838 research outputs found

    Non-acted multi-view audio-visual dyadic interactions. Project master thesis: multitask learning for facial attributes analysis

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    Treballs finals del Màster de Fonaments de Ciència de Dades, Facultat de matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2019, Tutor: Sergio Escalera Guerrero, Cristina Palmero i Julio C. S. Jacques Junior[en] In this thesis we explore the use of Multitask Learning for improving performance in facial attributes tasks such as gender, age and ethnicity prediction. These tasks, along with emotion recognition will be part of a new dyadic interaction dataset which was recorded during the development of this thesis. This work includes the implementation of two state of the art multitask deep learning models and the discussion of the results obtained from these methods in a preliminary dataset, as well as a first evaluation in a sample of the dyadic interaction dataset. This will serve as a baseline for a future implementation of Multitask Learning methods in the fully annotated dyadic interaction dataset

    Robots facilitate human language production

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    Despite recent developments in integrating autonomous and human-like robots into many aspects of everyday life, social interactions with robots are still a challenge. Here, we focus on a central tool for social interaction: verbal communication. We assess the extent to which humans co-represent (simulate and predict) a robot’s verbal actions. During a joint picture naming task, participants took turns in naming objects together with a social robot (Pepper, Softbank Robotics). Previous findings using this task with human partners revealed internal simulations on behalf of the partner down to the level of selecting words from the mental lexicon, reflected in partner-elicited inhibitory effects on subsequent naming. Here, with the robot, the partner-elicited inhibitory effects were not observed. Instead, naming was facilitated, as revealed by faster naming of word categories co-named with the robot. This facilitation suggests that robots, unlike humans, are not simulated down to the level of lexical selection. Instead, a robot’s speaking appears to be simulated at the initial level of language production where the meaning of the verbal message is generated, resulting in facilitated language production due to conceptual priming. We conclude that robots facilitate core conceptualization processes when humans transform thoughts to language during speaking.Peer Reviewe

    Neural Encoding and Decoding with Deep Learning for Natural Vision

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    The overarching objective of this work is to bridge neuroscience and artificial intelligence to ultimately build machines that learn, act, and think like humans. In the context of vision, the brain enables humans to readily make sense of the visual world, e.g. recognizing visual objects. Developing human-like machines requires understanding the working principles underlying the human vision. In this dissertation, I ask how the brain encodes and represents dynamic visual information from the outside world, whether brain activity can be directly decoded to reconstruct and categorize what a person is seeing, and whether neuroscience theory can be applied to artificial models to advance computer vision. To address these questions, I used deep neural networks (DNN) to establish encoding and decoding models for describing the relationships between the brain and the visual stimuli. Using the DNN, the encoding models were able to predict the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) responses throughout the visual cortex given video stimuli; the decoding models were able to reconstruct and categorize the visual stimuli based on fMRI activity. To further advance the DNN model, I have implemented a new bidirectional and recurrent neural network based on the predictive coding theory. As a theory in neuroscience, predictive coding explains the interaction among feedforward, feedback, and recurrent connections. The results showed that this brain-inspired model significantly outperforms feedforward-only DNNs in object recognition. These studies have positive impact on understanding the neural computations under human vision and improving computer vision with the knowledge from neuroscience

