2,899 research outputs found

    Development of Blood Stock Decision Supporting System in the Blood Transfusion Unit of PMI Banjar District Branch, South Kalimantan, to Support Blood Stock Planning

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    Blood transfusion unit of Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Banjar district branch provided service Togovernment and private hospitals and also health clinics in the district of Banjar and severalsurrounding districts/cities. Transfusion unit of PMI Banjar district branch had not utilized computerbase information system. Data input was still done by filling the forms, data was written in theregistration books, data management process was done by counting manually using calculator,Data storage was still mixed with other data, data searching required longer time (> 5 minutes),prediction/estimation had not been done in the blood requirement planning.The objective of this study was to develop blood stock decision supporting system in the bloodtransfusion unit of PMI Banjar district branch, South Kalimantan, to support blood stock planning.Development of the system was based on FAST (Framework for the Application of System Thinking)steps. This study was a qualitative research. Study variables were the ease of access, validity,completeness and appropriateness. The study object was a blood stock decision supporting systemin the transfusion unit of PMI Banjar district branch to support blood stock planning and users.The study subject was the researcher herself/himself. Study instrument used in this study was interviewguideline and observation forms. Content analysis was used to analyze the data.The result of the study found a system problem on the performance, economic, control efficiencyand service. The user needs for data input, data management process and output was known. Basicdata system design was obtained, blood requirement prediction model was available, and textmessaging (SMS) gateway model for output of blood stock information for external user wasavailable. The quality of information was improving such as improvement in the ease of obtaininginformation; the produced information was more complete, more appropriate and more accurate.Suggestions for blood transfusion unit of PMI Banjar district branch are it is better to apply thesystem and conducting socialization to the community to use SMS in order to obtain information onthe blood stock through both leaflet and printing or electronic media. It is important to develop anapplication to manage the donors via SMS alert to remind their next giving blood donation schedule,to give thank you and awards to the donors

    Artificial Neural Network to Modeling Zero-inflated Count Data: Application to Predicting Number of Return to Blood Donation.

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    BACKGROUND Traditional statistical models often are based on certain presuppositions and limitations that may not presence in actual data and lead to turbulence in estimation or prediction. In these situations, artificial neural networks (ANNs) could be suitable alternative rather than classical statistical methods. STUDY DESIGN  A prospective cohort study. METHODS The study was conducted in Shahrekord Blood Transfusion Center, Shahrekord, central Iran, on blood donors from 2008-2009. The accuracy of the proposed model to prediction of number of return to blood donations was compared with classical statistical models. A number of 864 donors who had a first-time successful donation were followed for five years. Number of return for blood donation was considered as response variable. Poisson regression (PR), negative binomial regression (NBR), zero-inflated Poisson regression (ZIPR) and zero-inflated negative binomial regression (ZINBR) as well as ANN model were fitted to data. MSE criterion was used to compare models. To fitting the models, STATISTICA 10 and, R 3.2.2 was used RESULTS: The MSE of PR, NBR, ZIPR, ZINBR and ANN models was obtained 2.71, 1.01, 1.54, 0.094 and 0.056 for the training and 4.05, 9.89, 3.99, 2.53 and 0.27 for the test data, respectively. CONCLUSIONS The ANN model had the least MSE in both training, and test data set and has a better performance than classic models. ANN could be a suitable alternative for modeling such data because of fewer restrictions

    Predictors of perioperative blood loss in total joint arthroplasty.

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    UNLABELLED: UPDATE The print version of this article has errors that have been corrected in the online version of this article. In the Materials and Methods section, the sentence that reads as During the study period, our institution offered preoperative autologous blood donation to all patients who were scheduling for total joint arthroplasty with a hemoglobin level of no less than 11 mg/dL or a hematocrit level of at least 33%. in the print version now reads as During the study period, our institution offered preoperative autologous blood donation to all patients who were scheduling for total joint arthroplasty with a hemoglobin level of no less than 11 g/dL or a hematocrit level of at least 33%. in the online version. In Table III, the footnote that reads as The values are given as the estimate and the standard error in milligrams per deciliter. in the print version now reads as The values are given as the estimate and the standard error in grams per deciliter. in the online version. BACKGROUND: Despite advances in surgical and anesthetic techniques, lower-extremity total joint arthroplasty is associated with considerable perioperative blood loss. As predictors of perioperative blood loss and allogenic blood transfusion have not yet been well defined, the purpose of this study was to identify clinical predictors for perioperative blood loss and allogenic blood transfusion in patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty. METHODS: From 2000 to 2008, all patients undergoing unilateral primary total hip or knee arthroplasty who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study. Perioperative blood loss was calculated with use of a previously validated formula. The predictors of perioperative blood loss and allogenic blood transfusion were identified in a multivariate analysis. RESULTS: Eleven thousand three hundred and seventy-three patients who underwent total joint arthroplasty, including 4769 patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty and 6604 patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty, were evaluated. Multivariate analysis indicated that an increase in blood loss was associated with being male (263.59 mL in male patients who had undergone total hip arthroplasty and 233.60 mL in male patients who had undergone total knee arthroplasty), a Charlson Comorbidity Index of \u3e3 (293.99 mL in patients who had undergone total hip arthroplasty and 167.96 mL in patients who had undergone total knee arthroplasty), and preoperative autologous blood donation (593.51 mL in patients who had undergone total hip arthroplasty and 592.30 mL in patients who had undergone total knee arthroplasty). In patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty, regional anesthesia compared with general anesthesia reduced the amount of blood loss. The risk of allogenic blood transfusion increased with the amount of blood loss in the patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty (odds ratio, 1.43 [95% confidence interval, 1.40 to 1.46]) and the patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty (odds ratio, 1.47 [95% confidence interval, 1.42 to 1.51]), but the risk of blood transfusion increased with the Charlson Comorbidity Index only in patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty (odds ratio, 3.2 [95% confidence interval, 1.99 to 5.15]). The risk of allogenic blood transfusion decreased with preoperative autologous blood donation in patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty (odds ratio, 0.01 [95% confidence interval, 0.01 to 0.02]) and patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty (odds ratio, 0.02 [95% confidence interval, 0.01 to 0.03]). CONCLUSIONS: This study identified some clinical predictors for blood loss in patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty that we believe can be used for implementing more effective blood conservation strategies. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Prognostic Level IV. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence

