1,595 research outputs found

    Personality in Computational Advertising: A Benchmark

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    In the last decade, new ways of shopping online have increased the possibility of buying products and services more easily and faster than ever. In this new context, personality is a key determinant in the decision making of the consumer when shopping. A person’s buying choices are influenced by psychological factors like impulsiveness; indeed some consumers may be more susceptible to making impulse purchases than others. Since affective metadata are more closely related to the user’s experience than generic parameters, accurate predictions reveal important aspects of user’s attitudes, social life, including attitude of others and social identity. This work proposes a highly innovative research that uses a personality perspective to determine the unique associations among the consumer’s buying tendency and advert recommendations. In fact, the lack of a publicly available benchmark for computational advertising do not allow both the exploration of this intriguing research direction and the evaluation of recent algorithms. We present the ADS Dataset, a publicly available benchmark consisting of 300 real advertisements (i.e., Rich Media Ads, Image Ads, Text Ads) rated by 120 unacquainted individuals, enriched with Big-Five users’ personality factors and 1,200 personal users’ pictures

    Salience and Market-aware Skill Extraction for Job Targeting

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    At LinkedIn, we want to create economic opportunity for everyone in the global workforce. To make this happen, LinkedIn offers a reactive Job Search system, and a proactive Jobs You May Be Interested In (JYMBII) system to match the best candidates with their dream jobs. One of the most challenging tasks for developing these systems is to properly extract important skill entities from job postings and then target members with matched attributes. In this work, we show that the commonly used text-based \emph{salience and market-agnostic} skill extraction approach is sub-optimal because it only considers skill mention and ignores the salient level of a skill and its market dynamics, i.e., the market supply and demand influence on the importance of skills. To address the above drawbacks, we present \model, our deployed \emph{salience and market-aware} skill extraction system. The proposed \model ~shows promising results in improving the online performance of job recommendation (JYMBII) (+1.92%+1.92\% job apply) and skill suggestions for job posters (37%-37\% suggestion rejection rate). Lastly, we present case studies to show interesting insights that contrast traditional skill recognition method and the proposed \model~from occupation, industry, country, and individual skill levels. Based on the above promising results, we deployed the \model ~online to extract job targeting skills for all 2020M job postings served at LinkedIn.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in KDD202

    Feature Generation by Convolutional Neural Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction

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    Click-Through Rate prediction is an important task in recommender systems, which aims to estimate the probability of a user to click on a given item. Recently, many deep models have been proposed to learn low-order and high-order feature interactions from original features. However, since useful interactions are always sparse, it is difficult for DNN to learn them effectively under a large number of parameters. In real scenarios, artificial features are able to improve the performance of deep models (such as Wide & Deep Learning), but feature engineering is expensive and requires domain knowledge, making it impractical in different scenarios. Therefore, it is necessary to augment feature space automatically. In this paper, We propose a novel Feature Generation by Convolutional Neural Network (FGCNN) model with two components: Feature Generation and Deep Classifier. Feature Generation leverages the strength of CNN to generate local patterns and recombine them to generate new features. Deep Classifier adopts the structure of IPNN to learn interactions from the augmented feature space. Experimental results on three large-scale datasets show that FGCNN significantly outperforms nine state-of-the-art models. Moreover, when applying some state-of-the-art models as Deep Classifier, better performance is always achieved, showing the great compatibility of our FGCNN model. This work explores a novel direction for CTR predictions: it is quite useful to reduce the learning difficulties of DNN by automatically identifying important features

    Personalized question-based cybersecurity recommendation systems

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    En ces temps de pandémie Covid19, une énorme quantité de l’activité humaine est modifiée pour se faire à distance, notamment par des moyens électroniques. Cela rend plusieurs personnes et services vulnérables aux cyberattaques, d’où le besoin d’une éducation généralisée ou du moins accessible sur la cybersécurité. De nombreux efforts sont entrepris par les chercheurs, le gouvernement et les entreprises pour protéger et assurer la sécurité des individus contre les pirates et les cybercriminels. En raison du rôle important joué par les systèmes de recommandation dans la vie quotidienne de l'utilisateur, il est intéressant de voir comment nous pouvons combiner les systèmes de cybersécurité et de recommandation en tant que solutions alternatives pour aider les utilisateurs à comprendre les cyberattaques auxquelles ils peuvent être confrontés. Les systèmes de recommandation sont couramment utilisés par le commerce électronique, les réseaux sociaux et les plateformes de voyage, et ils sont basés sur des techniques de systèmes de recommandation traditionnels. Au vu des faits mentionnés ci-dessus, et le besoin de protéger les internautes, il devient important de fournir un système personnalisé, qui permet de partager les problèmes, d'interagir avec un système et de trouver des recommandations. Pour cela, ce travail propose « Cyberhelper », un système de recommandation de cybersécurité personnalisé basé sur des questions pour la sensibilisation à la cybersécurité. De plus, la plateforme proposée est équipée d'un algorithme hybride associé à trois différents algorithmes basés sur la connaissance, les utilisateurs et le contenu qui garantit une recommandation personnalisée optimale en fonction du modèle utilisateur et du contexte. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que la précision obtenue en appliquant l'algorithme proposé est bien supérieure à la précision obtenue en utilisant d'autres mécanismes de système de recommandation traditionnels. Les résultats suggèrent également qu'en adoptant l'approche proposée, chaque utilisateur peut avoir une expérience utilisateur unique, ce qui peut l'aider à comprendre l'environnement de cybersécurité.With the proliferation of the virtual universe and the multitude of services provided by the World Wide Web, a major concern arises: Security and privacy have never been more in jeopardy. Nowadays, with the Covid 19 pandemic, the world faces a new reality that pushed the majority of the workforce to telecommute. This thereby creates new vulnerabilities for cyber attackers to exploit. It’s important now more than ever, to educate and offer guidance towards good cybersecurity hygiene. In this context, a major effort has been dedicated by researchers, governments, and businesses alike to protect people online against hackers and cybercriminals. With a focus on strengthening the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain which is the human being, educational and awareness-raising tools have been put to use. However, most researchers focus on the “one size fits all” solutions which do not focus on the intricacies of individuals. This work aims to overcome that by contributing a personalized question-based recommender system. Named “Cyberhelper”, this work benefits from an existing mature body of research on recommender system algorithms along with recent research on non-user-specific question-based recommenders. The reported proof of concept holds potential for future work in adapting Cyberhelper as an everyday assistant for different types of users and different contexts