131 research outputs found

    Active discovery of organic semiconductors

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    The versatility of organic molecules generates a rich design space for organic semiconductors (OSCs) considered for electronics applications. Offering unparalleled promise for materials discovery, the vastness of this design space also dictates efficient search strategies. Here, we present an active machine learning (AML) approach that explores an unlimited search space through consecutive application of molecular morphing operations. Evaluating the suitability of OSC candidates on the basis of charge injection and mobility descriptors, the approach successively queries predictive-quality first-principles calculations to build a refining surrogate model. The AML approach is optimized in a truncated test space, providing deep methodological insight by visualizing it as a chemical space network. Significantly outperforming a conventional computational funnel, the optimized AML approach rapidly identifies well-known and hitherto unknown molecular OSC candidates with superior charge conduction properties. Most importantly, it constantly finds further candidates with highest efficiency while continuing its exploration of the endless design space

    Artificial intelligence for porous organic cages

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    Porous organic cages are a novel class of molecules with many promising applications, including in separation, sensing, catalysis and gas storage. Despite great promise, discovery of these materials is hampered by a lack of computational tools for exploring their chemical space, and significant expense associated with prediction of their properties. This results in significant synthetic effort being directed toward molecules which do not have targeted properties. This thesis presents multiple computational tools which can aid the discovery and design of these materials by increasing the number of synthetic candidates which are likely to exhibit desired, targeted properties. Firstly, a broadly applicable methodology for the construction of computational models of materials is presented. This facilitates the automated modelling and screening of materials that would otherwise have to be carried out in a more labour-intensive way. Secondly, an evolutionary algorithm is implemented and applied to the design of porous organic cages. The algorithm is capable of producing cages closely matching user-defined design criteria, and its implementation is designed to allow future applications in other fields of material design. Finally, machine learning is used to accurately predict properties of porous organic cages, orders of magnitude faster than has been possible with traditional, simulation-based approaches.Open Acces

    A novel graph-based method for targeted ligand-protein fitting

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Creative Arts, Technologies & Science, University of Bedfordshire, in partial & fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy.The determination of protein binding sites and ligand -protein fitting are key to understanding the functionality of proteins, from revealing which ligand classes can bind or the optimal ligand for a given protein, such as protein/ drug interactions. There is a need for novel generic computational approaches for representation of protein-ligand interactions and the subsequent prediction of hitherto unknown interactions in proteins where the ligand binding sites are experimentally uncharacterised. The TMSite algorithms read in existing PDB structural data and isolate binding sites regions and identifies conserved features in functionally related proteins (proteins that bind the same ligand). The Boundary Cubes method for surface representation was applied to the modified PDB file allowing the creation of graphs for proteins and ligands that could be compared and caused no loss of geometric data. A method is included for describing binding site features of individual ligands conserved in terms of spatial relationships allowed identification of 3D motifs, named fingerprints, which could be searched for in other protein structures. This method combine with a modification of the pocket algorithm allows reduced search areas for graph matching. The methods allow isolation of the binding site from a complexed protein PDB file, identification of conserved features among the binding sites of individual ligand types, and search for these features in sequence data. In terms of spatial conservation create a fingerprint ofthe binding site that can be sought in other proteins of/mown structure, identifYing putative binding sites. The approach offers a novel and generic method for the identification of putative ligand binding sites for proteins for which there is no prior detailed structural characterisation of protein/ ligand interactions. It is unique in being able to convert PDB data into graphs, ready for comparison and thus fitting of ligand to protein with consideration of chemical charge and in the future other chemica! properties

    In Silico Design and Selection of CD44 Antagonists:implementation of computational methodologies in drug discovery and design

