417 research outputs found

    Detecting deceptive reviews using argumentation

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    The unstoppable rise of social networks and the web is facing a serious challenge: identifying the truthfulness of online opinions and reviews. In this paper we use Argumentation Frameworks (AFs) extracted from reviews and explore whether the use of these AFs can improve the performance of machine learning techniques in detecting deceptive behaviour, resulting from users lying in order to mislead readers. The AFs represent how arguments from reviews relate to arguments from other reviews as well as to arguments about the goodness of the items being reviewed

    Unleashing the Potential of Argument Mining for IS Research: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda

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    Argument mining (AM) represents the unique use of natural language processing (NLP) techniques to extract arguments from unstructured data automatically. Despite expanding on commonly used NLP techniques, such as sentiment analysis, AM has hardly been applied in information systems (IS) research yet. Consequentially, knowledge about the potentials for the usage of AM on IS use cases appears to be still limited. First, we introduce AM and its current usage in fields beyond IS. To address this research gap, we conducted a systematic literature review on IS literature to identify IS use cases that can potentially be extended with AM. We develop eleven text-based IS research topics that provide structure and context to the use cases and their AM potentials. Finally, we formulate a novel research agenda to guide both researchers and practitioners to design, compare and evaluate the use of AM for text-based applications and research streams in IS

    On the Extraction and Use of Arguments in Recommender Systems: A Case Study in the E-participation Domain

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    In this paper, we present ongoing work on the automatic extraction of arguments from textual content, and on the use of interconnected argument structures by recommender systems. Differently to the majority of existing argument mining methods –which only consider ‘premise’ and ‘claim’ as the components of an argument, and ‘support’ and ‘attack’ as the possible relations between argument components–, we propose an argumentation model based on a detailed taxonomy of argumentative relations. Moreover, we provide a lexicon of English and Spanish linguistic connectors categorized in our taxonomy. As a proof of concept, we apply a simple, yet effective method that makes use of the built taxonomy and lexicon to extract argument graphs from citizen proposals and debates of an e-participation platform. We then describe how the extracted graphs could be exploited to generate and explain argument-based recommendationsThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-108965GB-I00

    Argumentation Mining in User-Generated Web Discourse

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    The goal of argumentation mining, an evolving research field in computational linguistics, is to design methods capable of analyzing people's argumentation. In this article, we go beyond the state of the art in several ways. (i) We deal with actual Web data and take up the challenges given by the variety of registers, multiple domains, and unrestricted noisy user-generated Web discourse. (ii) We bridge the gap between normative argumentation theories and argumentation phenomena encountered in actual data by adapting an argumentation model tested in an extensive annotation study. (iii) We create a new gold standard corpus (90k tokens in 340 documents) and experiment with several machine learning methods to identify argument components. We offer the data, source codes, and annotation guidelines to the community under free licenses. Our findings show that argumentation mining in user-generated Web discourse is a feasible but challenging task.Comment: Cite as: Habernal, I. & Gurevych, I. (2017). Argumentation Mining in User-Generated Web Discourse. Computational Linguistics 43(1), pp. 125-17

    Argument mining as rapid screening tool of COVID-19 literature quality: Preliminary evidence

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    BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic prompted the scientific community to share timely evidence, also in the form of pre-printed papers, not peer reviewed yet.PurposeTo develop an artificial intelligence system for the analysis of the scientific literature by leveraging on recent developments in the field of Argument Mining.MethodologyScientific quality criteria were borrowed from two selected Cochrane systematic reviews. Four independent reviewers gave a blind evaluation on a 1–5 scale to 40 papers for each review. These scores were matched with the automatic analysis performed by an AM system named MARGOT, which detected claims and supporting evidence for the cited papers. Outcomes were evaluated with inter-rater indices (Cohen's Kappa, Krippendorff's Alpha, s* statistics).ResultsMARGOT performs differently on the two selected Cochrane reviews: the inter-rater indices show a fair-to-moderate agreement of the most relevant MARGOT metrics both with Cochrane and the skilled interval scores, with larger values for one of the two reviews.Discussion and conclusionsThe noted discrepancy could rely on a limitation of the MARGOT system that can be improved; yet, the level of agreement between human reviewers also suggests a different complexity between the two reviews in debating controversial arguments. These preliminary results encourage to expand and deepen the investigation to other topics and a larger number of highly specialized reviewers, to reduce uncertainty in the evaluation process, thus supporting the retraining of AM systems

    Transparent assessment of information quality of online reviews using formal argumentation theory

