38 research outputs found

    Hybrid Learning of Daviq.com in the Subject of Teaching Listening and Speaking

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    The term hybrid learning was used to describe online learning combined with face-to-face interaction in the classroom. There are two research questions the first question is how the development of hybrid learning in http://daviqr.com/ is. The second one is how the moodle-based hybrid learning of http://daviqr.com/ as a teaching model in the subject of teaching listening and speaking to the students of English Department of IAIN Walisongo Semarang in the academic year of 2013/2014 is. This research is a research and development, which has the population of all fourth semester English department students of the Faculty of Teachers' Training and Education, IAIN Walisongo Semarang that takes the subject of Teaching Listening and Speaking in the academic year 2013/2014, which consists of three classes. The number of population is 120 students. Regarding the research findings that there are some main reasons why most students agree that the hybrid learning course is an exciting course and why they prefer the hybrid online course or the combination between online and traditional classroom. First, the course outline and objectives were made clear. Second, they learned a lot from this hybrid course. Third, the reading materials were clear and informative. Fourth, the level of this hybrid course is just right. Fifth, the total study load of this hybrid course is in proportion to the number of semester credits is just right. Sixth, the amount of their interaction with other students is a little better. Seventh, the quality of their interaction with other students is a little better. Eighth, the amount of their interaction with the instructor is a little better. Ninth, the quality of their interaction with the instructor is a little better and about the same. Tenth, compared to a face-to-face (traditional) class of equal credits, the workload of this online course is somewhat more. There are some recommendations I should give. First, UIN Walisongo Semarang must design e-learning for lecturers as many students like hybrid courses. Second, the faculty must improve the quality of Wi-Fi hotspots

    Model Blended Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar Dan Daya Tarik Dalam Perkuliahan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar mahasiswa dandaya tarik instruksional perkuliahan menggunakan model blended learning. Penelitianini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian tindakan kelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa, kemandirian belajar mahasiswa Prodi TP FIP UNY dan daya tarik instruksionalperkuliahan Multimedia Pembelajaran meningkat dengan digunakannya modelblended learning. Kemandirian belajar mahasiswa semula berada pada kategori sangatkurang dengan persentase 39%, meningkat pada siklus pertama dengan persentase60% yang berada pada kategori rendah, dan kembali meningkat pada siklus keduadengan persentase 73% yang berada pada kategori tinggi. Daya tarik instruksional jugamengalami peningkatan, semula berada pada kategori sangat rendah dengan persentase33%, meningkat pada siklus pertama dengan persentase 61,5% yang berada padakategori rendah, dan kembali meningkat pada siklus ketiga menjadi 87,5% pada kategorisangat tinggi. Peningkatan tersebut diperoleh melalui pengaturan setiap tahap modelblended learning dengan mengoptimalkan peran mahasiswa dalam mengelola kegiatanbelajarnya. Faktor pembiasaan pemanfaatan e-learning dalam perkuliahan juga membantumeningkatkan kemandirian belajar mahasiswa. Daya tarik instruksional perkuliahandapat meningkat melalui penggunaan dua bentuk pembelajaran yaitu tatap muka danonline. Penggunaan metode hypertext dalam e-learning juga memiliki kontribusi dalammeningkatkan daya tarik instruksional perkuliahan. Metode hypertext dapat membantumahasiswa untuk mencari materi yang paling dibutuhkan dalam belaja


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    Guru memiliki aktivitas yang tinggi. Selain mengajar di kelas guru juga harus membuat administrasi belajar mengajar di kelas, Selaiin itu sebagai guru PNS guru juga harus melengkapi administrasi angka kredit dan mencukupi Penialaiannya sehingga akan sering meningglakan kelas untuk mengikuti berbagai hal penambahan pengetahuan sebagai guru. Agar tidak tertinggal materi yang disampaikan dalam kelas maka perlu dilakukan pembelajaran model lain yaitu Blended Learning. Pemanfaatan Smartphone aplikasi Whatsapp sebgai pendukung keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar. Kata Kunci: Anka Kredit, Blended learning, E-Learning, Whatsap

