42 research outputs found

    Da interpretação à ciência : por uma história filosófica do conhecimento político no Brasil

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    Artículo originalO ensaio trata da distinção presente, no campo da reflexão política brasileira, entre um registro apresentado como científico e outro fundado na interpretação. Tal distinção acaba por retirar da variante interpretativa – designada ora como "pensamento político brasileiro", ora como "interpretações do Brasil" – a possibilidade de gerar efeitos de conhecimento, transformando os autores que a compõem mais em objetos a explicar do que em inspirações propriamente cognitivas. Por outro lado, a pretensão de conhecimento exato e objetivo, abraçada pela variante "científica", a partir dos anos 1980, pretende livrá-la dos limites inerentes ao exercício da interpretação. Tal processo tem por fio condutor uma progressiva transfiguração do objeto e do campo do conhecimento político, apresentado pela variante científica como marcado por forte especificidade. Uma especificidade que exigiria um continuado esforço de distinção com relação à tradição das humanidades e das ciências sociai

    Trilogia Millennium : histórias de violências e resistências (2003 – 2011) pelas lentes do romance histórico policial

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    A Trilogia Millennium ocupa lugar importante entre os romances policiais contemporâneos. Não apenas por tornar-se divisor de águas na trajetória do gênero, mas por revelar-se fonte e fato históricos. Escrita pelo jornalista sueco Stieg Larsson e transposta para o cinema sob as direções de Niels Oplev e Daniel Alfredsson, oferece imagens de violências na virada do terceiro milênio: contra mulheres, autoritarismo, tráfico de pessoas, invasão de privacidade, corrupção no mercado financeiro e abusos de poder no âmbito do Estado. O vetor do romance é o contexto histórico neoliberal, praticado e aperfeiçoado após a Segunda Guerra Mundial e que levou à desdemocracia. Longe de simples entretenimento (ainda que imagens do real), livros e filmes atuam como denúncia das violências (provendo funcionalidade às imagens) e constituem ferramentas de orientação (permitindo a mobilização dos saberes pelo público). Por uma forja plástica e elástica da figura violência (que permite imaginar, ver e sentir), seus autores construíram um visual imagético que pode deslocalizar o olhar de leitores/espectadores em direção oposta ao que, em geral, se espera da exposição excessiva de violências. Como resultado, tal imersão visual pode ensejar adesão à não-violência. Nisto, a Trilogia é propedêutica em relação ao passado prático.The Millennium Trilogy occupies an important place among contemporary police novels. Not only for being a watershed in the trajectory of the genre, but for revealing itself as a historical source and fact. Written by swedish journalist Stieg Larsson and transposed to film under the direction of Niels Oplev and Daniel Alfredsson, it offers images of violence at the turn of the third millennium: against women, authoritarianism, human trafficking, invasion of privacy, corruption in the financial market, abuses of power within the State. The vector of the novel is the neoliberal historical context, practiced and perfected after World War II and leading to dedemocracy. Far from being mere entertainment (although images of the real), books and films act as a denunciation of violence (providing functionality to the images) and a tool for orientation (allowing the mobilization of knowledge by the public). Through a plastic and elastic forging of the figure of violence (which allows one to imagine, see, and feel), its authors have constructed a visual imagery that can displace the gaze of readers/viewers in the opposite direction of what is generally expected from the excessive exposure of violence. As a result, such visual immersion can engender adherence to nonviolence. In this, the Trilogy is propaedeutic with respect to the practical past

    Proceedings of RSEEM 2006 : 13th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets

