225 research outputs found

    En Route Towards Heat Load Control for Wendelstein 7-X with Machine Learning Approaches

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    Operational expenditure optimisation utilising condition monitoring for offshore wind parks

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    There is a strong desire to increase the penetration of renewable energy sources inthe UK electricity market. Offshore wind energy could be a method to achieve this. However, there are still issues, both technical and economical, that hinder the development and exploitation of this energy source.A condition based maintenance plan that relies on fully integrating the input from condition monitoring and structural health monitoring systems could be the method to solve many of these issues. Improved maintenance scheduling has the potential to reduce maintenance costs, increase energy production and reduce the overall cost of energy. While condition monitoring systems for gearboxes, generators and main bearings have become common place over the last few years, the deployment of other monitoring systems has been slower. This could be due to the expense and complication of monitoring an entire wind farm. Wind park operators, correctly, would like to see proof that their investment will be prudent.To assist wind park operators and owners with this decision, an offshore wind operations and maintenance model that attempts to model the impacts of using monitoring systems has been developed. The development of the model is shown in this analysis: multiple methodologies are used to capture deterioration and the abilities of monitoring systems. At each stage benchmarks are shown against other models and available data. This analysis has a breadth and scope not currently addressed in literature and attempts to give insight to industry that was previously unavailable.There is a strong desire to increase the penetration of renewable energy sources inthe UK electricity market. Offshore wind energy could be a method to achieve this. However, there are still issues, both technical and economical, that hinder the development and exploitation of this energy source.A condition based maintenance plan that relies on fully integrating the input from condition monitoring and structural health monitoring systems could be the method to solve many of these issues. Improved maintenance scheduling has the potential to reduce maintenance costs, increase energy production and reduce the overall cost of energy. While condition monitoring systems for gearboxes, generators and main bearings have become common place over the last few years, the deployment of other monitoring systems has been slower. This could be due to the expense and complication of monitoring an entire wind farm. Wind park operators, correctly, would like to see proof that their investment will be prudent.To assist wind park operators and owners with this decision, an offshore wind operations and maintenance model that attempts to model the impacts of using monitoring systems has been developed. The development of the model is shown in this analysis: multiple methodologies are used to capture deterioration and the abilities of monitoring systems. At each stage benchmarks are shown against other models and available data. This analysis has a breadth and scope not currently addressed in literature and attempts to give insight to industry that was previously unavailable

    Machine Learning in Robotic Navigation:Deep Visual Localization and Adaptive Control

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    The work conducted in this thesis contributes to the robotic navigation field by focusing on different machine learning solutions: supervised learning with (deep) neural networks, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.First, we propose a semi-supervised machine learning approach that can dynamically update the robot controller's parameters using situational analysis through feature extraction and unsupervised clustering. The results show that the robot can adapt to the changes in its surroundings, resulting in a thirty percent improvement in navigation speed and stability.Then, we train multiple deep neural networks for estimating the robot's position in the environment using ground truth information provided by a classical localization and mapping approach. We prepare two image-based localization datasets in 3D simulation and compare the results of a traditional multilayer perceptron, a stacked denoising autoencoder, and a convolutional neural network (CNN). The experiment results show that our proposed inception based CNNs without pooling layers perform very well in all the environments. Finally, we propose a two-stage learning framework for visual navigation in which the experience of the agent during exploration of one goal is shared to learn to navigate to other goals. The multi-goal Q-function learns to traverse the environment by using the provided discretized map. Transfer learning is applied to the multi-goal Q-function from a maze structure to a 2D simulator and is finally deployed in a 3D simulator where the robot uses the estimated locations from the position estimator deep CNNs. The results show a significant improvement when multi-goal reinforcement learning is used

    Fouille de séquences temporelles pour la maintenance prédictive : application aux données de véhicules traceurs ferroviaires