    Pengembangan Blended Learning untuk Mata Kuliah Pengantar Organisasi Belajar di Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan blended learning berdasarkan model Integrative Learning Design Framework dengan melalui tiga tahapan yakni eksplorasi, penyusunan, serta evaluasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, dengan responden yakni ahli desain pembelajaran 1 orang, ahli media 1 orang, ahli materi 1 orang, responden pada tahap one-to-one 5 orang, dan responden pada tahap small group berjumlah 10 orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan yang terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu (1) tahap eksplorasi: melakukan eksplorasi mengenai informasi-informasi yang dapat dijadikan rujukan untuk pengembangan desain pembelajaran blended; (2) tahap penyusunan: melakukan penyusunan terhadap produk yang dikembangkan, merujuk pada hasil dalam tahap eksplorasi berupa desain pembelajaran blended, prototype media pembelajaran serta penyusunan keseluruhan program blended learning; dan (3) tahap evaluasi: melakukan uji coba atau evaluasi untuk mengetahui hasil pengembangan yang telah dilakukan. Hasil ujicoba produk pengembangan pada tahap expert review ahli desain pembelajaran menunjukkan kategori baik dengan persentase 86.95%, hasil expert review media menunjukkan hasil yang baik dengan persentase 100%, hasil expert review materi menunjukkan hasil yang baik dengan persentase 79,41%, hasil ujicoba one-to-one menunjukkan hasil dengan kategori “sangat baik” yang ditunjukkan dengan rata-rata produk hasil ujicoba sebesar 3.65, dan hasil ujicoba Small Group menunjukkan hasil dengan kategori “sangat baik” yang ditunjukkan dengan rata-rata produk hasil ujicoba sebesar 3.67. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini adalah secara umum produk yang dihasilkan dapat menjadi suatu intervensi untuk memfasilitasi belajar melalui rancangan pembelajaran dengan format blended. Berdasarkan keterbatasan yang ada di pembelajaran sebelumnya yang masih menerapkan format tatap muka secara penuh, pembelajaran blended ini menawarkan solusi untuk memecahkan keterbatasan tersebut melalui penyediaan materi pembelajaran secara daring agar mahasiswa dapat belajar secara efektif

    Needs Assessment of Blended Learning Based Islamic Education on Higher Islamic Education Samarinda

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    This research aims to determine the potential and needs of lecturers and students in PAI learning which will be applied with the blended learning strategy. This research is a descriptive research with triangulation method and data sources. Data was collected through preliminary observations, analysis of students condition got from survey results (google form online) to 21 students from 4 faculties and several study programs, and interviews (lecturers and students). As for the data analysis used by adopting models from Miles, Huberman and Saldana, namely with three steps: data reduction, data display and withdrawal of conclusion data. The results of the study state that the potential and needs based on need assessment at  IAIN Samarinda are: 1) the blended learning model is indispensable for the current technological development conditions at IAIN Samarinda, and on the achievements of KKNI in implementing learning with ICT, 2) survey results through google online form states that the analysis of student needs for innovative and interesting learning is 100% and student opinions about the learning needs of blended learning at IAIN Samarinda is 81%. 3) the expectations of this assessment need are: a) the blended learning model should have been implemented at  university by looking at technological developments, b) the need for a complete module on blended learning (including RPS, learning devices, e-learning and evaluation) so that the implementation can be achieved, c) pedagogical socialization of blended learning to lecturers and students, d) facilities and infrastructure, e) and policies regarding the implementation of blended learning.The implication of this research could be a reference for other researchers to develop blended learning  model in higher education.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi dan kebutuhan dosen maupun mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran PAI yang akan diterapkan dengan strategi blended learning. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan triangulasi metode dan sumber data. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi awal, analisis kondisi mahasiswa hasil survey (google form online) kepada 21 mahasiswa dari 4 fakultas dan beberapa prodi, serta wawancara (dosen dan mahasiswa). Adapun untuk analisa data digunakan dengan mengadopsi model dari Miles, Huberman dan Saldana, yaitu dengan tiga langkah: reduksi data, display data serta penarikan data kesimpulan akhir. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa potensi dan kebutuhan berdasarkan pada need assessment di IAIN Samarinda adalah: 1) model blended learning sangat diperlukan untuk kondisi perkembangan teknologi saat ini di IAIN Samarinda, begitupula pada capaian dari KKNI dalam pelaksanan pembelajaran dengan ICT, 2) hasil survey melalui google form online menyebutkan bahwa analisis kebutuhan mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran inovatif dan menarik sebesar 100% dan pendapat mahasiswa mengenai kebutuhan pembelajaran blended learning di IAIN Samarinda adalah sebesar 81%. 3) harapan dari need assessmen ini adalah: a) pembelajaran model blended learning seharusnya sudah bisa dilaksanakan oleh lembaga kampus dengan menilik pada perkembangan teknologi, b) perlu adanya modul yang lengkap mengenai blended learning (termasuk RPS, perangkat pembelajaran, e-learning dan evaluasi) sehingga dalam pelaksanaan bisa tercapai, c) sosialisasi pedagogik blended learning kepada dosen dan mahasiswa, d) sarana dan prasarana, e) serta kebijakan mengenai pelaksanaan blended learning. Implikasinya adalah bahwa penelitian ini bisa menjadi rujukan bagi peneliti lain untuk pengembangan model blended learning di perguruan tinggi