    2014 European Conference on Donor Health and Management.

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    The first European Conference on Donor Health and Management was held in the Hague from 3th- 5th September 2014 and hosted by Sanquin, the Dutch national blood donation organization. This is the first international conference with a focus on “donor health”, including donors of blood, organs, and other substances of human origin. The conference covered 5 main themes: Donor Health, Donor Base Management, Donor Recruitment, Donor Retention and Donor Blood Collection. This overview presents selected research topics for each of the five themes.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tme.1225

    Organ- und Gewebespenden: der Bezug zwischen Einstellungen und Spendebereitschaft

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    This study explored the attitudes and intention of donor behaviour. The attitudes and intentions towards organ and tissue donations were compared, and medical personnel and community members were compared regarding these variables. The hypothesis of multidimensionality of attitudes towards tissue donation was tested. Both medical personnel and community members in this study expressed highly positive attitudes towards tissue and organ donation. However, medical personnel held less positive attitudes towards organ donation compared to the community sample. Attitude structure towards tissue and organ donation proved to be multidimensional. There were significant connections between attitudes towards tissue and organ donation. Moreover, all of the measures of intention were significantly intercorrelated implying that there are some general factors that underlie all donor-related variables. Attitudes were good predictors of intention and intention towards tissue donation was best explained using the moral component of attitudes, while intention towards organ donation was best explained by the negative aspects of donation. The medical personnel\u27s intention to enquire about donation was strongly influenced by their view that it is the right thing to do.Ovo istraživanje ispituje stavove i namjeru vezane uz davateljska ponašanja. U istraživanju su uspoređeni stavovi i namjere prema darivanju tkiva i organa, a medicinsko osoblje je prema tim varijablama uspoređeno s uzorkom građana. Testirana je hipoteza multidimenzionalnosti stavova. Medicinsko osoblje i građani pokazali su visoko pozitivan stav prema darivanju tkiva i organa. Ipak, stav medicinskoga osoblja prema darivanju organa je manje pozitivan od stava građana. Pokazalo se da je struktura stava prema darivanju tkiva i organa multidimenzionalna. Ustanovljena je značajna povezanost između stavova prema darivanju tkiva i organa. Štoviše, sve mjere namjere značajno su povezane, implicirajući da postoje generalni čimbenici u pozadini varijabla vezanih uz darivanje tkiva i organa. Stavovi su dobri prediktori namjere, pri čemu je namjera prema darivanju tkiva najbolje objašnjena moralnom komponentom stavova, a namjera prema darivanju organa najbolje je objašnjena negativnim aspektima darivanja. Namjera medicinskoga osoblja da traži osobu da postane davatelj tkiva ili organa pod snažnim je utjecajem njihova dojma o ispravnosti davateljskoga postupka.In dieser Untersuchung werden Einstellungen und Spendebereitschaft hinsichtlich Organ- und Gewebespenden hinterfragt. Auf eine Umfrage unter "Normalbürgern" folgt ein Vergleich mit diesbezüglichen Einstellungen und Absichten, die von medizinischem Fachpersonal vertreten werden. Das Ziel war, die Hypothese der Multidimensionalität von Einstellungen zu testen. Sowohl medizinisches Fachpersonal als auch "Normalbürger" zeigten eine sehr positive Einstellung hinsichtlich Organ- und Gewebespende. Dennoch erwies sich, dass auf Seiten des medizinischen Fachpersonals die Spendebereitschaft geringer und die Meinungsstruktur bezüglich dieses Themas multidimensional ist. Man stellte fest, dass zwischen Einstellungen und einer tatsächlichen Spendebereitschaft ein wesentlicher Zusammenhang besteht. Ebenso zwischen sämtlichen Maßnahmen, mit denen die Spendebereitschaft in die Tat umgesetzt werden soll; diese implizieren das Bestehen genereller Faktoren, die der Bereitschaft zur Organ- und Gewebespende vorausgehen. Einstellungen sind gute Prädiktoren einer Spendebereitschaft, wobei stets eine moralische Komponente mitspielt, während Bedenken am ehesten durch negative Aspekte der Organ- und Gewebe-spende zu erklären sind. Die Suche der Mediziner nach einem Organ- oder Gewebespender steht unter dem starken Eindruck, dass die Bereitschaft zur Organ- und Gewebespende menschlich korrekt ist