1,035 research outputs found

    Second International Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment

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    International audienceThis volume contains the proceedings of F-IDE 2015, the second international workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment, which was held as an FM 2015 satellite event, on June 22, 2015, in Oslo (Norway). High levels of safety, security and also privacy standards require the use of formal methods to specify and develop compliant software (sub)systems. Any standard comes with an assessment process, which requires a complete documentation of the application in order to ease the justification of design choices and the review of code and proofs. Thus tools are needed for handling specifications, program constructs and verification artifacts. The aim of the F-IDE workshop is to provide a forum for presenting and discussing research efforts as well as experience returns on design, development and usage of formal IDE aiming at making formal methods "easier" for both specialists and non-specialists

    Semantic Management of Urban Traffic Congestion

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    Urban traffic congestion is a problem which affects the world and is related to the massive urbanization and excessive number of cars on our streets. This causes a variety of problems, from economical/financial and health-related, to environmental warnings caused by high CO2 and NO2 emissions. This paper proposes a novel software engineering solution, which generates a software application aimed at individual drivers on urban roads, in order to help and ease overall congestion. The novelty is twofold. We target individual drivers in order to motivate them to re-think the purpose and goals of each journey they take. Consequently, the proposed software application enables reasoning upon various options an individual driver may have and helps in choosing the best possible solution for an individual. Our software application utilizes reasoning with SWRL enabled OWL ontologies, which can be hosted by any software application we run in our cars, ready to assist in driving, and implemented in Android / iOS environments

    Transformation in adaptation : learning from ASSAR’s Regional diagnostic studies

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    This series is based on work funded by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) through the Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA).This paper commences with a background discussion of the terms associated with transformation, draws on this to build a conceptual framework for comparing activities, highlights a range of activities from the regions that could be classified in different ways as embodying transformation, and reflects on some of their implications and complexities

    Nordic Design Cultures in Transformation, 1960–1980

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    Covering the 1960s and 1970s, this volume explores new ways of investigating, comparing and interpreting the different domains of design culture across the Nordic countries. Challenging the traditional narrative, this volume argues that the roots of the most prominent features of Nordic design’s contemporary significance are not to be found amongst the objects for the home collectively branded as ‘Scandinavian Design’ to great acclaim in the 1950s, but in the discourses, institutions and practices formed in the aftermath of that oft-told success story, during the turbulent period between 1960 and 1980. This is achieved by employing multidisciplinary approaches to connect the domains of industrial production, marketing, consumption, public institutions, design educations, trade journals as well as public debates and civic initiatives forming a design culture. This book makes a significant contribution to current, international agendas of historiographical critique focusing on transnational relations and the deconstruction of national design histories. This book will be of interest to scholars in design, design history and Scandinavian studies

    Interaction: 'Samhandling' Under Risk

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    The authors of Interaction: ‘Samhandling’ Under Risk. A Step Ahead of the Unforeseen elucidate new views on emergency-preparedness management and understanding the unforeseen in society and learning processes by introducing the concept of ‘samhandling’, a Norwegian term that connotes interaction, collaboration and cooperation in one word. What are the basic structures of the concept of ‘samhandling’ under risk? How can ‘samhandling’ be created when conditions are unpredictable? These questions served as the springboard for 28 research studies, the results of which are now presented in this anthology, organized in four parts: Educational, Organizational, Operational Samhandling Structures and Theory Construction and The Way Forward. The book conveys new knowledge that forms the basis for a new view on strategic, emergency-preparedness management, and understanding of the unforeseen in society and in learning processes. The approach is interdisciplinary but has a particular focus on disciplines such as pedagogy, psychology, military science, health sciences, and organization and management, applied in various industries and sectors related to practical examples, experiences and challenges. The book’s primary target group is the scientific research communities within these disciplines

    Application Performance Optimization in Multicloud Environment

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    Through the development and accessibility of the Internet, nowadays the cloud computing has become a very popular. Through the development and accessibility of the Internet, nowadays the cloud computing has become a very popular. This concept has the potential to change the use of information technologies. Cloud computing is the technology that provides infrastructure, platform or software as a service via the network to a huge number of remote users. The main benefit of cloud computing is the utilization of elastic resources and virtualization. Two main properties are required from clouds by users: interoperability and privacy. This article focuses on interoperability. Nowadays it is difficult to migrate an application between clouds offered by different providers. The article deals with that problem in multicloud environment. Specifically, it focuses on the application performance optimization in a multicloud environment. A new method is suggested based on the state of the art. The method is divided into three parts: multicloud architecture, method of a horizontal scalability, and taxonomy for multicriteria optimization. The principles of the method were applied in a design of multicriteria optimization architecture, which we verified experimentally. The aim of our experiment is carried on a portal offering a platform according to the users' requirements