    Information Technology and the Muddiest Point - Using Podcasts for Active Learning

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    As stated in the report on the second teaching cycle above, FM10120 Studying Film is a core first-year undergraduate module in Film Studies in the Department of Theatre, Film and Television at Aberystwyth University. The module is designed for a large cohort (approximately 150 students), and is intended to introduce students to key aspects of the study of film, including issues surrounding representation, formal analysis, genre, audience, stardom, moral debates and narrative. Because the module performs a very important role in introducing students to the academic study of film, there are areas that we just do not have the time to cover in as much detail as we might like to across the twelve weeks that the module spans. So I wanted to come up with an idea to allow students to engage with aspects of Film Studies outside of timetabled sessions. I also wanted to develop a teaching methodology which might also allow the students on the module to'distance' learn key topics and or ideas and to learn these topics/ideas in their own time. I was keen to employ new media and information technologies in order to accomplish this. But I also wanted to develop a teaching technique to do this which would also compliment our current teaching provision on the module


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    ICT development and application of new instruments and concepts through online communication, provides unmatched opportunity for rapid exchange of information and social interactions for learners and causes expansion of information, easy, fast and low cost access. Education institution as custodian of the education and training can be responsible for the production of knowledge and efficiency in the education process, thereby increasing the knowledge of learners and teachers. So this study aims to combine E-learning with traditional learning and to provide blended learning in teachers’ professional development. Since the most important mission of education, is capable and efficient human resources training, it is recommended to use the previous studies and experiences and by relying on culture and indigenous sources, should answer this question whether the blended learning can be used as an innovative pattern in teachers’ professional development in educational system of Iran. To answer this question, the present research was carried out with descriptive-analytical method. Now with the use of modern information and communication technology,in addition to online virtual tutorials simultaneously or non-simultaneously, a new type of training, namely Blended Learning, is formed which is combined to traditional classrooms and refers to the territory where traditional and electronic learning is used both for training the learners. Using the Internet and multimedia systems, a variety of tools can be provided to improve the quality of learning and also quick and easy access to information resources and with face to face activities can be prepared interaction element in training. Thus, with the help of technologies and digital media and designing learner-centered curriculum, designing affair, teaching, learning, assessment and evaluation in the electronic learning environment will be optimized. One of the educational systems’ necessities in the information era, is cultivation wise and thoughtful teachers in teacher training institutions who are competent in solving modern problems of education and innovating creative solutions. Top of form for this purpose, blended learning (network-based) through new training methods, provides the necessary foundation for improvement the quality of education and training sophisticated teachers and provides effective way to achieve the prominent goals of education. Blended instruction, have changed educational opportunities and the practical tools are available to teachers and instructional designers as well.El desarrollo de las TIC y la aplicación de nuevos instrumentos y conceptos a través de la comunicación en línea, brinda una oportunidad inigualable para un rápido intercambio de información e interacciones sociales para los alumnos y provoca la expansión de la información, acceso fácil, rápido y de bajo costo. La institución educativa como custodio de la educación y la formación puede ser responsable de la producción de conocimiento y eficiencia en el proceso educativo, aumentando así el conocimiento de los alumnos y los docentes. Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivo combinar el aprendizaje electrónico con el aprendizaje tradicional y proporcionar un aprendizaje combinado en el desarrollo profesional de los docentes. Dado que la misión más importante de la educación es la capacitación de recursos humanos capaz y eficiente, se recomienda utilizar los estudios y experiencias previas y, al depender de la cultura y las fuentes indígenas, debería responder a esta pregunta si el aprendizaje combinado puede usarse como un patrón innovador en el desarrollo profesional de docentes en el sistema educativo de Irán. Para responder a esta pregunta, la presente investigación se realizó con un método descriptivo-analítico. Ahora, con el uso de tecnología moderna de información y comunicación, además de tutoriales virtuales en línea de forma simultánea o no simultánea, se forma un nuevo tipo de capacitación, a saber, Blended Learning, que se combina con las aulas tradicionales y se refiere al territorio donde tradicional y electrónico el aprendizaje se usa tanto para entrenar a los alumnos. Utilizando Internet y sistemas