262 research outputs found

    A Machine Learning Approach for Optimizing Heuristic Decision-making in OWL Reasoners

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    Description Logics (DLs) are formalisms for representing knowledge bases of application domains. TheWeb Ontology Language (OWL) is a syntactic variant of a very expressive description logic. OWL reasoners can infer implied information from OWL ontologies. The performance of OWL reasoners can be severely affected by situations that require decision-making over many alternatives. Such a non-deterministic behavior is often controlled by heuristics that are based on insufficient information. This thesis proposes a novel OWL reasoning approach that applies machine learning (ML) to implement pragmatic and optimal decision-making strategies in such situations. Disjunctions occurring in ontologies are one source of non deterministic actions in reasoners. We propose two ML-based approaches to reduce the non-determinism caused by dealing with disjunctions. The first approach is restricted to propositional description logic while the second one can deal with standard description logic. The first approach builds a logistic regression classifier that chooses a proper branching heuristic for an input ontology. Branching heuristics are first developed to help Propositional Satisfiability (SAT) based solvers with making decisions about which branch to pick in each branching level. The second approach is the developed version of the first approach. An SVM (Support Vector Machine) classier is designed to select an appropriate expansion-ordering heuristic for an input ontology. The built-in heuristics are designed for expansion ordering of satisfiability testing in OWL reasoners. They determine the order for branches in search trees. Both of the above approaches speed up our ML-based reasoner by up to two orders of magnitude in comparison to the non-ML reasoner. Another source of non-deterministic actions is the order in which tableau rules should be applied. On average, our ML-based approach that is an SVM classifier achieves a speedup of two orders of magnitude when compared to the most expensive rule ordering of the non-ML reasoner

