation. A WNCS using standard 802.11 and 802.3 protocols for communication is presented. Wireless Interface for Sensors and Actuators (WISA) by ABB is used as a benchmark for comparison. The basic unit is a single workcell, however, there is a need to cascade several cells along a production line. Simulations are conducted and a nontraditional allocation scheme is used to ensure correct operation under the effect of co-channel interference and network congestion. Next, fault-tolerance at the controller level is investigated due to the importance of minimizing downtime resulting from controller failure. Two different techniques of interconnecting neighboring cells are investigated. The study models both a two and three-cell scenario, and all systems show that fault-tolerance is achievable. This is mathematically studied using a performability analysis to relate failure rates with rewards at each failure state. All simulations are conducted on OPNET Network Modeler and results are subjected to a 95% confidence analysis

    Flexible management of bandwidth and redundancy in fieldbuses

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaOs sistemas distribuídos embarcados (Distributed Embedded Systems – DES) têm sido usados ao longo dos últimos anos em muitos domínios de aplicação, da robótica, ao controlo de processos industriais passando pela aviónica e pelas aplicações veiculares, esperando-se que esta tendência continue nos próximos anos. A confiança no funcionamento é uma propriedade importante nestes domínios de aplicação, visto que os serviços têm de ser executados em tempo útil e de forma previsível, caso contrário, podem ocorrer danos económicos ou a vida de seres humanos poderá ser posta em causa. Na fase de projecto destes sistemas é impossível prever todos os cenários de falhas devido ao não determinismo do ambiente envolvente, sendo necessária a inclusão de mecanismos de tolerância a falhas. Adicionalmente, algumas destas aplicações requerem muita largura de banda, que também poderá ser usada para a evolução dos sistemas, adicionandolhes novas funcionalidades. A flexibilidade de um sistema é uma propriedade importante, pois permite a sua adaptação às condições e requisitos envolventes, contribuindo também para a simplicidade de manutenção e reparação. Adicionalmente, nos sistemas embarcados, a flexibilidade também é importante por potenciar uma melhor utilização dos, muitas vezes escassos, recursos existentes. Uma forma evidente de aumentar a largura de banda e a tolerância a falhas dos sistemas embarcados distribuídos é a replicação dos barramentos do sistema. Algumas soluções existentes, quer comerciais quer académicas, propõem a replicação dos barramentos para aumento da largura de banda ou para aumento da tolerância a falhas. No entanto e quase invariavelmente, o propósito é apenas um, sendo raras as soluções que disponibilizam uma maior largura de banda e um aumento da tolerância a falhas. Um destes raros exemplos é o FlexRay, com a limitação de apenas ser permitido o uso de dois barramentos. Esta tese apresentada e discute uma proposta para usar a replicação de barramentos de uma forma flexível com o objectivo duplo de aumentar a largura de banda e a tolerância a falhas. A flexibilidade dos protocolos propostos também permite a gestão dinâmica da topologia da rede, sendo o número de barramentos apenas limitado pelo hardware/software. As propostas desta tese foram validadas recorrendo ao barramento de campo CAN – Controller Area Network, escolhido devido à sua grande implantação no mercado. Mais especificamente, as soluções propostas foram implementadas e validadas usando um paradigma que combina flexibilidade com comunicações event-triggered e time-triggered: o FTT – Flexible Time- Triggered. No entanto, uma generalização para CAN nativo é também apresentada e discutida. A inclusão de mecanismos de replicação do barramento impõe a alteração dos antigos protocolos de replicação e substituição do nó mestre, bem como a definição de novos protocolos para esta finalidade. Este trabalho tira partido da arquitectura centralizada e da replicação do nó mestre para suportar de forma eficiente e flexível a replicação de barramentos. Em caso de ocorrência de uma falta num barramento (ou barramentos) que poderia provocar uma falha no sistema, os protocolos e componentes propostos nesta tese fazem com que o sistema reaja, mudando para um modo de funcionamento degradado. As mensagens que estavam a ser transmitidas nos barramentos onde ocorreu a falta são reencaminhadas para os outros barramentos. A replicação do nó mestre baseia-se numa estratégia líder-seguidores (leaderfollowers), onde o líder (leader) controla todo o sistema enquanto os seguidores (followers) servem como nós de reserva. Se um erro ocorrer no nó líder, um dos nós seguidores passará a controlar o sistema de uma forma transparente e mantendo as mesmas funcionalidades. As propostas desta tese foram também generalizadas para CAN nativo, tendo sido para tal propostos dois componentes adicionais. É, desta forma possível ter as mesmas capacidades de tolerância a falhas ao nível dos barramentos juntamente com a gestão dinâmica da topologia de rede. Todas as propostas desta tese foram implementadas e avaliadas. Uma implementação inicial, apenas com um barramento foi avaliada recorrendo a uma aplicação real, uma equipa de futebol robótico onde o protocolo FTT-CAN foi usado no controlo de movimento e da odometria. A avaliação do sistema com múltiplos barramentos foi feita numa plataforma de teste em laboratório. Para tal foi desenvolvido um sistema de injecção de faltas que permite impor faltas nos barramentos e nos nós mestre, e um sistema de medida de atrasos destinado a medir o tempo de resposta após a ocorrência de uma falta.Distributed embedded systems (DES) have been widely used in the last few decades in several application domains, from robotics, industrial process control, avionics and automotive. In fact, it is expectable that this trend will continue in the next years. In some of these application fields the dependability requirements are very important since the fail to provide services in a timely and predictable manner may cause important economic losses or even put humans in risk. In the design phase it is impossible to predict all the possible scenarios of faults, due to the non deterministic behaviour of the surrounding environment. In that way, the fault tolerance mechanisms must be included in the distributed embedded system to prevent failures occurrence. Also, many application domains require a high available bandwidth to perform the desired functions, or to turn possible the scaling with the addition of new features. The flexibility of a system also plays an important role, since it improves the capability to adapt to the surrounding world, and to the simplicity of the repair and maintenance. The flexibility improves the efficiency of all the system by providing a way to efficiently manage the available resources. This is very important in embedded systems due to the limited resources often available. A natural way to improve the bandwidth and the fault tolerance in distributed systems is to use replicated buses. Commercial and academic solutions propose the use of replicated fieldbuses for a single purpose only, either to improve the fault tolerance or to improve the available bandwidth, being the first the most common. One illustrative exception is FlexRay where the bus replica can be used to improve the bandwidth of the overall system, besides enabling redundant communications. However, only one bus replica can be used. In this thesis, a flexible bus replication scheme to improve both the dependability and the throughput of fieldbuses is presented and studied. It can be applied to any number of replicated buses, provided the required hardware support is available. The flexible use of the replicated buses can achieve an also flexible management of the network topology. This claim has been validated using the Controller Area Network (CAN) fieldbus, which has been chosen because it is widely spread in millions of systems. In fact, the proposed solution uses a paradigm that combines flexibility, time and event triggered communication, that is the Flexible Time- Triggered over CAN network (FTT-CAN). However, a generalization to native CAN is also presented and studied. The inclusion of bus replication in FTT-CAN imposes not only new mechanisms but also changes of the mechanisms associated with the master replication, which has been already studied in previous research work. In this work, these mechanisms were combined and take advantage of the centralized architecture and of the redundant masters to support an efficient and flexible bus replication. When considering the system operation, if a fault in the bus (or buses) occurs, and the consequent error leads to a system failure, the system reacts, switching to a degraded mode, where the message flows that were transmitted in the faulty bus (or buses) change to the non-faulty ones. The central node replication uses a leader-follower strategy, where the leader controls the system while the followers serve as backups. If an error occurs in the leader, a backup will take the system control maintaining the system with the same functionalities. The system has been generalized for native CAN, using two additional components that provide the same fault tolerance capabilities at the bus level, and also enable the dynamic management of the network topology. All the referred proposals were implemented and assessed in the scope of this work. The single bus version of FTT-CAN was assessed using a real application, a robotic soccer team, which has obtained excellent results in international competitions. There, the FTT-CAN based embedded system has been applied in the low level control, where, mainly it is responsible for the motion control and odometry. For the case of the multiple buses system, the assessment was performed in a laboratory test bed. For this, a fault injector was developed in order to impose faults in the buses and in the central nodes. To measure the time reaction of the system, a special hardware has been developed: a delay measurement system. It is able to measure delays between two important time marks for posterior offline analysis of the obtained values

