247 research outputs found

    The importance of BIM capability assessment: An evaluation of post-selection performance of organisations on construction projects

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    Purpose: The emergence of building information modelling (BIM) has led to the need for pre-qualification and selection of organisations capable of working within a BIM environment. Several criteria have been proposed for the assessment of an organisation’s BIM capability during the pre-qualification and selection phase of projects. However, no studies have sought to empirically establish whether organisations selected on the basis of such criteria have actually been the most successful at delivering BIM on projects. The purpose of this paper is to address the aforementioned gap through a comparison of predicted BIM capability and post-selection performance. Design/methodology/approach: BIM capability of firms in a case study was predicted using 28 BIM pre-qualification and selection criteria, prioritised based on their perceived contribution to BIM delivery success from a survey of practitioners on BIM-enabled projects. The comparison of predicted BIM capability and post-selection performance was, on the other hand, achieved through the application of the Technique to Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution and fuzzy sets theory (Fuzzy-TOPSIS). Findings: Findings underscore the reliability of the 28 BIM pre-qualification and selection criteria as well as the priority weightings proposed for their use in predicting BIM capability and likelihood of performance. The findings have highlighted the importance of criteria related as previous BIM use experience as well as information processing maturity as critical indicators of the capability of organisations, particularly design firms. Originality/value: Overall, the findings highlight the need for prioritisation of BIM pre-qualification and selection criteria on the basis of their actual contribution to delivery success from post-selection evaluation of performance

    Uncertainty Models in Reverse Supply Chain: A Review

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    Reverse logistic has become an important topic for the organization due to growing environmental concern, government regulation, economic value, and sustainable competitiveness. Uncertainty is one of the key factors in the reverse supply chain that must be controlled; thus, the company could optimize the reverse supply chain function. This paper discusses progress in reverse logistic research. A total of 72 published articles were selected, analyzed, categorized and the research gaps were found among them. The study began by analyzed previous research articles in reverse logistic. In this stage, we also collected and reviewed journals discussing about the reverse supply chain. Meanwhile, the result of this stage shows that uncertainty factor has not been reviewed in detail. The most common theme as the background research in reverse logistic is environmental and economic aspect. Uncertainty in Close Loop Supply Chain is the most widely used approach, followed by the usage on reverse logistics, reverse supply chain and reverse Model. The most used approach and method on uncertainty are Mixed Integer Linear Programing, mixed integer nonlinear Programing, Robust Fuzzy Stochastic Programming, and Improved kriging-assisted robust optimization method. Customer demand, total cost, product returns are the most widely researched aspects. This paper may be useful for academicians, researchers and practitioners in learning on reverse logistic and reverse supply chain; therefore, close loop supply chain can be guidance for upcoming researches. Research opportunity based on this research combines total cost, quality return product, truck capacity, delivery route, remanufacturing capacity, and facility location got optimum function in uncertainty. The research method and approach for MINLP, IK-MRO and RSFP provide many opportunities for research. For theme and area in reverse logistic, close loop supply chain is the theme that provides the most research opportunities

    Balancing stakeholder goals in structural fire design of steel-framed buildings.

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    When designing a steel-framed building, there are many design options available in terms of meeting the structural fire resistance objectives. Different stakeholders have different opinions about which approach is the most appropriate. A tool or procedure is needed that allows the integration of these diverse stakeholder desires to achieve the most appropriate option. Hence, this research aims to develop this tool. Firstly, extraction and understanding of stakeholder views, along with the capacity to rank them, are needed. However, the challenge is that there are many stakeholder views, so there is also the need to manage these views without ignoring any of them. Towards that some tools are identified in this work to manage different and sometimes divergent stakeholder views to rank them for appropriate decision making. Secondly, to achieve consensus on multiple stakeholder views, the Weighted/Geometric Mean Method (W/GMM) is investigated. Decision analysis techniques including Analytic Hierarchy/Network Processes (AHP/ANP) and Technique of Order of Preference and Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) are also studied to understand the influences of stakeholder views on competing design options and to rank the options in the decision-making process. Thirdly, to critically assess the ranking of the design options, a parametric study is needed to predict the suitability and cost-benefit of the various available options. This is carried out by probabilistic analysis of typical structural steel members considering varying parameters and limit state criteria. A probabilistic cost evaluation is also included. Hence, a hybrid design decision analysis tool is developed for the integration of the assessment outcomes to enable the identification of the most cost-effective design option. The final part of this work takes a case study of a realistic building and demonstrates how the process can be applied to structural fire design. This is carried out by integrating and synthesising views from chartered stakeholders and outcomes of the parametric study on representative steel members of the building using the developed hybrid decision analysis tool. The case study follows a risk-based structural fire design decision-making procedure