    Scalable statistical learning for relation prediction on structured data

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    Relation prediction seeks to predict unknown but potentially true relations by revealing missing relations in available data, by predicting future events based on historical data, and by making predicted relations retrievable by query. The approach developed in this thesis can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including to predict likely new friends on social networks, attractive points of interest for an individual visiting an unfamiliar city, and associations between genes and particular diseases. In recent years, relation prediction has attracted significant interest in both research and application domains, partially due to the increasing volume of published structured data and background knowledge. In the Linked Open Data initiative of the Semantic Web, for instance, entities are uniquely identified such that the published information can be integrated into applications and services, and the rapid increase in the availability of such structured data creates excellent opportunities as well as challenges for relation prediction. This thesis focuses on the prediction of potential relations by exploiting regularities in data using statistical relational learning algorithms and applying these methods to relational knowledge bases, in particular in Linked Open Data in particular. We review representative statistical relational learning approaches, e.g., Inductive Logic Programming and Probabilistic Relational Models. While logic-based reasoning can infer and include new relations via deduction by using ontologies, machine learning can be exploited to predict new relations (with some degree of certainty) via induction, purely based on the data. Because the application of machine learning approaches to relation prediction usually requires handling large datasets, we also discuss the scalability of machine learning as a solution to relation prediction, as well as the significant challenge posed by incomplete relational data (such as social network data, which is often much more extensive for some users than others). The main contribution of this thesis is to develop a learning framework called the Statistical Unit Node Set (SUNS) and to propose a multivariate prediction approach used in the framework. We argue that multivariate prediction approaches are most suitable for dealing with large, sparse data matrices. According to the characteristics and intended application of the data, the approach can be extended in different ways. We discuss and test two extensions of the approach--kernelization and a probabilistic method of handling complex n-ary relationships--in empirical studies based on real-world data sets. Additionally, this thesis contributes to the field of relation prediction by applying the SUNS framework to various domains. We focus on three applications: 1. In social network analysis, we present a combined approach of inductive and deductive reasoning for recommending movies to users. 2. In the life sciences, we address the disease gene prioritization problem. 3. In the recommendation system, we describe and investigate the back-end of a mobile app called BOTTARI, which provides personalized location-based recommendations of restaurants.Die Beziehungsvorhersage strebt an, unbekannte aber potenziell wahre Beziehungen vorherzusagen, indem fehlende Relationen in verfügbaren Daten aufgedeckt, zukünftige Ereignisse auf der Grundlage historischer Daten prognostiziert und vorhergesagte Relationen durch Anfragen abrufbar gemacht werden. Der in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Ansatz lässt sich für eine Vielzahl von Zwecken einschließlich der Vorhersage wahrscheinlicher neuer Freunde in sozialen Netzen, der Empfehlung attraktiver Sehenswürdigkeiten für Touristen in fremden Städten und der Priorisierung möglicher Assoziationen zwischen Genen und bestimmten Krankheiten, verwenden. In den letzten Jahren hat die Beziehungsvorhersage sowohl in Forschungs- als auch in Anwendungsbereichen eine enorme Aufmerksamkeit erregt, aufgrund des Zuwachses veröffentlichter strukturierter Daten und von Hintergrundwissen. In der Linked Open Data-Initiative des Semantischen Web werden beispielsweise Entitäten eindeutig identifiziert, sodass die veröffentlichten Informationen in Anwendungen und Dienste integriert werden können. Diese rapide Erhöhung der Verfügbarkeit strukturierter Daten bietet hervorragende Gelegenheiten sowie Herausforderungen für die Beziehungsvorhersage. Diese Arbeit fokussiert sich auf die Vorhersage potenzieller Beziehungen durch Ausnutzung von Regelmäßigkeiten in Daten unter der Verwendung statistischer relationaler Lernalgorithmen und durch Einsatz dieser Methoden in relationale Wissensbasen, insbesondere in den Linked Open Daten. Wir geben einen Überblick über repräsentative statistische relationale Lernansätze, z.B. die Induktive Logikprogrammierung und Probabilistische Relationale Modelle. Während das logikbasierte Reasoning neue Beziehungen unter der Nutzung von Ontologien ableiten und diese einbeziehen kann, kann maschinelles Lernen neue Beziehungen (mit gewisser Wahrscheinlichkeit) durch Induktion ausschließlich auf der Basis der vorliegenden Daten vorhersagen. Da die Verarbeitung von massiven Datenmengen in der Regel erforderlich ist, wenn maschinelle Lernmethoden in die Beziehungsvorhersage eingesetzt werden, diskutieren wir auch die Skalierbarkeit des maschinellen Lernens sowie die erhebliche Herausforderung, die sich aus unvollständigen relationalen Daten ergibt (z. B. Daten aus sozialen Netzen, die oft für manche Benutzer wesentlich umfangreicher sind als für Anderen). Der Hauptbeitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, ein Lernframework namens Statistical Unit Node Set (SUNS) zu entwickeln und einen im Framework angewendeten multivariaten Prädiktionsansatz einzubringen. Wir argumentieren, dass multivariate Vorhersageansätze am besten für die Bearbeitung von großen und dünnbesetzten Datenmatrizen geeignet sind. Je nach den Eigenschaften und der beabsichtigten Anwendung der Daten kann der Ansatz auf verschiedene Weise erweitert werden. In empirischen Studien werden zwei Erweiterungen des Ansatzes--ein kernelisierter Ansatz sowie ein probabilistischer Ansatz zur Behandlung komplexer n-stelliger Beziehungen-- diskutiert und auf realen Datensätzen untersucht. Ein weiterer Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Anwendung des SUNS Frameworks auf verschiedene Bereiche. Wir konzentrieren uns auf drei Anwendungen: 1. In der Analyse sozialer Netze stellen wir einen kombinierten Ansatz von induktivem und deduktivem Reasoning vor, um Benutzern Filme zu empfehlen. 2. In den Biowissenschaften befassen wir uns mit dem Problem der Priorisierung von Krankheitsgenen. 3. In den Empfehlungssystemen beschreiben und untersuchen wir das Backend einer mobilen App "BOTTARI", das personalisierte ortsbezogene Empfehlungen von Restaurants bietet

    The role of Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering

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    There has been a recent surge in interest in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to Software Engineering (SE) problems. The work is typified by recent advances in Search Based Software Engineering, but also by long established work in Probabilistic reasoning and machine learning for Software Engineering. This paper explores some of the relationships between these strands of closely related work, arguing that they have much in common and sets out some future challenges in the area of AI for SE. © 2012 IEEE