multimedia, se pueden proporcionar una variedad de herramientas para mejorar la calidad del aprendizaje y también se puede preparar un acceso rápido y fácil a los recursos de información y con actividades presenciales elemento de interacción en la capacitación. Por lo tanto, con la ayuda de las tecnologías y los medios digitales y el diseño de un plan de estudios centrado en el alumno, se optimizará el diseño de asuntos, enseñanza, aprendizaje, evaluación y evaluación en el entorno de aprendizaje electrónico. Una de las necesidades de los sistemas educativos en la era de la información, es cultivar maestros sabios y reflexivos en instituciones de capacitación docente que sean competentes para resolver problemas modernos de educación e innovar soluciones creativas. Para este propósito, el aprendizaje combinado (basado en la red) a través de nuevos métodos de capacitación, proporciona la base necesaria para mejorar la calidad de la educación y la capacitación de docentes sofisticados y proporciona una forma efectiva de lograr los objetivos destacados de la educación. La instrucción combinada, ha cambiado las oportunidades educativas y las herramientas prácticas también están disponibles para los maestros y diseñadores de instrucción.O desenvolvimento das TIC e a aplicação de novos instrumentos e conceitos por meio da comunicação on-line, oferecem oportunidades incomparáveis para troca rápida de informações e interações sociais para os alunos e causam expansão da informação, acesso fácil, rápido e de baixo custo. A instituição de ensino, como guardiã da educação e do treinamento, pode ser responsável pela produção de conhecimento e eficiência no processo educacional, aumentando assim o conhecimento de alunos e professores. Portanto, este estudo tem como objetivo combinar o aprendizado eletrônico com o aprendizado tradicional e fornecer aprendizado combinado no desenvolvimento profissional dos professores. Como a missão mais importante da educação é a capacitação de recursos humanos capaz e eficiente, recomenda-se o uso de estudos e experiências anteriores e, contando com a cultura e as fontes indígenas, deve responder a essa pergunta se o aprendizado combinado pode ser usado como um padrão inovador no desenvolvimento profissional dos professores no sistema educacional do Irã. Para responder a essa pergunta, a presente pesquisa foi realizada com o método descritivo-analítico. Agora, com o uso da moderna tecnologia da informação e comunicação, além dos tutoriais virtuais on-line, simultânea ou não-simultânea, é formado um novo tipo de treinamento, o Blended Learning, que é combinado às salas de aula tradicionais e refere-se ao território onde tradicional e eletrônica o aprendizado é usado tanto para treinar os alunos. Usando a Internet e os sistemas multimídia, uma variedade de ferramentas pode ser fornecida para melhorar a qualidade da aprendizagem e também o acesso rápido e fácil aos recursos de informação e, com atividades presenciais, podem ser preparados elementos de interação no treinamento. Assim, com a ajuda das tecnologias e da mídia digital e da criação de um currículo centrado no aluno, a concepção de casos, ensino, aprendizagem, avaliação e avaliação no ambiente de aprendizado eletrônico será otimizada. Uma das necessidades dos sistemas educacionais na era da informação é o cultivo de professores sábios e atenciosos em instituições de treinamento de professores que são competentes para resolver problemas modernos da educação e inovar soluções criativas. O topo da forma para esse fim, o aprendizado misto (baseado em rede) por meio de novos métodos de treinamento, fornece a base necessária para melhorar a qualidade da educação e o treinamento de professores sofisticados e fornece uma maneira eficaz de alcançar as metas proeminentes da educação. A instrução combinada mudou as oportunidades educacionais e as ferramentas práticas também estão disponíveis para professores e designers de instrução

    Interaction Patterns and Blended Learning Activities Using the Moodle Platform During a Pandemic in Vocational High School

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    Blended learning with online learning platforms is the main solution recommended by education experts and practitioners during the learning period from home. The main problem during the learning period from home using this online learning platform, educators are more oriented towards assessment activities compared to learning activities, this shows that the ability of educators to choose and determine learning activities is still low, limited to giving assignments and evaluations. The more prominent use of social media in learning activities also shows that the understanding of educators in selecting and determining the relevant interaction patterns is still low. Meanwhile, students expect more direct guidance and interaction from educators in online learning activities. The pattern of interactions and activities of this online learning process needs to be resolved immediately. This study aims to reformulate the various patterns of interaction and online learning activities that exist, in order to obtain the right patterns of interaction and activities to be applied during the learning period from home using the Moodle platform. The method used is a literature review. The resulting interaction and activity patterns consist of 6 components; (1) interaction between educators and students, (2) interaction between students and other students, (3) interaction between students and v-lab, (4) interaction between educators and v-lab, (5) interaction between students with learning materials, (6) educators' interactions with materials