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    In order to meet the mounting social and economic demands, railway operators and manufacturers are striving for a longer availability and a better reliability of railway transportation systems. Commercial trains are being equipped with state-of-the-art onboard intelligent sensors monitoring various subsystems all over the train. These sensors provide real-time flow of data, called floating train data, consisting of georeferenced events, along with their spatial and temporal coordinates. Once ordered with respect to time, these events can be considered as long temporal sequences which can be mined for possible relationships. This has created a neccessity for sequential data mining techniques in order to derive meaningful associations rules or classification models from these data. Once discovered, these rules and models can then be used to perform an on-line analysis of the incoming event stream in order to predict the occurrence of target events, i.e, severe failures that require immediate corrective maintenance actions. The work in this thesis tackles the above mentioned data mining task. We aim to investigate and develop various methodologies to discover association rules and classification models which can help predict rare tilt and traction failures in sequences using past events that are less critical. The investigated techniques constitute two major axes: Association analysis, which is temporal and Classification techniques, which is not temporal. The main challenges confronting the data mining task and increasing its complexity are mainly the rarity of the target events to be predicted in addition to the heavy redundancy of some events and the frequent occurrence of data bursts. The results obtained on real datasets collected from a fleet of trains allows to highlight the effectiveness of the approaches and methodologies usedDe nos jours, afin de répondre aux exigences économiques et sociales, les systèmes de transport ferroviaire ont la nécessité d'être exploités avec un haut niveau de sécurité et de fiabilité. On constate notamment un besoin croissant en termes d'outils de surveillance et d'aide à la maintenance de manière à anticiper les défaillances des composants du matériel roulant ferroviaire. Pour mettre au point de tels outils, les trains commerciaux sont équipés de capteurs intelligents envoyant des informations en temps réel sur l'état de divers sous-systèmes. Ces informations se présentent sous la forme de longues séquences temporelles constituées d'une succession d'événements. Le développement d'outils d'analyse automatique de ces séquences permettra d'identifier des associations significatives entre événements dans un but de prédiction d'événement signant l'apparition de défaillance grave. Cette thèse aborde la problématique de la fouille de séquences temporelles pour la prédiction d'événements rares et s'inscrit dans un contexte global de développement d'outils d'aide à la décision. Nous visons à étudier et développer diverses méthodes pour découvrir les règles d'association entre événements d'une part et à construire des modèles de classification d'autre part. Ces règles et/ou ces classifieurs peuvent ensuite être exploités pour analyser en ligne un flux d'événements entrants dans le but de prédire l'apparition d'événements cibles correspondant à des défaillances. Deux méthodologies sont considérées dans ce travail de thèse: La première est basée sur la recherche des règles d'association, qui est une approche temporelle et une approche à base de reconnaissance de formes. Les principaux défis auxquels est confronté ce travail sont principalement liés à la rareté des événements cibles à prédire, la redondance importante de certains événements et à la présence très fréquente de "bursts". Les résultats obtenus sur des données réelles recueillies par des capteurs embarqués sur une flotte de trains commerciaux permettent de mettre en évidence l'efficacité des approches proposée

    A model-based approach to System of Systems risk management

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    The failure of many System of Systems (SoS) enterprises can be attributed to the inappropriate application of traditional Systems Engineering (SE) processes within the SoS domain, because of the mistaken belief that a SoS can be regarded as a single large, or complex, system. SoS Engineering (SoSE) is a sub-discipline of SE; Risk Management and Modelling and Simulation (M&S) are key areas within SoSE, both of which also lie within the traditional SE domain. Risk Management of SoS requires a different approach to that currently taken for individual systems; if risk is managed for each component system then it cannot be assumed that the aggregated affect will be to mitigate risk at the SoS level. A literature review was undertaken examining three themes: (1) SoS Engineering (SoSE), (2) M&S and (3) Risk. Theme 1 of the literature provided insight into the activities comprising SoSE and its difference from traditional SE with risk management identified as a key activity. The second theme discussed the application of M&S to SoS, providing an output, which supported the identification of appropriate techniques and concluding that, the inherent complexity of a SoS required the use of M&S in order to support SoSE activities. Current risk management approaches were reviewed in theme 3 as well as the management of SoS risk. Although some specific examples of the management of SoS risk were found, no mature, general approach was identified, indicating a gap in current knowledge. However, it was noted most of these examples were underpinned by M&S approaches. It was therefore concluded a general approach SoS risk management utilising M&S methods would be of benefit. In order to fill the gap identified in current knowledge, this research proposed a new model based approach to Risk Management where risk identification was supported by a framework, which combined SoS system of interest dimensions with holistic risk types, where the resulting risks and contributing factors are captured in a causal network. Analysis of the causal network using a model technique selection tool, developed as part of this research, allowed the causal network to be simplified through the replacement of groups of elements within the network by appropriate supporting models. The Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) was identified as a suitable method to represent SoS risk. Supporting models run in Monte Carlo Simulations allowed data to be generated from which the risk BBNs could learn, thereby providing a more quantitative approach to SoS risk management. A method was developed which provided context to the BBN risk output through comparison with worst and best-case risk probabilities. The model based approach to Risk Management was applied to two very different case studies: Close Air Support mission planning and the Wheat Supply Chain, UK National Food Security risks, demonstrating its effectiveness and adaptability. The research established that the SoS SoI is essential for effective SoS risk identification and analysis of risk transfer, effective SoS modelling requires a range of techniques where suitability is determined by the problem context, the responsibility for SoS Risk Management is related to the overall SoS classification and the model based approach to SoS risk management was effective for both application case studies