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    Electronic markets have been a prominent topic of research for the past decade. Moreover, we have seen the rise but also the disappearance of many electronic marketplaces in practice. Today, electronic markets are a firm component of inter-organisational exchanges and can be observed in many branches. The Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets is an annual conference bringing together researchers working on various topics concerning electronic markets in research and practice. The focus theme of the13th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2006) was ?Evolution in Electronic Markets?. Looking back at more than 10 years of research activities in electronic markets, the evolution can be well observed. While electronic commerce activities were based largely on catalogue-based shopping, there are now many examples that go beyond pure catalogues. For example, dynamic and flexible electronic transactions such as electronic negotiations and electronic auctions are enabled. Negotiations and auctions are the basis for inter-organisational trade exchanges about services as well as products. Mass customisation opens up new opportunities for electronic markets. Multichannel electronic commerce represents today?s various requirements posed on information and communication technology as well as on organisational structures. In recent years, service-oriented architectures of electronic markets have enabled ICT infrastructures for supporting flexible e-commerce and e-market solutions. RSEEM 2006 was held at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany in September 2006. The proceedings show a variety of approaches and include the selected 8 research papers. The contributions cover the focus theme through conceptual models and systems design, application scenarios as well as evaluation research approaches

    "Respeita a polícia" : a violência policial como uma manifestação da violência contra mulheres no Brasil

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    Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso emana do objetivo de entender como a violência policial atinge as mulheres no Brasil. Para isto, parte da indagação de quais são as formas da violência praticadas por agentes do Estado contra as vítimas. A motivação para tal, corrobora com o exercício de ampliar o debate da violência de gênero, evidenciando os atos de violência estatal perpetrados por policiais e justificados pelo Estado. A insuficiência de estatísticas oficiais, levaram a análise de notícias e, assim, a mídia surge como ponto de partida, ou melhor, como uma modalidade de coleta de informações de expressões de violências pouco investigadas e visibilizadas em pesquisas ou relatórios. A partir da seleção de uma amostra de notícias o estudo observa que as mulheres estão expostas a violências cotidianas praticadas por agentes da segurança pública. As manifestações violentas ocorrem, predominantemente, em via pública são físicas e verbais sendo as últimas, explicitamente, carregadas de uma gramática sexista, racista e transfóbica. Dos 22 casos analisados, 8 notícias não expressam de nenhuma forma a identidade racial da vítima, o que compõe 36,4% da amostra. Das matérias que possibilitaram a apreensão dessa categoria de análise, em 11 delas as vítimas eram negras (50%) e em 3 as vítimas eram brancas (13,6%). Em maioria, os casos ocorreram em bairros periféricos das cidades do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Em relação a violência letal, 83% das vítimas da letalidade policial eram mulheres negras. Observamos a relevância dos marcadores de raça e território para a compreensão do fenômeno da violência policial contra mulheres, uma vez que ele atinge desproporcionalmente corpos negros em territórios racializados. Percebemos que no caso das violências policiais contra as mulheres entra em cena um novo dispositivo que são os vídeos. As imagens aparecem como principal instrumento de denúncia de uma manifestação invisibilizada da violência estatal no Brasil, capazes inclusive de contrariar as versões da polícia.This Course Completion Work emanates from the objective of understanding how police violence affects women in Brazil. For this, it starts from the question of what are the forms of violence practiced by State agents against victims. The motivation for this corroborates the exercise of broadening the debate on gender violence, highlighting the acts of state violence perpetrated by police officers and justified by the State. The insufficiency of official statistics led to the analysis of news and, thus, the media emerges as a starting point, or rather, as a method of collecting information on expressions of violence that are little investigated and made visible in research or reports. From the selection of a sample of news, the study observes that women are exposed to daily violence practiced by public security agents. Violent demonstrations occur predominantly on public roads, they are physical and verbal, the latter being explicitly loaded with a sexist, racist and transphobic grammar. Of the 22 cases analyzed, 8 news items do not express the victim's racial identity in any way, which makes up 36.4% of the sample. Of the articles that allowed the apprehension of this category of analysis, in 11 of them the victims were black (50%) and in 3 the victims were white (13.6%). Most cases occurred in peripheral neighborhoods of the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Regarding lethal violence, 83% of victims of police lethality were black women. We observed the relevance of race and territory markers for understanding the phenomenon of police violence against women, since it disproportionately affects black bodies in racialized territories. We realize that in the case of police violence against women, a new device comes into play, which are videos. The images appear as the main instrument for denouncing an invisible manifestation of state violence in Brazil, even capable of contradicting the versions of the police

