20 research outputs found

    Preface to the special issue on harnessing personal tracking data for personalization and sense-making

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    Increasingly, people are making use of diverse digital services that create many types of personal data. The most recent addition to such services are self-tracking devices that are capable of creating very detailed personal activity records. The focus of this special issue is to explore how such activity records can be exploited to provide user-centric personalization services

    Application of Data Mining and Process Mining approaches for improving e-Learning Processes

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    The paper describes the basic principles of Data mining and Process mining methods, their similarities and differences. Some examples of special software for Data mining and Process mining are presented. The authors examine the research in Educational Data Mining field, associated with the use of Data mining techniques in education, give examples of problems to be solved with the use of Data mining and Process mining techniques in the area of traditional and e-learning, describe the possibilities and limitations of different methods. A review of major scientific conferences and journals devoted to the research in Educational Data Mining is made.This work is supported by the Bulgarian National Scientific Research Fund under the contract DFNI - I02/13

    Current Challenges and Visions in Music Recommender Systems Research

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    Music recommender systems (MRS) have experienced a boom in recent years, thanks to the emergence and success of online streaming services, which nowadays make available almost all music in the world at the user's fingertip. While today's MRS considerably help users to find interesting music in these huge catalogs, MRS research is still facing substantial challenges. In particular when it comes to build, incorporate, and evaluate recommendation strategies that integrate information beyond simple user--item interactions or content-based descriptors, but dig deep into the very essence of listener needs, preferences, and intentions, MRS research becomes a big endeavor and related publications quite sparse. The purpose of this trends and survey article is twofold. We first identify and shed light on what we believe are the most pressing challenges MRS research is facing, from both academic and industry perspectives. We review the state of the art towards solving these challenges and discuss its limitations. Second, we detail possible future directions and visions we contemplate for the further evolution of the field. The article should therefore serve two purposes: giving the interested reader an overview of current challenges in MRS research and providing guidance for young researchers by identifying interesting, yet under-researched, directions in the field

    Wearables at work:preferences from an employee’s perspective

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    This exploratory study aims to obtain a first impression of the wishes and needs of employees on the use of wearables at work for health promotion. 76 employ-ees with a mean age of 40 years old (SD ±11.7) filled in a survey after trying out a wearable. Most employees see the potential of using wearable devices for workplace health promotion. However, according to employees, some negative aspects should be overcome before wearables can effectively contribute to health promotion. The most mentioned negative aspects were poor visualization and un-pleasantness of wearing. Specifically for the workplace, employees were con-cerned about the privacy of data collection

    Scalable Intelligence for Scheduling Systems

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    A personalização é um aspeto chave de uma interação homem-computador efetiva. Numa era em que existe uma abundância de informação e tantas pessoas a interagir com ela, de muitas maneiras, a capacidade de se ajustar aos seus utilizadores é crucial para qualquer sistema moderno. A criação de sistemas adaptáveis é um domínio bastante complexo que necessita de métodos muito específicos para ter sucesso. No entanto, nos dias de hoje ainda não existe um modelo ou arquitetura padrão para usar nos sistemas adaptativos modernos. A principal motivação desta tese é a proposta de uma arquitetura para modelação do utilizador que seja capaz de incorporar diferentes módulos necessários para criar um sistema com inteligência escalável com técnicas de modelação. Os módulos cooperam de forma a analisar os utilizadores e caracterizar o seu comportamento, usando essa informação para fornecer uma experiência de sistema customizada que irá aumentar não só a usabilidade do sistema mas também a produtividade e conhecimento do utilizador. A arquitetura proposta é constituída por três componentes: uma unidade de informação do utilizador, uma estrutura matemática capaz de classificar os utilizadores e a técnica a usar quando se adapta o conteúdo. A unidade de informação do utilizador é responsável por conhecer os vários tipos de indivíduos que podem usar o sistema, por capturar cada detalhe de interações relevantes entre si e os seus utilizadores e também contém a base de dados que guarda essa informação. A estrutura matemática é o classificador de utilizadores, e tem como tarefa a sua análise e classificação num de três perfis: iniciado, intermédio ou avançado. Tanto as redes de Bayes como as neuronais são utilizadas, e uma explicação de como as preparar e treinar para lidar com a informação do utilizador é apresentada. Com o perfil do utilizador definido torna-se necessária uma técnica para adaptar o conteúdo do sistema. Nesta proposta, uma abordagem de iniciativa mista é apresentada tendo como base a liberdade de tanto o utilizador como o sistema controlarem a comunicação entre si. A arquitetura proposta foi desenvolvida como parte integrante do projeto ADSyS - um sistema de escalonamento dinâmico - utilizado para resolver problemas de escalonamento sujeitos a eventos dinâmicos. Possui uma complexidade elevada mesmo para utilizadores frequentes, daí a necessidade de adaptar o seu conteúdo de forma a aumentar a sua usabilidade. Com o objetivo de avaliar as contribuições deste trabalho, um estudo computacional acerca do reconhecimento dos utilizadores foi desenvolvido, tendo por base duas sessões de avaliação de usabilidade com grupos de utilizadores distintos. Foi possível concluir acerca dos benefícios na utilização de técnicas de modelação do utilizador com a arquitetura proposta.Personalization is a key aspect of effective Human-Computer Interaction. The ability to adjust itself to its users is crucial to any modern system, in an era where there is so much information and so many people interacting in so many ways. The creation of adaptable systems is a complex domain that requires very specific methods in order to be successful. However, still today there is no standard model or architecture to use on a modern adaptive system. The main motivation of this dissertation is to propose an architecture for user modelling that is able to incorporate separate modules required to create a scalable intelligence system with user modelling techniques. The modules cooperate in order to analyse users and characterize their behaviour, using that information to provide a customized system experience that will increase not only the usability of the system but also the user’s productivity and knowledge. The proposed architecture is composed by three components: a user information unit, a mathematical structure able to classify users and the technique to use when adapting content. The user information unit is responsible for knowing the several types of individuals that can use the system, for capturing every part of relevant interaction between itself and its users and also contains the database which stores that information. The mathematical structure is the user classifier and is in charge of analysing the users and classifying them into one of three roles: beginner, intermediate or expert. Both Bayesian and Artificial Neural Networks are used, and an explanation on how to prepare and train them to deal with user information is provided. With the user role defined, a proper technique to adapt system’s content is required. In this work, a Mixed-Initiative approach is detailed which is based on allowing both the user and the system to gain control in the communication between them. The proposed architecture was developed as part of the ADSyS project. ADSyS is a Dynamic Scheduling system to solve scheduling problems subject to dynamic events. It has a high complexity even for frequent users, hence the need for the adaptation of its content to increase its usability. In order to evaluate the contribution of this work, a computational study of the user recognition was developed, as well as two usability evaluation sessions with distinct users. It was possible to conclude about the benefits of employing user modelling techniques with the proposed architecture