16 research outputs found

    Disruptive technology business models in cloud computing

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    Thesis (S.M. in System Design and Management)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, System Design and Management Program, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references.Cloud computing, a term whose origins have been in existence for more than a decade, has come into fruition due to technological capabilities and marketplace demands. Cloud computing can be defined as a scalable and flexible shared computing solution in which third-party suppliers use virtualization technologies to create and distribute computing resources to customers on-demand, via the Internet browser. Cloud computing is steadily replacing more rigid software and services licensing models in both small/medium business (SMB) and in the enterprise. This analysis poses a twofold examination of cloud computing as a disruptive technology. First, cloud computing has replaced existing software and services licensing business models, owing to its scalability, flexibility, and utility-based pricing. Second, as cloud computing takes hold as the prominent computing services business paradigm, other disruptive forces will surface to further integrate and differentiate the cloud computing landscape. These forces include the customer-driven need to create hybrid clouds between private and public cloud domains, vendor-agnostic solutions in the cloud, along with open standards to make cloud computing ubiquitous. Three criteria are assessed in characterizing cloud computing as a disruptive technology (Christensen, 2002).1 First, cloud computing as an innovation, must enable less-skilled and/or less-wealthy individuals to receive the same utility as only the more-skilled and/or more-wealthy intermediaries could formerly attain. Second, cloud computing must target customers at the low end of a market with modest demands on performance, but with a performance trajectory capable of exceeding those demands and thus taking over markets, tier by tier. As a corollary to this second criterion, the cloud computing business model allows the disruptive innovator to achieve attractive returns at prices that are unattractive to the incumbents. Third, an ecosystem in the form of a fully integrated single entity or a set of modular entities is required to successfully support the disruptive innovation. The analysis has shown that cloud computing is replacing traditional outsourcing and premise-based data centers for software applications and services delivery. Scalability, flexibility, virtualization, and cost are essential business drivers. However, current cloud computing solutions, especially in the enterprise, lack sufficient security and customer control. This gives rise to numerous subordinate disruptive business solutions which enable the enterprise and emerging demographics to develop and deploy their applications and services in a secure, controlled, profitable, and ubiquitous environment.by Alexis Krikos.S.M.in System Design and Managemen

    ACUTA Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    In This Issue Discovering Hidden Revenue Sources in Ancillary Telecom Services How Videoconferencing Helps Universities Serve New Markets Show Me the Money- Entrepreneurs on Campus IT and Return on Investment Implementing IP Telephony Rate Development/Cost Modeling at UT Speech-Dialing the Right Campus Connection lnstitutional Excellence Award: College of St. Elizabeth President\u27s Message From the Executive Director Jake B. Schrum, PhD Internetworking Multimedi

