69 research outputs found

    Financial sector assessment

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    노트 : This report summarizes the findings of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) Update for South Korea undertaken in 2013 by a joint IMF-World Bank tea

    Aggregoivan OPC UA palvelimen käyttö etäyhteydessä maatalouden työkoneisiin

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    Agricultural machinery has improved rapidly during the last decades and the role of electronic controllers and sensors has increased. Simultaneously and partially because of this, the efficiency requirements concerning farming have grown more stringent. Information systems to help in farm management are already commonplace. Many work machines utilize the ISO 11783 communication protocol, through which a lot of data from the operation and internal state of a machine could be retrieved. However, this available data from agricultural work machines is not fully utilized. This thesis evaluates OPC UA aggregating servers as a centralized means to read and store the data available from multiple work machines. This thesis builds on an earlier thesis where an OPC UA information model was developed for agricultural work machines utilizing the ISO 11783 communication protocol. First, a literature review was done to get a general view of the current state and the intended future of farm management systems, and to see how and where the data from the work machines can be utilized. Based on this and the previous work, the requirements for an aggregating server concentrating the information available from work machines running OPC UA servers were defined. A prototype aggregating server that is able to automatically transform the information from multiple ISO 11783 work machines to a unified view using a set of mapping rules was designed and implemented. OPC UA aggregating servers were found to be viable technology for the centralized data monitoring and collection of ISO 11783 work machines. All relevant data exposed by the work machine OPC UA servers can also be accessed through the aggregating server. The mapping engine implemented on the aggregating server prototype can be extended to automatically map the information from other devices exposing themselves through OPC UA as well. The usefulness of an aggregating server increases if in the future OPC UA will be more commonly adopted and utilized by other agricultural equipment as well.Maataloustyökoneet ovat kehittyneet nopeasti viime vuosikymmeninä ja elektronisten ohjainten ja anturien rooli niiden toiminnassa on lisääntynyt. Samaan aikaan, ja osittain tästä johtuen, myös maanviljelyyn liittyvät tehokkuusvaatimukset ja erilaiset säännökset ovat lisääntyneet. Nykyisin tietojärjestelmät, jotka auttavat maanviljelijää erilaisissa maatilan hoitamiseen liittyvissä asioissa, ovat yleistyneet. Useat työkoneet käyttävät ISO 11783 -tiedonsiirtoprotokollaa, jonka avulla näistä työkoneista voidaan lukea paljon niiden toimintaan ja sisäiseen tilaan liittyvää dataa. Tätä dataa ei kuitenkaan tällä hetkellä kerätä eikä hyödynnetä niin hyvin kuin olisi mahdollista. Tämä diplomityö arvioi aggregoivia OPC UA palvelimia mahdollisena teknologiana, jolla useista työkoneista saatavaa dataa voitaisiin keskitetysti lukea ja tallentaa. Tämä diplomityö perustuu aiempaan diplomityöhön, jonka tuloksena syntyi OPC UA -tietomalli ISO 11783 -tiedonsiirtoprotokollaa hyödyntäville maataloustyökoneille. Tässä työssä tehdään ensin kirjallisuuskatsaus maatilanhallinnan nykytilanteeseen ja suunniteltuun lähitulevaisuuteen, sekä siihen, kuinka ja missä työkoneista saatavaa dataa voitaisiin hyödyntää. Tämän katsauksen ja edellisen työn perusteella määriteltiin vaatimukset aggregoivalle OPC UA palvelimelle, joka keskittää useasta OPC UA -palvelinta käyttävästä työkoneesta saatavan tiedon. Palvelimesta suunniteltiin ja kehitettiin prototyyppi, joka pystyy automaattisesti muuntamaan tiedot useasta ISO 11783 -protokollaa käyttävästä työkoneesta yhtenäiseksi näkymäksi hyödyntämällä edellisessä työssä kehitettyä tietomallia vasten kirjoitettuja sääntöjä. Aggregoivat OPC UA -palvelimet todettiin kelvolliseksi teknologiaksi keskitettyyn tiedonkeruuseen ISO 11783 -protokollaa käyttävistä työkoneista. Kaikkeen oleelliseen dataan, joka on saatavilla OPC UA:ta hyödyntävistä työkoneista, on pääsy myös aggregoivan palvelimen läpi. Aggregoivan palvelimen käyttämiä muunnossääntöjä voidaan laajentaa keskittämään tietoa myös muista OPC UA:ta hyödyntävistä laitteista. Aggregoivien palvelinten hyödyllisyys tulee lisääntymään, jos OPC UA tullaan ottamaan yleisemmin käyttöön ja jos sitä hyödyntävien laitteiden määrä maataloudessa lisääntyy