    Scalable statistical learning for relation prediction on structured data

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    Relation prediction seeks to predict unknown but potentially true relations by revealing missing relations in available data, by predicting future events based on historical data, and by making predicted relations retrievable by query. The approach developed in this thesis can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including to predict likely new friends on social networks, attractive points of interest for an individual visiting an unfamiliar city, and associations between genes and particular diseases. In recent years, relation prediction has attracted significant interest in both research and application domains, partially due to the increasing volume of published structured data and background knowledge. In the Linked Open Data initiative of the Semantic Web, for instance, entities are uniquely identified such that the published information can be integrated into applications and services, and the rapid increase in the availability of such structured data creates excellent opportunities as well as challenges for relation prediction. This thesis focuses on the prediction of potential relations by exploiting regularities in data using statistical relational learning algorithms and applying these methods to relational knowledge bases, in particular in Linked Open Data in particular. We review representative statistical relational learning approaches, e.g., Inductive Logic Programming and Probabilistic Relational Models. While logic-based reasoning can infer and include new relations via deduction by using ontologies, machine learning can be exploited to predict new relations (with some degree of certainty) via induction, purely based on the data. Because the application of machine learning approaches to relation prediction usually requires handling large datasets, we also discuss the scalability of machine learning as a solution to relation prediction, as well as the significant challenge posed by incomplete relational data (such as social network data, which is often much more extensive for some users than others). The main contribution of this thesis is to develop a learning framework called the Statistical Unit Node Set (SUNS) and to propose a multivariate prediction approach used in the framework. We argue that multivariate prediction approaches are most suitable for dealing with large, sparse data matrices. According to the characteristics and intended application of the data, the approach can be extended in different ways. We discuss and test two extensions of the approach--kernelization and a probabilistic method of handling complex n-ary relationships--in empirical studies based on real-world data sets. Additionally, this thesis contributes to the field of relation prediction by applying the SUNS framework to various domains. We focus on three applications: 1. In social network analysis, we present a combined approach of inductive and deductive reasoning for recommending movies to users. 2. In the life sciences, we address the disease gene prioritization problem. 3. In the recommendation system, we describe and investigate the back-end of a mobile app called BOTTARI, which provides personalized location-based recommendations of restaurants.Die Beziehungsvorhersage strebt an, unbekannte aber potenziell wahre Beziehungen vorherzusagen, indem fehlende Relationen in verfügbaren Daten aufgedeckt, zukünftige Ereignisse auf der Grundlage historischer Daten prognostiziert und vorhergesagte Relationen durch Anfragen abrufbar gemacht werden. Der in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Ansatz lässt sich für eine Vielzahl von Zwecken einschließlich der Vorhersage wahrscheinlicher neuer Freunde in sozialen Netzen, der Empfehlung attraktiver Sehenswürdigkeiten für Touristen in fremden Städten und der Priorisierung möglicher Assoziationen zwischen Genen und bestimmten Krankheiten, verwenden. In den letzten Jahren hat die Beziehungsvorhersage sowohl in Forschungs- als auch in Anwendungsbereichen eine enorme Aufmerksamkeit erregt, aufgrund des Zuwachses veröffentlichter strukturierter Daten und von Hintergrundwissen. In der Linked Open Data-Initiative des Semantischen Web werden beispielsweise Entitäten eindeutig identifiziert, sodass die veröffentlichten Informationen in Anwendungen und Dienste integriert werden können. Diese rapide Erhöhung der Verfügbarkeit strukturierter Daten bietet hervorragende Gelegenheiten sowie Herausforderungen für die Beziehungsvorhersage. Diese Arbeit fokussiert sich auf die Vorhersage potenzieller Beziehungen durch Ausnutzung von Regelmäßigkeiten in Daten unter der Verwendung statistischer relationaler Lernalgorithmen und durch Einsatz dieser Methoden in relationale Wissensbasen, insbesondere in den Linked Open Daten. Wir geben einen Überblick über repräsentative statistische relationale Lernansätze, z.B. die Induktive Logikprogrammierung und Probabilistische Relationale Modelle. Während das logikbasierte Reasoning neue Beziehungen unter der Nutzung von Ontologien ableiten und diese einbeziehen kann, kann maschinelles Lernen neue Beziehungen (mit gewisser Wahrscheinlichkeit) durch Induktion ausschließlich auf der Basis der vorliegenden Daten vorhersagen. Da die Verarbeitung von massiven Datenmengen in der Regel erforderlich ist, wenn maschinelle Lernmethoden in die Beziehungsvorhersage eingesetzt werden, diskutieren wir auch die Skalierbarkeit des maschinellen Lernens sowie die erhebliche Herausforderung, die sich aus unvollständigen relationalen Daten ergibt (z. B. Daten aus sozialen Netzen, die oft für manche Benutzer wesentlich umfangreicher sind als für Anderen). Der Hauptbeitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, ein Lernframework namens Statistical Unit Node Set (SUNS) zu entwickeln und einen im Framework angewendeten multivariaten Prädiktionsansatz einzubringen. Wir argumentieren, dass multivariate Vorhersageansätze am besten für die Bearbeitung von großen und dünnbesetzten Datenmatrizen geeignet sind. Je nach den Eigenschaften und der beabsichtigten Anwendung der Daten kann der Ansatz auf verschiedene Weise erweitert werden. In empirischen Studien werden zwei Erweiterungen des Ansatzes--ein kernelisierter Ansatz sowie ein probabilistischer Ansatz zur Behandlung komplexer n-stelliger Beziehungen-- diskutiert und auf realen Datensätzen untersucht. Ein weiterer Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Anwendung des SUNS Frameworks auf verschiedene Bereiche. Wir konzentrieren uns auf drei Anwendungen: 1. In der Analyse sozialer Netze stellen wir einen kombinierten Ansatz von induktivem und deduktivem Reasoning vor, um Benutzern Filme zu empfehlen. 2. In den Biowissenschaften befassen wir uns mit dem Problem der Priorisierung von Krankheitsgenen. 3. In den Empfehlungssystemen beschreiben und untersuchen wir das Backend einer mobilen App "BOTTARI", das personalisierte ortsbezogene Empfehlungen von Restaurants bietet

