1,309 research outputs found

    PremiUm-CNN: Propagating Uncertainty Towards Robust Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have surpassed human-level accuracy in various learning tasks. However, unlike humans who have a natural cognitive intuition for probabilities, DNNs cannot express their uncertainty in the output decisions. This limits the deployment of DNNs in mission-critical domains, such as warfighter decision-making or medical diagnosis. Bayesian inference provides a principled approach to reason about model\u27s uncertainty by estimating the posterior distribution of the unknown parameters. The challenge in DNNs remains the multi-layer stages of non-linearities, which make the propagation of high-dimensional distributions mathematically intractable. This paper establishes the theoretical and algorithmic foundations of uncertainty or belief propagation by developing new deep learning models named PremiUm-CNNs (Propagating Uncertainty in Convolutional Neural Networks). We introduce a tensor normal distribution as a prior over convolutional kernels and estimate the variational posterior by maximizing the evidence lower bound (ELBO). We start by deriving the first-order mean-covariance propagation framework. Later, we develop a framework based on the unscented transformation (correct at least up to the second-order) that propagates sigma points of the variational distribution through layers of a CNN. The propagated covariance of the predictive distribution captures uncertainty in the output decision. Comprehensive experiments conducted on diverse benchmark datasets demonstrate: 1) superior robustness against noise and adversarial attacks, 2) self-assessment through predictive uncertainty that increases quickly with increasing levels of noise or attacks, and 3) an ability to detect a targeted attack from ambient noise

    A Deep Choice Model for Hiring Outcome Prediction in Online Labor Markets

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    A key challenge faced by online labor market researchers and practitioners is to understand how employers make hiring decisions from many job bidders with distinct attributes. This study investigates employer hiring behavior in one of the largest online labor markets by building a datadriven hiring decision prediction model. With the limitation of traditional discrete choice model (conditional logit model), we develop a novel deep choice model to simulate the hiring behavior from 722,339 job posts. The deep choice model extends the classical conditional logit model by learning a non-linear utility function identically for each bidder within of the job posts via a pointwise convolutional neural network. This non-linear mapping can be straightforwardly optimized using stochastic gradient approach. We test the model on 12 categories of job posts in the dataset. Results show that our deep choice model outperforms the linear-utility conditional logit model in predicting hiring preferences. By analyzing the model using dimensionality reduction and sensitivity analysis, we highlight the nonlinear combination of bidders’ features in impacting employers’ hiring decisions

    Representation learning in finance

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    Finance studies often employ heterogeneous datasets from different sources with different structures and frequencies. Some data are noisy, sparse, and unbalanced with missing values; some are unstructured, containing text or networks. Traditional techniques often struggle to combine and effectively extract information from these datasets. This work explores representation learning as a proven machine learning technique in learning informative embedding from complex, noisy, and dynamic financial data. This dissertation proposes novel factorization algorithms and network modeling techniques to learn the local and global representation of data in two specific financial applications: analysts’ earnings forecasts and asset pricing. Financial analysts’ earnings forecast is one of the most critical inputs for security valuation and investment decisions. However, it is challenging to fully utilize this type of data due to the missing values. This work proposes one matrix-based algorithm, “Coupled Matrix Factorization,” and one tensor-based algorithm, “Nonlinear Tensor Coupling and Completion Framework,” to impute missing values in analysts’ earnings forecasts and then use the imputed data to predict firms’ future earnings. Experimental analysis shows that missing value imputation and representation learning by coupled matrix/tensor factorization from the observed entries improve the accuracy of firm earnings prediction. The results confirm that representing financial time-series in their natural third-order tensor form improves the latent representation of the data. It learns high-quality embedding by overcoming information loss of flattening data in spatial or temporal dimensions. Traditional asset pricing models focus on linear relationships among asset pricing factors and often ignore nonlinear interaction among firms and factors. This dissertation formulates novel methods to identify nonlinear asset pricing factors and develops asset pricing models that capture global and local properties of data. First, this work proposes an artificial neural network “auto enco der” based model to capture the latent asset pricing factors from the global representation of an equity index. It also shows that autoencoder effectively identifies communal and non-communal assets in an index to facilitate portfolio optimization. Second, the global representation is augmented by propagating information from local communities, where the network determines the strength of this information propagation. Based on the Laplacian spectrum of the equity market network, a network factor “Z-score” is proposed to facilitate pertinent information propagation and capture dynamic changes in network structures. Finally, a “Dynamic Graph Learning Framework for Asset Pricing” is proposed to combine both global and local representations of data into one end-to-end asset pricing model. Using graph attention mechanism and information diffusion function, the proposed model learns new connections for implicit networks and refines connections of explicit networks. Experimental analysis shows that the proposed model incorporates information from negative and positive connections, captures the network evolution of the equity market over time, and outperforms other state-of-the-art asset pricing and predictive machine learning models in stock return prediction. In a broader context, this is a pioneering work in FinTech, particularly in understanding complex financial market structures and developing explainable artificial intelligence models for finance applications. This work effectively demonstrates the application of machine learning to model financial networks, capture nonlinear interactions on data, and provide investors with powerful data-driven techniques for informed decision-making
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