36 research outputs found

    Hyperspectral Modeling of Relative Water Content and Nitrogen Content in Sorghum and Maize

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    Sorghum and maize are two of the most important cereal grains worldwide. They are important industrially, and also serve as staple crops for millions of people across the world. With climate change, increasing frequencies of droughts, and crops being planted on more marginal land, it is important to breed sorghum and maize cultivars that are tolerant to drought and low fertility soils. However, one of the largest constraints to the breeding process is the cycle time between cultivar development and release. Early evaluation of cultivars with increased the ability to maintain water status under drought and increases nitrogen contents under nitrogen stress could be the key to decreasing breeding cycle time. New tools for non-destructive, high throughput phenotyping are needed to evaluate new cultivars. These new tools can also be used for monitoring and management of crops to improve productivity. Hyperspectral imaging holds promise as one tool to improve the speed and accuracy of predicting numerous plant traits including abiotic stress tolerance characteristics. In this thesis, hyperspectral imaging projects were designed to develop and test prediction models for relative water content (RWC) and nitrogen (N) content of sorghum and maize. The first study utilized three different genotypes of sorghum in an automated hyperspectral imaging system in greenhouses at Purdue University. From this study, models were developed for relative water content and nitrogen content using the data from all three genotypes collectively as well as the data from each genotype individually. Models developed using the spectral and morphological features obtained from the hyperspectral images are predictive of both relative water content and nitrogen content. The coefficients of determination (R2) for all graphs comparing the predicted relative water content to the reference relative water content of sorghum averaged 0.90 while the same graphs for maize averaged 0.64. The coefficients of determination for all graphs comparing the predicted nitrogen content to the reference nitrogen content of sorghum averaged 0.85 while the same graphs for maize averaged 0.61. Models built only with the spectral features for sorghum were also predictive of both relative water content and nitrogen content. The coefficients of determination for all graphs comparing the predicted relative water content to the reference relative water content of sorghum averaged 0.91 while the same graphs for nitrogen content in sorghum averaged 0.85. The nitrogen content models developed using the data from the Tx7000 genotype are highly predictive of both Tx7000 and B35 but not highly predictive of Tx623. However, models developed using the data from Tx623 are highly predictive of all three genotypes. Another important finding from this study was that the water and nitrogen signals overlap and the most predictive models are developed from data where water and nitrogen vary continuously. Models to predict one factor that do not account for variation in the other factor are not very accurate. The second experiment utilized hyperspectral imaging to characterize RWC and N content of maize. Models for RWC and N content were developed using spectral and morphological features. The models developed for maize were not as predictive as the models for sorghum but they were still predictive of RWC and N content for the models developed using all six genotypes and the models developed using the data from the individual genotypes. Models built using the four half-sibling genotypes were not more predictive than the models based on all six genotypes. The final portion of this thesis explored predictions across species using both the sorghum and maize data. We found that models developed using only sorghum were not predictive of the maize reference measurements. However, when the sorghum and maize data were combined and used to generate models, both the RWC model and the N content model were highly predictive for both reference measurements

    Multimode Hyperspectral Imaging for Food Quality and Safety

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    Food safety and quality are becoming progressively important, and a failure to implement monitoring processes and identify anomalies in composition, production, and distribution can lead to severe financial and customer health damages. If consumers were uncertain about food safety and quality, the impact could be profound; hence, we need better ways of minimizing such risks. On the data management side, the rise of artificial intelligence, data analytics, the Internet of Things, and blockchain all provide enormous opportunities for supply chain management and liability management, but the impact of any approach starts with the quality of the relevant data. Here, we present state-of-the-art spectroscopic technologies including hyperspectral reflectance, fluorescence imaging as well as Raman spectroscopy, and speckle imaging that are all validated for food safety and quality applications. We believe a multimode approach comprising of a number of these synergetic optical detection modes is needed for the highest performance. We present a plan where our implementations reflect this concept through a multimode tabletop system in the sense that a large, real-time production-level device would be based on more modes than this mid-level one, while a handheld, portable unit may only address fewer challenges, but with a lower cost and size

    Assessing the Potential of Sentinel-2 Derived Vegetation Indices to Retrieve Phenological Stages of Mango in Ghana

