31 research outputs found

    A Performance Characterization of Kernel-Based Algorithms for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery

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    This thesis provides a performance comparison of linear and nonlinear subspace-based anomaly detection algorithms. Using a dual-window technique to separate the local background into inner- and outer-window regions, pixel spectra from each region are projected onto subspaces defined by projection vectors that are generated using three common pattern classification techniques; the detection performances of these algorithms are then compared with the Reed-Xiaoli anomaly detector. Nonlinear methods are derived from each of the linear methods using a kernelization process that involves nonlinearly mapping the data into a high-dimensional feature space and replacing all dot products with a kernel function using the kernel-trick. A projection separation statistic determines how anomalous each pixel is. These algorithms are implemented on five hyperspectral images and performance comparisons are made using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Results indicate that detection performance is data dependent but that the nonlinear methods generally outperform their corresponding linear algorithms

    Anomaly and Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images

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    Earth observation through satellite sensors, models and in situ measurements provides a way to monitor our planet with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. The amount and diversity of the data which is recorded and made available is ever-increasing. This data allows us to perform crop yield prediction, track land-use change such as deforestation, monitor and respond to natural disasters and predict and mitigate climate change. The last two decades have seen a large increase in the application of machine learning algorithms in Earth observation in order to make efficient use of the growing data-stream. Machine learning algorithms, however, are typically model agnostic and too flexible and so end up not respecting fundamental laws of physics. On the other hand there has, in recent years, been an increase in research attempting to embed physics knowledge in machine learning algorithms in order to obtain interpretable and physically meaningful solutions. The main objective of this thesis is to explore different ways of encoding physical knowledge to provide machine learning methods tailored for specific problems in remote sensing.Ways of expressing expert knowledge about the relevant physical systems in remote sensing abound, ranging from simple relations between reflectance indices and biophysical parameters to complex models that compute the radiative transfer of electromagnetic radiation through our atmosphere, and differential equations that explain the dynamics of key parameters. This thesis focuses on inversion problems, emulation of radiative transfer models, and incorporation of the above-mentioned domain knowledge in machine learning algorithms for remote sensing applications. We explore new methods that can optimally model simulated and in-situ data jointly, incorporate differential equations in machine learning algorithms, handle more complex inversion problems and large-scale data, obtain accurate and computationally efficient emulators that are consistent with physical models, and that efficiently perform approximate Bayesian inversion over radiative transfer models

    Discriminative Video Representation Learning

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    Representation learning is a fundamental research problem in the area of machine learning, refining the raw data to discover representations needed for various applications. However, real-world data, particularly video data, is neither mathematically nor computationally convenient to process due to its semantic redundancy and complexity. Video data, as opposed to images, includes temporal correlation and motion dynamics, but the ground truth label is normally limited to category labels, which makes the video representation learning a challenging problem. To this end, this thesis addresses the problem of video representation learning, specifically discriminative video representation learning, which focuses on capturing useful data distributions and reliable feature representations improving the performance of varied downstream tasks. We argue that neither all frames in one video nor all dimensions in one feature vector are useful and should be equally treated for video representation learning. Based on this argument, several novel algorithms are investigated in this thesis under multiple application scenarios, such as action recognition, action detection and one-class video anomaly detection. These proposed video representation learning methods produce discriminative video features in both deep and non-deep learning setups. Specifically, they are presented in the form of: 1) an early fusion layer that adopts a temporal ranking SVM formulation, agglomerating several optical flow images from consecutive frames into a novel compact representation, named as dynamic optical flow images; 2) an intermediate feature aggregation layer that applies weakly-supervised contrastive learning techniques, learning discriminative video representations via contrasting positive and negative samples from a sequence; 3) a new formulation for one-class feature learning that learns a set of discriminative subspaces with orthonormal hyperplanes to flexibly bound the one-class data distribution using Riemannian optimisation methods. We provide extensive experiments to gain intuitions into why the learned representations are discriminative and useful. All the proposed methods in this thesis are evaluated on standard publicly available benchmarks, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance

    Tensor Regression

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    Regression analysis is a key area of interest in the field of data analysis and machine learning which is devoted to exploring the dependencies between variables, often using vectors. The emergence of high dimensional data in technologies such as neuroimaging, computer vision, climatology and social networks, has brought challenges to traditional data representation methods. Tensors, as high dimensional extensions of vectors, are considered as natural representations of high dimensional data. In this book, the authors provide a systematic study and analysis of tensor-based regression models and their applications in recent years. It groups and illustrates the existing tensor-based regression methods and covers the basics, core ideas, and theoretical characteristics of most tensor-based regression methods. In addition, readers can learn how to use existing tensor-based regression methods to solve specific regression tasks with multiway data, what datasets can be selected, and what software packages are available to start related work as soon as possible. Tensor Regression is the first thorough overview of the fundamentals, motivations, popular algorithms, strategies for efficient implementation, related applications, available datasets, and software resources for tensor-based regression analysis. It is essential reading for all students, researchers and practitioners of working on high dimensional data.Comment: 187 pages, 32 figures, 10 table