    A Decade of Neural Networks: Practical Applications and Prospects

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    The Jet Propulsion Laboratory Neural Network Workshop, sponsored by NASA and DOD, brings together sponsoring agencies, active researchers, and the user community to formulate a vision for the next decade of neural network research and application prospects. While the speed and computing power of microprocessors continue to grow at an ever-increasing pace, the demand to intelligently and adaptively deal with the complex, fuzzy, and often ill-defined world around us remains to a large extent unaddressed. Powerful, highly parallel computing paradigms such as neural networks promise to have a major impact in addressing these needs. Papers in the workshop proceedings highlight benefits of neural networks in real-world applications compared to conventional computing techniques. Topics include fault diagnosis, pattern recognition, and multiparameter optimization

    Advances in Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a very dynamic area in terms of theory and application. This book brings together many different aspects of the current research on several fields associated to RL which has been growing rapidly, producing a wide variety of learning algorithms for different applications. Based on 24 Chapters, it covers a very broad variety of topics in RL and their application in autonomous systems. A set of chapters in this book provide a general overview of RL while other chapters focus mostly on the applications of RL paradigms: Game Theory, Multi-Agent Theory, Robotic, Networking Technologies, Vehicular Navigation, Medicine and Industrial Logistic

    Measurable Safety of Automated Driving Functions in Commercial Motor Vehicles

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    With the further development of automated driving, the functional performance increases resulting in the need for new and comprehensive testing concepts. This doctoral work aims to enable the transition from quantitative mileage to qualitative test coverage by aggregating the results of both knowledge-based and data-driven test platforms. The validity of the test domain can be extended cost-effectively throughout the software development process to achieve meaningful test termination criteria

    Measurable Safety of Automated Driving Functions in Commercial Motor Vehicles - Technological and Methodical Approaches

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    Fahrerassistenzsysteme sowie automatisiertes Fahren leisten einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit von Kraftfahrzeugen, insbesondere von Nutzfahrzeugen. Mit der Weiterentwicklung des automatisierten Fahrens steigt hierbei die funktionale Leistungsfähigkeit, woraus Anforderungen an neue, gesamtheitliche Erprobungskonzepte entstehen. Um die Absicherung höherer Stufen von automatisierten Fahrfunktionen zu garantieren, sind neuartige Verifikations- und Validierungsmethoden erforderlich. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, durch die Aggregation von Testergebnissen aus wissensbasierten und datengetriebenen Testplattformen den Übergang von einer quantitativen Kilometerzahl zu einer qualitativen Testabdeckung zu ermöglichen. Die adaptive Testabdeckung zielt somit auf einen Kompromiss zwischen Effizienz- und Effektivitätskriterien für die Absicherung von automatisierten Fahrfunktionen in der Produktentstehung von Nutzfahrzeugen ab. Diese Arbeit umfasst die Konzeption und Implementierung eines modularen Frameworks zur kundenorientierten Absicherung automatisierter Fahrfunktionen mit vertretbarem Aufwand. Ausgehend vom Konfliktmanagement für die Anforderungen der Teststrategie werden hochautomatisierte Testansätze entwickelt. Dementsprechend wird jeder Testansatz mit seinen jeweiligen Testzielen integriert, um die Basis eines kontextgesteuerten Testkonzepts zu realisieren. Die wesentlichen Beiträge dieser Arbeit befassen sich mit vier Schwerpunkten: * Zunächst wird ein Co-Simulationsansatz präsentiert, mit dem sich die Sensoreingänge in einem Hardware-in-the-Loop-Prüfstand mithilfe synthetischer Fahrszenarien simulieren und/ oder stimulieren lassen. Der vorgestellte Aufbau bietet einen phänomenologischen Modellierungsansatz, um einen Kompromiss zwischen der Modellgranularität und dem Rechenaufwand der Echtzeitsimulation zu erreichen. Diese Methode wird für eine modulare Integration von Simulationskomponenten, wie Verkehrssimulation und Fahrdynamik, verwendet, um relevante Phänomene in kritischen Fahrszenarien zu modellieren. * Danach wird ein Messtechnik- und Datenanalysekonzept für die weltweite Absicherung von automatisierten Fahrfunktionen vorgestellt, welches eine Skalierbarkeit zur Aufzeichnung von Fahrzeugsensor- und/ oder Umfeldsensordaten von spezifischen Fahrereignissen einerseits und permanenten Daten zur statistischen Absicherung und Softwareentwicklung andererseits erlaubt. Messdaten aus länderspezifischen Feldversuchen werden aufgezeichnet und zentral in einer Cloud-Datenbank gespeichert. * Anschließend wird ein ontologiebasierter Ansatz zur Integration einer komplementären Wissensquelle aus Feldbeobachtungen in ein Wissensmanagementsystem beschrieben. Die Gruppierung von Aufzeichnungen wird mittels einer ereignisbasierten Zeitreihenanalyse mit hierarchischer Clusterbildung und normalisierter Kreuzkorrelation realisiert. Aus dem extrahierten Cluster und seinem Parameterraum lassen sich die Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit jedes logischen Szenarios und die Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen der zugehörigen Parameter ableiten. Durch die Korrelationsanalyse von synthetischen und naturalistischen Fahrszenarien wird die anforderungsbasierte Testabdeckung adaptiv und systematisch durch ausführbare Szenario-Spezifikationen erweitert. * Schließlich wird eine prospektive Risikobewertung als invertiertes Konfidenzniveau der messbaren Sicherheit mithilfe von Sensitivitäts- und Zuverlässigkeitsanalysen durchgeführt. Der Versagensbereich kann im Parameterraum identifiziert werden, um die Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit für jedes extrahierte logische Szenario durch verschiedene Stichprobenverfahren, wie beispielsweise die Monte-Carlo-Simulation und Adaptive-Importance-Sampling, vorherzusagen. Dabei führt die geschätzte Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Sicherheitsverletzung für jedes gruppierte logische Szenario zu einer messbaren Sicherheitsvorhersage. Das vorgestellte Framework erlaubt es, die Lücke zwischen wissensbasierten und datengetriebenen Testplattformen zu schließen, um die Wissensbasis für die Abdeckung der Operational Design Domains konsequent zu erweitern. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse den Nutzen und die Herausforderungen des entwickelten Frameworks für messbare Sicherheit durch ein Vertrauensmaß der Risikobewertung. Dies ermöglicht eine kosteneffiziente Erweiterung der Validität der Testdomäne im gesamten Softwareentwicklungsprozess, um die erforderlichen Testabbruchkriterien zu erreichen