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    Drug discovery (DD) is a process that aims to identify drug candidates through a thorough evaluation of the biological activity of small molecules or biomolecules. Computational strategies (CS) are now necessary tools for speeding up DD. Chapter 1 describes the use of CS throughout the DD process, from the early stages of drug design to the use of artificial intelligence for the de novo design of therapeutic molecules. Chapter 2 describes an in-silico workflow for identifying potential high-affinity CD44 antagonists, ranging from structural analysis of the target to the analysis of ligand-protein interactions and molecular dynamics (MD). In Chapter 3, we tested the shape-guided algorithm on a dataset of macrocycles, identifying the characteristics that need to be improved for the development of new tools for macrocycle sampling and design. In Chapter 4, we describe a detailed reverse docking protocol for identifying potential 4-hydroxycoumarin (4-HC) targets. The strategy described in this chapter is easily transferable to other compounds and protein datasets for overcoming bottlenecks in molecular docking protocols, particularly reverse docking approaches. Finally, Chapter 5 shows how computational methods and experimental results can be used to repurpose compounds as potential COVID-19 treatments. According to our findings, the HCV drug boceprevir could be clinically tested or used as a lead molecule to develop compounds that target COVID-19 or other coronaviral infections. These chapters, in summary, demonstrate the importance, application, limitations, and future of computational methods in the state-of-the-art drug design process

    Computational Approaches: Drug Discovery and Design in Medicinal Chemistry and Bioinformatics

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    This book is a collection of original research articles in the field of computer-aided drug design. It reports the use of current and validated computational approaches applied to drug discovery as well as the development of new computational tools to identify new and more potent drugs

    More is Different: Modern Computational Modeling for Heterogeneous Catalysis

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    La combinació d'observacions experimentals i estudis de la Density Functional Theory (DFT) és un dels pilars de la investigació química moderna. Atès que permeten recopilar informació física addicional d'un sistema químic, difícilment accessible a través de l'entorn experimental, aquests estudis es fan servir àmpliament per modelar i predir el comportament d'una gran varietat de compostos químics en entorns únics. A la catàlisi heterogènia, els models DFT s'utilitzen habitualment per avaluar la interacció entre els compostos moleculars i els catalitzadors, vinculant aquestes interpretacions amb els resultats experimentals. Tanmateix, l'alta complexitat trobada tant als escenaris catalítics com a la reactivitat, implica la necessitat de metodologies sofisticades que requereixen automatització, emmagatzematge i anàlisi per estudiar correctament aquests sistemes. Aquest treball presenta el desenvolupament i la combinació de múltiples metodologies per avaluar correctament la complexitat d'aquests sistemes químics. A més, aquest treball mostra com s'han utilitzat les tècniques proporcionades per estudiar noves configuracions catalítiques d'interès acadèmic i industrial.La combinación de observaciones experimentales y estudios de la Density Functional Theory (DFT) es uno de los pilares de la investigación química moderna. Dado que permiten recopilar información física adicional de un sistema químico, difícilmente accesible a través del entorno experimental, estos estudios se emplean ampliamente para modelar y predecir el comportamiento de una gran variedad de compuestos químicos en entornos únicos. En la catálisis heterogénea, los modelos DFT se emplean habitualmente para evaluar la interacción entre los compuestos moleculares y los catalizadores, vinculando estas interpretaciones con los resultados experimentales. Sin embargo, la alta complejidad encontrada tanto en los escenarios catalíticos como en la reactividad, implica la necesidad de metodologías sofisticadas que requieren de automatización, almacenamiento y análisis para estudiar correctamente estos sistemas. Este trabajo presenta el desarrollo y la combinación de múltiples metodologías con el objetivo de evaluar correctamente la complejidad de estos sistemas químicos. Además, este trabajo muestra cómo las técnicas proporcionadas se han utilizado para estudiar nuevas configuraciones catalíticas de interés académico e industrial.The combination of Experimental observations and Density Functional Theory studies is one of the pillars of modern chemical research. As they enable the collection of additional physical information of a chemical system, hardly accessible via the experimental setting, Density Functional Theory studies are widely employed to model and predict the behavior of a diverse variety of chemical compounds under unique environments. Particularly, in heterogeneous catalysis, Density Functional Theory models are commonly employed to evaluate the interaction between molecular compounds and catalysts, lately linking these interpretations with experimental results. However, high complexity found in both, catalytic settings and reactivity, implies the need of sophisticated methodologies involving automation, storage and analysis to correctly study these systems. Here, I present the development and combination of multiple methodologies, aiming at correctly asses complexity. Also, this work shows how the provided techniques have been actively used to study novel catalytic settings of academic and industrial interest