    Models of vertical interconnection in the future internet networks

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    Interkonekcija, čiji primarni cilj je omogućavanje korisnicima jednog učesnika na tržištu telekomunikacija da komuniciraju sa korisnicima drugog učesnika, odnosno, obezbeđivanje pristupa servisima koje obezbeđuje drugi učesnik, javila se nakon liberalizacije tržišta telekomunikacija. Vertikalna interkonekcija predstavlja fizičko i logičko povezivanje učesnika na različitim nivoima mreže. U okruženju budućeg Interneta, sagledavanje tehničko-ekonomskih aspekata interkonekcije predstavlja pitanje od izuzetnog značaja. U opštem slučaju, učesnici u vertikalnoj interkonekciji u okruženju budućeg Interneta mogu biti provajderi sadržaja i aplikacija, provajderi Internet servisa, Content Delivery Network (CDN) provajderi i cloud provajderi. Pojava Cloud Computing-a uvela je značajne promene u Internet okruženju koje se pre svega odnose na mogućnost pristupa skalabilnim i deljivim, fizičkim ili virtuelnim resursima. Na taj način, stvara se elastična platforma koja obezbeđuje dinamičnu i jednostavnu skalabilnost, pojednostavljuje se obezbeđivanje infrastrukture i omogućava se unapređenje performansi. Razvoj servisa i aplikacija zahtevnih u pogledu propusnog opsega praćen širom implementacijom Cloud Computing-a utiče na kontinuiran rast Internet saobraćaja, što zahteva primenu tehnologija koje mogu zadovoljiti sve strože zahteve. Kao rešenje za transportni nivo mreže, razvijene su elastične optičke mreže koje mogu obezbediti dovoljne propusne opsege uz efikasno iskorišćenje spektra. Imajući u vidu promene koje prate razvoj okruženja budućeg Interneta, kao i značaj vertikalne interkonekcije, neophodno je razmotriti i jasno definisati tehničko-ekonomske relacije između učesnika u budućem Internetu, što je predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije. U okviru disertacije predložen je model koji ima za cilj određivanje adekvatnog ugovora o interkonekciji između učesnika u vertikalnoj interkonekciji, i to provajdera sadržaja i aplikacija i provajdera Internet servisa u procesu obezbeđivanja sadržaja krajnjim korisnicima, uz mogućnost parcijalne migracije sadržaja na resurse cloud provajdera. Analiza obuhvata različite ugovore o interkonekciji i određuje adekvatan ugovor, u zavisnosti od ciljnih profita provajdera koji učestvuju u vertikalnoj interkonekciji i prihvatljive stope odbijenih zahteva za obezbeđivanje sadržaja krajnjim korisnicima. Data analiza je proširena istraživanjem adekvatnog mehanizma tarifiranja i alokacije resursa cloud provajdera. Predložen je nov, hibridni model pristupa resursima cloud provajdera koji obezbeđuje zadovoljavajuće rezultate u kontekstu minimizacije troškova i minimizacije stope odbijenih zahteva za pristup sadržajima...Interconnection, whose primary aim is enabling communication between end users of different undertakings, i.e. enabling access to the other undertaking's services, was introduced after the telecommunication market liberalization. Vertical interconnection represents the physical and logical linking of the undertakings on different network levels. Consideration of technical and economic aspects of the interconnection is a crucial issue in the future Internet environment. In general, undertakings in vertical interconnection in the future Internet environment include content and application providers, Internet service providers, Content Delivery Network (CDN) providers and Cloud providers. The development of Cloud Computing introduced significant changes in the Internet environment in terms of enabling access to scalable and shareable, physical or virtual resources. Therefore, the elastic platform for dynamic and simple scalability is enabled, the access to infrastructure is simplified and performances are improved. High bandwidth demanding services and applications, along with the wide adoption of Cloud Computing causes permanent growth of Internet traffic. This indicates that the introduction of new technologies, capable to satisfy high bandwidth requirements, is necessary. Elastic optical networks are proposed as a promising solution for transport networks. These networks provide enough bandwidth, along with high efficiency in spectrum utilization. Forasmuch changes in the future Internet environment and the importance of the vertical interconnection, it is mandatory to consider and properly define technical and economic relations between undertakings in the future Internet environment, which is the research subject of this doctoral dissertation. Within dissertation, a model for the determination of a proper interconnection agreement between undertakings in the vertical interconnection, content and application provider and an Internet service provider, in the content provisioning process with partial cloud migration is proposed. The analysis comprises different interconnection agreements and determines appropriate agreement, depending on the targeted providers' profits and satisfying requests' for content provisioning rejection rate. This analysis is extended to determine adequate pricing and allocation mechanism for cloud provider's resources. A new, hybrid model for enabling access to cloud resources is proposed. The model provides satisfying results in terms of the costs' minimization and the minimization of requests' rejection rate..

    Electronic Commerce: A Half-Empty Glass?

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    This article introduces an electronic commerce paradox by observing that while electronic commerce grows rapidly it is, at the same time, based on unsettled foundations. It describes how 22 constraints for global electronic commerce were identified, and analyzes them in depth. The constraints fall into four themes: 1. Building trust for users and consumers 2. Establishing ground rules for the digital marketplace 3. Enhancing information infrastructure 4. Maximizing benefits. Each of these themes contains a number of critical issues. The first theme--building trust for users and consumers--involves privacy protection, security, consumer protection, authentication and confidentiality, and access blocking. The second theme includes legal framework, acceptance of electronic transactions, taxation, tariffs, intellectual property protection, commercial policy, and payment systems. Enhancing information infrastructure covers the needed infrastructure enhancements and includes Internet infrastructure and governance, interconnectivity and technical convergence, technical standards, bandwidth and accessibility, and the question of how to further the competition. The last theme is about maximizing the benefits of electronic commerce and includes the understanding of digital economy, its measurement, seamless globalization, and involvement of small businesses. At the time that this paper was written (February 2000) none of these 22 issues had been resolved. Yet, they need to be worked out if electronic commerce is to be successful in both the developed and the underdeveloped world

