7,229 research outputs found

    Control of Energy Storage

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    Energy storage can provide numerous beneficial services and cost savings within the electricity grid, especially when facing future challenges like renewable and electric vehicle (EV) integration. Public bodies, private companies and individuals are deploying storage facilities for several purposes, including arbitrage, grid support, renewable generation, and demand-side management. Storage deployment can therefore yield benefits like reduced frequency fluctuation, better asset utilisation and more predictable power profiles. Such uses of energy storage can reduce the cost of energy, reduce the strain on the grid, reduce the environmental impact of energy use, and prepare the network for future challenges. This Special Issue of Energies explore the latest developments in the control of energy storage in support of the wider energy network, and focus on the control of storage rather than the storage technology itself

    Dynamic Thermal and Power Management: From Computers to Buildings

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    Thermal and power management have become increasingly important for both computing and physical systems. Computing systems from real-time embedded systems to data centers require effective thermal and power management to prevent overheating and save energy. In the mean time, as a major consumer of energy buildings face challenges to reduce the energy consumption for air conditioning while maintaining comfort of occupants. In this dissertation we investigate dynamic thermal and power management for computer systems and buildings. (1) We present thermal control under utilization bound (TCUB), a novel control-theoretic thermal management algorithm designed for single core real-time embedded systems. A salient feature of TCUB is to maintain both desired processor temperature and real-time performance. (2) To address unique challenges posed by multicore processors, we develop the real-time multicore thermal control (RT-MTC) algorithm. RT-MTC employs a feedback control loop to enforce the desired temperature and CPU utilization of the multicore platform via dynamic frequency and voltage scaling. (3) We research dynamic thermal management for real-time services running on server clusters. We develop the control-theoretic thermal balancing (CTB) to dynamically balance temperature of servers via distributing clients\u27 service requests to servers. Next, (4) we propose CloudPowerCap, a power cap management system for virtualized cloud computing infrastructure. The novelty of CloudPowerCap lies in an integrated approach to coordinate power budget management and resource management in a cloud computing environment. Finally we expand our research to physical environment by exploring several fundamental problems of thermal and power management on buildings. We analyze spatial and temporal data acquired from an real-world auditorium instrumented by a multi-modal sensor network. We propose a data mining technique to determine the appropriate number and location of temperature sensors for estimating the spatiotemporal temperature distribution of the auditorium. Furthermore, we explore the potential energy savings that can be achieved through occupancy-based HVAC scheduling based on real occupancy data of the auditorium

