76 research outputs found

    Initial development of a learners’ ratified acceptance of multibiometrics intentions model (RAMIM)

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    Authenticating users is a continuous tradeoff between the level of invasiveness and the degree of system security. Password protection has been the most widely authentication approach used, however, it is easily compromised. Biometric authentication devices have been implemented as a more robust approach. This paper reports on initial results of student perceptions about their acceptance of a multibiometrics authentication approach in the context of e-learning systems. Specifically, this paper reports on the initial empirical development of a learners’ Ratified Acceptance of Multibiometrics Intentions Model (RAMIM). The model proposed investigates the impact of students’ code of conduct awareness, perceived ease-of-use, perceived usefulness, and ethical decision making on learners’ intention to use multibiometrics for authentication during elearning exams. The study’s participants included 97 non-information technology (IT) students who attended e-learning courses. Additionally, results of a path analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS) indicate that perceived usefulness has the most significant impact on learners’ intention to use multibiometrics during e-learning exams. Students’ ethical decision making and perceived usefulness demonstrated significant impact on their intention to use multibiometrics. Additionally, students’ code of conduct awareness appears to have a positive impact on their ethical decision making. Conclusions are discussed including recommendations for future research on extending this initial research into applied experiments to address e-learning security issues

    A Multimodal and Multi-Algorithmic Architecture for Data Fusion in Biometric Systems

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    Software di autenticazione basato su tratti biometric

    Identifying Humans by the Shape of Their Heartbeats and Materials by Their X-Ray Scattering Profiles

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    Security needs at access control points presents itself in the form of human identification and/or material identification. The field of Biometrics deals with the problem of identifying individuals based on the signal measured from them. One approach to material identification involves matching their x-ray scattering profiles with a database of known materials. Classical biometric traits such as fingerprints, facial images, speech, iris and retinal scans are plagued by potential circumvention they could be copied and later used by an impostor. To address this problem, other bodily traits such as the electrical signal acquired from the brain (electroencephalogram) or the heart (electrocardiogram) and the mechanical signals acquired from the heart (heart sound, laser Doppler vibrometry measures of the carotid pulse) have been investigated. These signals depend on the physiology of the body, and require the individual to be alive and present during acquisition, potentially overcoming circumvention. We investigate the use of the electrocardiogram (ECG) and carotid laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) signal, both individually and in unison, for biometric identity recognition. A parametric modeling approach to system design is employed, where the system parameters are estimated from training data. The estimated model is then validated using testing data. A typical identity recognition system can operate in either the authentication (verification) or identification mode. The performance of the biometric identity recognition systems is evaluated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) or detection error tradeoff (DET) curves, in the authentication mode, and cumulative match characteristic (CMC) curves, in the identification mode. The performance of the ECG- and LDV-based identity recognition systems is comparable, but is worse than those of classical biometric systems. Authentication performance below 1% equal error rate (EER) can be attained when the training and testing data are obtained from a single measurement session. When the training and testing data are obtained from different measurement sessions, allowing for a potential short-term or long-term change in the physiology, the authentication EER performance degrades to about 6 to 7%. Leveraging both the electrical (ECG) and mechanical (LDV) aspects of the heart, we obtain a performance gain of over 50%, relative to each individual ECG-based or LDV-based identity recognition system, bringing us closer to the performance of classical biometrics, with the added advantage of anti-circumvention. We consider the problem of designing combined x-ray attenuation and scatter systems and the algorithms to reconstruct images from the systems. As is the case within a computational imaging framework, we tackle the problem by taking a joint system and algorithm design approach. Accurate modeling of the attenuation of incident and scattered photons within a scatter imaging setup will ultimately lead to more accurate estimates of the scatter densities of an illuminated object. Such scattering densities can then be used in material classification. In x-ray scatter imaging, tomographic measurements of the forward scatter distribution are used to infer scatter densities within a volume. A mask placed between the object and the detector array provides information about scatter angles. An efficient computational implementation of the forward and backward model facilitates iterative algorithms based upon a Poisson log-likelihood. The design of the scatter imaging system influences the algorithmic choices we make. In turn, the need for efficient algorithms guides the system design. We begin by analyzing an x-ray scatter system fitted with a fanbeam source distribution and flat-panel energy-integrating detectors. Efficient algorithms for reconstructing object scatter densities from scatter measurements made on this system are developed. Building on the fanbeam source, energy-integrating at-panel detection model, we develop a pencil beam model and an energy-sensitive detection model. The scatter forward models and reconstruction algorithms are validated on simulated, Monte Carlo, and real data. We describe a prototype x-ray attenuation scanner, co-registered with the scatter system, which was built to provide complementary attenuation information to the scatter reconstruction and present results of applying alternating minimization reconstruction algorithms on measurements from the scanner