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    Review scores collect users’ opinions in a simple and intuitive manner. However, review scores are also easily manipulable, hence they are often accompanied by explanations. A substantial amount of research has been devoted to ascertaining the quality of reviews, to identify the most useful and authentic scores through explanation analysis. In this paper, we advance the state of the art in review quality analysis. We introduce a rating system to identify review arguments and to define an appropriate weighted semantics through formal argumentation theory. We introduce an algorithm to construct a corresponding graph, based on a selection of weighted arguments, their semantic distance, and the supported ratings. We also provide an algorithm to identify the model of such an argumentation graph, maximizing the overall weight of the admitted nodes and edges. We evaluate these contributions on the Amazon review dataset by McAuley et al. (2015), by comparing the results of our argumentation assessment with the upvotes received by the reviews. Also, we deepen the evaluation by crowdsourcing a multidimensional assessment of reviews and comparing it to the argumentation assessment. Lastly, we perform a user study to evaluate the explainability of our method, i.e., to test whether the automated method we use to assess reviews is understandable by humans. Our method achieves two goals: (1) it identifies reviews that are considered useful, comprehensible, and complete by online users, and does so in an unsupervised manner, and (2) it provides an explanation of quality assessments

    Enhancing Privacy Management on Social Network Services

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    Tesis por compendioIn the recent years, social network services, such as Facebook or LinkedIn, have experienced an exponential growth. People enjoy their functionalities, such as sharing photos, finding friends, looking for jobs, and in general, they appreciate the social benefits that social networks provide. However, as using social network has become routine for many people, privacy breaches that may occur in social network services have increased users' concerns. For example, it is easy to find news about people being fired because of something they shared on a social network. To enable people define their privacy settings, service providers employ simple access controls which usually rely exclusively on lists or circles of friends. Although these access controls are easy to configure by average users, research literature points out that they are lacking elements, such as tie strength, that play a key role when users decide what to share and with whom. Additionally, despite the simplicity of current access controls, research on privacy on social media reports that people still struggle to effectively control how their information flows on these services. To provide users with a more robust privacy framework, related literature proposes a new paradigm for access controls based on relationships. In contrast to traditional access controls where permissions are granted based on users and their roles, this paradigm employs social elements such as the relationship between the information owner and potential viewers (e.g., only my siblings can see this photo). Access controls that follow this paradigm provide users with mechanisms for disclosure control that represent more naturally how humans reason about privacy. Furthermore, these access controls can deal with specific issues that social network services present. Specifically, users often share information that concerns many people, especially other members of the social network. In such situations, two or more people can have conflicting privacy preferences; thus, an appropriate sharing policy may not be apparent. These situations are usually identified as multiuser privacy scenarios. Since relationship based access controls are complex for the average social network user, service providers have not adopted them. Therefore, to enable the implementation of such access controls in current social networks, tools and mechanisms that facilitate their use must be provided. To that aim, this thesis makes five contributions: (1) a review of related research on privacy management on social networks that identifies pressing challenges in the field, (2) BFF, a tool for eliciting automatically tie strength and user communities, (3) a new access control that employs communities, individual identifiers, tie strength, and content tags, (4) a novel model for representing and reasoning about multiuser privacy scenarios, employing three types of features: contextual factors, user preferences, and user arguments; and, (5) Muppet, a tool that recommends sharing policies in multiuser privacy scenarios.En los últimos años, los servicios de redes sociales, como Facebook o LinkedIn, han experimentado un crecimiento exponencial. Los usuarios valoran positivamente sus muchas funcionalidades tales como compartir fotos, o búsqueda de amigos y trabajo. En general, los usuarios aprecian los beneficios que las redes sociales les aportan. Sin embargo, mientras el uso de redes sociales se ha convertido en rutina para mucha gente, brechas de privacidad que pueden ocurrir en redes sociales han aumentado los recelos de los usuarios. Por ejemplo, es sencillo encontrar en las noticias casos sobre personas que han perdido su empleo debido a algo que compartieron en una red social. Para facilitar la definición de los ajustes de privacidad, los proveedores de servicios emplean controles de acceso sencillos que normalmente se basan, de forma exclusiva, en listas o círculos de amigos. Aunque estos controles de acceso son fáciles de configurar por un usuario medio, investigaciones recientes indican que éstos carecen de elementos tales como la intensidad de los vínculos personales, que juegan un papel clave en cómo los usuarios deciden qué compartir y con quién. Además, a pesar de la simplicidad de los controles de acceso, investigaciones sobre privacidad en redes sociales señalan que los usuarios han de esforzarse para controlar de forma efectiva