    Contribution to reliable control of dynamic systems

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    This thesis presents sorne contributions to the field of Health-Aware Control (HAC) of dynamic systems. In the first part of this thesis, a review of the concepts and methodologies related to reliability versus degradation and fault tolerant control versus health-aware control is presented. Firstly, in an attempt to unify concepts, an overview of HAC, degradation, and reliability modeling including some of the most relevant theoretical and applied contributions is given. Moreover, reliability modeling is formalized and exemplified using the structure function, Bayesian networks (BNs) and Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) as modeling tools in reliability analysis. In addition, some Reliability lmportance Measures (RIMs) are presented. In particular, this thesis develops BNs models for overall system reliability analysis through the use of Bayesian inference techniques. Bayesian networks are powerful tools in system reliability assessment due to their flexibility in modeling the reliability structure of complex systems. For the HAC scheme implementation, this thesis presents and discusses the integration of actuators health information by means of RIMs and degradation in Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Linear Quadratic Regulator algorithms. In the proposed strategies, the cost function parameters are tuned using RIMs. The methodology is able to avoid the occurrence of catastrophic and incipient faults by monitoring the overall system reliability. The proposed HAC strategies are applied to a Drinking Water Network (DWN) and a multirotor UAV system. Moreover, a third approach, which uses MPC and restricts the degradation of the system components is applied to a twin rotor system. Finally, this thesis presents and discusses two reliability interpretations. These interpretations, namely instantaneous and expected, differ in the manner how reliability is evaluated and how its evolution along time is considered. This comparison is made within a HAC framework and studies the system reliability under both approaches.Aquesta tesi presenta algunes contribucions al camp del control basat en la salut dels components "Health-Aware Control" (HAC) de sistemes dinàmics. A la primera part d'aquesta tesi, es presenta una revisió dels conceptes i metodologies relacionats amb la fiabilitat versus degradació, el control tolerant a fallades versus el HAC. En primer lloc, i per unificar els conceptes, s'introdueixen els conceptes de degradació i fiabilitat, models de fiabilitat i de HAC incloent algunes de les contribucions teòriques i aplicades més rellevants. La tesi, a més, el modelatge de la fiabilitat es formalitza i exemplifica utilitzant la funció d'estructura del sistema, xarxes bayesianes (BN) i xarxes bayesianes dinamiques (DBN) com a eines de modelat i anàlisi de la fiabilitat com també presenta algunes mesures d'importància de la fiabilitat (RIMs). En particular, aquesta tesi desenvolupa models de BNs per a l'anàlisi de la fiabilitat del sistema a través de l'ús de tècniques d'inferència bayesiana. Les xarxes bayesianes són eines poderoses en l'avaluació de la fiabilitat del sistema gràcies a la seva flexibilitat en el modelat de la fiabilitat de sistemes complexos. Per a la implementació de l?esquema de HAC, aquesta tesi presenta i discuteix la integració de la informació sobre la salut i degradació dels actuadors mitjançant les RIMs en algoritmes de control predictiu basat en models (MPC) i control lineal quadràtic (LQR). En les estratègies proposades, els paràmetres de la funció de cost s'ajusten utilitzant els RIMs. Aquestes tècniques de control fiable permetran millorar la disponibilitat i la seguretat dels sistemes evitant l'aparició de fallades a través de la incorporació d'aquesta informació de la salut dels components en l'algoritme de control. Les estratègies de HAC proposades s'apliquen a una xarxa d'aigua potable (DWN) i a un sistema UAV multirrotor. A més, un tercer enfocament fent servir la degradació dels actuadors com a restricció dins l'algoritme de control MPC s'aplica a un sistema aeri a dos graus de llibertat (TRMS). Finalment, aquesta tesi també presenta i discuteix dues interpretacions de la fiabilitat. Aquestes interpretacions, nomenades instantània i esperada, difereixen en la forma en què s'avalua la fiabilitat i com es considera la seva evolució al llarg del temps. Aquesta comparació es realitza en el marc del control HAC i estudia la fiabilitat del sistema en tots dos enfocaments.Esta tesis presenta algunas contribuciones en el campo del control basado en la salud de los componentes “Health-Aware Control” (HAC) de sistemas dinámicos. En la primera parte de esta tesis, se presenta una revisión de los conceptos y metodologíasrelacionados con la fiabilidad versus degradación, el control tolerante a fallos versus el HAC. En primer lugar, y para unificar los conceptos, se introducen los conceptos de degradación y fiabilidad, modelos de fiabilidad y de HAC incluyendo algunas de las contribuciones teóricas y aplicadas más relevantes. La tesis, demás formaliza y ejemplifica el modelado de fiabilidad utilizando la función de estructura del sistema, redes bayesianas (BN) y redes bayesianas diná-micas (DBN) como herramientas de modelado y análisis de fiabilidad como también presenta algunas medidas de importancia de la fiabilidad (RIMs). En particular, esta tesis desarrolla modelos de BNs para el análisis de la fiabilidad del sistema a través del uso de técnicas de inferencia bayesiana. Las redes bayesianas son herramientas poderosas en la evaluación de la fiabilidad del sistema gracias a su flexibilidad en el modelado de la fiabilidad de sistemas complejos. Para la implementación del esquema de HAC, esta tesis presenta y discute la integración de la información sobre la salud y degradación de los actuadores mediante las RIMs en algoritmos de control predictivo basado en modelos (MPC) y del control cuadrático lineal (LQR). En las estrategias propuestas, los parámetros de la función de coste se ajustan utilizando las RIMs. Estas técnicas de control fiable permitirán mejorar la disponibilidad y la seguridad de los sistemas evitando la aparición de fallos a través de la incorporación de la información de la salud de los componentes en el algoritmo de control. Las estrategias de HAC propuestas se aplican a una red de agua potable (DWN) y a un sistema UAV multirotor. Además, un tercer enfoque que usa la degradación de los actuadores como restricción en el algoritmo de control MPC se aplica a un sistema aéreo con dos grados de libertad (TRMS). Finalmente, esta tesis también presenta y discute dos interpretaciones de la fiabilidad. Estas interpretaciones, llamadas instantánea y esperada, difieren en la forma en que se evalúa la fiabilidad y cómo se considera su evolución a lo largo del tiempo. Esta comparación se realiza en el marco del control HAC y estudia la fiabilidad del sistema en ambos enfoques