    Kuvanlaatukokemuksen arvionnin instrumentit

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    This dissertation describes the instruments available for image quality evaluation, develops new methods for subjective image quality evaluation and provides image and video databases for the assessment and development of image quality assessment (IQA) algorithms. The contributions of the thesis are based on six original publications. The first publication introduced the VQone toolbox for subjective image quality evaluation. It created a platform for free-form experimentation with standardized image quality methods and was the foundation for later studies. The second publication focused on the dilemma of reference in subjective experiments by proposing a new method for image quality evaluation: the absolute category rating with dynamic reference (ACR-DR). The third publication presented a database (CID2013) in which 480 images were evaluated by 188 observers using the ACR-DR method proposed in the prior publication. Providing databases of image files along with their quality ratings is essential in the field of IQA algorithm development. The fourth publication introduced a video database (CVD2014) based on having 210 observers rate 234 video clips. The temporal aspect of the stimuli creates peculiar artifacts and degradations, as well as challenges to experimental design and video quality assessment (VQA) algorithms. When the CID2013 and CVD2014 databases were published, most state-of-the-art I/VQAs had been trained on and tested against databases created by degrading an original image or video with a single distortion at a time. The novel aspect of CID2013 and CVD2014 was that they consisted of multiple concurrent distortions. To facilitate communication and understanding among professionals in various fields of image quality as well as among non-professionals, an attribute lexicon of image quality, the image quality wheel, was presented in the fifth publication of this thesis. Reference wheels and terminology lexicons have a long tradition in sensory evaluation contexts, such as taste experience studies, where they are used to facilitate communication among interested stakeholders; however, such an approach has not been common in visual experience domains, especially in studies on image quality. The sixth publication examined how the free descriptions given by the observers influenced the ratings of the images. Understanding how various elements, such as perceived sharpness and naturalness, affect subjective image quality can help to understand the decision-making processes behind image quality evaluation. Knowing the impact of each preferential attribute can then be used for I/VQA algorithm development; certain I/VQA algorithms already incorporate low-level human visual system (HVS) models in their algorithms.Väitöskirja tarkastelee ja kehittää uusia kuvanlaadun arvioinnin menetelmiä, sekä tarjoaa kuva- ja videotietokantoja kuvanlaadun arviointialgoritmien (IQA) testaamiseen ja kehittämiseen. Se, mikä koetaan kauniina ja miellyttävänä, on psykologisesti kiinnostava kysymys. Työllä on myös merkitystä teollisuuteen kameroiden kuvanlaadun kehittämisessä. Väitöskirja sisältää kuusi julkaisua, joissa tarkastellaan aihetta eri näkökulmista. I. julkaisussa kehitettiin sovellus keräämään ihmisten antamia arvioita esitetyistä kuvista tutkijoiden vapaaseen käyttöön. Se antoi mahdollisuuden testata standardoituja kuvanlaadun arviointiin kehitettyjä menetelmiä ja kehittää niiden pohjalta myös uusia menetelmiä luoden perustan myöhemmille tutkimuksille. II. julkaisussa kehitettiin uusi kuvanlaadun arviointimenetelmä. Menetelmä hyödyntää sarjallista kuvien esitystapaa, jolla muodostettiin henkilöille mielikuva kuvien laatuvaihtelusta ennen varsinaista arviointia. Tämän todettiin vähentävän tulosten hajontaa ja erottelevan pienempiä kuvanlaatueroja. III. julkaisussa kuvaillaan tietokanta, jossa on 188 henkilön 480 kuvasta antamat laatuarviot ja niihin liittyvät kuvatiedostot. Tietokannat ovat arvokas työkalu pyrittäessä kehittämään algoritmeja kuvanlaadun automaattiseen arvosteluun. Niitä tarvitaan mm. opetusmateriaalina tekoälyyn pohjautuvien algoritmien kehityksessä sekä vertailtaessa eri algoritmien suorituskykyä toisiinsa. Mitä paremmin algoritmin tuottama ennuste korreloi ihmisten antamiin laatuarvioihin, sen parempi suorituskyky sillä voidaan sanoa olevan. IV. julkaisussa esitellään tietokanta, jossa on 210 henkilön 234 videoleikkeestä tekemät laatuarviot ja niihin liittyvät videotiedostot. Ajallisen ulottuvuuden vuoksi videoärsykkeiden virheet ovat erilaisia kuin kuvissa, mikä tuo omat haasteensa videoiden laatua arvioiville algoritmeille (VQA). Aikaisempien tietokantojen ärsykkeet on muodostettu esimerkiksi sumentamalla yksittäistä kuvaa asteittain, jolloin ne sisältävät vain yksiulotteisia vääristymiä. Nyt esitetyt tietokannat poikkeavat aikaisemmista ja sisältävät useita samanaikaisia vääristymistä, joiden interaktio kuvanlaadulle voi olla merkittävää. V. julkaisussa esitellään kuvanlaatuympyrä (image quality wheel). Se on kuvanlaadun käsitteiden sanasto, joka on kerätty analysoimalla 146 henkilön tuottamat 39 415 kuvanlaadun sanallista kuvausta. Sanastoilla on pitkät perinteet aistinvaraisen arvioinnin tutkimusperinteessä, mutta niitä ei ole aikaisemmin kehitetty kuvanlaadulle. VI. tutkimuksessa tutkittiin, kuinka arvioitsijoiden antamat käsitteet vaikuttavat kuvien laadun arviointiin. Esimerkiksi kuvien arvioitu terävyys tai luonnollisuus auttaa ymmärtämään laadunarvioinnin taustalla olevia päätöksentekoprosesseja. Tietoa voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi kuvan- ja videonlaadun arviointialgoritmien (I/VQA) kehitystyössä

