21,556 research outputs found

    Privacy-preserving recommendations in context-aware mobile environments

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    © Emerald Publishing Limited. Purpose - This paper aims to address privacy concerns that arise from the use of mobile recommender systems when processing contextual information relating to the user. Mobile recommender systems aim to solve the information overload problem by recommending products or services to users of Web services on mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, at any given point in time and in any possible location. They use recommendation methods, such as collaborative filtering or content-based filtering and use aconsiderable amount of contextual information to provide relevant recommendations. However, because of privacy concerns, users are not willing to provide the required personal information that would allow their views to be recorded and make these systems usable. Design/methodology/approach - This work is focused on user privacy by providing a method for context privacy-preservation and privacy protection at user interface level. Thus, a set of algorithms that are part of the method has been designed with privacy protectionin mind, which isdone byusing realistic dummy parameter creation. Todemonstrate the applicability of the method, arelevant context-aware data set has been used to run performance and usability tests. Findings - The proposed method has been experimentally evaluated using performance and usability evaluation tests and is shown that with a small decrease in terms of performance, user privacy can be protected. Originality/value - This is a novel research paper that proposed a method for protecting the privacy of mobile recommender systems users when context parameters are used

    Privacy, security, and trust issues in smart environments

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    Recent advances in networking, handheld computing and sensor technologies have driven forward research towards the realisation of Mark Weiser's dream of calm and ubiquitous computing (variously called pervasive computing, ambient computing, active spaces, the disappearing computer or context-aware computing). In turn, this has led to the emergence of smart environments as one significant facet of research in this domain. A smart environment, or space, is a region of the real world that is extensively equipped with sensors, actuators and computing components [1]. In effect the smart space becomes a part of a larger information system: with all actions within the space potentially affecting the underlying computer applications, which may themselves affect the space through the actuators. Such smart environments have tremendous potential within many application areas to improve the utility of a space. Consider the potential offered by a smart environment that prolongs the time an elderly or infirm person can live an independent life or the potential offered by a smart environment that supports vicarious learning

    Privacy-Preserving Crowdsourcing-Based Recommender Systems for E-Commerce & Health Services

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    En l’actualitat, els sistemes de recomanació han esdevingut un mecanisme fonamental per proporcionar als usuaris informació útil i filtrada, amb l’objectiu d’optimitzar la presa de decisions, com per exemple, en el camp del comerç electrònic. La quantitat de dades existent a Internet és tan extensa que els usuaris necessiten sistemes automàtics per ajudar-los a distingir entre informació valuosa i soroll. No obstant, sistemes de recomanació com el Filtratge Col·laboratiu tenen diverses limitacions, com ara la manca de resposta i la privadesa. Una part important d'aquesta tesi es dedica al desenvolupament de metodologies per fer front a aquestes limitacions. A més de les aportacions anteriors, en aquesta tesi també ens centrem en el procés d'urbanització que s'està produint a tot el món i en la necessitat de crear ciutats més sostenibles i habitables. En aquest context, ens proposem solucions de salut intel·ligent (s-health) i metodologies eficients de caracterització de canals sense fils, per tal de proporcionar assistència sanitària sostenible en el context de les ciutats intel·ligents.En la actualidad, los sistemas de recomendación se han convertido en una herramienta indispensable para proporcionar a los usuarios información útil y filtrada, con el objetivo de optimizar la toma de decisiones en una gran variedad de contextos. La cantidad de datos existente en Internet es tan extensa que los usuarios necesitan sistemas automáticos para ayudarles a distinguir entre información valiosa y ruido. Sin embargo, sistemas de recomendación como el Filtrado Colaborativo tienen varias limitaciones, tales como la falta de respuesta y la privacidad. Una parte importante de esta tesis se dedica al desarrollo de metodologías para hacer frente a esas limitaciones. Además de las aportaciones anteriores, en esta tesis también nos centramos en el proceso de urbanización que está teniendo lugar en todo el mundo y en la necesidad de crear ciudades más sostenibles y habitables. En este contexto, proponemos soluciones de salud inteligente (s-health) y metodologías eficientes de caracterización de canales inalámbricos, con el fin de proporcionar asistencia sanitaria sostenible en el contexto de las ciudades inteligentes.Our society lives an age where the eagerness for information has resulted in problems such as infobesity, especially after the arrival of Web 2.0. In this context, automatic systems such as recommenders are increasing their relevance, since they help to distinguish noise from useful information. However, recommender systems such as Collaborative Filtering have several limitations such as non-response and privacy. An important part of this thesis is devoted to the development of methodologies to cope with these limitations. In addition to the previously stated research topics, in this dissertation we also focus in the worldwide process of urbanisation that is taking place and the need for more sustainable and liveable cities. In this context, we focus on smart health solutions and efficient wireless channel characterisation methodologies, in order to provide sustainable healthcare in the context of smart cities

    Design and Implementation of S-MARKS: A Secure Middleware for Pervasive Computing Applications

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    As portable devices have become a part of our everyday life, more people are unknowingly participating in a pervasive computing environment. People engage with not a single device for a specific purpose but many devices interacting with each other in the course of ordinary activity. With such prevalence of pervasive technology, the interaction between portable devices needs to be continuous and imperceptible to device users. Pervasive computing requires a small, scalable and robust network which relies heavily on the middleware to resolve communication and security issues. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of S-MARKS which incorporates device validation, resource discovery and a privacy module