    Contribution to reliable control of dynamic systems

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins al maig 2020This thesis presents sorne contributions to the field of Health-Aware Control (HAC) of dynamic systems. In the first part of this thesis, a review of the concepts and methodologies related to reliability versus degradation and fault tolerant control versus health-aware control is presented. Firstly, in an attempt to unify concepts, an overview of HAC, degradation, and reliability modeling including some of the most relevant theoretical and applied contributions is given. Moreover, reliability modeling is formalized and exemplified using the structure function, Bayesian networks (BNs) and Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) as modeling tools in reliability analysis. In addition, some Reliability lmportance Measures (RIMs) are presented. In particular, this thesis develops BNs models for overall system reliability analysis through the use of Bayesian inference techniques. Bayesian networks are powerful tools in system reliability assessment due to their flexibility in modeling the reliability structure of complex systems. For the HAC scheme implementation, this thesis presents and discusses the integration of actuators health information by means of RIMs and degradation in Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Linear Quadratic Regulator algorithms. In the proposed strategies, the cost function parameters are tuned using RIMs. The methodology is able to avoid the occurrence of catastrophic and incipient faults by monitoring the overall system reliability. The proposed HAC strategies are applied to a Drinking Water Network (DWN) and a multirotor UAV system. Moreover, a third approach, which uses MPC and restricts the degradation of the system components is applied to a twin rotor system. Finally, this thesis presents and discusses two reliability interpretations. These interpretations, namely instantaneous and expected, differ in the manner how reliability is evaluated and how its evolution along time is considered. This comparison is made within a HAC framework and studies the system reliability under both approaches.Aquesta tesi presenta algunes contribucions al camp del control basat en la salut dels components "Health-Aware Control" (HAC) de sistemes dinàmics. A la primera part d'aquesta tesi, es presenta una revisió dels conceptes i metodologies relacionats amb la fiabilitat versus degradació, el control tolerant a fallades versus el HAC. En primer lloc, i per unificar els conceptes, s'introdueixen els conceptes de degradació i fiabilitat, models de fiabilitat i de HAC incloent algunes de les contribucions teòriques i aplicades més rellevants. La tesi, a més, el modelatge de la fiabilitat es formalitza i exemplifica utilitzant la funció d'estructura del sistema, xarxes bayesianes (BN) i xarxes bayesianes dinamiques (DBN) com a eines de modelat i anàlisi de la fiabilitat com també presenta algunes mesures d'importància de la fiabilitat (RIMs). En particular, aquesta tesi desenvolupa models de BNs per a l'anàlisi de la fiabilitat del sistema a través de l'ús de tècniques d'inferència bayesiana. Les xarxes bayesianes són eines poderoses en l'avaluació de la fiabilitat del sistema gràcies a la seva flexibilitat en el modelat de la fiabilitat de sistemes complexos. Per a la implementació de l?esquema de HAC, aquesta tesi presenta i discuteix la integració de la informació sobre la salut i degradació dels actuadors mitjançant les RIMs en algoritmes de control predictiu basat en models (MPC) i control lineal quadràtic (LQR). En les estratègies proposades, els paràmetres de la funció de cost s'ajusten utilitzant els RIMs. Aquestes tècniques de control fiable permetran millorar la disponibilitat i la seguretat dels sistemes evitant l'aparició de fallades a través de la incorporació d'aquesta informació de la salut dels components en l'algoritme de control. Les estratègies de HAC proposades s'apliquen a una xarxa d'aigua potable (DWN) i a un sistema UAV multirrotor. A més, un tercer enfocament fent servir la degradació dels actuadors com a restricció dins l'algoritme de control MPC s'aplica a un sistema aeri a dos graus de llibertat (TRMS). Finalment, aquesta tesi també presenta i discuteix dues interpretacions de la fiabilitat. Aquestes interpretacions, nomenades instantània i esperada, difereixen en la forma en què s'avalua la fiabilitat i com es considera la seva evolució al llarg del temps. Aquesta comparació es realitza en el marc del control HAC i estudia la fiabilitat del sistema en tots dos enfocaments.Esta tesis presenta algunas contribuciones en el campo del control basado en la salud de los componentes “Health-Aware Control” (HAC) de sistemas dinámicos. En la primera parte de esta tesis, se presenta una revisión de los conceptos y metodologíasrelacionados con la fiabilidad versus degradación, el control tolerante a fallos versus el HAC. En primer lugar, y para unificar los conceptos, se introducen los conceptos de degradación y fiabilidad, modelos de fiabilidad y de HAC incluyendo algunas de las contribuciones teóricas y aplicadas más relevantes. La tesis, demás formaliza y ejemplifica el modelado de fiabilidad utilizando la función de estructura del sistema, redes bayesianas (BN) y redes bayesianas diná-micas (DBN) como herramientas de modelado y análisis de fiabilidad como también presenta algunas medidas de importancia de la fiabilidad (RIMs). En particular, esta tesis desarrolla modelos de BNs para el análisis de la fiabilidad del sistema a través del uso de técnicas de inferencia bayesiana. Las redes bayesianas son herramientas poderosas en la evaluación de la fiabilidad del sistema gracias a su flexibilidad en el modelado de la fiabilidad de sistemas complejos. Para la implementación del esquema de HAC, esta tesis presenta y discute la integración de la información sobre la salud y degradación de los actuadores mediante las RIMs en algoritmos de control predictivo basado en modelos (MPC) y del control cuadrático lineal (LQR). En las estrategias propuestas, los parámetros de la función de coste se ajustan utilizando las RIMs. Estas técnicas de control fiable permitirán mejorar la disponibilidad y la seguridad de los sistemas evitando la aparición de fallos a través de la incorporación de la información de la salud de los componentes en el algoritmo de control. Las estrategias de HAC propuestas se aplican a una red de agua potable (DWN) y a un sistema UAV multirotor. Además, un tercer enfoque que usa la degradación de los actuadores como restricción en el algoritmo de control MPC se aplica a un sistema aéreo con dos grados de libertad (TRMS). Finalmente, esta tesis también presenta y discute dos interpretaciones de la fiabilidad. Estas interpretaciones, llamadas instantánea y esperada, difieren en la forma en que se evalúa la fiabilidad y cómo se considera su evolución a lo largo del tiempo. Esta comparación se realiza en el marco del control HAC y estudia la fiabilidad del sistema en ambos enfoques.Postprint (published version