    Evaluation and performance prediction of multimodal biometric systems

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    Multibiometric systems fuse the evidence presented by different biometric sources in order to improve the matching accuracy of a biometric system. In such systems, information fusion can be performed at different levels; however, integration at the matching score level is the most commonly used approach due to the tradeoff between information content and accessibility. This work develops a tool in order to analyze the impact of various normalization schemes on the matching performance of score-level fusion algorithms. The tool permits the systematic evaluation of different fusion rules after employing normalizing and mapping the match scores of different modalities into a common domain. Furthermore, it provides a method to fit various parametric models to the score distribution and analyze the goodness of fit statistic based on the Chi-Squared and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. Experimental results on multiple datasets indicate the benefits of normalization, the role of parametric distributions and the variations in matching performance on different databases

    Postoperative Remote Automated Monitoring:Need for and State of the Science

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    Worldwide, more than 230 million adults have major noncardiac surgery each year. Although surgery can improve quality and duration of life, it can also precipitate major complications. Moreover, a substantial proportion of deaths occur after discharge. Current systems for monitoring patients postoperatively, on surgical wards and after transition to home, are inadequate. On the surgical ward, vital signs evaluation usually occurs only every 4-8 hours. Reduced in-hospital ward monitoring, followed by no vital signs monitoring at home, leads to thousands of cases of undetected/delayed detection of hemodynamic compromise. In this article we review work to date on postoperative remote automated monitoring on surgical wards and strategy for advancing this field. Key considerations for overcoming current barriers to implementing remote automated monitoring in Canada are also presented

    A Review of Missing Data Handling Techniques for Machine Learning

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    Real-world data are commonly known to contain missing values, and consequently affect the performance of most machine learning algorithms adversely when employed on such datasets. Precisely, missing values are among the various challenges occurring in real-world data. Since the accuracy and efficiency of machine learning models depend on the quality of the data used, there is a need for data analysts and researchers working with data, to seek out some relevant techniques that can be used to handle these inescapable missing values. This paper reviews some state-of-art practices obtained in the literature for handling missing data problems for machine learning. It lists some evaluation metrics used in measuring the performance of these techniques. This study tries to put these techniques and evaluation metrics in clear terms, followed by some mathematical equations. Furthermore, some recommendations to consider when dealing with missing data handling techniques were provided