    Visual scene context in emotion perception

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    Els estudis psicològics demostren que el context de l'escena, a més de l'expressió facial i la postura corporal, aporta informació important a la nostra percepció de les emocions de les persones. Tot i això, el processament del context per al reconeixement automàtic de les emocions no s'ha explorat a fons, en part per la manca de dades adequades. En aquesta tesi presentem EMOTIC, un conjunt de dades d'imatges de persones en situacions naturals i diferents anotades amb la seva aparent emoció. La base de dades EMOTIC combina dos tipus de representació d'emocions diferents: (1) un conjunt de 26 categories d'emoció i (2) les dimensions contínues valència, excitació i dominància. També presentem una anàlisi estadística i algorítmica detallada del conjunt de dades juntament amb l'anàlisi d'acords d'anotadors. Els models CNN estan formats per EMOTIC, combinant característiques de la persona amb funcions d'escena (context). Els nostres resultats mostren com el context d'escena aporta informació important per reconèixer automàticament els estats emocionals i motiven més recerca en aquesta direcció.Los estudios psicológicos muestran que el contexto de la escena, además de la expresión facial y la pose corporal, aporta información importante a nuestra percepción de las emociones de las personas. Sin embargo, el procesamiento del contexto para el reconocimiento automático de emociones no se ha explorado en profundidad, en parte debido a la falta de datos adecuados. En esta tesis presentamos EMOTIC, un conjunto de datos de imágenes de personas en situaciones naturales y diferentes anotadas con su aparente emoción. La base de datos EMOTIC combina dos tipos diferentes de representación de emociones: (1) un conjunto de 26 categorías de emociones y (2) las dimensiones continuas de valencia, excitación y dominación. También presentamos un análisis estadístico y algorítmico detallado del conjunto de datos junto con el análisis de concordancia de los anotadores. Los modelos CNN están entrenados en EMOTIC, combinando características de la persona con características de escena (contexto). Nuestros resultados muestran cómo el contexto de la escena aporta información importante para reconocer automáticamente los estados emocionales, lo cual motiva más investigaciones en esta dirección.Psychological studies show that the context of a setting, in addition to facial expression and body language, lends important information that conditions our perception of people's emotions. However, context's processing in the case of automatic emotion recognition has not been explored in depth, partly due to the lack of sufficient data. In this thesis we present EMOTIC, a dataset of images of people in various natural scenarios annotated with their apparent emotion. The EMOTIC database combines two different types of emotion representation: (1) a set of 26 emotion categories, and (2) the continuous dimensions of valence, arousal and dominance. We also present a detailed statistical and algorithmic analysis of the dataset along with the annotators' agreement analysis. CNN models are trained using EMOTIC, combining a person's features with those of the setting (context). Our results not only show how the context of a setting contributes important information for automatically recognizing emotional states but also promote further research in this direction

    Learning visual attributes from contextual explanations

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    In computer vision, attributes are mid-level concepts shared across categories. They provide a natural communication between humans and machines for image retrieval. They also provide detailed information about objects. Finally, attributes can describe properties of unfamiliar objects. These are some very appealing properties of attributes, but learning attributes is a challenging task. Since attributes are less well-defined, capturing them with computational models poses a different set of challenges than capturing object categories does. There is a miscommunication of attributes between humans and machines, since machines may not understand what humans have in mind when referring to a particular attribute. Humans usually provide labels if an object or attribute is present or not without any explanation. However, attributes are more complex and may require explanations for a better understanding. This Ph.D. thesis aims to tackle these challenges in learning automatic attribute predictive models. In particular, it focuses on enhancing attribute predictive power with contextual explanations. These explanations aim to enhance data quality with human knowledge, which can be expressed in the form of interactions and may be affected by our personality. First, we emulate human learning skill to understand unfamiliar situations. Humans try to infer properties from what they already know (background knowledge). Hence, we study attribute learning in data-scarce and non-related domains emulating human understanding skills. We discover transferable knowledge to learn attributes from different domains. Our previous project inspires us to request contextual explanations to improve attribute learning. Thus, we enhance attribute learning with context in the form of gaze, captioning, and sketches. Human gaze captures subconscious intuition and associates certain components to the meaning of an attribute. For example, gaze associates the tiptoe of a shoe to a pointy attribute. To complement this gaze representation, captioning follows conscious thinking with prior analysis. An annotator may analyze an image and may provide the following description: “This shoe is pointy because its sharp form at the tiptoe”. Finally, in image search, sketches provide a holistic view of an image query, which complement specific details encapsulated via attribute comparisons. To conclude, our methods with contextual explanations outperform many baselines via quantitative and qualitative evaluation

    Recent Developments in Smart Healthcare

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    Medicine is undergoing a sector-wide transformation thanks to the advances in computing and networking technologies. Healthcare is changing from reactive and hospital-centered to preventive and personalized, from disease focused to well-being centered. In essence, the healthcare systems, as well as fundamental medicine research, are becoming smarter. We anticipate significant improvements in areas ranging from molecular genomics and proteomics to decision support for healthcare professionals through big data analytics, to support behavior changes through technology-enabled self-management, and social and motivational support. Furthermore, with smart technologies, healthcare delivery could also be made more efficient, higher quality, and lower cost. In this special issue, we received a total 45 submissions and accepted 19 outstanding papers that roughly span across several interesting topics on smart healthcare, including public health, health information technology (Health IT), and smart medicine

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task