    Semi-supervised and unsupervised kernel-based novelty detection with application to remote sensing images

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    The main challenge of new information technologies is to retrieve intelligible information from the large volume of digital data gathered every day. Among the variety of existing data sources, the satellites continuously observing the surface of the Earth are key to the monitoring of our environment. The new generation of satellite sensors are tremendously increasing the possibilities of applications but also increasing the need for efficient processing methodologies in order to extract information relevant to the users' needs in an automatic or semi-automatic way. This is where machine learning comes into play to transform complex data into simplified products such as maps of land-cover changes or classes by learning from data examples annotated by experts. These annotations, also called labels, may actually be difficult or costly to obtain since they are established on the basis of ground surveys. As an example, it is extremely difficult to access a region recently flooded or affected by wildfires. In these situations, the detection of changes has to be done with only annotations from unaffected regions. In a similar way, it is difficult to have information on all the land-cover classes present in an image while being interested in the detection of a single one of interest. These challenging situations are called novelty detection or one-class classification in machine learning. In these situations, the learning phase has to rely only on a very limited set of annotations, but can exploit the large set of unlabeled pixels available in the images. This setting, called semi-supervised learning, allows significantly improving the detection. In this Thesis we address the development of methods for novelty detection and one-class classification with few or no labeled information. The proposed methodologies build upon the kernel methods, which take place within a principled but flexible framework for learning with data showing potentially non-linear feature relations. The thesis is divided into two parts, each one having a different assumption on the data structure and both addressing unsupervised (automatic) and semi-supervised (semi-automatic) learning settings. The first part assumes the data to be formed by arbitrary-shaped and overlapping clusters and studies the use of kernel machines, such as Support Vector Machines or Gaussian Processes. An emphasis is put on the robustness to noise and outliers and on the automatic retrieval of parameters. Experiments on multi-temporal multispectral images for change detection are carried out using only information from unchanged regions or none at all. The second part assumes high-dimensional data to lie on multiple low dimensional structures, called manifolds. We propose a method seeking a sparse and low-rank representation of the data mapped in a non-linear feature space. This representation allows us to build a graph, which is cut into several groups using spectral clustering. For the semi-supervised case where few labels of one class of interest are available, we study several approaches incorporating the graph information. The class labels can either be propagated on the graph, constrain spectral clustering or used to train a one-class classifier regularized by the given graph. Experiments on the unsupervised and oneclass classification of hyperspectral images demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches

    Domain Adaptation and Domain Generalization with Representation Learning

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    Machine learning has achieved great successes in the area of computer vision, especially in object recognition or classification. One of the core factors of the successes is the availability of massive labeled image or video data for training, collected manually by human. Labeling source training data, however, can be expensive and time consuming. Furthermore, a large amount of labeled source data may not always guarantee traditional machine learning techniques to generalize well; there is a potential bias or mismatch in the data, i.e., the training data do not represent the target environment. To mitigate the above dataset bias/mismatch, one can consider domain adaptation: utilizing labeled training data and unlabeled target data to develop a well-performing classifier on the target environment. In some cases, however, the unlabeled target data are nonexistent, but multiple labeled sources of data exist. Such situations can be addressed by domain generalization: using multiple source training sets to produce a classifier that generalizes on the unseen target domain. Although several domain adaptation and generalization approaches have been proposed, the domain mismatch in object recognition remains a challenging, open problem – the model performance has yet reached to a satisfactory level in real world applications. The overall goal of this thesis is to progress towards solving dataset bias in visual object recognition through representation learning in the context of domain adaptation and domain generalization. Representation learning is concerned with finding proper data representations or features via learning rather than via engineering by human experts. This thesis proposes several representation learning solutions based on deep learning and kernel methods. This thesis introduces a robust-to-noise deep neural network for handwritten digit classification trained on “clean” images only, which we name Deep Hybrid Network (DHN). DHNs are based on a particular combination of sparse autoencoders and restricted Boltzmann machines. The results show that DHN performs better than the standard deep neural network in recognizing digits with Gaussian and impulse noise, block and border occlusions. This thesis proposes the Domain Adaptive Neural Network (DaNN), a neural network based domain adaptation algorithm that minimizes the classification error and the domain discrepancy between the source and target data representations. The experiments show the competitiveness of DaNN against several state-of-the-art methods on a benchmark object dataset. This thesis develops the Multi-task Autoencoder (MTAE), a domain generalization algorithm based on autoencoders trained via multi-task learning. MTAE learns to transform the original image into its analogs in multiple related domains simultaneously. The results show that the MTAE’s representations provide better classification performance than some alternative autoencoder-based models as well as the current state-of-the-art domain generalization algorithms. This thesis proposes a fast kernel-based representation learning algorithm for both domain adaptation and domain generalization, Scatter Component Analysis (SCA). SCA finds a data representation that trades between maximizing the separability of classes, minimizing the mismatch between domains, and maximizing the separability of the whole data points. The results show that SCA performs much faster than some competitive algorithms, while providing state-of-the-art accuracy in both domain adaptation and domain generalization. Finally, this thesis presents the Deep Reconstruction-Classification Network (DRCN), a deep convolutional network for domain adaptation. DRCN learns to classify labeled source data and also to reconstruct unlabeled target data via a shared encoding representation. The results show that DRCN provides competitive or better performance than the prior state-of-the-art model on several cross-domain object datasets