    A participatory multicriteria approach to evaluate strategic projects for local sustainable development

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] The dilemma of development and sustainability in the local context generates multiple interests and concerns. This dissertation arises from the challenge proposed by both concepts in the framework of decision making for urban planning. Its development has been guided by two main motivations. The first and most important is to discuss sustainable development in a context where little had been said, responding to how to improve the practices used for the prioritisation of actions during the planning stages of local development projects, taking as a case study the city of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). The second, on the other hand, responds to the interest of contributing to the field of multicriteria decision making techniques. The objective is to design a methodology to help those responsible for territorial planning to evaluate development strategies and projects. In particular, it focuses on the participation of different stakeholders and on the approach to sustainable local development. Therefore, the general research question is: how can a participatory multicriteria methodology help to evaluate local development projects with a sustainable approach? To answer this research question the present dissertation, of an exploratory and descriptive nature, has been designed, and developed from the application of three cases of iterative and complementary studies. The objective has been to propose a framework that systematically allows the taking of decisions and the integration of diverse positions, without trying to find a unique solution with the best decision model. The proposed methodology has been developed from the combination of two techniques known from the field of Operations Research, Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Social Network Analysis (SNA). SNA is used to find out how the network of actors related to a problem is structured, to study and evaluate the relationships between the actors that make it up, to determine their degree of cohesion, the actors in the most relevant positions and the existing structural gaps. All of this permits the selection of participants in the decision making process carried out through ANP. ANP is a wellknown multicriteria decision method, which provides a framework for addressing decision making or problem assessment. It defines a prioritisation model as a network with complex, interdependent and feedback relationships between elements. The elements represent characteristics, requirements, conditions or criteria related to a problem, as well as possible alternative solutions. ANP is used to discover the opinions of the participants, to obtain their decision profiles and to reach a consensus on the prioritisation of projects and strategies. Additionally, this methodological proposal, based on the SNA-ANP combination, can be completed with other techniques, for example, geographic information systems to add some components that improve the decision. The results suggest that this SNA-ANP methodology is a novel and useful combination for evaluating local development plans with a multicriteria, sustainable and participatory approach. The results establish a basis for proposing new applications and generating new discussions with the local administration and other actors. With the inclusion of the local and sustainable development approach in the decision framework, throughout this dissertation, the value of different heritages is highlighted, as is the promotion of a more adapted strategic planning and the recognition and inclusion of multiple groups of actors. In addition, the use of practical and replicable methodologies that account for the results is promoted, to be applied at different scales, in order to improve planning and prioritisation of actions. The proposal has considered the dimensions of sustainability in decision models, the active participation of decision-makers and a better selection of participants. In short, it has facilitated the construction of a more participatory decision making process. Finally, it also allows us to explore future applications and to continue the discussion related to the problem of decision making during the planning and evaluation stages of strategic projects, whether for local sustainable development or for other types of objectives.[ES] El dilema del desarrollo y la sostenibilidad en el contexto local genera múltiples intereses e inquietudes. Esta disertación surge entorno al desafío propuesto por ambos conceptos en el marco de la toma de decisiones para la planeación urbana. Su desarrollo se ha orientado a partir de dos motivaciones principales. La primera y más importante es discutir sobre desarrollo sostenible en un contexto en el que se había hablado poco, respondiendo a cómo mejorar las prácticas utilizadas para la priorización de acciones durante las etapas de planeación de proyectos de desarrollo local, tomando como objeto de estudio la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). La segunda, por su parte, responde al interés por contribuir en el campo de las técnicas de toma de decisiones multicriterio. El objetivo es diseñar una metodología para ayudar a los responsables de la planificación territorial a evaluar estrategias y proyectos de desarrollo. En particular, se centra en la participación de diferentes partes interesadas y en el enfoque al desarrollo local sostenible. Por lo tanto, la pregunta general de investigación es: ¿Cómo puede una metodología multicriterio participativa ayudar a evaluar proyectos de desarrollo local con un enfoque sostenible? Para responder a esta pregunta de investigación se ha diseñado la presente disertación, de naturaleza exploratoria y descriptiva, desarrollada a partir de la aplicación de tres casos de estudios iterativos y complementarios. El objetivo ha sido proponer un marco que de forma sistemática permita tomar decisiones e integrar diversas posiciones, sin pretender hallar una solución única con el mejor modelo de decisión. La metodología propuesta se ha construido a partir de la combinación de dos técnicas conocidas del campo de la Investigación de Operaciones, el Proceso Analítico en Red (ANP) y el Análisis de Redes Sociales (SNA). El SNA se utiliza para conocer cómo se estructura la red de actores relacionados con un problema, estudiar y evaluar las relaciones entre los actores que la componen, determinar su grado de cohesión, los actores en posiciones más relevantes y los vacíos estructurales existentes. Todo ello permite seleccionar a los participantes en el proceso de toma de decisiones realizado a través del ANP. El ANP es un conocido método de