    Visual Servoing

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    The goal of this book is to introduce the visional application by excellent researchers in the world currently and offer the knowledge that can also be applied to another field widely. This book collects the main studies about machine vision currently in the world, and has a powerful persuasion in the applications employed in the machine vision. The contents, which demonstrate that the machine vision theory, are realized in different field. For the beginner, it is easy to understand the development in the vision servoing. For engineer, professor and researcher, they can study and learn the chapters, and then employ another application method

    Artifact-centric business process models in UML : specification and reasoning

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    Business processes are directly involved in the achievement of an organization's goals, and for this reason they should be performed in the best possible way. Modeling business processes can help to achieve this as, for instance, models can facilitate the communication between the people involved in the process, they provide a basis for process improvement and they can help perform process management. Processes can be modeled from many different perspectives. Traditional process modeling has followed the process-centric (or activity-centric) perspective, where the focus is on the sequencing of activities (i.e. the control flow), largely ignoring or underspecifying the data required by these tasks. In contrast, the artifact-centric (or data-centric) approach to process modeling focuses on defining the data required by the tasks and the details of the tasks themselves in terms of the changes they make to the data. The BALSA framework defines four dimensions which should be represented in any artifact-centric business process model: business artifacts, lifecycle, services (i.e. tasks) and associations. Using different types of models to represent these dimensions will result in distinct representations, whose differing characteristics (e.g. the degree of formality or understandability) will make them more appropriate for one purpose or another. Considering this, in the first part of this thesis we propose a framework, BAUML, for modeling business processes following an artifact-centric perspective. This framework is based on using a combination of UML and OCL models, and its goal is to have a final representation of the process which is both understandable and formal, to avoid ambiguities and errors. However, once a process model has been defined, it is important to ensure its quality. This will avoid the propagation of errors to the process's implementation. Although there are many different quality criteria, we focus on the semantic correctness of the model, answering questions such as "does it represent reality correctly?" or "are there any errors and contradictions in it?". Therefore, the second part of this thesis is concerned with finding a way to determine the semantic correctness of our BAUML models. We are interested in considering the BAUML model as a whole, including the meaning of the tasks. To do so, we first translate our models into a well-known framework, a DCDS (Data-centric Dynamic System) to which then modelchecking techniques can be applied. However, DCDSs have been defined theoretically and there is no tool that implements them. For this reason, we also created a prototype tool, AuRUS-BAUML, which is able to translate our BAUML models into logic and to reason on their semantic correctness using an existing tool, SVTe. The integration between AuRUS-BAUML and SVTe is transparent to the user. Logically, the thesis also presents the logic translation which is performed by the tool.Els processos de negoci estan directament relacionats amb els objectius de negoci, i per tant és important que aquests processos es duguin a terme de la millor manera possible. Optar per modelar-los pot ajudar a aconseguir-ho, ja que els models proporcionen nombrosos avantatges. Per exemple: faciliten la comunicació entre les parts involucrades en el procés, proporcionen una base a partir del qual millorar-lo, i poden ajudar a gestionar-lo. Els processos es poden modelar des de diferents perspectives. El modelat tradicional de processos s'ha basat molt en la perspectiva anomenada "process-centric" (centrada en processos) o "activity-centric" (centrada en activitats), que posa l'èmfasi en la seqüència d'activitats o tasques que s'han d'executar, ignorant en gran mesura les dades necessàries per dur a terme aquestes tasques. Per altra banda, la perspectiva "artifact-centric" (centrada en artefactes) o "data-centric" es basa en definir les dades que necessiten les tasques i els detalls de les tasques en si, representant els canvis que aquestes fan a les dades. El framework BALSA defineix quatre dimensions que haurien de representar-se en qualsevol model artifact-centric: els artefactes de negoci (business artifacts), els cicles de vida (lifecycles), els serveis (services) i les associacions (associations). Utilitzant diferents tipus de models per representar aquestes dimensions porta a obtenir diverses representacions amb característiques diferents. Aquesta varietat de característiques farà que els models resultants siguin més apropiats per un propòsit o per un altre. Considerant això, en la primera part d'aquesta tesi proposem un framework, BAUML, per modelar processos de negoci seguint una perspectiva artifact-centric. El framework es basa en utilitzar una combinació de models UML i OCL, i el seu objectiu és obtenir una representació final del procés que sigui a la vegada comprensible i formal, per tal d'evitar ambigüitats i errors. Un cop definit el procés, és important assegurar-ne la qualitat. Això evitarà la propagació d'errors a la implementació final del procés. Malgrat que hi ha molts criteris de qualitat diferents, ens centrarem en la correctesa semàntica del model, per respondre a preguntes com ara "representa la realitat correctament?" o "conté errors o contradiccions?". En conseqüència, la segona part d'aquesta tesi se centra en buscar una manera per determinar la correctesa semàntica d'un model BAUML. Ens interessa considerar el model com un tot, incloent el significat de les tasques (és a dir, el detall del que fan). Per aconseguir-ho, primer traduïm les tasques a un framework reconegut, DCDSs (Data-centric Dynamic Systems). Un cop obtingut, s'hi poden aplicar tècniques de model-checking per determinar si compleix certes propietats. Malauradament, els DCDSs s'han definit a nivell teòric i no hi ha cap eina que els implementi. Per aquest motiu, hem creat un prototip d'eina, AuRUS-BAUML, que és capaç de traduir els nostres models BAUML a lògica i aplicar-hi tècniques de raonament per determinar-ne la correctesa semàntica. Per la part de raonament, l'AuRUS-BAUML fa servir una eina existent, l'SVTe. La integració entre l'AuRUS-BAUML i l'SVTe és transparent de cara a l'usuari. Lògicament, la tesi també presenta la traducció a lògica que porta a terme l'eina