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    In 2020, mango (Mangifera indica) exports contributed over 40 million tons, worth around US$20 billion, to the global economy. Only 10% of this contribution was made from African countries including Ghana, largely due to lower investment in the sector and general paucity of research into the mango value chain, especially production, quality and volume. Considering the global economic importance of mango coupled with the gap in the use of the remote sensing technology in the sector, this study tested the hypothesis that phenological stages of mango can be retrieved from Sentinel-2 (S2) derived time series vegetation indices (VIs) data. The study was conducted on four mango farms in the Yilo Krobo Municipal Area of Ghana. Seasonal (temporal) growth curves using four VIs (NDVI, GNDVI, EVI and SAVI) for the period from 2017 to 2020 were derived for each of the selected orchards and then aligned with five known phenology stages: Flowering/Fruitset (F/FS), Fruit Development (FRD), Maturity/Harvesting (M/H), Flushing (FLU) and Dormancy (D). The significance of the variation "within" and "between" farms obtained from the VI metrics of the S2 data were tested using single-factor and two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). Furthermore, to identify which specific variable pairs (phenology stages) were significantly different, a Tukey honest significant difference (HSD) post-hoc test was conducted, following the results of the ANOVA. Whilst it was possible to differentiate the phenological stages using all the four VIs, EVI was found to be the best related with

    A Broadly Tunable Surface Plasmon-Coupled Wavelength Filter for Visible and Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging

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    Hyperspectral imaging is a set of techniques that has contributed to the study of advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, ceramics, polymers, biological specimens, and geological samples. Its use for remote sensing has advanced our understanding of agriculture, forestry, the Earth, environmental science, and the universe. The development of ultra-compact handheld hyperspectral imagers has been impeded by the scarcity of small widefield tunable wavelength filters. The widefield modality is preferred for handheld imaging applications in which image registration can be performed to counter scene shift caused by irregular user motions that would thwart scanning approaches. In the work presented here an electronically tunable widefield wavelength filter has been developed for hyperspectral imaging applications in the visible and near-infrared region. Conventional electronically tunable widefield imaging filter technologies include liquid crystal-based filters, acousto-optic tunable filters, and electronically tuned etalons; each having its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The construction of tunable filters is often complex and requires elaborate optical assemblies and electronic control circuits. I introduce in the work presented here is a novel widefield tunable filter, the surface plasmon coupled tunable filter (SPCTF), for visible and near infrared imaging. The SPCTF is based on surface plasmon coupling and has simple optical design that can be miniaturized without sacrificing performance. The SPCTF provides diffraction limited spatial resolution with a moderately narrow nominal passband (\u3c10 \u3enm) and a large spurious free spectral range (450 nm-1000 nm). The SPCTF employs surface plasmon coupling of the 蟺-polarized component of incident light in metal films separated by a tunable dielectric layer. Acting on the 蟺-polarized component, the device is limited to transmitting 50 percent of unpolarized incident light. This is higher than the throughput of comparable Lyot-based liquid crystal tunable filters that employ a series of linear polarizers. In addition, the SPCTF is not susceptible to the unwanted harmonic bands that lead to spurious diffraction in Bragg-based devices. Hence its spurious free spectral range covers a broad region from the blue through near infrared wavelengths. The compact design and rugged optical assembly make it suitable for hand-held hyperspectral imagers. The underlying theory and SPCTF design are presented along with a comparison of its performance to calculated estimates of transmittance, spectral resolution, and spectral range. In addition, widefield hyperspectral imaging using the SPCTF is demonstrated on model sample

    Artificial neural networks applied to the resolution of regression and classification multivariate analysis problems in the agricultural and the industrial fields

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    El principal objetivo de esta tesis es dise帽ar, implementar y evaluar modelos espec铆ficos basados en Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNAs) para procesos agr铆colas e industriales. Estos modelos considerar谩n un conjunto de variables diferente a los utilizados en la literatura cient铆fica, minimizar谩n el conocimiento previo incluido en su dise帽o y optimizar谩n su desempe帽o en t茅rminos de tiempo de procesado y de capacidad de c贸mputo. La metodolog铆a propuesta en esta tesis se aplica a cinco procesos agr铆colas e industriales: el proceso de curado de tabaco, el proceso de secado del pasto varilla (Panicum virgatum), el mantenimiento predictivo de una m谩quina, la evaluaci贸n de piezas de acero en una l铆nea de producci贸n y la detecci贸n temprana de enfermedades en plantas. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren la idoneidad de las RNAs para resolver problemas multivariable de clasificaci贸n y regresi贸n tanto en problemas de 谩mbito agr铆cola o industrial como en problemas similares de otros 谩mbitos.Departamento de Teor铆a de la Se帽al y Comunicaciones e Ingenier铆a Telem谩tic