como su información fluye en estos servicios. Para ofrecer a los usuarios un marco de privacidad más robusto, trabajos recientes proponen un nuevo paradigma para controles de acceso basado en relaciones. A diferencia de los controles de acceso tradicionales donde los permisos se otorgan en base a usuarios y sus roles, este paradigma emplea elementos sociales como la relación entre el propietario de la información y su audiencia potencial (por ejemplo, sólo mis hermanos pueden ver la foto). Los controles de acceso que siguen este paradigma ofrecen a los usuarios mecanismos para el control de la privacidad que representan de una forma más natural como los humanos razonan sobre cuestiones de privacidad. Además, estos controles de acceso pueden lidiar con problemáticas específicas que presentan las redes sociales. Específicamente, los usuarios comparten de forma habitual información que atañe a muchas personas, especialmente a otros miembros de la red social. En tales situaciones, dos o más personas pueden tener preferencias de privacidad que entran en conflicto. Cuando esto ocurre, no hay una configuración correcta de privacidad que sea evidente. Estas situaciones son normalmente identificadas como escenarios de privacidad multiusuario. Dado que los controles de acceso basados en relaciones son complejos para el usuario promedio de redes sociales, los proveedores de servicios no los han adoptado. Por lo tanto, para permitir la implementación de tales controles de acceso en redes sociales actuales, es necesario que se ofrezcan herramientas y mecanismos que faciliten su uso. En este sentido, esta tesis presenta cinco contribuciones: (1) una revisión del estado del arte en manejo de privacidad en redes sociales que permite identificar los retos más importantes en el campo, (2) BFF, una herramienta para obtener automáticamente la intensidad de los vínculos personales y las comunidades de usuarios, (3) un nuevo control de acceso que emplea comunidades, identificadores individuales, la intensidad de los vínculos personales, y etiquetas de contenido, (4) un modelo novedoso para representar y razonar sobre escenarios de privacidad multiusario que emplea tres tipos de características: factores contextuales, preferencias de usuario, y argumentos de usuario; y, (5) Muppet, una herramienta que recomienda configuraciones de privacidad en escenarios de privacidad multiusuario.En els darrers anys, els servicis de xarxes socials, com Facebook o LinkedIn, han experimentat un creixement exponencial. Els usuaris valoren positivament les seues variades funcionalitats com la compartició de fotos o la cerca d'amics i treball. En general, els usuaris aprecien els beneficis que les xarxes socials els aporten. No obstant això, mentre l'ús de les xarxes socials s'ha convertit en rutina per a molta gent, bretxes de privacitat que poden ocórrer en xarxes socials han augmentat els recels dels usuaris. Per exemple, és senzill trobar notícies sobre persones que han perdut el seu treball per alguna cosa que compartiren a una xarxa social. Per facilitar la definició dels ajustos de privacitat, els proveïdors de servicis empren controls d'accés senzills que normalment es basen, de forma exclusiva, en llistes o cercles d'amics. Encara que aquests controls d'accés són fàcils d'emprar per a un usuari mitjà, investigacions recents indiquen que aquests manquen elements com la força dels vincles personals, que juguen un paper clau en com els usuaris decideixen què compartir i amb qui. A més a més, malgrat la simplicitat dels controls d'accés, investigacions sobre privacitat en xarxes socials revelen que els usuaris han d'esforçar-se per a controlar de forma efectiva com fluix la seua informació en aquests servicis. Per a oferir als usuaris un marc de privacitat més robust, treballs recents proposen un nou paradigma per a controls d'accés basat en relacions. A diferència dels controls d'accés tradicionals on els permisos s'atorguen segons usuaris i els seus rols, aquest paradigma empra elements socials com la relació entre el propietari de la informació i la seua audiència potencial (per exemple, sols els meus germans poden veure aquesta foto). Els controls d'accés que segueixen aquest paradigma ofereixen als usuaris mecanismes per al control de la privacitat que representen d'una forma més natural com els humans raonen sobre la privacitat. A més a més, aquests controls d'accés poden resoldre problemàtiques específiques que presenten les xarxes socials. Específicament, els usuaris comparteixen de forma habitual informació que concerneix moltes persones, especialment a altres membres de la xarxa social. En aquestes situacions, dues o més persones poden tindre preferències de privacitat que entren en conflicte. Quan açò ocorre, no hi ha una configuració de privacitat correcta que siga evident. Aquestes situacions són normalment identificades com escenaris de privacitat multiusari. Donat que els controls d'accés basats en relacions són complexos per a l'usuari mitjà de xarxes socials, els proveïdors de servicis no els han adoptat. Per tant, per a permetre la implementació d'aquests controls d'accés en xarxes socials actuals, és necessari oferir ferramentes i mecanismes que faciliten el seu ús. En aquest sentit, aquesta tesi presenta cinc contribucions: (1) una revisió de l'estat de l'art en maneig de privacitat en xarxes socials que permet identificar els reptes més importants en el camp, (2) BFF, una ferramenta per a obtenir automàticament la força dels vincles personals i les comunitats d'usuaris, (3) un nou control d'accés que empra comunitats, identificadors individuals, força dels vincles personals, i etiquetes de contingut, (4) un model nou per a representar i raonar sobre escenaris de privacitat multiusari que empra tres tipus de característiques: factors contextuals, preferències d'usuari, i arguments d'usuaris; i, (5) Muppet, una ferramenta que recomana configuracions de privacitat en escenaris de privacitat multiusuari.López Fogués, R. (2017). Enhancing Privacy Management on Social Network Services [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/85978TESISCompendi
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