    Modular Machining Line Design and Reconfiguration: Some Optimization Methods

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    http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/modular_machining_line_design_and_reconfiguration__some_optimization_methodsInternational audienc

    Supporting Real-Time Communication in CSMA-Based Networks : the VTP-CSMA Virtual Token Passing Approach

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Control Network Performance Engineering: Qualitätsorientierter Entwurf von CSMA-Netzwerken der Automation

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    Beim Entwurf großer Netzwerke der Automation ermöglichen Methoden der Leistungsbewertung den Test und die Dimensionierung eines Netzwerkes bereits vor der Inbetriebnahme und erlauben damit einen effizienten, qualitätsorientierten Entwurf. Es ist jedoch sehr wissensintensiv und aufwendig, entsprechende Analyse- oder Simulations-Modelle aufzustellen und die Ergebnisse auszuwerten, weshalb die Methoden in der Praxis der Automation selten verwendet werden. Viel vertrauter sind dem Entwerfer hingegen die speziellen Software-Tools, mit denen in der Automation Netzwerke entworfen werden. Auf Basis der Datenbanken dieser Tools werden in dieser Arbeit verschieden Verfahren zur automatischen Systemmodellierung, Verkehrsmodellierung, Leistungsbewertung und Fehlerdiagnose zu einem Control Network Performance Engineering kombiniert, welches die Qualitätsbewertung und -beratung nahtlos und ohne Mehraufwand in den Netzwerkentwurf integriert. (Die Dissertation wurde veröffentlicht im Jörg Vogt Verlag, Voglerstr. 20, 01277 Dresden, Internet: http://www.vogtverlag.de/, email: [email protected], ISBN 978-3-938860-10-6)During the design of large automation networks, performance analysis methods can be used for testing and dimensioning the network before implementation and are essential for an efficient and reliable design process. However, setting up the necessary analytical or simulative models is time-consuming, requires in-depth knowledge, and is therefore often not applicable in practice. The network designers are much more used to the design tools used to develop automation networks. Based on these tools' databases various methods for automated system and traffic modeling, performance analysis and diagnoses are combined in the control network performance engineering that seamlessly integrates quality analysis and consulting into network design without requiring additional effort. (This manuscript is also available - in the form of a book - from Jörg Vogt Verlag, Voglerstr. 20, 01277 Dresden, Germany world-wide web address: http://www.vogtverlag.de/, electronic-mail address: [email protected], ISBN 978-3-938860-10-6

