12 research outputs found

    The Effects of Feedback and Habit on Content Posting in an Online Community

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    This study examined the relationship between feedback and content posting behavior in the social media system Everything2. Analyses paired survey data with behavioral data of user activity obtained from server logs. Results showed that both positive and negative feedback from other users was associated with more posting behavior. Habit strength moderated the effect of positive feedback such that those with higher habit were less affected by the feedback than those with lower habit. Habit, however, did not moderate the effect of negative feedback. Results suggest that systems that facilitate positive feedback mechanisms may encourage initial participation but may become less effective for users who have developed a habit.ye

    STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI JABAR SABER HOAKS DALAM MEMBERANTAS HOAKS MELALUI MEDIA SOSIAL (Studi Kasus pada Akun Instagram @jabarsaberhoaks di Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Provinsi Jawa Barat)

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    Penelitian terkait strategi komunikasi melalui media sosial seperti Instagram penting untuk dilakukan karena saat ini melalui media sosial, informasi dapat dibagikan secara viral, tersebar luas dan terjadi dalam waktu singkat. Instagram adalah media sosial yang saat ini sedang booming dan memiliki perkembangan yang pesat. Ini adalah kesempatan untuk lembaga atau organisasi dalam melaksanakan sosalisasi perihal promosi maupun memberikan edukasi melalui media sosial. Hal ini juga berlaku untuk Jabar Saber Hoaks yang bertugas mengklarifikasi suatu informasi yang termasuk hoaks atau fakta. Untuk menunjang hal itu, maka diperlukan strategi komunikasi agar tujuan menyapu bersih hoaks dapat tercapai. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh Jabar Saber Hoaks dalam pemberantasan hoaks melalui media sosial Instagram. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus pada akun Instagram @jabarsaberhoaks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tim Jabar Saber Hoaks menerapkan strategi terutama dalam hal pembuatan konten yang berisi konten klarifikasi suatu informasi apakah termasuk disinformasi, misinformasi atau mal-informasi dan konten edukasi bijak bermedia sosial. Konten berasal dari pengaduan masyarakat serta hasil pantauan yang kemudian diolah dan dibuat dengan gaya kekinian menyesuaikan trend yang ada pada generasi milenial dan digital natives namun tetap dengan ciri khasnya. Konten yang menarik akan banyak mengundang interaksi. Hasil pencapaian interaksi dapat dilihat melalui fitur Insight di Instagram

    Coase\u27s Penguin, or, Linux and The Nature of the Firm

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    Exploring the characteristics of abusive behaviour in online social media settings

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    Online abusive behaviour can impact interaction amongst contributors and moderators. It may lead to physical harm or threats. Existing research has not addressed the perception of moderation activity, discussion and disagreement can cause contributors to react aggressively. This thesis investigates the factors that lead to abusive behaviour in conversations within online settings. In particular, empirical analyses were conducted to identify the factors that contribute to abuse in online settings and to distinguish between polite and abusive forms of disagreement. Three contributions were presented in this research to address each to social computing, computational social science and cyber abuse research domains. The analyses suggested that moderators on Reddit view themselves as members of their community and work hard to both guard against violations, but also with contributors to enhance the quality of their content. Moderators also reported the nuances that distinguish polite and abusive disagreement. Furthermore, the analyses revealed that the differences between in-person and online conversations can help identify abusive behaviour. Specifically, the setting of discussion fosters participant behaviours (less hedging, more extreme sentiment, greater willingness to express personal opinion and straying from topic) that are known to increase the likelihood of abusive behaviour. Additionally, the findings revealed how consensus-building factors can influence disagreement in different settings. Finally, we showed how disagreement can be identified and can affect votes based on linguistics contexts. It was shown that different forms of disagreement can be detected better when using specific abuse, politeness and sentiment textual features using models of multi label text classification. The above research findings conceptualised the development of moderation systems to combat online abusive behaviour, based on analysis of the type of disagreement a contribution embodies and other linguistic and behavioural characteristics

    Modeling Sustainability of Participatory Information Systems for Urban Communities: A Mixed-Method Approach

