18 research outputs found

    TRecS: Ein tangibles, rekonfigurierbares System zur explorativen Datenanalyse

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    Dawin JR, Hartwig D, Kudenko A, Riedenklau E. TRecS: Ein tangibles, rekonfigurierbares System zur explorativen Datenanalyse. Bielefeld, Germany: Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld University; 2008.Durch die Virtualisierung von Information verlieren Menschen das Gefühl für die Beschaffenheit dieser digitalen Information. Z.B. wird der Festplattenspeicher lediglich in einer Zahl ausgedrückt. Da sich die Maße der Festplatte nicht ändern, wenn Daten auf ihr gespeichert werden, kann man nur anhand dieser virtuellen Zahl den freien Speicherplatz ermitteln. Digitale Informationen sind folglich nicht anfassbar und werden durch das Verlieren physischer Attribute durch Digitalisierung immer abstrakter und unverständlicher. Ein weiteres Beispiel sei Geld. Viele Menschen zahlen bevorzugt mit Kreditkarten, dem sog. "Plastikgeld". Sie kaufen damit ein und merken u.U. gar nicht, dass sie immer mehr Schulden anhäufen. Durch die Nutzung von realem Papier- und Münzgeld hat man ein besseres Verständnis für den eigentlichen Wert des Geldes - auch und gerade durch das Anfassen. Dinge anzufassen, um sie zu begreifen, d.h. zu verstehen, ist sehr wichtig für ein tiefes Verständnis der Dinge. Durch das 'Begreifbar'-machen von Information (oder zumindest das Erfahren und Erkunden) wird eine reale Verbindung zwischen Mensch und Information hergestellt. So ist es durch Anfassen und Manipulieren möglich, etwas über die Beschaffenheit der Dinge zu erfahren. Dies ist die Quintessenz von Tangible Computing. Tangible Computing versucht zwischen der realen, physischen und der virtuellen, digitalen Welt zu vermitteln und die Vorteile beider zu nutzen, um Informationen besser verständlich zu machen. Wegen der intuitiven Benutzbarkeit, die bei der Nutzung von Tangible Computing entsteht, wurde es bereits in vielen Anwendungsgebieten und Domänen genutzt. Beispiele sind klangverarbeitende Systeme (ein sehr prominentes Gebiet für Tangible Computing; REACtable und AudioPad sind nur wenige Beispiele), Datenaustausch, Arbeitsplatzerweiterungen oder Alltagsinterfaces, wie z.B. die sog. "Marble Answering Machine" (Murmel-Anrufbeantworter). In allen uns bekannten Implementationen wird Tangible Computing für eine bestimmte Aufgabe und zumindest ein bestimmtes Anwendungsgebiet genutzt. In dieser Arbeit entwickelten wir eine neuartige Strategie, um Tangible Computing für ein möglichst weites Feld von Anwendungsgebieten nutzbar zu machen. Als Domäne für unser System haben wir tabellarische Datensätze gewählt. Normalerweise werden Daten in einer Datenbank oder das Resultat einer Anfrage an eine relationale Datenbank in tabellarischer Form organisiert. Sogar Zeitserien werden tabellarisch organisiert, indem man pro Zeile einen diskreten Zeitpunkt abbildet. Ganz allgemein können auf diese Weise sehr hochdimensionale, multivariate Daten organisiert und verarbeitet werden. Also kann unser System mit (fast) allen Arten von Daten umgehen. Natürlich gibt es auch Domänen, die in diese Repräsentation nicht eingepasst werden können. Die Domäne Text ist ein Beispiel hierfür. Schriftstücke lassen sich nicht in tabellarische Form pressen, ohne Informationen zu verlieren oder zu verändern

    ThirdLight: low-cost and high-speed 3D interaction using photosensor markers

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    We present a low-cost 3D tracking system for virtual reality, gesture modeling, and robot manipulation applications which require fast and precise localization of headsets, data gloves, props, or controllers. Our system removes the need for cameras or projectors for sensing, and instead uses cheap LEDs and printed masks for illumination, and low-cost photosensitive markers. The illumination device transmits a spatiotemporal pattern as a series of binary Gray-code patterns. Multiple illumination devices can be combined to localize each marker in 3D at high speed (333Hz). Our method has strengths in accuracy, speed, cost, ambient performance, large working space (1m-5m) and robustness to noise compared with conventional techniques. We compare with a state-of-the-art instrumented glove and vision-based systems to demonstrate the accuracy, scalability, and robustness of our approach. We propose a fast and accurate method for hand gesture modeling using an inverse kinematics approach with the six photosensitive markers. We additionally propose a passive markers system and demonstrate various interaction scenarios as practical applications