    Artifact-centric business process models in UML : specification and reasoning

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    Business processes are directly involved in the achievement of an organization's goals, and for this reason they should be performed in the best possible way. Modeling business processes can help to achieve this as, for instance, models can facilitate the communication between the people involved in the process, they provide a basis for process improvement and they can help perform process management. Processes can be modeled from many different perspectives. Traditional process modeling has followed the process-centric (or activity-centric) perspective, where the focus is on the sequencing of activities (i.e. the control flow), largely ignoring or underspecifying the data required by these tasks. In contrast, the artifact-centric (or data-centric) approach to process modeling focuses on defining the data required by the tasks and the details of the tasks themselves in terms of the changes they make to the data. The BALSA framework defines four dimensions which should be represented in any artifact-centric business process model: business artifacts, lifecycle, services (i.e. tasks) and associations. Using different types of models to represent these dimensions will result in distinct representations, whose differing characteristics (e.g. the degree of formality or understandability) will make them more appropriate for one purpose or another. Considering this, in the first part of this thesis we propose a framework, BAUML, for modeling business processes following an artifact-centric perspective. This framework is based on using a combination of UML and OCL models, and its goal is to have a final representation of the process which is both understandable and formal, to avoid ambiguities and errors. However, once a process model has been defined, it is important to ensure its quality. This will avoid the propagation of errors to the process's implementation. Although there are many different quality criteria, we focus on the semantic correctness of the model, answering questions such as "does it represent reality correctly?" or "are there any errors and contradictions in it?". Therefore, the second part of this thesis is concerned with finding a way to determine the semantic correctness of our BAUML models. We are interested in considering the BAUML model as a whole, including the meaning of the tasks. To do so, we first translate our models into a well-known framework, a DCDS (Data-centric Dynamic System) to which then modelchecking techniques can be applied. However, DCDSs have been defined theoretically and there is no tool that implements them. For this reason, we also created a prototype tool, AuRUS-BAUML, which is able to translate our BAUML models into logic and to reason on their semantic correctness using an existing tool, SVTe. The integration between AuRUS-BAUML and SVTe is transparent to the user. Logically, the thesis also presents the logic translation which is performed by the tool.Els processos de negoci estan directament relacionats amb els objectius de negoci, i per tant és important que aquests processos es duguin a terme de la millor manera possible. Optar per modelar-los pot ajudar a aconseguir-ho, ja que els models proporcionen nombrosos avantatges. Per exemple: faciliten la comunicació entre les parts involucrades en el procés, proporcionen una base a partir del qual millorar-lo, i poden ajudar a gestionar-lo. Els processos es poden modelar des de diferents perspectives. El modelat tradicional de processos s'ha basat molt en la perspectiva anomenada "process-centric" (centrada en processos) o "activity-centric" (centrada en activitats), que posa l'èmfasi en la seqüència d'activitats o tasques que s'han d'executar, ignorant en gran mesura les dades necessàries per dur a terme aquestes tasques. Per altra banda, la perspectiva "artifact-centric" (centrada en artefactes) o "data-centric" es basa en definir les dades que necessiten les tasques i els detalls de les tasques en si, representant els canvis que aquestes fan a les dades. El framework BALSA defineix quatre