decisión multicriterio, que proporciona un marco para abordar la toma de decisiones o la evaluación de problemas. Define un modelo de priorización como una red con relaciones complejas, interdependientes y retroalimentadas entre elementos. Los elementos representan características, requerimientos, condiciones o criterios relacionados con un problema, así como las posibles alternativas de solución. El ANP se utiliza para conocer las opiniones de los participantes, obtener sus perfiles de decisión y alcanzar un consenso sobre la priorización de proyectos y estrategias. Adicionalmente, esta propuesta metodológica, basada en la combinación SNA-ANP, se puede completar con otras técnicas, por ejemplo, los sistemas de información geográfica para agregar algunos componentes que mejoren la decisión. Los resultados sugieren que esta metodología SNA-ANP, es una combinación novedosa y útil para evaluar planes de desarrollo local con un enfoque multicriterio, sostenible y participativo. Los resultados establecen una base para proponer nuevas aplicaciones y generar nuevas discusiones con la administración local y otros actores. Con la inclusión del enfoque del desarrollo local y sostenible en el marco de las decisiones, a lo largo de esta disertación, se resalta el valor de distintos patrimonios, la promoción de una planeación estratégica más adaptada y el reconocimiento e inclusión de múltiples grupos de actores. Además, se promueve el uso de metodologías prácticas y replicables que den cuenta de los resultados, para ser aplicadas a diferentes escalas, con el fin de mejorar la planeación y la priorización de acciones. La propuesta ha considerado las dimensiones de la sostenibilidad en los modelos de decisión, la participación activa de los decisores y una mejor selección de los participantes. En síntesis, ha facilitado la construcción de un proceso de decisión más participativo. Finalmente, también permite explorar futuras aplicaciones y continuar la discusión relacionada con el problema de la toma de decisiones durante las etapas de planeación y evaluación de proyectos estratégicos sean para el desarrollo local sostenible o para otro tipo de objetivos.[CA] El dilema del desenvolupament i la sostenibilitat en el context local genera múltiples interessos i inquietuds. Aquesta dissertació sorgeix entorn al desafiament proposat per ambdós conceptes en el marc de la presa de decisions per a la planificació urbana. El seu desenvolupament s'ha orientat a partir de dues motivacions principals. La primera i més important és discutir sobre desenvolupament sostenible en un context en què s'havia parlat poc, responent a com millorar les pràctiques utilitzades per a la priorització d'accions durant les etapes de planificació de projectes de desenvolupament local, prenent com a objecte d'estudi la ciutat de Cartagena d'Índies (Colòmbia). La segona, per la seva banda, respon a l'interès per contribuir en el camp de les tècniques de presa de decisions multicriteri. L'objectiu és dissenyar una metodologia per ajudar els responsables de la planificació territorial a avaluar estratègies i projectes de desenvolupament. En particular, es centra en la participació de diferents parts interessades i en l'enfocament al desenvolupament local sostenible. Per tant, la pregunta general d'investigació és: Com pot una metodologia multicriteri participativa ajudar a avaluar projectes de desenvolupament local amb un enfocament sostenible? Per respondre a aquesta pregunta de recerca s'ha dissenyat la present dissertació, de naturalesa exploratòria i descriptiva, desenvolupada a partir de l'aplicació de tres casos d'estudi iteratius i complementaris. L'objectiu ha estat proposar un marc que de forma sistemàtica permeti prendre decisions i integrar diverses posicions, sense pretendre trobar una solució única amb el millor model de decisió. La metodologia proposada s'ha construït a partir de la combinació de dues tècniques conegudes del camp de la Investigació d'Operacions, el Procés Analític en Xarxa (ANP) i l'anàlisi de xarxes socials (SNA). El SNA s'utilitza per conèixer com s'estructura la xarxa d'actors relacionats amb un problema, estudiar i avaluar les relacions entre els actors que la componen, determinar el seu grau de cohesió, els actors en posicions més rellevants i els buits estructurals existents. Tot això permet seleccionar els participants en el procés de presa de decisions realitzat a través de l'ANP. L'ANP és un conegut mètode de decisió multicriteri, que proporciona un marc per abordar la presa de decisions o l'avaluació de problemes. Defineix un model de priorització com una xarxa amb relacions complexes, interdependents i retroalimentades entre elements. Els elements representen característiques, requeriments, condicions o criteris relacionats amb un problema, així com les possibles alternatives de solució. El ANP s'utilitza per conèixer les opinions dels participants, obtenir els seus perfils de decisió i arribar a un consens sobre la priorització de projectes i estratègies. Addicionalment, aquesta proposta metodològica, basada en la combinació SNA-ANP, es pot completar amb altres tècniques, per exemple, els sistemes d'informació geogràfica per afegir alguns components que millorin la decisió. Els resultats suggereixen que aquesta metodologia SNA-ANP, és una combinació innovadora i útil per avaluar plans de desenvolupament local amb un enfocament multicriteri, sostenible i participatiu. Els resultats estableixen una base per proposar noves aplicacions i generar noves discussions amb l'administració local i altres actors. Amb la inclusió de l'enfocament del desenvolupament local i sostenible en el marc de les decisions, al llarg d'aquesta dissertació, es ressalta el valor de diferents patrimonis, la promoció d'una planificació estratègica més adaptada i el reconeixement i inclusió de múltiples grups d'actors . A més, es promou l'ús de metodologies pràctiques i replicables que donin compte dels resultats, per ser aplicades a diferents escales, per tal de millorar la planificació i la priorització d'accions. La proposta ha considerat les dimensions de la sostenibilitat en els models de decisió, la participació activa dels decisors i una millor selecció dels participants. En síntesi, ha facilitat la construcció d'un procés de decisió més participatiu. Finalment, també permet explorar futures aplicacions i continuar la discussió relacionada amb el problema de la presa de decisions durant les etapes de planificació i avaluació de projectes estratègics siguin per al desenvolupament local sostenible o per a un altre tipus d'objectius.Gonzalez Urango, HK. (2020). A participatory multicriteria approach to evaluate strategic projects for local sustainable development [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/149490TESISCompendi