    Earth Resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes, issue 13

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    This bibliography lists 524 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between January 1977 and March 1977. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    An Abstraction Framework for Tangible Interactive Surfaces

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    This cumulative dissertation discusses - by the example of four subsequent publications - the various layers of a tangible interaction framework, which has been developed in conjunction with an electronic musical instrument with a tabletop tangible user interface. Based on the experiences that have been collected during the design and implementation of that particular musical application, this research mainly concentrates on the definition of a general-purpose abstraction model for the encapsulation of physical interface components that are commonly employed in the context of an interactive surface environment. Along with a detailed description of the underlying abstraction model, this dissertation also describes an actual implementation in the form of a detailed protocol syntax, which constitutes the common element of a distributed architecture for the construction of surface-based tangible user interfaces. The initial implementation of the presented abstraction model within an actual application toolkit is comprised of the TUIO protocol and the related computer-vision based object and multi-touch tracking software reacTIVision, along with its principal application within the Reactable synthesizer. The dissertation concludes with an evaluation and extension of the initial TUIO model, by presenting TUIO2 - a next generation abstraction model designed for a more comprehensive range of tangible interaction platforms and related application scenarios

    A Computer Vision Story on Video Sequences::From Face Detection to Face Super- Resolution using Face Quality Assessment

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    Scanner 3D à lumière non structurée non synchronisé

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    Ce mémoire s’intéresse au domaine de la vision par ordinateur, et plus spécifiquement aux méthodes de reconstruction actives. Premièrement, il propose une nouvelle approche pour réaliser une correspondance par lumière structurée en résolvant le problème de la synchronisation caméra-projecteur. La carte de correspondances obtenue entre la caméra et le projecteur permet ensuite d'obtenir des modèles 3D denses et de grande qualité. Cette approche est idéale pour effectuer des scans de visages, qui sont difficiles à cause des mouvements involontaires des sujets. Deuxièmement, il propose une amélioration à la précision des correspondances en alignant, à une haute précision sous-pixel, le voisinage respectif de chaque pixel. Troisièmement, ce mémoire propose une application pratique de la méthode. Jusqu’à maintenant, une grande attention était nécessaire pour s’assurer que chaque image de la caméra correspondait exactement au bon patron d'une séquence projetée. Ceci était très difficile à réaliser avec du matériel à faible coût ou dans des systèmes de capture à plus grande échelle. Dans notre méthode, un flux vidéo, constitué d’un nombre choisi de patrons de lumière non structurée, est projeté en boucle à une fréquence élevée (30 à 60 fps pour du matériel ordinaire) et ces patrons sont capturés par une caméra sans aucune forme de synchronisation. La seule contrainte à satisfaire est que la fréquence de capture de la caméra et la fréquence de projection du projecteur soient connues. Le processus de correspondance permet, non seulement, de retrouver la bonne séquence de patrons, mais est aussi robuste aux expositions partielles de deux patrons consécutifs en plus de l’effet d'obturateur déroulant (\emph{rolling shutter}). Par ces étapes, le problème important de la synchronisation caméra-projecteur est pris en charge. L'amélioration de la précision des correspondances est obtenue par le recours à l'interpo\-lation sous-pixel des intensités des images suivant la mise en correspondance. On obtient ainsi une méthode comparable aux meilleures approches de mise en correspondance sous-pixel, mais avec une plus grande robustesse. Les résultats obtenus illustrent des modèles 3D reconstruits avec une très haute précision dans des conditions difficiles telles que l’illumination indirecte, les scènes discontinues ou l'utilisation d'un matériel non professionnel. La dernière partie de ce mémoire se consacre à la description de la conception et la fabrication d’un casque de réalité virtuelle personnalisé épousant les contours du visage de l’utilisateur. Avec la méthode dense et précise préalablement proposée, la méthode à lumière non structurée non synchronisée sous-pixel, il est possible d’obtenir à très bas coût un casque sur-mesure et confortable.This thesis is in the field of computer vision and specifically focuses on active reconstruction methods. Firstly, it proposes a new approach to structured light correspondence which alleviates the camera-projector synchronization problem. This allows the creation of a dense correspondence map between the camera and projector which can further be used to obtain 3D models. This high-speed approach is ideal for scanning human faces, which are notoriously difficult because of involuntary motions of the subjects. Secondly, it proposes an improvement to the matching accuracy by aligning, to high subpixel precision, the respective neighborhood patches of each pixel. Thirdly, an example of an application of the method is proposed. Until now, great care was required to make sure that each camera image was captured exactly when the correct pattern was projected. This was difficult to achieve with low-cost hardware or large size installations. In our method, the projector sends a video loop of a selected number of unstructured light patterns at a high frame rate (30 to 60 fps for common hardware), which are captured by a camera without any form of synchronization. The only constraint to satisfy is that the camera and projector frame rates are known. The matching process not only recovers the correct pattern sequence, but is robust to partial exposures of consecutive patterns as well as rolling shutter effects. Through these steps, the crucial camera-projector synchronization problem is entirely taken care of. Subpixel matching accuracy is obtained by relying on image interpolation to refine the original correspondences. These results are highly accurate and comparable to other state-of-the-art subpixel methods but with better robustness. The obtained results illustrate 3D models reconstructed with very high precision in difficult conditions such as indirect illumination, scene discontinuities, and use of low quality hardware. The last part of this thesis is devoted to the description of the design and manufacturing of a customized virtual reality headset which snuggly matches a user’s face, thanks to 3d models constructed from the matching method proposed in the thesis, where high quality is obtained on low-cost hardware