    When costs from being a constraint become a driver for concept generation

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    Managing innovation requires solving issues related to the internal development and engineering processes of a company (supply side), in addition to facing the market and competition (demand side). In this context, the product development process is crucial, as different tradeoffs and issues that require managerial attention tend to arise. The main challenges result in managers requiring practical support tools that can help them in planning and controlling the process, and of designers requiring them for supporting their design decisions. Hence, the thesis aims to focus on product costs to understand its influence on design decisions as well as on the overall management of the product development process. The core part of the thesis is based on the models and methods developed for enhancing cost analysis at the beginning of the product development process. This investigation aims to determine the importance of cost estimation in improving the overall performance of a newly designed product. The focus on post-sales and, more generally, on the customer, has become so relevant that manufacturers have to take into account not only the most obvious aspects about the product and related services, but even consider the associated implications for customers during product use. However, implementing a product life cycle perspective is still a challenging process for companies. From a methodological perspective, the reasons include uncertainty regarding the available approaches and ambiguity about their application. In terms of implementation, the main challenge is the long-term cost management, when one considers uncertainty in process duration, data collection, and other supply chain issues. In fact, helping designers and managers efficiently understand the strategic and operational consequences of a cost analysis implementation is still a problem, although advanced methodologies for more in-depth and timely analyses are available. And this is even more if one considers that product lifecycle represents a critical area of investment, particularly in light of the new challenges and opportunities provided by big data analysis in the Industry 4.0 contexts. This dissertation addresses these aspects and provides a methodological approach to assess a rigorous implementation of life-cycle cost while discussing the evidence derived from its operational and strategic impacts. The novelty lies in the way the data and information are collected, dynamically moving the focus of the investigation with regard to the data aggregation level and the product structure. The way the techniques have been combined represents a further aspect of novelty. In fact, the introduced approach contributes to a new trend in the Product Cost Estimation (PCE) literature, which suggests the integration of different techniques for product life-cycle cost analysis. The findings obtained at the end of the process can be employed to assess the impact of platform design strategy and variety proliferations on the total life-cycle costs. By evaluating the possible mix of options, and hence offering the optimal product configuration, a more conscious way for planning the product portfolio has been provided. In this sense, a detailed operational analysis (as the cost estimation) is used to inform and drive the strategic planning of the portfolio. Finally, the thesis discusses the future opportunities and challenges for product cost analysis, assessing how digitalisation of manufacturing operations may affect the data gathering and analysis process. In this new environment, the opportunity for a more informed, cost-driven decision-making will multiply, leading to varied opportunities in this research field
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