    Demand Side Management in the Smart Grid

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    Dynamic Thermal Management for Microprocessors

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    In deep submicron era, thermal hot spots and large temperature gradients significantly impact system reliability, performance, cost and leakage power. Dynamic thermal management techniques are designed to tackle the problems and control the chip temperature as well as power consumption. They refer to those techniques which enable the chip to autonomously modify the task execution and power dissipation characteristics so that lower-cost cooling solutions could be adopted while still guaranteeing safe temperature regulation. As long as the temperature is regulated, the system reliability can be improved, leakage power can be reduced and cooling system lifetime can be extended significantly. Multimedia applications are expected to form the largest portion of workload in general purpose PC and portable devices. The ever-increasing computation intensity of multimedia applications elevates the processor temperature and consequently impairs the reliability and performance of the system. In this thesis, we propose to perform dynamic thermal management using reinforcement learning algorithm for multimedia applications. The presented learning model does not need any prior knowledge of the workload information or the system thermal and power characteristics. It learns the temperature change and workload switching patterns by observing the temperature sensor and event counters on the processor, and finds the management policy that provides good performance-thermal tradeoff during the runtime. As the system complexity increases, it is more and more difficult to perform thermal management in a centralized manner because of state explosion and the overhead of monitoring the entire chip. In this thesis, we present a framework for distributed thermal management in many-core systems where balanced thermal profile can be achieved by proactive task migration among neighboring cores. The framework has a low cost agent residing in each core that observes the local workload and temperature and communicates with its nearest neighbor for task migration and exchange. By choosing only those migration requests that will result in balanced workload without generating thermal emergency, the presented framework maintains workload balance across the system and avoids unnecessary migration. Experimental results show that, our distributed management policy achieves almost the same performance as a global management policy when the tasks are initially randomly distributed. Compared with existing proactive task migration technique, our approach generates less hotspot, less migration overhead with negligible performance overhead. Temperature affects the leakage power and cooling power. In this thesis, we address the impact of task allocation on a processor\u27s leakage power and cooling fan power. Although the leakage power is determined by the average die temperature and the fan power is determined by the peak temperature, our analysis shows that the overall power can be minimized if a task allocation with minimum peak temperature is adopted together with an intelligent fan speed adjustment technique that finds the optimal tradeoff between fan power and leakage power. We further present a multi-agent distributed task migration technique that searches for the best task allocation during runtime. By choosing only those migration requests that will result chip maximum temperature reduction, the presented framework achieves large fan power savings as well as overall power reduction