    Telematics industry dynamics and strategies for converging technologies

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    Thesis (S.M.M.O.T.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Management of Technology Program, 2004.Includes bibliographical references.The Telematics Industry faces tremendous challenges for growth. Regardless of the efforts and investment from vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, telematics has not been that profitable industry that many analyst forecasted five years ago; a 40 billion industry by 2003. This paper presents an analysis of the dynamics of the telematics industry and emphasizes on factors affecting the diffusion of telematics innovation. These factors are related to openness of telematics systems and establishment of standards, network externalities effects and attractiveness of complementors, customer's willingness to pay, telematics services pricing, and consumer knowledge of newer technology. Based on an in-depth analysis of the telematics architecture and the technologies converging in the telematics system I suggest a mixed strategy with respect to standards. This strategy favors the growth of this industry. Based on this strategy there are developed some scenarios of how the telematics value network will look like and how the interaction among the players would take place. Finally, a conceptual system dynamic model is presented to illustrate the dynamics of the industry and how the factors influencing the adoption of the telematics all play together to favor or affect the diffusion of the growing telematics industry.by Rodrigo Luis.S.M.M.O.T

    Syringa Networks v. Idaho Department of Administration Clerk\u27s Record v. 1 Dckt. 38735

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    Integração do paradigma de cloud computing com a infraestrutura de rede do operador