    Flexibilização em sistemas distribuídos: uma perspectiva holística

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaEm sistemas distribuídos o paradigma utilizado para interacção entre tarefas é a troca de mensagens. Foram propostas várias abordagens que permitem a especificação do fluxo de dados entre tarefas, mas para sistemas de temporeal é necessário uma definição mais rigorosa destes fluxos de dados. Nomeadamente, tem de ser possível a especificação dos parâmetros das tarefas e das mensagens, e a derivação dos parâmetros não especificados. Uma tal abordagem poderia permitir o escalonamento e despacho automático de tarefas e de mensagens, ou pelo menos, poderia reduzir o número de iterações durante o desenho do sistema. Os fluxos de dados constituem uma abordagem possível ao escalonamento e despacho holístico em sistemas distribuídos de tempo-real, onde são realizadas diferentes tipos de análises que correlacionam os vários parâmetros. Os resultados podem ser utilizados para definir o nível de memória de suporte que é necessário em cada nodo do sistema distribuído. Em sistemas distribuídos baseados em FTT, é possível implementar um escalonamento holístico centralizado, no qual se consideram as interdependências entre tarefas produtoras/consumidoras e mensagens. O conjunto de restrições que garante a realização do sistema pode ser derivado dos parâmetros das tarefas e das mensagens, tais como os períodos e os tempos de execução/transmissão. Nesta tese, são estudadas duas perspectivas, uma perspectiva centrada na rede, i.e. em que o escalonamento de mensagens é feito antes do escalonamento de tarefas, e outra perspectiva centrada no nodo. Um mecanismo simples de despacho de tarefas e de mensagens para sistemas distribuídos baseados em CAN é também proposto neste trabalho. Este mecanismo estende o já existente em FTT para despacho de mensagens. O estudo da implementação deste mecanismo nos nodos deu origem à especificação de um núcleo de sistema operativo. Procurou-se que este introduzisse uma sobrecarga mínima de modo a poder ser incluído em nodos de baixo poder computacional. Neste trabalho, é apresentado um simulador, SimHol, para prever o cumprimento temporal da transmissão de mensagens e da execução das tarefas num sistema distribuído. As entradas para o simulador são os chamados fluxos de dados, que incluem as tarefas produtoras, as mensagens correspondentes e as tarefas que utilizam os dados transmitidos. Utilizando o tempo de execução no pior caso e o tempo de transmissão, o simulador é capaz de verificar se os limites temporais são cumpridos em cada nodo do sistema e na rede.In distributed systems the communication paradigm used for intertask interaction is the message exchange. Several approaches have been proposed that allow the specification of the data flow between tasks, but in real-time systems a more accurate definition of these data flows is mandatory. Namely, the specification of the required tasks’ and messages’ parameters and the derivation of the unspecified parameters have to be possible. Such an approach could allow an automatic scheduling and dispatching of tasks and messages or, at least, could reduce the number of iterations during the system’s design. The data streams present a possible approach to the holistic scheduling and dispatching in real-time distributed systems where different types of analysis that correlate the various parameters are done. The results can be used to define the level of buffering that is required at each node of the distributed system. In FTT-based distributed systems it is possible to implement a centralized holistic scheduling, taking into consideration the interdependences between producer/consumer tasks and messages. A set of constraints that guarantee the system feasibility can then be derived from tasks and messages’ parameters such as the periods and execution/transmission times. In this thesis the net-centric perspective, i.e., the one in which the scheduling of messages is done prior to the scheduling of tasks, and the node-centric perspectives are studied. A simple mechanism to dispatch tasks and messages for CAN-based distributed systems is also proposed in this work. This mechanism extends the one that exists in the FTT for the dispatching of messages. The study of the implementation of this mechanism in the nodes gave birth to the specification of a kernel. A goal for this kernel was to achieve a low overhead so that it could be included in nodes with low processing power. In this work a simulator to preview the timeliness of the transmission of messages and of the execution of tasks in a distributed system is presented. The inputs to the simulator are the so-called data streams, which include the producer tasks, the correspondent messages and the tasks that use the transmitted data. Using the worst-case execution time and transmission time, the simulator is able to verify if deadlines are fulfilled in every node of the system and in the network.Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Castelo BrancoPRODEP III, eixo 3, medida 5, acção 5.3FCTSAPIENS99 - POSI/SRI/34244/99IEETA da Universidade de AveiroARTIST - European Union Advanced Real Time System