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    In the face of the growing challenge of low civic participation, various technology-based endeav- ors, such as hyper-local social media and open government initiatives, have emerged to facilitate citizens’ involvement with their local communities. However, evidence-based guidelines about how to start and maintain viable information systems for urban communities are scarce and in- conclusive. My dissertation aims to identify factors that affect the sustainability of these systems by conducting a mixed-method empirical investigation of the E-Democracy platform, a pioneer platforms of its kind. With this goal, I proposed a framework to model the influence of offline characteristics of the target urban communities, system design, and residents’ online behaviors on the sustainability of participatory information systems for urban communities. Guided by this framework, I conducted analyses of urban communities’ public data; longitudinal studies, con- tent classification and social network analysis of archival data of the system; and a cross-sectional study of user surveys. The results indicate that (1) certain community characteristics, such as neighborhood instability, play a crucial role in the sustainability of these information systems, (2) both on-site and off-site communication among residents is key for the systems to have an impact on community involvement, and (3) particular design decisions can foster participation of under- represented populations. My work bridges the gap between research on social computing and community informatics by providing a framework to analyze the sustainability of participatory in- formation systems for urban communities. The findings have implications for information experts and technology developers seeking to study or design technologies for local communities

    Studies of Content-Mediated Interaction: Insights into Activities, Motivations and User Experience Design

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    The amount of user-generated digital content in social media has exploded during recent years. Currently, it is easy to capture and produce versatile personal content, for example, activity data that is recorded with devices, such as heart rate monitors or the preference data of the music you listen to. A plethora of services exists for content sharing. Sharing digital content, such as images, audio, and video allows people to express themselves, create new contacts, strengthen ties with existing contacts, and to collaborate with other people. Social activities through content can create a sense of belonging and being part of a community. Digital content mediates social interaction through online services. For example, a shared video tells someone the story of an event that they could not be physically present at, and then shared exercise data might inform others of an interesting cycle route for a specific type of exercise. The sharing of traditional, personal digital content such as photos and videos has been widely studied, but recently it has become increasingly common to produce different types of content collaboratively and various services enable social interaction around such content – not just the sharing of it. The guidance for designers on how to build services to enable users to engage in these interactions naturally is still limited. To design better services, we need a better understanding of user activities together with the shared content and the collaborative practices that they form. Thus, this work focuses on novel types of user-generated digital content as well as the related activities, motivations, and user experiences.This compound thesis contributes to the research field of human-computer interaction; more specifically, the user experience. The thesis contains findings from six user case studies, involving a total of 328 participants. Through the case studies, we identified the elements that contribute to the user experience of content-mediated interaction with various content types. The theoretical contribution of this work is the introduction of the concept of contentmediated interaction. This work identifies the different elements that affect content-mediated interaction, and builds a content-mediated interaction model. The work extends the knowledge of user activities and the related user experience with novel types of shared content and of the user’s motivation to participate in content-mediated interaction. As a practical outcome, the thesis presents design implications. The thesis first proposes that understanding content-mediated interaction helps to design better applications and services that support online social interaction. Second, this helps to evaluate and refine the existing services as well as understand the emerging new content types in the future. Understanding the underlying activities and motivations supports the creation of new interaction features, service concepts, and finally, identifying business prospects

    Critical point of view: a Wikipedia reader

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    For millions of internet users around the globe, the search for new knowledge begins with Wikipedia. The encyclopedia’s rapid rise, novel organization, and freely offered content have been marveled at and denounced by a host of commentators. Critical Point of View moves beyond unflagging praise, well-worn facts, and questions about its reliability and accuracy, to unveil the complex, messy, and controversial realities of a distributed knowledge platform. The essays, interviews and artworks brought together in this reader form part of the overarching Critical Point of View research initiative, which began with a conference in Bangalore (January 2010), followed by events in Amsterdam (March 2010) and Leipzig (September 2010). With an emphasis on theoretical reflection, cultural difference and indeed, critique, contributions to this collection ask: What values are embedded in Wikipedia’s software? On what basis are Wikipedia’s claims to neutrality made? How can Wikipedia give voice to those outside the Western tradition of Enlightenment, or even its own administrative hierarchies? Critical Point of View collects original insights on the next generation of wiki-related research, from radical artistic interventions and the significant role of bots to hidden trajectories of encyclopedic knowledge and the politics of agency and exclusion

    Ensimmäinen ja toinen käsikirjoitusversio väitöskirjaa varten

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    This publication contains the first and the second manuscript version for LauriLahti’s doctoral dissertation in 2015 "Computer-assisted learning based on cumulative vocabularies, conceptual networks and Wikipedia linkage".Tämä julkaisu sisältää ensimmäisen ja toisen käsikirjoitusversion Lauri Lahden väitöskirjaan vuonna 2015 "Tietokoneavusteinen oppiminen perustuen karttuviin sanastoihin, käsiteverkostoihin ja Wikipedian linkitykseen".Not reviewe