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaThe proliferation of Internet access allows that users have the possibility to use services available directly through the Internet, which translates in a change of the paradigm of using applications and in the way of communicating, popularizing in this way the so-called cloud computing paradigm. Cloud computing brings with it requirements at two different levels: at the cloud level, usually relying in centralized data centers, where information technology and network resources must be able to guarantee the demand of such services; and at the access level, i.e., depending on the service being consumed, different quality of service is required in the access network, which is a Network Operator (NO) domain. In summary, there is an obvious network dependency. However, the network has been playing a relatively minor role, mostly as a provider of (best-effort) connectivity within the cloud and in the access network. The work developed in this Thesis enables for the effective integration of cloud and NO domains, allowing the required network support for cloud. We propose a framework and a set of associated mechanisms for the integrated management and control of cloud computing and NO domains to provide endto- end services. Moreover, we elaborate a thorough study on the embedding of virtual resources in this integrated environment. The study focuses on maximizing the host of virtual resources on the physical infrastructure through optimal embedding strategies (considering the initial allocation of resources as well as adaptations through time), while at the same time minimizing the costs associated to energy consumption, in single and multiple domains. Furthermore, we explore how the NO can take advantage of the integrated environment to host traditional network functions. In this sense, we study how virtual network Service Functions (SFs) should be modelled and managed in a cloud environment and enhance the framework accordingly. A thorough evaluation of the proposed solutions was performed in the scope of this Thesis, assessing their benefits. We implemented proof of concepts to prove the added value, feasibility and easy deployment characteristics of the proposed framework. Furthermore, the embedding strategies evaluation has been performed through simulation and Integer Linear Programming (ILP) solving tools, and it showed that it is possible to reduce the physical infrastructure energy consumption without jeopardizing the virtual resources acceptance. This fact can be further increased by allowing virtual resource adaptation through time. However, one should have in mind the costs associated to adaptation processes. The costs can be minimized, but the virtual resource acceptance can be also reduced. This tradeoff has also been subject of the work in this Thesis.A proliferação do acesso à Internet permite aos utilizadores usar serviços disponibilizados diretamente através da Internet, o que se traduz numa mudança de paradigma na forma de usar aplicações e na forma de comunicar, popularizando desta forma o conceito denominado de cloud computing. Cloud computing traz consigo requisitos a dois níveis: ao nível da própria cloud, geralmente dependente de centros de dados centralizados, onde as tecnologias de informação e recursos de rede têm que ser capazes de garantir as exigências destes serviços; e ao nível do acesso, ou seja, dependendo do serviço que esteja a ser consumido, são necessários diferentes níveis de qualidade de serviço na rede de acesso, um domínio do operador de rede. Em síntese, existe uma clara dependência da cloud na rede. No entanto, o papel que a rede tem vindo a desempenhar neste âmbito é reduzido, sendo principalmente um fornecedor de conectividade (best-effort) tanto no dominio da cloud como no da rede de acesso. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta Tese permite uma integração efetiva dos domínios de cloud e operador de rede, dando assim à cloud o efetivo suporte da rede. Para tal, apresentamos uma plataforma e um conjunto de mecanismos associados para gestão e controlo integrado de domínios cloud computing e operador de rede por forma a fornecer serviços fim-a-fim. Além disso, elaboramos um estudo aprofundado sobre o mapeamento de recursos virtuais neste ambiente integrado. O estudo centra-se na maximização da incorporação de recursos virtuais na infraestrutura física por meio de estratégias de mapeamento ótimas (considerando a alocação inicial de recursos, bem como adaptações ao longo do tempo), enquanto que se minimizam os custos associados ao consumo de energia. Este estudo é feito para cenários de apenas um domínio e para cenários com múltiplos domínios. Além disso, exploramos como o operador de rede pode aproveitar o referido ambiente integrado para suportar funções de rede tradicionais. Neste sentido, estudamos como as funções de rede virtualizadas devem ser modeladas e geridas num ambiente cloud e estendemos a plataforma de acordo com este conceito. No âmbito desta Tese foi feita uma avaliação extensa das soluções propostas, avaliando os seus benefícios. Implementámos provas de conceito por forma a demonstrar as mais-valias, viabilidade e fácil implantação das soluções propostas. Além disso, a avaliação das estratégias de mapeamento foi realizada através de ferramentas de simulação e de programação linear inteira, mostrando que é possível reduzir o consumo de energia da infraestrutura física, sem comprometer a aceitação de recursos virtuais. Este aspeto pode ser melhorado através da adaptação de recursos virtuais ao longo do tempo. No entanto, deve-se ter em mente os custos associados aos processos de adaptação. Os custos podem ser minimizados, mas isso implica uma redução na aceitação de recursos virtuais. Esta compensação foi também um tema abordado nesta Tese

    Resilience to DDoS attacks

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    Tese de mestrado, Segurança Informática, 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasDistributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) is one of the most common cyberattack used by malicious actors. It has been evolving over the years, using more complex techniques to increase its attack power and surpass the current defense mechanisms. Due to the existent number of different DDoS attacks and their constant evolution, companies need to be constantly aware of developments in DDoS solutions Additionally, the existence of multiple solutions, also makes it hard for companies to decide which solution best suits the company needs and must be implemented. In order to help these companies, our work focuses in analyzing the existing DDoS solutions, for companies to implement solutions that can lead to the prevention, detection, mitigation, and tolerance of DDoS attacks, with the objective of improving the robustness and resilience of the companies against DDoS attacks. In our work, it is presented and described different DDoS solutions, some need to be purchased and other are open-source or freeware, however these last solutions require more technical expertise by cybersecurity agents. To understand how cybersecurity agents protect their companies against DDoS attacks, nowadays, it was built a questionnaire and sent to multiple cybersecurity agents from different countries and industries. As a result of the study performed about the different DDoS solutions and the information gathered from the questionnaire, it was possible to create a DDoS framework to guide companies in the decisionmaking process of which DDoS solutions best suits their resources and needs, in order to ensure that companies can develop their robustness and resilience to fight DDoS attacks. The proposed framework it is divided in three phases, in which the first and second phase is to understand the company context and the asset that need to be protected. The last phase is where we choose the DDoS solution based on the information gathered in the previous phases. We analyzed and presented for each DDoS solutions, which DDoS attack types they can prevent, detect and/or mitigate