    Hybridizing Lead-Acid Batteries with Supercapacitors: A Methodology

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    Hybridizing a lead–acid battery energy storage system (ESS) with supercapacitors is a promising solution to cope with the increased battery degradation in standalone microgrids that suffer from irregular electricity profiles. There are many studies in the literature on such hybrid energy storage systems (HESS), usually examining the various hybridization aspects separately. This paper provides a holistic look at the design of an HESS. A new control scheme is proposed that applies power filtering to smooth out the battery profile, while strictly adhering to the supercapacitors’ voltage limits. A new lead–acid battery model is introduced, which accounts for the combined effects of a microcycle’s depth of discharge (DoD) and battery temperature, usually considered separately in the literature. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis on the thermal parameters and an economic analysis were performed using a 90-day electricity profile from an actual DC microgrid in India to infer the hybridization benefit. The results show that the hybridization is beneficial mainly at poor thermal conditions and highlight the need for a battery degradation model that considers both the DoD effect with microcycle resolution and temperate impact to accurately assess the gain from such a hybridization

    Optimization of refinery preheat trains undergoing fouling: control, cleaning scheduling, retrofit and their integration

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    Crude refining is one of the most energy intensive industrial operations. The large amounts of crude processed, various sources of inefficiencies and tight profit margins promote improving energy recovery. The preheat train, a large heat exchanger network, partially recovers the energy of distillation products to heat the crude, but it suffers of the deposition of material over time – fouling – deteriorating its performance. This increases the operating cost, fuel consumption, carbon emissions and may reduce the production rate of the refinery. Fouling mitigation in the preheat train is essential for a profitable long term operation of the refinery. It aims to increase energy savings, and to reduce operating costs and carbon emissions. Current alternatives to mitigate fouling are based on heuristic approaches that oversimplify the representation of the phenomena and ignore many important interactions in the system, hence they fail to fully achieve the potential energy savings. On the other hand, predictive first principle models and mathematical programming offer a comprehensive way to mitigate fouling and optimize the performance of preheat trains overcoming previous limitations. In this thesis, a novel modelling and optimization framework for heat exchanger networks under fouling is proposed, and it is based on fundamental principles. The models developed were validated against plant data and other benchmark models, and they can predict with confidence the main effect of operating variables on the hydraulic and thermal performance of the exchangers and those of the network. The optimization of the preheat train, an MINLP problem, aims to minimize the operating cost by: 1) dynamic flow distribution control, 2) cleaning scheduling and 3) network retrofit. The framework developed allows considering these decisions individually or simultaneously, although it is demonstrated that an integrated approach exploits the synergies among decision levels and can reduce further the operating cost. An efficient formulation of the model disjunctions and time representation are developed for this optimization problem, as well as efficient solution strategies. To handle the combinatorial nature of the problem and the many binary decisions, a reformulation using complementarity constraints is proposed. Various realistic case studies are used to demonstrate the general applicability and benefits of the modelling and optimization framework. This is the first time that first principle predictive models are used to optimize various types of decisions simultaneously in industrial size heat exchanger networks. The optimization framework developed is taken further to an online application in a feedback loop. A multi-loop NMPC approach is designed to optimize the flow distribution and cleaning scheduling of preheat trains over two different time scales. Within this approach, dynamic parameter estimation problems are solved at frequent intervals to update the model parameters and cope with variability and uncertainty, while predictive first principle models are used to optimize the performance of the network over a future horizon. Applying this multi-loop optimization approach to a case study of a real refinery demonstrates the importance of considering process variability on deciding about optimal fouling mitigation approaches. Uncertainty and variability have been ignored in all previous model based fouling mitigation strategies, and this novel multi-loop NMPC approach offers a solution to it so that the economic savings are enhanced. In conclusion, the models and optimization algorithms developed in this thesis have the potential to reduce the operating cost and carbon emission of refining operations by mitigating fouling. They are based on accurate models and deterministic optimization that overcome the limitations of previous applications such as poor predictability, ignoring variability and dynamics, ignoring interactions in the system, and using inappropriate tools for decision making.Open Acces