    Application of hyperspectral imaging combined with chemometrics for the non-destructive evaluation of the quality of fruit in postharvest

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es evaluar la t茅cnica de imagen hiperespectral en el rango visible e infrarrojo cercano, en combinaci贸n con t茅cnicas quimiom茅tricas para la evaluaci贸n de la calidad de la fruta en poscosecha de manera eficaz y sostenible. Con este fin, se presentan diferentes estudios en los que se eval煤a la calidad de algunas frutas que por su valor econ贸mico, estrat茅gico o social, son de especial importancia en la Comunidad Valenciana como son el caqui 'Rojo Brillante', la granada 'Mollar de Elche', el n铆spero 'Algerie' o diferentes cultivares de nectarina. En primer lugar se llev贸 a cabo la monitorizaci贸n de la calidad poscosecha de nectarinas 'Big Top' y 'Magique' usando imagen hiperespectral en reflectancia y transmitancia. Al mismo tiempo se evalu贸 la transmitancia para la detecci贸n de huesos abiertos. Se llev贸 a cabo tambi茅n un estudio para distinguir los cultivares 'Big Top' y "Diamond Ray", los cuales poseen un aspecto muy similar pero sabor diferente. En cuanto al caqui 'Rojo Brillante', la imagen hiperespectral fue estudiada por una parte para monitorear su madurez, y por otra parte para evaluar la astringencia de esta fruta, que debe ser completamente eliminada antes de su comercializaci贸n. Las propiedades f铆sico-qu铆micas de la granada 'Mollar de Elche' fueron evaluadas usando imagen de color e hiperespectral durante su madurez usando la informaci贸n de la fruta intacta y de los arilos. Finalmente, esta t茅cnica se us贸 para caracterizar e identificar los defectos internos y externos del n铆spero 'Algerie'. En la predicci贸n de los 铆ndices de calidad IQI y RPI usando imagen en reflectancia y transmitancia se obtuvieron valores de R2 alrededor de 0,90 y en la discriminaci贸n por firmeza, una precisi贸n entorno al 95 % usando longitudes de onda seleccionadas. En cuanto a la detecci贸n de huesos abiertos, el uso de la imagen hiperespectral en transmitancia obtuvo un 93,5 % de clasificaci贸n correcta de frutas con hueso normal y 100 % con hueso abierto usando modelos PLS-DA y 7 longitudes de onda. Los resultados obtenidos en la clasificaci贸n de los cultivares 'Big Top' y 'Diamond Ray' mostraron una fiabilidad superior al 96,0 % mediante el uso de modelos PLS-DA y 14 longitudes de onda seleccionadas, superando a la imagen de color (56,9 %) y a un panel entrenado (54,5 %). Con respecto al caqui, los resultados obtenidos indicaron que es posible distinguir entre tres estados de madurez con una precisi贸n del 96,0 % usando modelos QDA y se predijo su firmeza obteniendo un valor de R2 de 0,80 usando PLS-R. En cuanto a la astringencia, se llevaron a cabo dos estudios similares en los que en el primero se discrimin贸 la fruta de acuerdo al tiempo de tratamiento con altas concentraciones de CO2 con una precisi贸n entorno al 95,0 % usando QDA. En el segundo se discrimin贸 la fruta de acuerdo a un valor de contenido en taninos (0,04 %) y se determin贸 qu茅 谩rea de la fruta era mejor para realizar esta discriminaci贸n. As铆 se obtuvo una precisi贸n del 86,9 % usando la zona media y 23 longitudes de onda. Los resultados obtenidos para la granada indicaron que la imagen de color e hiperespectral poseen una precisi贸n similar en la predicci贸n de las propiedades fisicoqu铆micas usando PLS-R y la informaci贸n de la fruta intacta. Sin embargo, cuando se us贸 la informaci贸n de los arilos, la imagen hiperespectral fue m谩s precisa. En cuanto a la discriminaci贸n del estado de madurez usando PLS-DA, la imagen hiperespectral ofreci贸 mayor precisi贸n, 95,0 %, usando la informaci贸n de la fruta intacta y del 100 % usando la de los arilos. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos para el n铆spero indicaron que la imagen hiperespectral junto con el m茅todo de clasificaci贸n XGBOOST pudo discriminar entre muestras con y sin defectos con una precisi贸n del 97,5 % y entre muestras sin defectos o con defectos internos o externos con una precisi贸n del 96,7 %. Adem谩s fue posible distinguir entre los dife[CA] L'objectiu de la present tesi doctoral se centra en avaluar la capacitat de la imatge hiperespectral en el rang visible i infraroig pr貌xim, en combinaci贸 amb m猫todes quimiom猫trics, per a l'avaluaci贸 de la qualitat de la fruita en post collita de manera efica莽 i sostenible. A aquest efecte, es presenten diferents estudis en els quals s'avalua la qualitat d'algunes fruites que pel seu valor econ貌mic, estrat猫gic o social, s贸n d'especial import脿ncia a la Comunitat Valenciana com s贸n el caqui 'Rojo Brillante', la magrana 'Mollar de Elche', el nispro 'Algerie' o diferents cultivares de nectarina. En primer lloc es va dur a terme la monitoritzaci贸 de la qualitat post collita de nectarines 'Big Top' i 'Magique' per mitj脿 d'imatge hiperespectral en reflect脿ncia i trasnmitancia. Aix铆 mateix es va avaluar la transmit脿ncia per a la detecci贸 d'ossos oberts. Es va dur a terme tamb茅 un estudi per distingir els cultivares 'Big Top' i 'Diamond Ray', els quals posseeixen un aspecte molt semblant per貌 sabor diferent. Pel que fa al caqui 'Rojo Brillante', la imatge hiperespectral va ser estudiada d'una banda per a monitoritzar la seua maduresa, i per un altre costat per avaluar l'astring猫ncia, que ha de ser completament eliminada abans de la seua comercialitzaci贸. Les propietats fisicoqu铆miques de la magrana 'Mollar de Elche' van ser avaluades per la imatge de color i hiperespectral durant la seua maduresa usant la informaci贸 de la fruita intacta i els arils. Finalment, aquesta t猫cnica es va fer servir per caracteritzar i identificar els defectes interns i externs del nispro 'Algerie'. En la predicci贸 dels 铆ndexs de qualitat IQI i RPI usant imatge en reflect脿ncia com en trasnmitancia es van obtindre valors de R2 al voltant de 0,90 i en la discriminaci贸 per fermesa una precisi贸 entorn del 95,0 % utilitzant longituds d'ona seleccionades. Pel que fa a la detecci贸 d'ossos oberts, l'煤s de la imatge hiperespectral en transmit脿ncia va obtindre un 93,5 % classificaci贸 correcta de fruites amb os normal i 100 % amb os obert usant models PLS-DA i 7 longituds d'ona. Els resultats obtinguts en la classificaci贸 dels cultivares 'Big Top' i 'Diamond Ray' van mostrar una fiabilitat superior al 96,0 % per mitj脿 de l'煤s de models PLS-DA i 14 longituds d'ona, superant a la imatge de color (56,9 %) i a un panell sensorial entrenat (54,5 %). Quant al caqui, els resultats obtinguts van indicar que 茅s possible distingir entre tres estats de maduresa amb una precisi贸 del 96,0 % usant models QDA i es va predir la seua fermesa obtenint un valor de R2 de 0,80 usant PLS-R. Pel que fa a l'astring猫ncia, es van dur a terme dos estudis similars en qu猫 el primer es va discriminar la fruita d'acord al temps de tractament amb altes concentracions de CO2 amb una precisi贸 al voltant del 95,0 % usant QDA. En el segon, es va discriminar la fruita d'acord a un valor de contingut en tanins (0,04 %) i es va determinar quina part de la fruita era millor per a realitzar aquesta discriminaci贸. Aix铆 es va obtindre una precisi贸 del 86,9 % usant la zona mitjana i 23 longituds d'ona. Els resultats obtinguts per la magrana van indicar que la imatge de color i hiperespectral posse茂xen una precisi贸 semblant a la predicci贸 de les propietats fisicoqu铆miques usant PLS-R i la informaci贸 de la fruita intacta. No obstant aix貌, quan es va usar la informaci贸 dels arils, la imatge hiperespectral va ser m茅s precisa. Quant a la discriminaci贸 de l'estat de maduresa usant PLS-DA, la imatge hiperespectral va oferir major precisi贸 (95,0 %) usant la informaci贸 de la fruita intacta i del 100 % usant la dels arils. Finalment, els resultats obtinguts pel nispro indiquen que la imatge hiperespectral juntament amb el m猫tode de classificaci贸 XGBOOST va poder discriminar entre mostres amb i sense defectes amb una precisi贸 del 97,5 % i entre mostres sense defectes o amb defectes interns o externs amb una precisi贸 del 96,7 %. A m茅s, va ser possible distingir entre[EN] The objective of this doctoral thesis is to evaluate the potential of the hyperspectral imaging in the visible and near infrared range in combination with chemometrics for the assessment of the postharvest quality of fruit in a non-destructive, efficient and sustainable manner. To this end, different studies are presented in which the quality of some fruits is evaluated. Due to their economic, strategic or social value, the selected fruits are of special importance in the Valencian Community, such as Persimmon 'Rojo Brillante', the pomegranate 'Mollar de Elche', the loquat 'Algerie' or different nectarine cultivars. First, the quality monitoring of 'Big Top' and 