    Cost estimation in initial development stages of products: an ontological approach

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    Cost estimation in the early stages of a product are fraught with uncertainties. The conceptual design of product development is characterized by the absence of data, the most critical being costs. The costs impact in the initial phases of the project is low, when discovered in later stages represent great risks. As there are no structured alternatives to obtaining costs in the conceptual phase, the reuse of data from past projects is an alternative discussed in the literature. Knowledge management approaches can search for data, nonexistent in the current phases, in successful earlier projects. The use of ontology is discussed as an approach in generating knowledge stored in a database. The proposed solution seeks to estimate costs based on previous projects. A query is formulated to describe the product function and settings. The ontological model searches the classes, instances, and properties in the database and generates a cost estimation. The costs of the previous project are reused to generate a new agile cost estimate without the need to consult other industry sectors. This dissertation project follows the methodological framework Design Science Research to make partial deliveries up to the final artifact, an ontological model. This proposal has great potential in the industry, considering there are no tools attending the initial phases with the same efficiency.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Estimativas de custos nas fases iniciais de um produto são repletas de incertezas. O projeto conceitual do desenvolvimento de produto e caracterizado pela ausência de dados, sendo os mais críticos os custos. O impacto dos custos nas fases iniciais do projeto e baixo, quando descobertos em fases posteriores representam grandes riscos. Como não existem meios estruturados de obtenção dos custos no projeto na fase conceitual, o reuso de dados de projetos passados e uma alternativa discutida na literatura. Abordagens de gerenciamento de conhecimento podem buscar dados, inexistentes nas fases atuais, em projetos anteriores bem sucedidos. O uso de ontologia e discutido como uma abordagem na geração de conhecimento armazenado em um banco de dados. A solução proposta busca estimar custos baseada em projetos anteriores. E formulada uma pergunta que descreva a função do produto e configurações. O modelo ontológico busca na base de dados classes, instâncias e propriedades e gera uma estimativa de custos. Os custos do projeto anterior são reutilizados para gerar uma nova estimativa de custos ágil sem necessidade de consultar outros setores da indústria. Este projeto de dissertação segue o framework metodológico Design Science Research para fazer entregas parciais ate a entrega do artefato final, um modelo ontológico. Esta proposta possui grande potencial na indústria, considerando que não existem ferramentas que atendam as fases iniciais com a mesma eficiência

    Thirty years of artificial intelligence and law : the third decade

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    Mobile Health in Remote Patient Monitoring for Chronic Diseases: Principles, Trends, and Challenges

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    Chronic diseases are becoming more widespread. Treatment and monitoring of these diseases require going to hospitals frequently, which increases the burdens of hospitals and patients. Presently, advancements in wearable sensors and communication protocol contribute to enriching the healthcare system in a way that will reshape healthcare services shortly. Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is the foremost of these advancements. RPM systems are based on the collection of patient vital signs extracted using invasive and noninvasive techniques, then sending them in real-time to physicians. These data may help physicians in taking the right decision at the right time. The main objective of this paper is to outline research directions on remote patient monitoring, explain the role of AI in building RPM systems, make an overview of the state of the art of RPM, its advantages, its challenges, and its probable future directions. For studying the literature, five databases have been chosen (i.e., science direct, IEEE-Explore, Springer, PubMed, and science.gov). We followed the (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) PRISMA, which is a standard methodology for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. A total of 56 articles are reviewed based on the combination of a set of selected search terms including RPM, data mining, clinical decision support system, electronic health record, cloud computing, internet of things, and wireless body area network. The result of this study approved the effectiveness of RPM in improving healthcare delivery, increase diagnosis speed, and reduce costs. To this end, we also present the chronic disease monitoring system as a case study to provide enhanced solutions for RPMsThis research work was partially supported by the Sejong University Research Faculty Program (20212023)S