    Healing failures and improving generalization in deep generative modelling

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    Deep generative modeling is a crucial and rapidly developing area of machine learning, with numerous potential applications, including data generation, anomaly detection, data compression, and more. Despite the significant empirical success of many generative models, some limitations still need to be addressed to improve their performance in certain cases. This thesis focuses on understanding the limitations of generative modeling in common scenarios and proposes corresponding techniques to alleviate these limitations and improve performance in practical generative modeling applications. Specifically, the thesis is divided into two sub-topics: one focusing on the training and the other on the generalization of generative models. A brief introduction to each sub-topic is provided below. Generative models are typically trained by optimizing their fit to the data distribution. This is achieved by minimizing a statistical divergence between the model and data distributions. However, there are cases where these divergences fail to accurately capture the differences between the model and data distributions, resulting in poor performance of the trained model. In the first part of the thesis, we discuss the two situations where the classic divergences are ineffective for training the models: 1. KL divergence fails to train implicit models for manifold modeling tasks. 2. Fisher divergence cannot distinguish the mixture proportions for modeling target multi-modality distribution. For both failure modes, we investigate the theoretical reasons underlying the failures of KL and Fisher divergences in modelling certain types of data distributions. We propose techniques that address the limitations of these divergences, enabling more reliable estimation of the underlying data distributions. While the generalization of classification or regression models has been extensively studied in machine learning, the generalization of generative models is a relatively under-explored area. In the second part of this thesis, we aim to address this gap by investigating the generalization properties of generative models. Specifically, we investigate two generalization scenarios: 1. In-distribution (ID) generalization of probabilistic models, where the test data and the training data are from the same distribution. 2. Out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization of probabilistic models, where the test data and the training data can come from different distributions. In the context of ID generalization, our emphasis rests on the Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) model, and for OOD generalization, we primarily explore autoregressive models. By studying the generalization properties of the models, we demonstrate how to design new models or training criteria that improve the performance of practical applications, such as lossless compression and OOD detection. The findings of this thesis shed light on the intricate challenges faced by generative models in both training and generalization scenarios. Our investigations into the inefficacies of classic divergences like KL and Fisher highlight the importance of tailoring modeling techniques to the specific characteristics of data distributions. Additionally, by delving into the generalization aspects of generative models, this work pioneers insights into the ID and OOD scenarios, a domain not extensively covered in current literature. Collectively, the insights and techniques presented in this thesis provide valuable contributions to the community, fostering an environment for the development of more robust and reliable generative models. It's our hope that these take-home messages will serve as a foundation for future research and applications in the realm of deep generative modeling

    Training Data Influence Analysis and Estimation: A Survey

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    Good models require good training data. For overparameterized deep models, the causal relationship between training data and model predictions is increasingly opaque and poorly understood. Influence analysis partially demystifies training's underlying interactions by quantifying the amount each training instance alters the final model. Measuring the training data's influence exactly can be provably hard in the worst case; this has led to the development and use of influence estimators, which only approximate the true influence. This paper provides the first comprehensive survey of training data influence analysis and estimation. We begin by formalizing the various, and in places orthogonal, definitions of training data influence. We then organize state-of-the-art influence analysis methods into a taxonomy; we describe each of these methods in detail and compare their underlying assumptions, asymptotic complexities, and overall strengths and weaknesses. Finally, we propose future research directions to make influence analysis more useful in practice as well as more theoretically and empirically sound. A curated, up-to-date list of resources related to influence analysis is available at https://github.com/ZaydH/influence_analysis_papers