    Climate and sustainability co-governance in Kenya: A multi-criteria analysis of stakeholders' perceptions and consensus

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    The Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development embody highly intertwined targets to act for climate in conjunction with sustainable development. This, however, entails different meanings and challenges across the world. Kenya, in particular, needs to address serious sustainability threats, like poverty and lack of modern and affordable energy access. This study uses a multi-criteria group decision aid and consensus measuring framework, to integrate both agendas, and engages with Kenyan stakeholders to help inform future mitigation research and policy in the country. Results showed that stakeholders highlight topics largely underrepresented in model-based mitigation analysis, such as biodiversity preservation and demand-side transformations, while pointing to gaps in cross-sectoral policies in relation to access to modern energy, agriculture, life on land, and climate change mitigation. With numerous past and recent policies aiming at these issues, persistent stakeholder concerns over these topics hint at limited success. Sectoral and technological priorities only recently emphasised in Kenyan policy efforts are also correlated with stakeholders' concerns, highlighting that progress is not only a matter of legislation, but also of coordination, consistency of targets, and comprehensibility. Higher bias is found among the preferences of stakeholders coming from the country's private sector. Results from this exercise can inform national policymakers on effectively reshaping the future direction of the country, as well as modelling efforts aimed at underpinning Kenya's energy, climate and sustainable development policy