    A Animação em displays imersivos: da teoria à pratica

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design e Expressão Gráfica, Florianópolis, 2011imersão pode ser atingida de diversas formas, como por exemplo, pela utilização de displays imersivos que vão de duas pequenas telas em frente aos olhos de um usuário, até a projeção em domos para diversas pessoas. Os locais onde se aplicam esses displays recebem várias designações, entre elas virtuário, cyber theater, cyber dome e, a mais popular, caverna digital. O presente trabalho busca realizar um estudo sobre a criação de animações a serem utilizadas em displays imersivos, sejam elas utilizadas para o entretenimento, sejam para a educação. Em comum, temos o interesse de colocar o espectador em um ambiente imersivo, tridimensional, que prenda a sua atenção e consiga aumentar o grau de compreensão do que está sendo apresentado. Este trabalho tem um foco na análise dos diferentes displays imersivos e outra na criação de conteúdo a ser exibido por estes, com os métodos e possibilidades disponíveis. Os estudos foram realizados no planetário da UFSC que, embora seja chamado de planetário digital, constitui de fato uma caverna digital que possibilita a exibição de qualquer tipo de conteúdo.Immersion can be achieved in several ways, including through the use of immersive displays ranging from two small screens in front of the eyes of a user, to the projection domes for different people. The places where they apply these displays receive several designations, including virtuary, cyber theater, cyber dome, and the most popular digital cave. This study aims to conduct a study on creating animations for use in immersive displays, whether used for entertainment or for education. In common, there is the interest in putting the viewer in an immersive environment, three dimensional, that holds their attention and can increase the degree of understanding of what is being presented. This work has focused on an analysis of the different immersive displays and another in the creation of content to be displayed by them, on the methods and possibilities available. The studies were conducted in UFSC#s planetarium that even though it is called a digital planetarium, is actually a cave that allows the digital display of any type of content.Immersion can be achieved in several ways, including through the use of immersive displays ranging from two small screens in front of the eyes of a user, to the projection domes for different people. The places where they apply these displays receive several designations, including virtuary, cyber theater, cyber dome, and the most popular digital cave. This study aims to conduct a study on creating animations for use in immersive displays, whether used for entertainment or for education. In common, there is the interest in putting the viewer in an immersive environment, three dimensional, that holds their attention and can increase the degree of understanding of what is being presented. This work has focused on an analysis of the different immersive displays and another in the creation of content to be displayed by them, on the methods and possibilities available. The studies were conducted in UFSC#s planetarium that even though it is called a digital planetarium, is actually a cave that allows the digital display of any type of content.Immersion can be achieved in several ways, including through the use of immersive displays ranging from two small screens in front of the eyes of a user, to the projection domes for different people. The places where they apply these displays receive several designations, including virtuary, cyber theater, cyber dome, and the most popular digital cave. This study aims to conduct a study on creating animations for use in immersive displays, whether used for entertainment or for education. In common, there is the interest in putting the viewer in an immersive environment, three dimensional, that holds their attention and can increase the degree of understanding of what is being presented. This work has focused on an analysis of the different immersive displays and another in the creation of content to be displayed by them, on the methods and possibilities available. The studies were conducted in UFSC#s planetarium that even though it is called a digital planetarium, is actually a cave that allows the digital display of any type of content