    Remote ISOBUS telematics in agricultural environment

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    Many agricultural equipment manufacturers are mainly hardware providers, and the product life cycle services are limited to machine maintenance and spare parts. However, the modern wireless technologies makes it possible to access machines in their working environment, thus enabling many new applications. Accessing machines also requires accessing their internal communications network, which in agricultural machines is increasingly often ISOBUS. The purpose of this thesis is to study the available telematics information and interfaces in an ISOBUS system, and also the applications this informations makes possible. Based on this information telematics functionalities are selected and implemented to Wapice Remote Management (WRM) system. Especially the standard manufacturer independent interfaces provided by ISO 11783 standard, in which the ISOBUS is based on, are studied. The thesis is divided into three main parts. First, the current state-of-the-art is presented followed by usage examples for the telematics system which also highlights the main requirements for the system in whole. Thereafter, the second part introduces SAE J1939 protocol in which the ISOBUS is based on. The main concepts of the ISOBUS protocol are also introduced, and the ISOBUS is compared to other common CAN-based protocols. The results for the study of available information sources in an ISOBUS system as well as a general example reference architecture for the system are presented. In the third part the implementation of ISOBUS support in WRM system and the implementation of ISOBUS telematics functionalities is presented. The results of this thesis suggest that the ISO 11783 standard provides many functionalities and interfaces that can be used to collect telematics as well as process information in a manufacturer independent way. This is a key factor when developing a generic system. The implementation for the WRM system also shows that it is possible to integrate ISOBUS telematics in an existing remote management system

    Implementation and applications of harvest fleet route planning

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    In order to support the growing global population, it is necessary to increase food production efficiency and at the same time reduce its negative environmental impacts. This can be achieved by integrating diverse strategies from different scientific disciplines. As agriculture is becoming more data-driven by the use of technologies such as the Internet of Things, the efficiency in agricultural operations can be optimised in a sustainable manner. Some field operations, such as harvesting, are more complex and have higher potential for improvement than others, as they involve multiple and diverse vehicles with capacity constraints that require coordination. This can be achieved by optimised route planning, which is a combinatorial optimisation problem. Several studies have proposed different approaches to solve the problem. However, these studies have mainly a theoretical computer science perspective and lack the system perspective that covers the practical implementation and applications of optimised route planning in all field operations, being harvesting an important example to focus on. This requires an interdisciplinary approach, which is the aim of this Ph.D. project.The research of this Ph.D. study examined how Internet of Things technologies are applied in arable farming in general, and in particular in optimised route planning. The technology perspective of the reviewing process provided the necessary knowledge to address the physical implementation of a harvest fleet route planning tool that aims to minimise the total harvest time. From the environmental point of view, the risk of soil compaction resulting from vehicle traffic during harvest operations was assessed by comparing recorded vehicle data with the optimised solution of the harvest fleet route planning system. The results showed a reduction in traffic, which demonstrates that these optimisation tools can be part of the soil compaction mitigation strategy of a farm. And from the economic perspective, the optimised route planner of an autonomous field robot was employed to evaluate the economic consequences of altering the route in selective harvesting. The results presented different scenarios where selective harvest was not economically profitable. The results also identified some cases where selective harvest has the potential to become profitable depending on grain price differences and operational costs. In conclusion, these different perspectives to harvest fleet route planning showed the necessity of assessing future implementation and potential applications through interdisciplinarity

    Government Accounting System Reform and the Adoption of IPSAS in Iraq

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    This research examines the needs of reforming the government accounting system in Iraq as a developing country through the adoption of an accrual accounting based on IPSAS. It tries to search the reasons and requirements to apply IPSAS, discover the challenges which may face the Iraqi public financial management; and discuss what the supported factors that help public management to adopt the accrual base based on IPSAS are. Based on that, the research generally aims to contribute in the development of the public sector accounting and evaluate comprehensively the usefulness, feasibility and abilities of adopting the IPSAS through accrual base in Iraq. Our study, mainly focused on the central government .The research uses qualitative methodology through a questionnaire sent to accountants in the finance ministry, auditors in Iraqi supreme audit board and lecturers in Iraqi universities, specialized in government accounting to get data about reasons, requirements,  challenges and supported factors of adopting the IPSAS to the government accounting in Iraq.The study strongly reveals the need to reform the government accounting system through the adoption of an accrual accounting based on IPSAS. Keywords: Government Accounting Reform, IPSAS, Accrual Base, Iraq.

    Water use and crop water productivity in farmer managed irrigation schemes across agro ecological zones of usa river catchment

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    A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master’s in Hydrology and Water Resource Engineering of the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyThe Usa River Catchment is the potential area dealing with traditional irrigated agriculture. This study aims to estimate the amount of water abstracted for and yield that reflect water values to enhance crop water productivity. The main objective of this study was to assess water use and crop water productivity in farmer managed irrigation schemes across agro-ecological zones of Usa River Catchment. The specific objectives were: (a) to determine crop water productivity, (b) to determine factors causing the variation of crop water productivity, and (c) conveyance efficiencies in the traditional irrigation schemes in the Catchment. The secondary and primary data were collected and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and R-program. Consequently, the average productivity obtained were 2.3 kg/ha, 1.9 kg/ha, and 3.4 kg/ha of maize for downstream, midstream, and upstream zones respectively. Similarly, at twenty (20) furrows, the conveyances efficiency of the water channels was 72%, which reflects the water loss in the conveyances of 28% on average. However, the water abstractions were 3500 L/s more than the permitted amount of 2856.2 L/s, which was against the established water abstraction laws and regulations leading to water shortage in downstream of the catchment. Traditional irrigation infrastructure in this study contributed more water losses and low crop water productivity compared to global average water losses in the conveyance and crop water productivity in irrigation schemes. This study recommends weirs with water control structures intakes to be constructed, canal lining and improve irrigation water management