'Magique' nectarines was carried out using reflectance and transmittance images. At the same time, transmittance was evaluated for the detection of split pit. In addition, a classification was performed to distinguish the 'Big Top' and 'Diamond Ray' cultivars, which look very similar but have different flavour. Whereas that for the 'Rojo Brillante' persimmon, the hyperspectral imaging was studied on the one hand to monitor its maturity, and on the other hand to evaluate the astringency of this fruit, which must be completely eliminated before its commercialization. The physicochemical properties of the 'Mollar de Elche' pomegranate were evaluated by means of hyperspectral and colour imaging during its maturity using the information from the intact fruit and arils. Finally, this technique was used to characterise and identify the internal and external defects of the 'Algerie' loquat. In the prediction of the IQI and RPI quality indexes using reflectance and transmittance images, R2 values around 0.90 were obtained and in the discrimination according to firmness, accuracy around 95.0 % using selected wavelengths was obtained. Regarding the split pit detection, the use of the hyperspectral image in transmittance mode obtained a 93.5 % of fruits with normal bone correctly classified and 100% with split pit using PLS-DA models and 7 wavelengths. The results obtained in the classification of 'Big Top' and 'Diamond Ray' fruits show accuracy higher than 96.0 % by using PLS-DA models and 14 selected wavelengths, higher than the obtained with colour image (56.9 %) and a trained panel (54.5 %). According to persimmon, the results obtained indicated that it is possible to distinguish between three states of maturity with an accuracy of 96.0 % using QDA models and its firmness was predicted obtaining a R2 value of 0.80 using PLS-R. Regarding astringency, two similar studies were carried out. In the first study, the fruit was classified according to the time of treatment with high concentrations of CO2 with a precision of around 95.0 % using QDA. In the second, the fruit was discriminated according to a threshold value of soluble tannins (0.04 %) and was determined what fruit area was better to perform this discrimination. Thus, an accuracy of 86.9 % was obtained using the middle area and 23 wavelengths. The results obtained for the pomegranate indicated that the use of colour and hyperspectral images have a similar precision in the prediction of physicochemical properties using PLS-R and the intact fruit information. However, when the information from the arils was used, the hyperspectral image was more accurate. Regarding the discrimination by the state of maturity using PLS-DA, the hyperspectral image offered greater precision, of 95.0 % using the information from the intact fruit and 100 % using that from the arils. Finally, the results obtained for the 'Algerie' loquat indicated that the hyperspectral image with the XGBOOST classification method could discriminate between sound samples and samples with defects with accuracy of 97.5 % and between sound samples or samples with internal or external defects with an accuracy of 96.7 %. It was also possible to distinguish between the different defects with an accuracy of 95.9 %.Munera Picazo, SM. (2019). Application of hyperspectral imaging combined with chemometrics for the non-destructive evaluation of the quality of fruit in postharvest [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/125954TESISCompendi

    Implementation of Sensors and Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Hazards Assessment in Urban, Agriculture and Forestry Systems

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    The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI), together with robotics, sensors, sensor networks, Internet of Things (IoT), and machine/deep learning modeling, has reached the forefront of research activities, moving towards the goal of increasing the efficiency in a multitude of applications and purposes related to environmental sciences. The development and deployment of AI tools requires specific considerations, approaches, and methodologies for their effective and accurate applications. This Special Issue focused on the applications of AI to environmental systems related to hazard assessment in urban, agriculture, and forestry areas