dimensions que haurien de representar-se en qualsevol model artifact-centric: els artefactes de negoci (business artifacts), els cicles de vida (lifecycles), els serveis (services) i les associacions (associations). Utilitzant diferents tipus de models per representar aquestes dimensions porta a obtenir diverses representacions amb característiques diferents. Aquesta varietat de característiques farà que els models resultants siguin més apropiats per un propòsit o per un altre. Considerant això, en la primera part d'aquesta tesi proposem un framework, BAUML, per modelar processos de negoci seguint una perspectiva artifact-centric. El framework es basa en utilitzar una combinació de models UML i OCL, i el seu objectiu és obtenir una representació final del procés que sigui a la vegada comprensible i formal, per tal d'evitar ambigüitats i errors. Un cop definit el procés, és important assegurar-ne la qualitat. Això evitarà la propagació d'errors a la implementació final del procés. Malgrat que hi ha molts criteris de qualitat diferents, ens centrarem en la correctesa semàntica del model, per respondre a preguntes com ara "representa la realitat correctament?" o "conté errors o contradiccions?". En conseqüència, la segona part d'aquesta tesi se centra en buscar una manera per determinar la correctesa semàntica d'un model BAUML. Ens interessa considerar el model com un tot, incloent el significat de les tasques (és a dir, el detall del que fan). Per aconseguir-ho, primer traduïm les tasques a un framework reconegut, DCDSs (Data-centric Dynamic Systems). Un cop obtingut, s'hi poden aplicar tècniques de model-checking per determinar si compleix certes propietats. Malauradament, els DCDSs s'han definit a nivell teòric i no hi ha cap eina que els implementi. Per aquest motiu, hem creat un prototip d'eina, AuRUS-BAUML, que és capaç de traduir els nostres models BAUML a lògica i aplicar-hi tècniques de raonament per determinar-ne la correctesa semàntica. Per la part de raonament, l'AuRUS-BAUML fa servir una eina existent, l'SVTe. La integració entre l'AuRUS-BAUML i l'SVTe és transparent de cara a l'usuari. Lògicament, la tesi també presenta la traducció a lògica que porta a terme l'eina.Postprint (published version

    A história da descolonização das mentes em Ngũgĩ wa Thiongó (c.1964-1986)

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    Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o é um escritor queniano que produziu diversas obras literárias sobre temas históricos de África e Quênia. Este trabalho busca compreender um trecho da história do pensamento africano representado por esse autor e, ao analisar a sua literatura, desvendamos o uso que esse autor faz da história do Quênia e de África durante o período de 1964 até 1985. Ao investigar esse autor escrevemos a história de seu pensamento e das suas obras com foco no livro Decolonising the Mind de 1986. Como foi concebido, qual as bases históricas por detrás dessa obra e o que o autor se refere ao fomentar uma descolonização mental são dados que essa dissertação explica. Trata-se de uma história do pensamento de Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, de sua literatura e da história do livro Decolonising the Mind.Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o is a Kenyan writer that produced many literary works about historical topics of Africa and Kenya. This work intends to comprehend a piece of history of the African thought that is represented by this author and, by analysing his literature, we unveil how this author talks of the history of Kenya and Africa during the period of 1964 to 1986 in his literature and in his idea of decolonization. By investigating this author, we are able to write the history of his thinking and his works with focus on the book ‘Decolonising the Mind’ published in 1986. How it was created, what are the historical bases behind this work and what the author refers to when he promotes a mental decolonization are questions that this dissertation explains. It is a history of the thinking of Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, his literature and a history of his book ‘Decolonising the Mind’