    Types of logistics outsourcing and related impact on the 3PL buying process: empirical evidence

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    Although logistics outsourcing is recognised as a competitive parameter, so far there has been no adequate research on the types of logistics outsourcing and their implications in terms of the third-party logistics (3PL) buying process. This paper fills the gap by focussing on two key issues, i.e., required competitive advantages and 3PL selection criteria. The aim is to provide a comprehensive investigation of such factors and study if and how they vary depending on the outsourcing type. After a literature review and a focus group, a survey of 482 logistics managers was conducted, and a statistical analysis of results was performed. The findings are of interest to both shippers and 3PL providers because they help the former understand which outsourcing type is the most suitable to achieve the desired competitive advantages, and the latter to evaluate the key factors to focus on depending on the required type of outsourcing

    Humanitarian logistics optimization models: An investigation of decision-maker involvement and directions to promote implementation

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    Reports of successful implementation of humanitarian optimization models in the field are scarce. Incorporating real conditions and the perspective of decision-makers in the analysis is crucial to enhance the practical value and managerial implications. Although it is known that implementation can be hindered by the lack of practitioner input in the structure of the model, its priorities, and the practicality of solution times, the way these aspects have been introduced in humanitarian optimization models has not been investigated. This study looks at the way research has involved practitioners in different aspects of the design of optimization models to promote implementation. It investigates the aspects affecting the implementation of the models and opportunities to guide future optimization contributions. The article introduces a systematic literature review of 105 articles to answer the research questions. The results are contrasted with a multi-criteria decision analysis using responses from Mexican practitioners. The study found that only 10% of the articles involved practitioners for modelling decisions, which was confirmed by a major gap between the objectives used in the literature and the priorities of Mexican practitioners. In terms of swift decision-making, fewer than 22% of the articles surveyed introduced new solution methods to deliver results in a sensible time. The study also identified very limited inclusion of environmental concerns in the objective functions even though these are a priority in the global agenda. These findings are discussed to propose research directions and suggest best practices for future contributions to promote the implementation of humanitarian logistics models

    Barriers to the Development of Smart Cities in Indian Context

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    Smart city development is gaining considerable recognition in the systematic literature and international policies throughout the world. The study aims to identify the key barriers of smart cities from a review of existing literature and views of experts in this area. This work further makes an attempt on the prioritisation of barriers to recognise the most important barrier category and ranking of specific barriers within the categories to the development of smart cities in India. Through the existing literature, this work explored 31 barriers of smart cities development and divided them into six categories. This research work employed fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique to prioritise the selected barriers. Findings reveal that ‘Governance’ is documented as the most significant category of barriers for smart city development followed by ‘Economic; ‘Technology’; ‘Social’; ‘Environmental’ and ‘Legal and Ethical’. In this work, authors also performed sensitivity analysis to validate the findings of study. This research is useful to the government and policymakers for eradicating the potential interferences in smart city development initiatives in developing countries like India

    Evaluating of effective factors on green supply chain management using statistical methods and SWARA approach

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    Major purpose of this research is identification and evaluating of effective factors on implementation of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) at Fanavaran Petrochemical Company by using statistical methods of Kolmogorov-Smirnov, mean and decision making method by topic SWARA (Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis). Research methodology of present research base on purpose is practical and based on data gathering method is descriptive-measurement. In order to extracting the effective factors on GSCM at the company, in first, by literature review, 22 factors were identified. Then data were gathered by using of opinions of population members containing 55 persons of experts and senior managers in the first class of company. Finally, after analyzing the questionnaires and statistical tests above, 11 factors were confirmed and selected. In continues, in order to evaluating the final factors and ranking them base on importance in success implementation of GSCM system, the SWARA technique is used. Final outcome of this technique showed that second factor as “Designing products to reduce energy and material consumption, reuse and recycling of materials, prevent the use of hazardous materials in the production process” by most weight is extracted as the most important factor. Such, the factors of “Materials and compliance with the standards required for the purchase of raw materials” and “Procurement, distribution and reverse logistics” placed in next ranks base on importance. The factor of “total environmental quality management” by least weight is identified as last factor in implementation of GSCM at the company. In the end of research, it is proposed that organizations focus on environmental problem to acquire skill green environment advantage through green supply chain activities