    The potential for transformative adaptation : Collaborative spaces and collective value development in local climate adaptation

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    Behovet for klimaomstilling, -tilpassing og -handling for Ă„ kunne handtere konsekvensane av menneskeskapte klimaendringar og tap av biologisk mangfald har aldri vore stĂžrre. Dette prosjektet utforskar korleis heilskaplege klimatilpassingstiltak og lĂžysingar kan pĂ„verke klimaomstilling og samfunnsendring, samt handtere klimasĂ„rbarheit pĂ„ lang sikt. I dag dreier klimatilpassing seg ofte om Ă„ finne tekniske og konkrete lĂžysingar pĂ„ kriser og risiko. Nokre lĂžysingar vil krevje stĂžrre endringar knytt til indre menneskelege dimensjonar som tankesett, tru, verdiar, normer, og verdssyn. Å ta omsyn til slike indre dimensjonar kan pĂ„verke endringsprosessar sterkt og er difor ein viktig del av klimaomstillings- og tilpassingsstrategiar. Med mĂ„l om Ă„ forstĂ„ potensialet for Ă„ fremje tilpassingsstrategiar som kan skape klimaomstilling og samfunnsendring, studerer eg samspel og samarbeid mellom aktĂžrar pĂ„ to klimatilpassingsarenaer, (1) samproduksjonsprosessar for klimakunnskap og (2) planleggingsprosessar for blĂ„-grĂžn infrastruktur. Avhandlinga diskuterer korleis ein kan handtere interesser og verdiar, rolla til kollektive verdiar, samt potensialet heilskaplege klimatilpassingstilnĂŠrmingar kan skape. Eg analyserer bĂ„de samproduksjonsmetodar i eit workshop-format og samhandling mellom aktĂžrar i faktiske planleggingskontekstar. Dei to perspektiva viser kor viktig det er Ă„ skape bĂ„de konkrete og mentale rom for samarbeid og forhandling mellom aktĂžrar med ulike verdiar og interesser. Avhandlinga fĂžreslĂ„r konkrete metodar for Ă„ skape slike rom, og legg vekt pĂ„ kor viktig det er Ă„ beskrive indre dimensjonar pĂ„ mĂ„tar som gir mening for menneska som arbeider i tekniske tilpassingskontekstar. AktĂžrane innan klimatilpassing i arealplanlegging representerer ofte verdiar knytt til yrkesfaglege ansvar, mandat og mĂ„l. Samtidig kan dei og utvikle kollektive verdisett pĂ„ tvers av sektorinteresser. Denne avhandlinga sitt hovudbidrag til klimaomstilling- og klimatilpassingslitteraturen er korleis den empirisk viser potensialet for kollektiv verdiutvikling, samt mogelegheitene i fysisk urban infrastruktur som kan gi rom for Ă„ implementere nye mĂ„tar Ă„ tenke og arbeide med lokal tilpassing pĂ„.The need for climate action, adaptation and transformation in order to address the consequences and vulnerabilities of human-induced climate change and biodiversity loss has never been more critical. Current approaches to adaptation often revolve around technical responses to changing climate parameters. These approaches are vital, but climate adaptation also requires holistic and integral approaches to adaptation that require changes in the mindset, beliefs, values, norms and practices of people and organisations. Addressing these internal dimensions could provide deep leverage points for change and are a crucial part of transformative adaptation strategies. Aiming to understand the potential for advancing transformative adaptation strategies, I study the interaction and collaboration between relevant adaptation actors in two arenas: (1) climate service co-production processes and (2) blue-green infrastructure (BGI) planning processes. This thesis discusses how to address interests and values in adaptation, the role of collective values in adaptation, and the potential of holistic approaches to adaptation. It has combined co-production workshop methods with analysing collaborative adaptation efforts in actual planning contexts. The two perspectives highlight the importance of providing physical and collaborative spaces for negotiations between actors’ values and interests and have proposed concrete ways of doing so. These spaces are particularly vital in actual planning processes. I have also emphasised the importance of conceptualising the internal dimensions of transformation in ways that resonate with people working in technical adaptation contexts. The actors in BGI development processes generally represent values associated with their professional mandates, responsibilities and objectives in local adaptation work. However, they can also develop collective value sets across sector interests. The main contribution of this thesis to the transformative adaptation literature is how it empirically shows the potential for collective value development and the opportunities in material urban infrastructures to implement new ways of thinking and working on local adaptation.Doktorgradsavhandlin