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    Il termine Ambient Intelligence (AmI) si riferisce a un ambiente in grado di riconoscere e rispondere alla presenza di diversi individui in modo trasparente, non intrusivo e spesso invisibile. In questo tipo di ambiente, le persone sono circondate da interfacce uomo macchina intuitive e integrate in oggetti di ogni tipo. Gli scopi dell\u2019AmI sono quelli di fornire un supporto ai servizi efficiente e di facile utilizzo per accrescere le potenzialit\ue0 degli individui e migliorare l\u2019interazioni uomo-macchina. Le tecnologie di AmI possono essere impiegate in contesti come uffici (smart offices), case (smart homes), ospedali (smart hospitals) e citt\ue0 (smart cities). Negli scenari di AmI, i sistemi biometrici rappresentano tecnologie abilitanti al fine di progettare servizi personalizzati per individui e gruppi di persone. La biometria \ue8 la scienza che si occupa di stabilire l\u2019identit\ue0 di una persona o di una classe di persone in base agli attributi fisici o comportamentali dell\u2019individuo. Le applicazioni tipiche dei sistemi biometrici includono: controlli di sicurezza, controllo delle frontiere, controllo fisico dell\u2019accesso e autenticazione per dispositivi elettronici. Negli scenari basati su AmI, le tecnologie biometriche devono funzionare in condizioni non controllate e meno vincolate rispetto ai sistemi biometrici comunemente impiegati. Inoltre, in numerosi scenari applicativi, potrebbe essere necessario utilizzare tecniche in grado di funzionare in modo nascosto e non cooperativo. In questo tipo di applicazioni, i campioni biometrici spesso presentano una bassa qualit\ue0 e i metodi di riconoscimento biometrici allo stato dell\u2019arte potrebbero ottenere prestazioni non soddisfacenti. \uc8 possibile distinguere due modi per migliorare l\u2019applicabilit\ue0 e la diffusione delle tecnologie biometriche negli scenari basati su AmI. Il primo modo consiste nel progettare tecnologie biometriche innovative che siano in grado di funzionare in modo robusto con campioni acquisiti in condizioni non ideali e in presenza di rumore. Il secondo modo consiste nel progettare approcci biometrici multimodali innovativi, in grado di sfruttare a proprio vantaggi tutti i sensori posizionati in un ambiente generico, al fine di ottenere un\u2019elevata accuratezza del riconoscimento ed effettuare autenticazioni continue o periodiche in modo non intrusivo. Il primo obiettivo di questa tesi \ue8 la progettazione di sistemi biometrici innovativi e scarsamente vincolati in grado di migliorare, rispetto allo stato dell\u2019arte attuale, la qualit\ue0 delle tecniche di interazione uomo-macchine in diversi scenari applicativi basati su AmI. Il secondo obiettivo riguarda la progettazione di approcci innovativi per migliorare l\u2019applicabilit\ue0 e l\u2019integrazione di tecnologie biometriche eterogenee negli scenari che utilizzano AmI. In particolare, questa tesi considera le tecnologie biometriche basate su impronte digitali, volto, voce e sistemi multimodali. Questa tesi presenta le seguenti ricerche innovative: \u2022 un metodo per il riconoscimento del parlatore tramite la voce in applicazioni che usano AmI; \u2022 un metodo per la stima dell\u2019et\ue0 dell\u2019individuo da campioni acquisiti in condizioni non-ideali nell\u2019ambito di scenari basati su AmI; \u2022 un metodo per accrescere l\u2019accuratezza del riconoscimento biometrico in modo protettivo della privacy e basato sulla normalizzazione degli score biometrici tramite l\u2019analisi di gruppi di campioni simili tra loro; \u2022 un approccio per la fusione biometrica multimodale indipendente dalla tecnologia utilizzata, in grado di combinare tratti biometrici eterogenei in scenari basati su AmI; \u2022 un approccio per l\u2019autenticazione continua multimodale in applicazioni che usano AmI. Le tecnologie biometriche innovative progettate e descritte in questa tesi sono state validate utilizzando diversi dataset biometrici (sia pubblici che acquisiti in laboratorio), i quali simulano le condizioni che si possono verificare in applicazioni di AmI. I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato la realizzabilit\ue0 degli approcci studiati e hanno mostrato che i metodi progettati aumentano l\u2019accuratezza, l\u2019applicabilit\ue0 e l\u2019usabilit\ue0 delle tecnologie biometriche rispetto allo stato dell\u2019arte negli scenari basati su AmI.Ambient Intelligence (AmI) refers to an environment capable of recognizing and responding to the presence of different individuals in a seamless, unobtrusive and often invisible way. In this environment, people are surrounded by intelligent intuitive interfaces that are embedded in all kinds of objects. The goals of AmI are to provide greater user-friendliness, more efficient services support, user-empowerment, and support for human interactions. Examples of AmI scenarios are smart cities, smart homes, smart offices, and smart hospitals. In AmI, biometric technologies represent enabling technologies to design personalized services for individuals or groups of people. Biometrics is the science of establishing the identity of an individual or a class of people based on the physical, or behavioral attributes of the person. Common applications include: security checks, border controls, access control to physical places, and authentication to electronic devices. In AmI, biometric technologies should work in uncontrolled and less-constrained conditions with respect to traditional biometric technologies. Furthermore, in many application scenarios, it could be required to adopt covert and non-cooperative technologies. In these non-ideal conditions, the biometric samples frequently present poor quality, and state-of-the-art biometric technologies can obtain unsatisfactory performance. There are two possible ways to improve the applicability and diffusion of biometric technologies in AmI. The first one consists in designing novel biometric technologies robust to samples acquire in noisy and non-ideal conditions. The second one consists in designing novel multimodal biometric approaches that are able to take advantage from all the sensors placed in a generic environment in order to achieve high recognition accuracy and to permit to perform continuous or periodic authentications in an unobtrusive manner. The first goal of this thesis is to design innovative less-constrained biometric systems, which are able to improve the quality of the human-machine interaction in different AmI environments with respect to the state-of-the-art technologies. The second goal is to design novel approaches to improve the applicability and integration of heterogeneous biometric systems in AmI. In particular, the thesis considers technologies based on fingerprint, face, voice, and multimodal biometrics. This thesis presents the following innovative research studies: \u2022 a method for text-independent speaker identification in AmI applications; \u2022 a method for age estimation from non-ideal samples acquired in AmI scenarios; \u2022 a privacy-compliant cohort normalization technique to increase the accuracy of already deployed biometric systems; \u2022 a technology-independent multimodal fusion approach to combine heterogeneous traits in AmI scenarios; \u2022 a multimodal continuous authentication approach for AmI applications. The designed novel biometric technologies have been tested on different biometric datasets (both public and collected in our laboratory) simulating the acquisitions performed in AmI applications. Results proved the feasibility of the studied approaches and shown that the studied methods effectively increased the accuracy, applicability, and usability of biometric technologies in AmI with respect to the state-of-the-art
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